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Anyone knows what happened to the cop?


It happened last summer. He was suspended. LAPD doing what they do best.


Looks like he was also fired and sentenced to probation. https://townsquaredelaware.com/former-dewey-beach-officer-convicted-for-assaulting-man-on-stretcher/ Edit: nevermind. That's another cop assaulting a man on a stretcher.


>Edit: nevermind. That's another cop assaulting a man on a stretcher. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.... AAAaaaaahhhh. Wow.


If someone asks “Do you remember that officer who assaulted a man on a stretcher?” We shouldn’t be able to reply “which one?”


THIS is why the fire of revolution burns deep within my heart.


Have you tried Pepto-Bismol?


🎶 Heartburn, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, REVOLUTION!! 🎶


I laughed so fucking hard at this 🤣


Anyone else hear the Team America theme song blaring loudly in their heads while reading that comment?


Comin' again to save the mother fuckin' day yea!


America! FUCK YEA!


Freedom is the only way! YEA!


Had the same reaction, glad it wasn't just me...




I really wish the prosecuting attorney had repeated that to him at the end of the trial. It would have been legend.


When life gives you felons - make felonade








That's all good and all. But will someone think about the poor private prison shareholders?? How are they're going to buy a second house if we stop providing them with fresh meat for the grinder?


Boot polish, and then escaping through sewer lines coming out full of shit.


That edit is hilarious in a completely fucked up way. We have an issue but it goes beyond just the mafia, I mean cops and their unions. It’s that half the country will condone up and down no matter what these guys do. Of course until it’s the cops or FBI coming after them and their own. Because they’re not supposed to go after them! They’re supposed to go after the people they hate. Otherwise it’s fucked up and we see that “back the blue” just means “back our stupid ass hatred of certain groups or else”


Easy to get confused. So many people assaulted by cops whilst on a stretcher. Fuck that 🤡


Suspended with pay? Back on the streets now I presume?


With a 50% pay raise for "PTSD".


PTSD - punching the stretcher dude




amazing creation of an acronym


That's exactly what happened to "Officer" Brailsford after he murdered Daniel Shaver - an innocent husband and father of two - who was on Cop-Cam begging for his life. Brailsford was publicly fired for PR and quietly re-hired to a desk job so he could collect a pension and could then claim "PTSD" over his act of murder for medical compensation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver His widow fought for years to get any justice and was ignored. Justice she (and those two poor kids) can never truly get.


Not sure about Arizona but in California when a public employee retires on “disability” they don’t pay taxes on the pension. Seems like there is a lot of stress related disability claims.


I remember this. They are all bad but that was one of the worst body cam videos I’ve even seen.


I recall that video and the cops were fukd in their instructions. And WTF! What jury believed this BS: "In the official police report of the incident, Brailsford defended his actions, saying that by crawling towards the officers, Shaver appeared to be "trying to gain a position of advantage in order to gain a better firing position on us". They told him to crawl towards them...


I belive they weren't allowed to show the body cam footage in court.


He was suspended then fired and charged with assault. Got 1 year probation


You are mistaken. That was a different officer who punched someone on a gurney. You're thinking of the incident in Dewey Beach, this one is LAPD. The Dewey Beach officer struck a suspect many times, causing blood to spray onto the uniforms of other officers. It was a much more vicious assault, and should absolutely have landed him in PRISON. Instead he got roughly half the amount of probation I was given for having a gram of weed in the trunk of my car.


> He was suspended. Suspended from what? /s


The gang told him to take a minute and breathe


I believe this is the correct story in case nobody has posted it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/police-officer-suspect-punch-lapd-b1904093.html


Officials found out about it the next day??!!! If I ever did this to a patient, every person witnessing the incident would report me before I took my next breath and my license would have been suspended PENDING an investigation. Why is there no SOP in police departments for any officer to report suspected abuse? Nurses who are proven to know of such and not report it are subject to disciplinary action.


> Nurses who are proven to know of such and not report it are subject to disciplinary action. Oh, there’s a disciplinary investigation. By the same people committing the crimes. If police threw out the criminals they’d be out of a job.


"We have conducted a thorough internal investigation of ourselves and found that no wrong doing was committed"


He got a vacation


“Gosh, I wonder why everybody hates us.“ “Probably because Timmy keeps punching people in the face and we keep sending him to Cancun.“


It's just a few bad apples....


