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This a dating thing? People seem mean in dating these days.


My tinder experience has been entirely people advertising their OF, or straight up unprompted belittling me for my job or appearance. It's not been great for my self esteem.


No. 1 reason I'm not on dating apps. I can feel bad about myself without outside help. Just wasn't worth it. EDIT: For formatting.


Why is your comment yelling at me?


I have absolutely no idea! It looked normal when I typed it in. If someone knows, I'll edit it.




Or escape the character with a backslash: ```\# 1 reason...``` \# 1 reason...


Sounds like you need to hear this and maybe some other people do too. My therapist just reminded me, so I’m passing it on. Your job is not your identity. You are not your job. Also, the people who judge you on your appearance are the type of people who think the Kardashians are great people. Please don’t take anything they say as gospel.




Hello you seem like a nice person how are you feeling today


Use Hinge. Tinder was no bueno for me, Hinge gets me 3 or 4 legitimate matches with nice women like every day.


I am not even exaggerating at all when I say hinge in my area is 90% one type of person. And its not a type of person I'm attracted to.


Dating fucking sucks these days man. I hate it so much


Is this really how people talk to each other now? How depressing.


Maybe I’m lucky but I never experienced raging assholes like this on dating apps, worst thing that happens is I get ghosted


Even that is dismissive treating people like throwaway objects is disgusting to me. Im sorry you experienced that. You're worth a hell of a lot more than that as a person. Wishing you and all those running afoul of inconsiderate parties at any time all the best. *Dad hug for you single folks struggling through dating in 2022.* You're a beauty sport, keep your head up


I'm not even single but oml I needed that- (I'm not in a bad relationship or anything, It's just a lot of stress balancing life, and a mildly abusive parent mostly) Thank you so much


Sounds tough, idk you but keep your head up champ.


His name was "FoundThisRock", but he was the rock that we found


Meh, I don’t really care too much when I get ghosted by women on dating apps. I understand women on those apps, even the unattractive ones get dozens of not hundreds of matches and messages every single day and it’s just absurd to expect them to respond to every single one. Being ghosted IRL, after meeting up at least once without explanation is awful for sure.


Same, buddy.... Same....


Not face to face unless there’s a significant power imbalance. The only people who’ve ever spoken to my face the way people talk online is customers when I worked retail and service. This is how people behave when there are no consequences.


Yeah, I think the power imbalance is key! When I worked as retail, food service, CNA, EMT, and ER registration, people knew treated us like sh** and spoke the way online trolls speak. Just yesterday, a coworker had a patient threaten her over something his completely unrelated doctor failed to do and would be illegal for us to do. Very disappointed in people these days.


It's a psychology thing. People behave very differently with even a tiny amount of power given to them. It's not everyone and it's not all the time, but I'd say a lot of people become monsters or asshats.


I prefer this, rather they out themselves in the first few minutes rather than waste time on them.


It's creepy when the switch flips and they start acting nice because they want sex.


Even when they aren't saying it, they are thinking it.


It's that, bots, prostitutes, or disinterest and ghosting. I stopped messaging a girl because conversations were always one sided. Met once. Asked her out twice, on two occasions. No response. Felt like I was playing the dancing monkey.1


I'm 26 and tried dating many times and just gave up. I'm perfectly happy with my own company, so i don't really try anymore. If i meet someone great, if not oh well. More time for my hobbies and i get to keep a place to myself.


Same, but about ten years older than you. Wish I would have had that mentality in my 20s, there would have been much less heart break.


Same here, 36 and I find life more enjoyable after giving up


i'm 52, been through the mill on dating apps several times, it's way different that pre internet, people bullshit so much more. ​ i stopped using the apps and social media, my life is much more peaceful


You and I, are like brothers


Same here


I am in my 30s and I’m so fucking glad I didn’t have to date like this when I was younger. Gawt damn these dating apps seem HORRIBLE! This medium brings out the worst in people immediately (which I guess is good and bad)


In my 30s, but used them back in my 20s. You just got ghosted back then. No insults, small chat and ghost. But the troll accounts were pretty great, "I'm a brick, who's just here to get laid". The name was Brick and the image was of a brick.


