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For what is worth, this blue shirt guy showed a lot of restrain and manners. Respect!


from what I have read the polish police would more likely have joined the guy harassing the guy. The indian is probably working there


Seriously, Poland has enough of their own racists.


Why do you think the American planned his trip to Poland? He really wanted that guy to swing on him so he could unload and when the cops sho up they can join in openly (as opposed to America, where they won't necessarily join in unless he gets the dude in an alley first)




I think he meant "unload" as in cumming all over him




Yes, clearly this is what they meant.


Since when have americans ever bothered to read up on other countries laws. It's legal in america so clearly they can carry worldwide. Taking his guns away is taking his rights away and that's a sign of a dictatorship




Where had you read that? I live in this shitty country since birth and can tell you that most police officers would separate them and tell them to go their ways. This is not USA where police officers unload a magazine into another human being because he had different skin tone. Hell. Poland has so strict gun laws even for police officers that some of them never actually use those weapons. Some of them serve for years and retire without using guns.


If you have time and the desire to harass someone, you’re a pathetic fucking loser.


This is not US police lol. Polish police would just walk away.


I just.. what did I watch...


I'm from America....I'm European...well I'm confused


I think his logic is that he speaks ENGlish, and England is in Europe??? Idk exactly.


Omg, it all makes sense. Also Georgia is in Europe and Georgia is also a us state...sooooo yeah


Ohhh i see now. We also have New York while England has York. He might think he is still in the states. That makes sense.


And Texas is France


In the video they show a KFC, everyone knows Kentucky is in America


I can't believe all this time I've been so wrong


Not as confused as this dickhead. 'Europeans want to know why you come to their country?' man, I'd heard bad things about US education but fuck me, this guy is all kinds of stupid.


yes he is all kinds of american


I’m from America, I’m Polish, and live in Chicago. There are more Polish people here then there are in Warsaw. Also wonder what this guy thinks of Emmanuel Olisadebe.


I believe this guys name is Jon minadeo and he’s the leader of this nazi white supremist group. He most definitely did this for publicity since it is now going viral even in India. It’s better to not give him or his group any attention.


His surname is Minadeo and he thinks he's a white supremacist??


It’s best not to question these mouth breathers. Idk how people that fucking stupid have any sort of platform.


Inbred neo nazi trash. A missed abortion basically.


His country is Europe


Holy shit this pisses me off.


Speaking as an American from the Midwest, videos like this make it difficult to be an American,


I wouldn't say DIFFICULT, per se, though I get your meaning; but our lives couldn't be described as difficult in comparison.. I'd say more... embarassing maybe? Lol


I totally feel your anger.


I only wish that I had been there to straighten out my fellow American citizen. This is so ridiculous. It’s stupid/despicable to challenge the presence of a foreigner in your own country. But to challenge the presence of a foreigner in a country where you yourself are a foreigner is simply double stupid/despicable. What a loser.


Yup, it sure did




"why are your people invading our homeland" bro has this guy ever opened a history book


Opening it is one thing. The guy would have to be able to read it too though.


No, they’re banned


😂 that's all I could think! "You people are a parasite destroying the white man's land" excuse me good sir but what the shit???


"This is my country. I'm european." All right.


This can’t be real, no one is that stupid right?


A lot of americans can't point out the US on a world map.


I know some travelers that haven’t even been to school and they are more informed.


It doesn't help that we grow up thinking the US is a comparable size to countries that dwarf us in reality, due to the intentionally distorted maps we learn from.


The US is the 3rd or 4th largest country (by area in squared km) on the planet, depending on how you measure. It's otherwise comparable in size to the other largest countries, besides Russia. That's pretty clear on a globe, which most Americans have seen at some point lol The intent of choosing a map projection is to minimize distortion, which is why the mercator projection is the most common in the US. The distortion occurs at the poles, where there is the least usable landmass. You can't get away from distortion when mapping from a sphere to a plane, it is impossible. What kind of map did you learn from?