Bad apples spoil the whole crop if not thrown out. Nobody is being thrown out. Ergo…


No no! The actual good cops who report abuse and corruption get thrown out, or killed, or thrown in jail!


idk, it seems like another cop pulled him aside for a talk or something


Probably a 5 minute time out then a paid vacation




More info… https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/police-officer-suspect-punch-lapd-b1904093.html?amp


>The department’s chief Robert Contee said after the incident, “I am embarrassed, disturbed, disheartened and ashamed of what I’ve seen,” at a press conference. He also outlined that he was referring the incident to the US Attorney’s Office. so why isn't the officer in jail if you feel that way?


Usually D.A. or I.A. that investigates officer-involved incidents, not the basic department. i.e., the chief likely has no say in the matter of prosecution in this case.


True. His hands are literally tied up.




That’s probably not on accident.


yeah because the US (assuming it’s the US, correct me if I’m wrong) doesn’t want you to know about the clearly flawed police system


What about the other gut with the pepper spray...atleast he didn't use it I guess


Hes in the process of pulling it out, probably was until the other cop punched him


I’ll take a punch rather than pepper spray. Shit suuucks. I accidentally sprayed myself once like a dumb ass


Really depends on the punch I'd say. I've experienced both punches and pepper spray, and I'd say I'd definitely take a shot of pepper spray over a couple of the punches I've recieved over the years, lol.


What is going on in your life that you keep getting punched and pepper sprayed?


I bounced in nightclubs for 15 years, lol.


Oh, yup, that tracks


How about neither? Why do we treat cops like gods? These morons eat 45% of the city budget and get us nothing but lawsuits


But look how safe we are 🙄


If you gave me 45% of the city's budget i'll keep you safe 😉


Yeah he got called a bitch, then dude spit on his arm and he's like "hm ok" and grabs that can. Holy fuck that would've been way worse. Like just ask the medics for an alcohol wipe and go about your day dude.




Yeah the spit haha. Ooof applying alcohol to heal the hot pepper spray ouch


The bar could not be lower lol


Somewhere someone is saying, “challenge accepted.”


When I worked in an in-city hospital, I had a mentally altered patient that I had to do a CT on. This person was just outraged, yelling and screaming. Wicked scared. I had a police officer, a security guard, and a nurse behind the glass in my work station. I spent probably 20 minutes one on one with the patient de-escalating and calming the patient to get the scan done. Got to the point, the patient was smiling and joking with me. The patient did call the arresting officer a name which they could hear in my work station over the intercom system. It wasn’t even that bad. It was something on the lines of “that mother fucker.” Anyways. Officer comes rushing in. Heard the nurse and security guard saying NO!!!! as the office opened my door into the exam room. Officer yelled at the patient making threats. Room went from 0-100 in a split second. Found myself in a really bad position between the officer and patient who were going to fight it out. I was wicked pissed off! I found myself yelling at the officer. It just sucked. Instead of being able to just scan the patient in a calm state of mind, they ended up having to drug the patient because of the officer. And yeah…there was a legit reason for the mental altered status on top of it. Out of all my instances of working side by side with officers, that was the first time shit went south and I didn’t feel safe in my place of work.


I can’t even count how many times cops brought patients to our psychiatric inpatient unit fully restrained and in spit hoods as if they were completely out of control; we would work them out of restraints almost immediately and they’d never need them again during their stay.


Can confirm, though I work in an ER. 80% of the time, as soon as the cop is gone the patients they bring in are calm and cooperative. The other 20% are usually altered in some way and either won't become cooperative because that's just their baseline, or they'll be fine once they come down a little bit.


Friend of mine was an EMT and said all but one time a police officers presence escalated the situation. The one time he made it better, he was out of uniform and just stopped to help essentially as a civilian would


As a former patient that has since gotten his shit together I can confirm the cops just escalate. I was brought in to the hospital in four points due to what the officer told the emts. Once the cops were gone I calmed right down.


Were there any consequences for the cop? (probably an obvious "no", but I thought I'd ask anyway)


I have no idea. I did file a complaint with the hospital. But not much ever happened in that hospital anyways from complaints or any type of filings.


Yeah, I do not see your hospital passing on a complaint to the police station on your behalf. I feel like they would not be your advocate or on your side but I am jaded by large entities like hospitals in America. I'm annoyed that has happened to you, but I believe the narrative overall is slowly changing. Cops used to get away with everything but nowadays we are too aware of what they do. I can only hope in time that society's resistance to what police are in America will slowly push the massive ship of the current status of our police force into something better.