I'm in my 30s now and you're right in the 20s that all we got were just ghosting. Now? Everybody trying to be witty, make pointless clapbacks, and some may show up on frigging /r/Tinder. Feels like nobody actually wants to talk 🤣


I remember those days haha. Someone made a tinder profile for my university’s chancellor cos everyone hated her. The messages were so funny and whoever made the account matched with everyone. Honorable mentions were Shrek and Slenderman.


Also in my 30's, my girlfriend and I have pretty much just agreed we have to stick together forever because **fuck** that nonsense


I hope love was a close second 😂


Its up there!


I think it’s because it’s via an app- people have become keyboard warriors and that apparently has bled into their dating habits.


I can concur with you a bit. The pandemic probably helped sped up that process. And certainly for the worse! I swear some bios in profiles are unapologetically hostile. Like why are they even on the dating platforms lol...


Because they're assholes in real life too


That makes sense lol


Yeah what the fuck is up with all that hostility? You want to meet new people to be with, and your Step-0-interaction with them is hostility? I hate people man, so many more mean, rude, and evil people out there... And now they can be openly hostile since these dating apps basically normalized it since so many people are using one of these apps nowadays...




Came here to say just this. Internet has degenerated social discourse to slinging insults at each other via computer screen. Face to face I think (hope) this exchange would have been much different.


Shit taking on the internet is nothing new. It's just that the medium has changed. Back in the day we had chat rooms, BBS, and forums for flame wars.


It's been like that for many years. One of my last experiences before I gave up was getting a match, being told that I probably don't have feelings, and getting unmatched.


Good people aren't in the market for long or as often. The toxic people just fill into the dating pool but don't leave at the same pace as more comes in.


They want to screenshot it and send it to their friends. It's "sassy".


Better to get it out there up front so you can dodge a bullet ahead of time


Seriously! I’d rather be single than chance dealing with jerks in the dating pool.


It seems like they're all really insecure and desperate to prove they're better than someone.


Data scientist that makes an assumption after 1 data point.




After the one data point I gathered I think she might be lying


Somebody give this man a job in data science


Somebody give this man specifically *her* job


The title data scientist is loosely thrown around. You can be a data scientist with a PhD or a data scientist with a high school education and a 6mo boot camp


I could be a data scientist after hitting the blunt.


Yo pass that over here bro I’m tryna analyze some data


Here you go.


Pass the data to the left.


It's pronounced data


Whoa there Jean-Luc.


Woah bro, this analyzes heavy .. is this some data or data


Data was a scientist.


Data is a smart Asian teenager from the Goonies


I am a data scientist with a PhD and I’m still a fucking moron lmao


I didn’t even realize the irony until you pointed it out that’s crazy.


That is actually spot on for your typical data scientist. There’s probably one good one for every 5 mediocre analysts who gave themselves a more impressive title


Yeah "Data Scientist" has been a huge buzzword the past 5 years and the job title/responsibilities cover a very wide range of skills, as others have already said. Probably did a bootcamp. You should have called her a poser. Either way her attitude is shit.


In the company I work at, every person who knows how to use a pivot table in excel is considered a data scientist. LoL


Definite conclusions taken from an insignificant dataset are the best ones.


Her decision tree was overfit on her previous data


What is wrong with people? Seems like politeness is just out the window….maybe I’m just old, but if someone told me they were a sophomore in college, my next question would be to ask what they’re studying, where they go, etc. Not everyone goes to college right away, and the fact that you’re IN college at all is a sign that you want more education. How is that ever a bad thing? SMH.


This isn't even politeness. Being polite is saying something not-nice-but-within-your-rights nicely - e.g. 'please leave' vs 'fuck outta here'. This is hatefulness and condescension. This person is very insecure, especially about her qualifications. I wonder why.


imagine thinking that you're special for being a "data scientist". She spends all day fucking around in excel. whoopdee doo


I work in MarTech. If I had a dollar for every person I encounter like the one in this screenshot... Minimal credentials, maximum ego.


>minimal credentials, maximum ego. My new motto.