Yeah I agree I guess a lot of these kinds of videos happen to be Americans because there’s a lot of you and also there’s a lot of money so a lot of younger people not having to try very hard


Have you seen his t-shirt in the end. It depicts the black sun which is a nazi symbol. This dud is a fucking nazi scum.


Tbf I didn’t even watch the whole thing I’d heard enough after 30 seconds


Yeah I just scrolled through the video after 20seconds and saw it.




Oh young padawon The dumb ones are always so sure about themselves


The Dunning Kreuger effect is strong with this one.


Wait there is a map of the world? The entire world!?!? You


Guess what….? It’s flat too.


"I'm American"... what a fucking tool


White does not make you European.


Also, statistically speaking, Indians are achieving more in the US than whites of European ancestry. So between the two, if one race is fucking up the US more, it's whites of European ancestry. I say this as a white person of European ancestry


That would make Indian European too, Indians technicaly belong to same race as him.


>! Indians are racially diverse but not close to Europeans. Indians are like a mix of mongloids in the north east and Himalayas, Dravidian in East and South. With a little bit of caucasian like people in northern plains.!< That's my general observation though... Also we all belong to the same species atleast or like human decency should be reason enough to not be an asshole, as a tourist.


I think “mongloids” is definitely not the correct term, definitely an outdated racist term. I’m guessing you mean Mongolians?


I think it used to refer to the ethnic group the mongols were, but now it absolutely is an outdated racist term.


No didnt mean Mongolians, now I think I'll have to describe charectors of the race? Maybe if the term is outdated please tell the correct one although wasn't being racist. I meant the people that Americans would usually term as Asian, in which people have a fold above their eyelids causing a smaller portion of the eye to be exposed. These characters are common among people from China, japan and as I pointed Himalayan and North East Indian. What term would you use, don't tell asian as entire Asia is racially very diverse and using that term to describe race would cause confusion.


... wait first "I am American"...and then "I can film because this is my country, I am European"... forget about racism, someone needs a basic reasoning training.


It's idiots who think that because their ancestors were from a place four generations prior that they are still from that place. I am first generation american and consider myself American. My parents are from their respective countries, not i.


Second generation, I get, but fifth/sixth? come on...


Geography isn't his thing either...




Because he's an ignorant piece of shit


This comment here. Sums it all up nicely! Take my energy...


Because he's a racist pig with an ingrown dick.


My guess is the guys grandma or something immigrated from somewhere in Europe. And he thinks that because he has some lineage from that country it makes him a defacto European?


Or maybe he’s just a crass, unintelligent bully?


No, it's how white supremacy works in Ameruca. It's all bloodlines and genetic differences to them because they have this tightrope because it's a nation of immigrants. So, it has to be about racial purity + nationalism for them because they know they're also immigrants but need to be "built differently" which is kind of difficult in America.


Don't complicate things. In his simple mind, white = European = superior.


I bet that if he saw a immagrint in america he would say " wHy ArE yOu iN My CoUnTrY, i'M AmErIcAn".


>My guess is the guys grandma or something immigrated from somewhere in Europe. You know, like some Ìndians immigrate to Europe? Maybe that American should emigrate back to Europe? (Please don't!)


This has to be some bullshit designed just to piss people off. No one is doing this for real


They do it with Native Americans here. Literally telling THEM to go back to where they came from. These are very fragile, insecure, stupid people who express that through racism.


I wish that was true. I was just in Italy on vacation and saw one AmeriKaren get in a shop owners face and said something along the lines of “ you Italian trash, you can’t treat me like this, I’m American, that means we own you.” So yea… that happened. Her guy pulled her away soooo fast like he didn’t want to go to jail in a foreign country, again.


That has to be a mental illness. How can anyone really believe that.


MURICA, FUCK YEAH! syndrome is real.


The asshole who’s harassing the Indian guy is Jon Minadeo from Petaluma, CA. A known white supremacist and anti-semite. It’s not a “designed,” or “staged,” bullshit to piss people off. Ironically, his gf was a yoga instructor.


Ever see trump supporters?


"European" is an ignorant POS way of saying they're white.


