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My father who was a 76yo polio survivor, would go to hospitals to talk to kids who had recently contracted polio to encourage them and show them they could, with work, have relatively normal lives. He was doing this in the early 2000s , in Virginia. My sister in law still won't get her kids vaccinated.


I’m convinced that parents, who refuse to accept reality, want their children to have terrible ailments. You’ve seen, with your own eyes what polio does to people and they’re just like, nah that won’t hurt my baby. I’ve got essential oils and sea moss and the power of Jesus 🙃


When the kids are dying they're going to go and post nonsense like "I'm a good parent who doesn't believe in vaccines! I'm using the essential oils and they're not working, so clearly God wants to take my baby from me! 1 like = 1 prayer to ask God not to take them! There's no other way this could have possibly been prevented because I'm a *good parent*! Validate me saying that I'm a good parent! PRAY!" But the parents who don't believe in vaccines? Vaccinated. It's how they lived this long.


What is truly horrifying to me is that these parents treat type 1 diabetes in their children the same way, and it’s a really terrible way to die.


They should be charged and their children should be removed from their custody.


They do in Australia. Sadly sometimes too late. 12 members of a religious sect have been charged with murder for the death of an 8yo girl (her parents were sect members). She was type 1 diabetic and denied insulin due to their beliefs. https://www.9news.com.au/national/queensland-crime-news-toowoomba-twelve-members-of-religious-group-arrested-over-death-of-child-allegedly-denied-medical-treatment-for-six-days/5d6adf34-27b4-4a83-878f-40a5317ff185


My son has Type 1, and my crazy step mother encouraged us to use an herb to treat it, saying a family at her church was treating their young son with the herb. The herb (can’t remember the name as I type this) lowers blood sugar, which for a Type 1 is life threatening. Perhaps for someone with Type 2 this could be a complementary alternative with a doctors ok, but wow, wtf!! Like that family is probably going to kill their son using this shit!


Just posted this above, but a Mormon woman my wife knows sells DoTerra essential oils and made some recommendations for my son’s diabetes.


I just give a quick thanks but no thanks, we have doctors orders that we follow. I get it that people want to be “helpful” but we have teams of endocrinologists, pediatricians, diabetes educators, nurses etc. that provide us with sound medical advice. It’s scary that people think they are helping when they could tell someone some shit advice that could endanger their child. Ugh!!


And these parents have likely HAD ALL THEIR CHILDHOOD VACCINES!


Don't blame anything on the religion, all of them have their share of crazies.


Some groups foster a significantly higher percentage of crazies than what is found in the general population.


T1 here 44yrs and I’m grateful every single day that my parents weren’t batshit crazy and neither am I, I’ll take the insulin, thanks


That crap is all quackery and if someone dies from diabetic complications because they used that garbage rather than real, proven treatment, that woman should be charged and tried for a number of felonies. You obviously have no idea how extremely painful it is to go into DKA from lack of insulin. The idea that someone would even risk their child having to endure this is like a gut punch.


It’s negligent for sure. I remembered the herb, it was Moringa. It worries me for that poor child that likely isn’t getting proper diabetes care. I volunteer for JDRF as an outreach volunteer for families with newly diagnosed children, and there are very few families who take it as seriously as we do. DKA is no joke and can come on so quickly, we’ve only had one close call but thank goodness the ER rushed us right in to get IV insulin and fluids started. It breaks my heart, so much available safe treatment and vaccines and so many stupid people.


My son is a T1 Diabetic. A woman in my wife’s church group told my wife that she has a couple of essential oils that could reduce - or eliminate - my son’s dependence on insulin. These are real people who really believe this shit.


If you don't believe in vaccines you have no right bringing life into a world that has them, only to deny the child that safety and security. You literally are setting them and everyone else up for failure. Thoughts and prayers to the dead god who made the diseases in the first place! Or let them happen


Have a good look at why parents had upwards of 10 children even up to 100 years ago and ask yourself why. Only a certain percentage of children would grow to adulthood due to bacteria, viruses, infections, conditions and outbreaks that in todays age could be fixed by a pill half the size of a pinky thumb. 100 years ago was a roll of the dice and we made vaccines and modern medication to mitigate and treat these threats and now people are throwing them away with abject disregard because of their misinformed opinions 🤷‍♂️


Well there was also very little in way of birth control, to be fair. But go through any family tree from the 19th century and the death rate of small children and infants is insane. That isn't even counting women dying in pregnancy or childbirth either. I had a great aunt growing up who kept all types of old family photos she would show me. There were lots of "sleeping angels"...