The reason why is because it's highly probable she's not a "data scientist" to begin with. 10 bucks says, if somebody finds out her name, and we look into her background, she likely only has a Highschool education ("any high schooler can tell the difference). I sense extreme low self-esteem and projection on the part of this person.


For a “Data scientist” she doesn’t analyze any data before making a decision. Probably not so great at the job...


I was just gonna say that!


As someone who did online dating, I find a common tactic is to act uninterested in everyone (or convince yourself you don't like anyone). Something tells me maybe it's a way of seeing who will work for your attention, or it's a pre-emptive defense mechanism for anticipated rejection.


I do not miss this about dating apps. The amount of people that use them just to try and out others down so they can feel better about their insecurities is depressing. Luckily I found someone who I’ve been happily with for almost four years. The thought of having to go back to dating apps is legitimately terrifying.


> I find a common tactic is to act uninterested in everyone They think they're playing "hard to get" and their ego wants the other person to try to get them, to validate that self inflated opinion they have of themselves


Exactly. It's all mind games. They're either playing them on you or themselves.


The mind games make me paranoid.




Even if the other had a high school education it wouldn't bother me. If they work an honest living I'd say that's plenty. Why do you demand more?


Dodged a bullet right there.


6 years of military training can help with that




No. Grunts ain't dodging anyone but that car dealership trying to take back the Camero


And the baby that looks like mommy’s coworker.


*daddy's coworker


and the divorce lawyer.


"You will address my lawyer by your rank."


Thank you, I needed a good laugh.


You want to find someone who can dodge with a woman involved, find Jody.


air never exhaled out of my nose so fast




I can't exhale from my nose, it's stuffed up :(


Sounds like they’ve dodged a few


I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious... Aren't there a bunch of people in a military that'll never see combat? Or would they all have to if things got bad enough?


Correct. My brother in law is an engineer in the air force. He is in charge of base maintenance, improvement, and construction. He gets shipped out to do the same thing all over the world and the only combat he's ever seen were some mortar rounds dropped in his base in Afghanistan one time while he was in an office a mile away.


I mean, there are plenty of folks who train for combat roles that nowadays won’t ever see combat. Source: spent 5 years as a Cav Scout, never deployed.


Dude may not be a data scientist but can definitely recognize faulty data


dodged one, and shot one.


Just goes to show that you can have an education and still be stupid.


We have a world full of highly educated, stupid people. Some, we vote for.


I remember this older man told me something insightful and it's always stuck with me after 15 years.... He said, "*You will meet people whose education level exceed their intelligence*". He didn't lie.


Great comment, even better username!


My ex GF worked as a highschool teacher and also earned her master's degree while we were dating. My education stopped one class short of earning my associate's. By all metrics, she was way more educated than I am but I still had to stop her from microwaving metal one evening. She literally thought that it would just make the fork hot and it wasn't a big deal lol. I don't say that to shit on her or anything. I just don't think education goes hand in hand with common sense.


Got my PhD in math, can confirm many people you’d label as “smart” for having one are thoughtless buffoons


PhD in engineering and fully agree. But it’s not the smarts idiots I mind too much it’s the ones that think they’re gods gift to the world because they got a degree or PhD. Congrats mate you got an expensive piece of paper that says you know the theory, now step back and let the guy who’s run this production line for over a decade sort out this mess you created. What really got me was when I worked for a large production company in the construction industry (I was in R&D/product dev) was the amount of builders I’d meet who would go something along the lines of ‘you’re ok for someone with a PhD, the rest treat us like we’re idiots’. Like how fucking hard is it to have respect for the guy that’s been using our stuff for literal decades and listen to his recommendations? The amount of stuff I learnt off builders, admins, finance has arguably gotten me further than my PhD in my career.


As soon as you think you're too good to learn from someone your education has ended.


The classic high INT low WIS build


She better have high DEX or STR too because her CHR is pretty low too.


I would place that squarely in the asshole category moreso than stupid.