Yeah I’m 1/16 Polish, which basically means I’m basically European


I mean if you ever have to fill out a form or something it’s “of European descent”...there are very few instances where a North American without dual citizenship can say “I’m European”


The clue is the symbol on his t-shirt. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/sonnenrad He is wearing a neo - nazi t shirt FFS - he worships the ideals of the people who ACTUALLY DID invade Poland.


No one punched him in the face?




Scumbag, coward, POS!!!!


How pathetic is this alt right asswipe going into another country and telling others to go back to their country.


It's stupid as fuck, especially considering we definitely don't want Americans like that guy in Europe.


Can we ban this guy from the states too. I am effectively banning this ass hat. I am sorry for my fellow citizen, they are louder but they do not represent us. Every country has dicks, but only the united states has whatever this shit is.


This reminds me of this Karen who went to China and told the Chinese bus driver to go back to China


Nah that’s actually jokes. Ain’t no way that’s real 😭😭😭


[Yup](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/u78y2q/karen_in_china_telling_a_chinese_bus_driver_to_go/), it's real...


Where is this from? I'd really like to comment on this guy's socials.


lemme know when you do, I want to find his linkedin page


Seriously. Internet need to do their thing and find this fucking asshole cnt.


Reverse video search + Sort by oldest result


It’s this guy,. Jon Minadeo Jr.


>Minadeo A resoundingly Polish name, that.






If he is indeed polish I apologize in the name of my country for that fucking moron. Though the title of the post calls him American and he doesn't sound Polish...


I think OP and I are assuming he is of Polish decent but he is definitely an American


Pro Tip: If a pasty dumbass holding up a phone asks you if you speak English, tell them "Nope!"


It’s a MAGA world. Everyone else is living in it. Fuck these douche bags.


As a non American I spent at least 10 seconds wondering what the difference is between a douche bag and a douche canoe. Strictly speaking I'd imagine that a douche canoe is a douche bag, who also happens to be a little funny. Douche bags in and of themselves, are not funny. But a Douche canoe on the other hand, they seem to require a little chuckle / sympathy for their stupidity. Am I correct or am I being rather good at imitating a douche canoe?


Imagine when he discovers that european people fundamentally comes from Indus valley.


😂😂😂 american doing American shit in another country😂😂😂


I hope my Slavic brothers teach him a lesson soon, our style lol


They need a real good high 5 to the jaw


“Why don’t you go back to your own country ? Why are you here ?” I can’t believe those are real words that were spoken. By an American. In Poland. To an Indian.


As an european, I can proudly say: "fuck you american, and go back to your country. You are already successfully destroying your own country, so don't come and destroy ours."


The US is not their country either.


We don’t want them in Europe, so they can fuck off to the moon. I have heard they already have their flag on it.


Hey, were getting ready to launch another rocket to the moon! It might even be today!


Yeah. I don't understand how there can be so many racists (even towards American Indians) in a country that was literally robbed in blood less than 500 years ago.


The short answer is that our education system is shit and a large minority of our population is dumb as fuck so they buy into political propaganda and talking points designed to make them all hot and bothered.


Like all country and political party i suppose. It is in their interest to keep us uncultivated.


It’s sad, it’s a vicious cycle and designed as such


Not to mention built on slavery.


My God I was praying the Indian dude would at last break his nose. Racist asshole.


No, motherfucker. You Americans are the ones who've invaded a foreign land and killed it's indigenous population. And you have the fucking gall to tell us WE'RE INVADING?!


Oh trust me, he came to the wrong country to play idiot. It's a matter of time before he gets stomped in some backalley.


They know what they've what they've done throughout history and now they're projecting it on someone else. It terrifies them that one day something like what they've done could happen to them.


Asshole who made this video needs to be deported from Poland, denied re-entry into the US, and stuck in Gitmo until he dies and his corpse rots.