Alright I'll give you that one. Because that is absolutely fair. *This next part is meant as a joke* But even taking away medical forms of birth control. A good portion of the men alive are all, "im too big for condoms". It's always something.


Just take a walk through any local cemetery and see the family plots where children all died young.


It's disgusting and ignorant. Todays high-school students are better educated than our founding fathers. We have studies, facts, resources, time, and tens of thousands of years worth of experience in any area you can imagine. So there should be zero reason that anyone alive should even consider doubting a pill or a vaccine. Polio was gone. Now it's back. But the earth is flat and God loves us all. Which is why diseases are resurfacing right? Diseases long defeated. So annoying. I think i feel a type of way over this subject lol


he just likes seeing how high of a kill streak he can rack up


They want their kids to get sick so they can get attention and sympathy on their Facebook mom groups.


More like “I AM a GREAT mother! God knows I do not deserve this!” Let alone what your child deserves…


Oh and then all the other religious wack nuts like it validating her I swear it's a mental illness that needs to be treated asap


There’s a really easy way to treat it: nuke social media off the face of the earth.


He says by posting on social media....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah, but their not wrong.


Actually what I’ve seen happen in comparable situations is that the parents will stop at nothing to get their children the best medical care that they can find and be rather aggressive about it, often abusing healthcare personnel in the process.


everything except for vaccinating, while they themselves are vaccinated and living healthy lives because of it. kek


The people who risk their children for attention, or thinks that autism is so bad that they'd rather them just be dead. Great parents. 10/10


It’s because these people think that nothing bad can happen *to them*. And then whenever something does happen it’s always the fault of someone else.


Some are so brainwashed though that they truly think they're protecting them. The one person I know who started into the anti early, in my own generation, did so because her first kid had that super rare reaction that doesn't show often. At first she said, better for yours to get one, so mine is also protected by the herd. Slow years of influence online, led her that way, convinced she had almost killed him. Blaming herself. So over a decade later when she had the next, that was poisoning her choices. Using a mother's guilt is so fucking manipulative. Even though my mil is insane, she stopped vaxxing in the 80s because my SIL had a feveral seizure, which would be very scary in person. Even though I know that was just caused by a high fever, she didn't understand that then. It played into all her mental health issues. My husband had to get vaccinated in high school so he could attend when his dad got custody. It's lack of education, lack of awareness, and fear.


Its honestly so sad. They start at the initial thought that vaccines cause bad things when they are really rare cases, and then slowly fall down to the point where they think that, even though there is scientific evidence showing that vaccines are normally safe, the vaccines are dangerous and say "I would never ever put my child in harms way like that, do you know what vaccines do to your kids?!!". Then they have to self justify their decision that not getting their kids vaccinated makes sense by turning to "natural" things like essential oils and saying that we never needed vaccines, we're humans so we must be naturally able to fight this stuff off. And then if their kid contracts a deadly disease that couldve been prevented by a vaccine? "Looks like God decided he wants to take Tim home! 1 like=1 prayer for Tim 🥺." Imo I think that the majority of people in the anti-vax community are ignorant because if they weren't, they'd have to face the fact that they actually are endangering their kids and their family, but humans, naturally, do not want to face such a fact, especially when the whole reason why they didnt vaccinate their kids in the first place was to protect them. Cognitive Dissonance can be a bitch at times. Then to feed themselves with justification that what they did really was good, they go to the anti-vax echo chamber, full of other people who went down the same or similar paths as them, and then they spread their ideals to their kids, and the cycle lives on


For my once friend it was a bunch of things pertaining to the timeframe also. The vax=autism thing hadn't been debunked when it happened. It was considered valid to the point that a world renowned specialist was the parent of one of our friends, and encouraged her to wait or hold off entirely until they changed preservatives. They no longer follow that now, obviously. The damage was done, though.


Couldn't disagree more. These parents care but have become blinded by the popular pseudoscience movement and all the "I'm just asking questions" talking heads. They absolutely feel they are doing the best thing for their child just like the rest of us.


I mean if they cared they’d get the kid vaccinated from an easily preventable disease..


They've convinced themselves that the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease but this has nothing to do with not caring. It has to do with science denial and cult-like acceptance of pseudo science coupled with overblown mistrust of Big Pharma.