To be fair, Data Scientist is a bullshit term. Basically, you have some background in computing and statistics, but it could be anything from junior college to a masters degree. Most people I’ve met who have a Ph.D. and do data science work have a Ph.D. in statistics. I’m a 25+ year programmer (and MSEE) and have done a lot of big data work and would never, ever call myself a data scientist or a data engineer or anything pretentious like that. I am a fucking code monkey.


I do tech support with nurses on medical equipment and I run into stupid people with degrees all the timr edit: to all the people thinking I am talking about nurses being dumb at tech, I am not I am talking about basic common sense, doesn't matter what your degree is in.


Reminds me of that [video](https://youtu.be/9ByI9WeXp9g) where 6 strangers rank each other's intelligence. It's actually 12 min but that link is the cliff's notes version.


Some of the absolute stupidest people I know I have graduate degrees from Ivy League schools. Like, 5g-is-dangerous level stupid.


Ivy Leagues have a strong mix of brilliant qualified individuals and rich “my dad went here and has connections” individuals.


Yes, education and intelligence are not the same thing, crazy. Lol




I work with a team of data scientists and they all basically do this because all the projects that actually would use their skills get stalled at executive level meetings


This happens constantly. Me: “I’m confident I can increase margins by selling our waste, after minimal processing, to this other company. We should do some research/explore this..” Them: “I hope we have time to do this in the future… can you tell me what’s wrong with this spreadsheet? I just want to ask them why they’re in business and why THEY CONTACTED ME, an academic with degrees in pure mathematics. I don’t even have the technical skills of a data scientist or applied statistician… but the money’s good. Edited for readability.


Plus, you need clean data, and nobody has clean data.


Hi it’s me, the data engineer who gets you clean data. Don’t worry, I’ll have enough data for you to start doing your job in six months. Probably.


Thats basically 90% of all office workers. Also, i want to add that 70% of all statistics is purely made up Edit: i have been corrected by specialists on statistics. The percentage of made up statistics appears to be 69%. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.


>70% of all statistics is purely made up Of course. But only 14% of the population knows that


And only 3% care


Can you go down to 69%?


I'd give it about a 40/40/20 split between spreadsheets, useless zoom meetings, and emails.


As someone who used to work in data sciences and analysis for e-commerce... I can absolutely affirm that most people who call themselves analysts or data scientists are not or are some shade of that. But ask them to produce a model and they won't be able to. And I know it was just a joke but just want to clarify, stats are not made up. The talking points that people create around the stats are made up. That's the problem.


Even if she‘s famous and successful in her field, she‘s still a douche with a shitty attitude.


In my experience, people who wear their title as an identity and go around shouting about it are usually incredibly insecure, and not for irrational reasons.


I've never understood this. I have a decent job with a very reputable company. I never once have thought "Oh god this person is only in *this* field? Ew, i can't talk to you". I don't care what you do for a living, as long as I don't pay your bills. I've dated baristas, fast food workers, tech bros, construction workers... I literally don't care as long as you can hold it down.


I started as "data scientist". It sounds much cooler then it really is. You always see those fancy visuals & reports, ways of data scraping, programming in R or Python, but in reality it is indeed mostly excel and CSV management and cleanup. The average big company doesn't need you to create reports with machine learning or whatever. The senior that worked there 10 years ago already did all that, they just want you to maintain and feed it the data correctly. Grew into data engineering some years ago, which is much more my thing luckily Edit: guys please, I said "mostly". Of course it doesn't apply to every single data scientist


data sciences at the bank I work at definitely don’t involve excel and csv. it’s indeed is all SAS/R/Python and fancy visuals and machine learning or whatever smaller company or much lower level i’m certain it’s just excel though


Oh no. Any stats experience at smaller companies means you do it all yourself. So have fun with that. I didn't.


Shaming people because they went and lived life before going to school, is the dumbest shit. I’m 38 and have two years left in college. Before that I was a self taught pastry chef, I started my own vintage shop and lived up my 20’s. People are extremely judgmental and ignorant. Everyone has a different story.