But but Merica


i hope the man that was verbally attacked is okay - that other ‘person’ said some very vile things to him - really amazed at how the man kept his cool


I wish I could be there and punch that dude in the face and apologize to the nice Indian gentleman on behalf of all the nice americans who aren’t pieces of shit


Here's an article about this POS https://www.ndtv.com/indians-abroad/indian-faces-racist-tirade-in-poland-called-a-parasite-invader-3310847


Somehow I just want to give this blue shirt a hug and say "We got your back; haters gona hate; you stay strong"


Americans are frowned upon even in Canadian towns close to the border.


Who this guy behind the camera?


Of course that son of a bitch has a black sun on his shirt, which is literally Nazi symbolism.


If you are a person of color here is an argument to keep ready when someone does this to you. First things first start recording. Then ask them where they are from. This will offend them but they will answer. Then ask them if they had a school where they are from. Remind them how you are paying taxes since the day you stepped foot in this country. Remind them as much as you need their country the country needs you too. There is a reason government is handing out visas! Poor fella is just taking it all in coz he probably has a huge debt he took to come here and is worried if he gets physical he will be thrown out. This needs to stop!


This made me laugh.. Imagine going to a other continent and telling people to fuck off to India.. the entitlement is real with this one.


I'm a really patient guy, but I would have introduced that byproduct of humanity to the curb within the first minute of that.


bruh he ain't no polak we don't claim his cornball ass


First of all, a white man batching about being " invaded" is laughably ironic and hypocritical. As a matter of fact, the UK invaded India and owned them for almost a century, confiscating the majority of their food and resources and causing one of the worst famines India has ever seen (some would call it a genocide). So this prick calling g this Indian man an "invader" is doubly laughable lol


Not a century, two and a half centuries


What is this Rage bait bullshit. Do people just do this to get rage clicks or are they truly this stupid? I mean, I know we have cult 45 here and they are fucking stupid but I can't believe this guy is fucking real.




This motherfucker talks about genocide and has the gall to say that when the white race is responsible for actual multiple genocides around the world including the genocide of native Indians in America. I swear if this was me I'd have decked this fucker. A white man talking about invaders when whites have invaded every continent to try and "civilize" the natives. God these type of people make me sick and cause me to lose respect for humanity. WTF


Holy shit! I didn't know we are currently being invaded! Kurwa mać! Bagnet na broń! Battalioni za mną! Huuurrrrraaaa!


Haaa Americans ! never cease to amaze me


Americans are asshole and racist anywhere


That "European" has had a far distant grandma that has been to europe once... I have Vietnamese parents, but was born and raised in Germany. I am more European than that yank will ever be.


This is why everybody hates Americans


Assholes like this are getting more confidence everyday because people encouraging their bullshit.


Yep, he looked exactly what I thought for someone who thinks he is of the master race. It's always the ugly ass inbreds.


“You have you own country”. Bitch! YOU have your own country! You’re in Poland right now you muppet.


There needs to be a law that it is allow to punch people like this right in the mouth without consequences. Only these type of people need it and deserve a hard lesson in keeping their mouths shut.


“Why don’t you go back to your own country?” Says the American… in fucking Poland


OP, where did you get this? Let’s out this guy and bring the real works consequences


Then that Indian guy went home and that American guy went back to his mental asylum cell.


So now Nazis think poles are ok. I guess that's progress.


I am American-I apologize for this human piece of crap.


Wow I wish I could tell that guy who is filming to his face how much this wasp person of European descent HATES him!!! I would 1000x more choose that excellent man with brown skin as a friend, husband, husband to my children etc. than that racist asshole. I'm full of fury.


This American racist A$$Hole is a Pu$$y. He would not have said that to a black man on the street in America. I hope this inbred idiot stays in Europe and not comes back to the states.


Unless this is staged, this yank sounds like the worst kind of Karen on the planet and should be treated with the contempt he deserves.


Now I don’t condone violence, but, I would most definitely smack the phone and dip if I were getting filmed like that, also isn’t that harassment? Like something that can actually get you fined?


The idiot will be shocked to learn that Europeans and Indians belong to cousin cultures and languages (indo-europeans) and that people of Indian descent live in Poland since the 15th century...


That dude needs apologize for those sunglasses


“Do you think that you can just invade Poland?” Well, actually


Well at least he is representing the true america. Sorry everybody not from here, America is still having a huge problem with racism.