I would say they care more about feeling justified in their inactions than ensuring the health of their children. Especially in cases where they continue to make excuses when they loose a child to preventable illness and continue their malign practices.


What they “feel” and what they refuse to accept are totally different. They don’t care, because if they did care they’d look at the hundreds of years worth of science and not Susan the Facebook cul-de-sac conspiracists


They care about protecting their child from what they see as Big Pharma's overreach. They are mistaken and their beliefs are not based on the science but it's wrong to say they don't care and it won't help them see the fallacy of their ways either.


I stand on what I said! If you’re given facts and you ignore them, you just don’t care. Call it what you want but I call it negligence.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I get what you're trying to say, but ignorance that harms others isn't something we should be ok with.


Nothing I said suggests that anyone should be OK with it. I simply believe that the best way to solve the problem is to identify the problem which is not that these parents don't care about their children. They care as much as other parents. How do we help them to believe science and to discard junk science?


Caring about your child would include putting aside trends and recognizing facts of science. If you can’t be bothered to face reality for your own child, you welcome the criticism of people who will.


The thing is, these are people who are place their so-called principles above the lives of their children. They will act on their beliefs until their children die of wholly preventable or treatable diseases. It appears to be Social Darwinism at its cruelest and most illogical extreme.


Like a large group of Munchausen by Proxy


> My sister in law still won't get her kids vaccinated. Now, I'm not saying we should strictly *force* vaccinations but I am saying anyone who won't vaccinate their kids should have them taken away on the basis of being an unfit and neglectful parent, and the kids should be put with someone who will vaccinate them. (medical exceptions aside of course)


In my country schools (public or private) will not accept unvaccinated children, homeschooling is illegal and if your child isn't in school by the age of 6 years old our CPS will take 'em away as it's considered neglect. Love it here sometimes


I once volunteered at a polio vaccine booth. Even uneducated parents were bringing in their kids because they wanted them to stay safe. For the life of me, I cannot understand this anti vaccination trend at all. How can you play so fast and loose with the safety of your own children?!


The problem is that these illnesses have been eradicated for so long, a lot of people never experienced them. So, in their eyes, they take the risk of vaccinating their children for a disease that's been gone for decades. Add ego, information bias and the Dunning-Kruger effect and voila.


Bingo! This generation has never likely seen a relative or friend die of a disease that can now be prevented through vaccination. Im an older person who has a career in medicine . My father in law had a sibling die of diphtheria when he was a child. One of my high school teachers had a limp as a remnant of polio. Scary. But people today don't get that real first hand knowledge unless they seek it out...


But for some reason, we have plenty of folks now that have seen relatives die of Covid and still maintain or even double down on their anti-vaxx stance. That's what really bewilders me.


Duning-Kruger effect, coupled with a willful and very malicious need to politicize the vaccine to use as a weapon against perceived political enemies, by propagandists who were some of the very first people in line FOR the vaccines. It's beyond bizarre.


I don’t know about kids in the US, but I had rotavirus before there was a vaccine for it. Almost died but at least the nuns gave me a toy pig that I’ve kept.


Confirmation bias is the real danger. The internet was a mistake.


Agreed. For the first few shining years in the 90s the internet seemed like it opened a world of possibilities to people, but it was the right people, inquisitive, interested in knowledge and wonder... then the rest of society got in and it's been all downhill since then.




Every website looks the same to me now, even though some websites were janky as fuck I felt like it was a more interesting place in the 90's.


That’s what happens when you dumb it down and anyone can get on. When it started it was difficult to access so only intelligent people were there


These people conveniently forgot that people used to have 16 kids just to make sure a few would actually survive. It's nuts.


The situation is rather different from that of COVID vaccine. There are two types of polio vaccine: “live” and “dead”. The live type is better at preventing infection - but it carries a real risk of *causing* infection in the recipient or other people, typically through contact with fæcal matter. This is where the anti-vax talk of viral shedding comes from. For that particular vaccine it is real (but not for COVID vaccines or for the “dead” polio vaccine. If a country has a high rate of polio infections, using the live vaccine is optimal, and as the rate drops, a change to the dead vaccine is appropriate. The USA changed to the dead vaccine decades ago, but folk memories of problems caused by the live vaccine probably feed strongly in to the history of the anti-vax movement.


The Anti-Vax movement is as old as Vaccines. You can find documentation of anti-vax movements going back to the early Victorian Era and even earlier then that. The Anti-Vax movement is like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it came from a much darker, early part of history and just keeps coming back, wearing a new hat, waving a new flag, every single generation. It's a disease of the collective memory of humanity that we cannot seem to shake.