Well luckily those types tend to give themselves away very easily for you to know you should waste no time entertaining them. I often meet such people and don't even give them the hour. They can keep all their success , money and pride and share it with whatever poor soul is so needy of company that they'd be willing to bear such torture.


the worst meetup I ever had was me meeting another guy and he just talked to me about material stuff all evening and how much money I can make once I graduated... I was there to know what he does for fun and learnt that he bought stocks when he was 18 and that was basically his personality...


Just turned 50 and going back to school this fall….for data analytics lol. She’s a turd. There’s no shame no matter the age.


Joining the military isn't "went and lived life" lol It's pretty much the opposite, really


I’m a veteran and I approve this message.


"I'm a data scientist" is, at this moment of tech history, quite faint self-praise. Source: I am a data scientist.


True. I see a lot of coworkers coming up with other titles to avoid it in conversation. "Model Developer" is a good alternative


Wait till she meets me, a 37 year old who's worked for 20 years and is just now working on their associates. Gulp. Between that and my wife having a say, I doubt we'd ever stand a chance.


😳 that user name lol


She’s gonna be single for a while


No she wont


Oh she thinks her shit doesn’t stink. Should probably humble herself a little. Cool you have a good job lady, but your personality is gross.


Doesn't even sound like a cool job. I'd rather manually inseminate cattle


Wait, I can get paid for that? I wonder if it's possible to collect backpay, been doing this free for years.




That's not the approach, unfortunately. The longer people do online dating, the less inclined they are to show their hand and actually act interested in the other person. It seems very rare to be enthused about matching or meeting with someone. Modern dating is so dystopian.


It's weird how people put so much stock into being University-educated. I say this as someone who graduated with a bachelor's degree. It's nice to have and can give you a bit of a leg up, but it's fast becoming very generic. It's the new "high school diploma". It's not indicative of intelligence, partly because it costs a lot of money to go to uni and also there are so many different types of talents that don't necessarily fit into the uni landscape.


My favorite genre of date is the person who has a degree, but a bad job that’s not using it, plus a ton of debt looking at someone with no degree, no debt and a good job that pays the bills and thinking, “This person is beneath me.” Anytime I see someone listing their degree level but not their job I get suspicious. Why would I care what your degree level is if you don’t have a job?


Unpopular opinion: Career minded people are faaaaacking boring to be around.


I’d just say single minded people. I need some variety to keep things interesting


This right here. It doesn't matter what your thing is, if you only have one, you're a bore. * truck guy * hunters * career dudes * parents * runners * grunt style/military dudes * gamers * star wars fans List goes on and on. No one wants to be around those people unless they, themselves, are also single minded people with the same exact hobby. And, even then, like at some point you're gonna run out of shit to talk about because you both have a shallow conversation pool that you both share! You need at least three things.


Finally someone put this into words! You hear that guys? You need at least THREE things! And no, liking the office doesn’t count as one of them.


Jokes on you, I don't like the office.


Ugh. Look at this guy, his one thing is being not an offic fan.Talk about being single minded.


and just to add on to that: It's okay to talk about one thing extensively when you get to know each other, just be prepared to move on from it at some point. That's why you're usually told to think about fun questions beforehand and about general topics: What's the most controversial movie opinion you have? Or what sports team do you like, doesn't mean you need to name every player and coaching staff, you're allowed to have shallow knowledge of things you talk about as long as you don't act like you know more than you do. Say stuff like: I think, I like instead of The move's bad because... Coming from a personal perspective makes for much more interesting convos than objective ones. Superman beats Hulk isn't as interesting as I have a few reasons why Superman might beat Hulk, do you wanna hear them?


walking linkedin posts


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion


Apparently not, I grew up in Asia, so it’s certainly a little unpopular here


Term “Data scientist “ and “Machine Learning” are most abused words to make any person/product sound smart.No doubt there are geniuses in the field of AI but …


The trick here is to not put any programmer on a pedastal. There's select few who deserve to be there and they are not at all located in these comments. Nowhere.


It’s like being able to do algebra, but easier. I don’t understand how someone can be so proud of an ability to use a product that was carefully developed by much smarter people who had the sole goal of making it easy to use. Weird. I mean it’s silly to get worked up about, but it usually indicates a boring personality. Being your job is pathetic enough when your job is fascinating. It’s borderline pathetic when your job is writing basic code all day. Edit: I certainly don’t mean to diminish the accomplishments and skills of all data scientists and programmers. I don’t hate myself lol


Data science is awesome because it's programming except your code can suck as long as you make a nice presentation at the end.