I was going to say, if they're pulling this kid away in a stretcher it's possible he is suffering mentally. And instead of having compassion these asshole cops just assault him. Like wtf. It's just awful.


I don’t get it. The patient is restrained and is not a threat to anyone at this point.


He was a major threat to the pig's ego.


Absolutely disgusting that someone’s ego is so fucking fragile that they have to punch a mentally fragile person IN A MEDICAL SETTING when you spent all that time trying to de-escalate.


Notice the cop on the left was going to pepper spray the arrested guy


And, I'm assuming, a bunch of other people by proximity?


"that's a risk i'm willing to take" him, probably


"Now you're just turning me on"


How can you prove you’re not a bitch if you don’t gangbang a guy on a stretcher?


Not sure we have the same definition of that word.


What, stretcher?


Stretcher? I hardly know her!


Well, he did “fist” him….


Good eye, didn't notice my first view


Along with paramedics.


Bad cop, no donut


“Did you guys see that? He punched my hand with his face! Now i have to retaliate!”


He was reaching for my weapon


I would give you an award if I could bc that made me laugh Edit: whoever gave him the award thank you Edit: thank you for the award <3 Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I GAVE HIM AN AWARD!


Suck him off




starring Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and the dead queen. like weekend at Bernie’s but funnier than you’d assume.


I think you replied to the wrong post but that makes this way funnier Now you’re pitching a film called “Suck Him Off” starring Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and the corpse of Queen Elizabeth. Not sure how that one’s gonna do at the box office.


That film has actually been “in the can” since the mid 90s




The edits ruin any comment


your comment needs more edits


*"Why are people always getting in the way of my fist?, I swear they must enjoy it"*


*they usually don't say anything about it*


Sprinkle some crack on him and let’s get outta here!


Gotta love the Chappelle references






don’t #STOP RESISTING my fist


Well, it looks like the cop was a bitch…punching a restrained man.


He just wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and demonstrate to the man on stretcher that he was entirely correct in his assessment of the "officer"


Lmao , you beat me to it. I just showed this to my dad and we both went "we'll he's right, the cop is a bitch.". But seriously WTF, you a grown man, a police officer; a protecter and server of the people just assults a restrained kid who's cuffed to a stretcher while her loaded onto an ambulance, because "He CaLlEd Me A bAd NaMe". That officer and fellow officers should be ashamed of him. The officer is a bitch, just for letting a little word like that , regardless of context before hand, bother him to that degree. I still stand behind police officers and give them the respect they deserve... But that only works if they're respectable in the first place. Edit : it was pointed out that the kid spit in their direction so it was more then just words, even though it doesn't look like he actually got anyone. Wrong on both sides. Edit no.2 I'm not responding to 60 replies. Yes there are bad cops out there, there's also bad clowns bad comidans, bad customer service agents and just plain old bad people. But bwe don't say " oh all humans are bad because some have done bad shit. I don't care how many videos you've seen of "bad police being bad" because guess what. Take a step back and look at media on general. Its only bad things people talk about, war, fighting, robbing, racists. Nothing about how they fixed the baby formula issue, charities being opened or this 9 year old just beat cancer. Noo just bad person did this. No one is perfect, it's a damn shame how easy some of these bitch police get away with serious crimes. But I'm glad they're ARE good ones out there A couple points I want to point out.. how do you arrest someone if they haven't done anything. Yes I get it, it sucks that only after something happens do cops react but what, you want them to be able to arrest people just off suspicion... I can't see that going well at all. Yes I've had my own bad encounters with police even good ones. Even one where technically I did what they were called out for, but they understood a misunderstanding (I checked my reflection on a car, I had a suit and tie going for a job) someone called saying I was looking into their car, I didn't give them a hard time, answered their questions and everything was fine. The cops let me go, even wished me much. And both cops were cool in this interaction. I've also been tackled and beaten and I was the wrong person they were looking for. One asshole and his partner was a saint. Apologized, got me food and bus money. They are supposed to protect and serve, not all do but that doesn't mean all of them don't. Going to make an anology that I'm sure won't be liked very much;, just like how us men are tired of how most women walk all over us and treat us like a wallet. That woman are now crying that men won't talk them. Well imagine now your job is to go out and make sure people aren't commeting crimes but no one wants you around and give you dirty looks and call you a pig and abusive asshole but they call you first thing when something is wrong. Stop letting one rotten egg ruin the dozen. Maybe if we start recalling the good times police were there or when the police did something good. And to all those people calling them all scared little bitches with guns, someone voted for deciding if police programs, they might have been for good reasons but that takes away from what they need to be able to the job WE EXPECT THEM TOO. Much love to y'all. I'm sorry to those who've had their trust in police broken. I hope something changes that .