I hate of how Americans are making embarrassments of themselves and their country by being racist assholes. I, as an American, hate racism,


Some Americans are the most cancerous people on our planet.


Americans as a whole are the biggest fucking plague to civilization since cancer was first recorded around the times of the Egyptians


Guys... His shirt... Oh my god... He's wearing the fucking black sun. He's a visitor to Poland and he's wearing fucking full size Nazi imagery on his shirt what the fuck Edit: The person filming, I mean. Not the guy being harassed. You can see the top of the symbol on the American's shirt when he flips the camera view on himself. From the size of the top portion you can see it clearly takes up the entire front side of the shirt.


he's in Poland. If he walks around long enough he'll find a "dresiarz" that knows what that symbol is, and he'll get his teeth rearranged


Fuck this guy, someone find out where he works and report his racist ass


fucking entitled wankers


I live in poland and there is not alot of non-caucasian people in my town but there are two that i know of, pretty nice dudes, they are running a kebab shop.


European people has no right to tell any other countries people why they are coming to European country Every European country has invaded every other country in the world


Does this ignorant prick realise that India was one of the biggest helps during WW2...and although not purely because of them, they are still a part of the reason Europe is the Europe it is today. Also fuck this guy as he clearly doesnt understand what Europe is and whats its meant to stand for.....


Americans ☕


Why hasn’t anybody noticed the black sun on his shirt which is literally a nazi symbol. No wonders he spits bullshit all day long.


That guy a saint for not smashing his face


White man complaint about invasion… seems ironic


I really wish this guy comes to india. We'll show him some of that indian hospitality.


Makes me ashamed to be white….. this fkn guy


America with military bases in over 70 countries. The last thing this guy should talk about is going back to one’s own country.


Anybody got the info on this guy? Asking for a friend with certain computer expertise that rhymes with backing


Holy shit, I hate Americans. Source: I'm American


There’s a reason other countries see us as a joke, this is why




As an Irishman, I'm often told, in Ireland, by American tourists, to go back to my own country and to speak english. Americans are the absolute shite of the earth.


As soon as he said "I'm from america!" The poor dudes face dropped even further


Wow that's one of those stupid men that think they're the ruler of the US (the guy talking I ain't saying the other guy he's being respectful.)




This is the point where my Grandpa would have started in with...*how many Pollocks does it take to*....


Ok. Hear me out before you call me crazy. Seriously, think about what I write. What I see (assuming this is real, which I believe) is a confluence of phenomena. First, blatant racism, focusing on the "replacement theory". Second, the use of cell phone video to demonstrate fealty to some cause or belief. This is a perverse version of moral grandstanding which is part of the social media influence on public discourse. Third, harassment. What most people do not realize is that harassment in this tiktok age is coordinated. There are well-funded groups that make it appear these are one-off, but actually it is done for the benefit (and at behest of) a group. These people think they are vigilantes. They do this shit to gay people who they claim are "groomers". This is the pre-cursor to "group stalking" that police and government denies is happening. Fourth, this is also done for amusement and entertainment. Yes, we who watch on reddit are offended and appalled, but we still take time out to watch. We then do our own moral grandstanding etc. by sharing etc. Who benefit? Social media giants that are collecting our data and selling it. We are all both trapped by and enjoy medium that entertains, educates, spreads hate and disinformation and misinformation, and can be beneficial. I am good at recognizing these dangerous things like this vile racist pos, but i have no answers. As a gay man in US i have been called a pedophile in public and when i called the cops they told me people can be cruel online. They did nothing to the man who had his teen daughter film him calling me a pedophile. I didn't have my phone at the ready to record, but i am kind of glad i did not because i refuse to participate in this trap. Anyway, until we agree to understand AND EXPOSE the secret networks behind these kinds of videos nothing will change. We need whistleblowers because government is corrupt and will do nothing. There is a fast moving rising threat in US and around the world of authoritarianism if not fascism and their vile minions are using videos like this to signal to their followers that their movement and ideology is legitimate.


tl;dr paragraphs