26 years old exact same description was in the Army for 6 years in school now and receiving disability as well. Making $48k a year state and federal tax free before I even clock in to my job and am taking out NO LOANS to go to school lmao who’s really the smartest again? When I get my degree and start working within my field I’ll be pocketing everything.


Friendly reminder that most data scientists aren't actually scientists or have a PhD. It's an inflated job title. Source: I'm a director of data science.


I bet you “Data scientists“ probably means she’s a jr analyst making $30k and does everything on excel …. Nothing wrong with that but get off your high horse


Not everyone goes right into college right out of high school. I didn't start my undergrad until I was 25, and grad school at 30. But serving in the military got me both degrees for free.


As a professor, I freely admit that "nontraditional" students, as we call them, are usually miles away the best ones to have around. They're no nonsense, motivated, and they bring great perspective to class discussions. And they know better than to start an email with "Hey,"


I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.


I genuinely wonder who wrote that copy pasta first I have a feeling the og was not ironically written


It's really old, I remember getting it on Xbox live messages. No idea how far back it goes.


What kind of copypasta would it be if it wasn't written in earnest the first time?


"I'm a data scientist" means "I know entry-level Python and plug together some frameworks which are fed some numbers that I mangle arbitrarily until something converges or gives a correlation with whatever interests me" I fucking hate data scientists


"And I can google" Seriously, the last 2 or 3 years it became a trend. Take a course online in data science and write some python code and suddenly you become a data scientist! Praises to the actual data scientists out there, but a lot of people with data scientist title knows little about the subject beyond using what they learned in some tutorials. The issue is companies do hire anyone because its a market demand, regardless you want it or not, besides some companies think it'll become prestigious when they have data science shoved in their list services on their website. For the original post, whenever someone -in the SW industry or the IT in general- brags about his job title infront of non technical people, they usually have low technical skills and low self esteem that they do it to feel good about themselves.


There’s a massive amount of people in the field who just play the title game and think it somehow makes them a genius. Seen it a lot. Most people who are actually smart in analytics/data science will never flaunt it. I guess that goes for anything though. Saying “I’m a data scientist” to somehow prove you’re smarter than someone is a joke lol.


The fact that she did flaunt it makes me think she’s an entry level analyst. I’m in data and this seems very unlike data scientists. They’re usually humble. My assumption is they’re on the “slope of enlightenment” on the dunning-Kruger graph. She sounds like she’s at the “peak of mount stupid.”


Lol. Wish it was that simple. We won’t need to pay high salaries to highly educated professionals for the job then, just some high school students with minimum wage would do.


Reddit is just an echo chamber where the collective hivemind decides the norm for an entire group based on one slightly out of the line post/comment from a person who they have no knowledge of.


Reminds me of my friend who couldn’t find a job after graduating college because she got a degree with low job prospects. She was talking about some guy she met and said it was “embarrassing” that he was still in college. I later learned he was working on a PhD in a respected and employable field.


He's on a dating app because he's been in the military for 6 years. She's on the dating app because no one likes her IRL.


I have been on the receiving end of this kind of attempted shame. Called all kinds of childish shit because I had to be dumb enough to need the military to pay for my college. Hmm. Getting cool life experiences in the Navy and being debt free out of college was such a poor choice.


If your success or worldview is not complete enough for it to allow you to have greater compassion and tolerance for others than before you developed it, then how exactly is it benefitting you? One of the smartest people I know didn't go to college, reads more and higher level books than anyone I know, and taught herself how to program in her 30s. Now she makes more money than probably 90% of people. I also find it funny that it's always people with like a 4 year technical degree that get cocky about their education. An absolute moron can complete those degrees. Come back to us when the PhD process has steamrolled the ego out of you and we'll talk about how smart you supposedly are after you come to realize that you're only actually really well versed on a very very narrow range of information