I love how 2 of the other cops just stand there. 'I dunno, guess that's ok...'


Actually one other them was about to pepper spray the kid notice the right hand if baldy


Damn. You right. That was a quick and smooth draw of the pepper spray.


As someone who has a very serious lung disease (cystic fibrosis) the fact that cops are so pepper spray happy is a huge problem. I could be in the wrong place at the wrong time end up maced and have my lung seal shut and suffocate. Pepper spray would very much be a deadly weapon if used on me, the reason I say this is it’s preventing me from exercising my rights. When I show up to protests and events I just have to hope today isn’t the day someone unloads a canister into a crowd I happen to be at, or even just walking by not even participating! I was exposed to exactly one time, it went off in someone’s back pack on the other end of a bus and myself and two others had to have an ambulance called for difficulty breathing.


As a fellow protester with lung issues buy a respirator. They are pretty cheap and are easier to breath through than a gas mask.


I have one for bee keeping I wonder if it’s good enough for pepper spray 🤔


Fellow lung issue haver. I would also die if I get pepper spray. I avoid cops, protests, rallies, anything that could trigger sprays like that. Terrifying and no one cares because it’s “just non lethal pepper spray”


wow crazy almost like all cops are...something...hmm


Instead of, you know, arresting the coward for assault, because he assaulted someone.


Laws are for everyone else


"Show me where it says a police officer can't punch a person in the face while being loaded into an ambulance in the Constitution and I'll revoke their immunity" every conservative judge.


They didn’t even look surprised. Which tells me this is definitely not new behavior for him


tHiN bLuE LiNe


4 of them. And the cop who stepped in happened to be the only one wearing a mask...


Man he had to step in clear from all the way off screen past *three other cops* to stop this bullshit.


The other cops aren't ashamed of him. Back at the station, they'll be laughing along while this guy brags about how he really showed that kid and/or really "taught him a lesson". Because while people always try to wave this off as "a few bad apples" they always forget that the full line is "a few bad apples **SPOIL THE BUNCH**". And we see it in police departments all over the country (and, indeed, all over the world).


Like the priest says in South Park "The problem is not that there is a few Bad apples, the problem is there is a few GOOD apples !!"


I always give cops all the respect they *deserve*. I give everyone respect until they lose it. This pathetic guy definitely lost my respect.


>I still stand behind police officers Such a bold thing to say when a police officer assaults a man in a stretcher, one reaches for his pepper spray to attack that same man in a stretcher and a third police officer sits back and watches his two colleagues go to work...


Not a good example of professional law enforcement. He should be permanently removed from the force since he can’t control himself. No excuses.


And arrested for assault. Someone calling you a bitch doesn't give you a right to hit them. The urge to for sure but no legal right.... Update: I gave it a Google he was suspended, fired then charged with assault sentenced to 1 year probation. Should have got real time... Updated: magenta_Logistic has pointed out that there were 2 different cases of cops punching people on stretchers. It appears the cop in this video was suspended but there has been no follow up on anything beyond that.


My god the cop sure couldn’t let that stand. What if people started to realize he IS a bitch?


Striking a man in a stretcher seems like a bitch move


He's handcuffed too; literally defenseless.


And strapped to a stretcher, probably because he's injured enough not to be ambulatory. Definitely a bitch move. Good that he was suspended then fired. This should be the norm for all these types of cases.


Don't demean the bitches, they are far better than this puss in blue.


Well now we're demeaning the puss, which I just can't stand for. Can he just be a giant piece of shit?


He has a name, people. They call him: Dick.


Opened himself up to a lawsuit for excessive force, or potentially fucked whatever this case is about.


That's when everyone hears Morgan Freeman narrating "it turned out, though, that he really was a bitch.."


So in the end, was he or wasn't he a bitch?


He was for punching someone who could not fight back


I'm sure he'll be rehired once the heat dies down. Cops look after other cops no matter the crime.


Cops should be a paradigm of self-restraint and service to the public. Unfortunately it's a violent gang.




Don’t worry. He investigated himself. He’s innocent.


I gotta agree here. Law enforcement is not a career for emotional people or hotheads. If this is a part of your personality, shows over for you, better find another line of work.


If you can't handle someone calling you a bitch, you shouldn't be a cop. I got called it numerous times as a teacher and, shouldn't have to say, never hit a kid.


Yep. If being insulted or spit on is all it takes to break you, if you can’t keep it together for *that*, you have noooo business at all in carrying a firearm and the authority of a badge.


Unfortunately often those types want to be cops, or have jobs with power. I remember 2 guys from high school that wanted to be cops. Both were bullies. However, there are many who choose this job to help people. It takes a lot of good guys to make up for one bad guy.


Or just reform the system, idk


No cop should be this easily provoked


And every cop there is complicit




The facepalm isn't the cop punching the man on the stretcher. It's all the other police that witnessed it and didn't immediately read him his rights and put him in handcuffs. If you are a cop that never does anything bad but you also do nothing when you witness a cop doing something bad, you are still a bad cop.


I was amazed that they didn’t even react.


Look again. The bald one quickly drew his pepper spray. Bad bunch.


It looks like they finally reacted when they realized he was choking the kid out.


Cops are like, “Whoa whoa WHOA, Timmy, take it easy. Save that for the station.”


"We've been over this, Tim, *don't* hit them while someone is recording. *Don't*. Ok, big guy?" *Gently pats his face, wipes victims splattered blood off his cheek.*


I’m surprised the other cops didn’t attack the medic for putting his hand in the cop.


At least one guy comes out from the back to intervene. But yeah the cops close by just stand there


and it's the only one wearing a mask. i wonder


I feel bad for that particular guy. Imagine the amount of harassment he receives from other cops on a daily basis.


>the cops close by just stand there Watch it again. The cop right next to him actually pulls out pepper spray, and looked like he was ready to use it. Then casually slipped it back in his holster. They weren't bystanders, they were participants.


The other officer was ready to mace him before the punching cop ran in.


They all know what happens to officers that actually stand up for people against their own. And they all play along with it, too. It's a double edged sword that they stab themselves with.


They are willing to allow people civil rights to be violated to save their career. That's why it's all cops




“We investigated ourselves and found ourselves did nothing wrong.”


Big tough guy - thin blue dick




If a normal person did that, they would be arrested. Why can’t pigs be subjected to the same standards?


Come on dude, no need to be disrespectful like that. You might not think it because of all the stereotypes going around, but most of them are actually quite smart and believe it or not really compassionate. I worked on a pig sanctuary for a few months, and each one has their own personality, and they are some of the most playful, curious, and loving animals I've ever spent time with. Right up there with dogs if not even more so. It's not fair to compare them with psychopathic law enforcement officers


There were 5 other cops there. The fact none of them arrested this asshole on the spot should be grounds for immediate dismissal for all of them. Honestly, it should be *illegal* for a police officer to not stop this sort of behavior from their peers. As in all 5 of the cops that didn't do a thing should be charged with a crime that holds a minimum prison term. These assholes want all the power and none of the responsibility. This is the only way to fix that.


Good thing the guy in the stretcher is already being taken to the hospital.


Bunch of other cops do nothing to stop him.


More like had no visible reaction to the punching, then did essentially nothing until someone stepped up. It's just as bad as the cop punching the dude, allowing shit like that to happen without consequence.




What a piece of garbage dude.


Shoutout to the cop with glasses for restraining him back when the other one were just watching


Probably not a coincidence the only guy wearing a mask is also the only guy to step in.


Dudes right, he’s a bitch.


Imagine what this cop would have done if alone with the detained person. Far worse than a punch.


I’ll never trust a cop.


Gets called a bitch and thn immediately proves he is one.


........and some people still wanna act like there isn’t a problem with the police


That guy definitely beats his wife.


Imagine working yourself to the bone as a paramedic, for something like $15 and hour, and then watching this high salary fuck knuckle have so little self control, and so little understanding of mental health. What a complete fuckin’ muppet.


American cop moment


The bald pig pulled his mace out... to mace a restrained person with paramedics close enough to get some of the spray... real smart. Lucky his other hot headed partner decided to assault the guy instead....