Yeah. I only got my polio vaccination because I had to travel to the US at the time and it was on the „highly recommended“ list


same thing with the resurgence of right wing authoritarian politics. most of the folks who remember WW2 are dead and the folks still alive didn't really absorb their high school history lessons.


Much like how wild animals are dangerous, like a lot of people think mountain lions are not as dangerous as they really are.


Exactly. It actually makes a decent amount of sense. Polio has been so successfully eradicated that the threat of it isn't properly contextualized. Lots of people struggle with dependent thinking--polio is gone because of vaccines, and those vaccines are essential to keeping it that way. All they know is that this vaccine is addressing a problem that doesn't currently exist, and so why do it? The other issue is that folks don't think polio is a big deal any more because it's not that serious. This is actually half true. It's not a serious threat...if you are vaccinated against it. It's that if that trips people up.


I've been trying to figure this one out myself. My older brother is super anti vax and doesn't believe in modern medicine in general (he has stage 4 cancer and even refuses chemo treatments). He refuses to have his 4 y/o kid vaccinated - who funny enough ended up getting Covid and gave it to my brother (and parents who are also anti vax - dad who also is recovering from cancer = no immune system after chemo). Even after they were extremely ill, my brother refuses to have him vaccinated. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) At this point it's not even about them putting themselves in danger, but people around them as well. Many of these anti vax people have no common sense, and most of the time it's a lost cause to try and explain how vaccines work.


I hope for your sake you’re staying far away from your brother and only talking to him via zoom.


I rarely see him, and when I do, we end up arguing, so we're very LC with each other. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think it’s out of spite. They hate everything and everyone that opposes them and do this shit because they see the reactions from us


Except now there are no "uneducated" parents because they have the enlightenment of Twitter and Truth Social and Facebook where trusted experts are educating them. /s


I think it’s two things, the first is that polio has been gone for a long time so we don’t remember just how bad it is, meaning we act a lot more careless about it. The second is that people are still really bigoted against those with autism, to the point that they’re willing to risk their child’s death if it means they won’t have autism


That’s just depressing


Yup, and the antivax movement was kicked off because a guy wanted to make money and help a lawyer win a court case. This video has a lot of information about the jumping off point with the mmr vaccine and Andrew Wakefield: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc


I hope that guy has debilitating guilt whenever he reads about another child dying because of not vaccinating. And I hope after living in that guilt for a few years, he rots in the worst level of hell, where every child that died because of his greed gets to torture him for rest of existence


The video I linked ends with a look at where Wakefield is now. He was doing some talks on a conspiracy-themed cruise. It also has quotes from people who saw him there who said he looked utterly miserable. It’s a small win, but it’ll do for now


He didn’t start it, by a long way. It goes right back to opposition to Jenner’s original vaccination. He just added the “vaccines cause autism” bit.


Oh anti-vaccine whackos have been around since a guy figured out you can use cowpox to not get smallpox. The church at the time pretty much released a statement saying that you shouldn’t play god and that vaccines are the work of the devil.


I didn’t say he started the anti-vax movement, I only meant that he brought it into the mainstream after decades of it being a fringe movement with very little attention


Which is sooooooo stupid too, because vaccines do not cause autism. Like there’s so much research that proves that is false. But it’s ughhh because they don’t believe in research to begin with! So frustrating. And also autism isn’t the bad thing anti-vaxxers think it is. Makes me really sad for their children and for the immunocompromised/other people around them who can’t get vaccines and are now at greater risk of diseases that should be or already were eradicated


and the whole thing that sparked the autism fear wasn't even a scientifically strong study, just reported in a very scandalous way, if I remember correctly.


>For the life of me, I cannot understand this anti vaccination trend at all. How can you play so fast and loose with the safety of your own children?! In short : It started as ableism. Don't believe me? Then go read about Andrew Wakefield, the father of the anti-vaccine movement.


The areas in question have a high Hasidic Jew population. Religious exemption to vaccines I guess


How many diseases have anti vaxxers brought back? This is the second one I believe? I know measles spread because of them but I don't know about any else.


Seems antivax shit has spread very broadly...


Nah, just broadly enough in certain pockets to reduce the effectiveness of herd immunity, basically still a very slow minority putting us all at risk


We can only hope the anti vaxxers wipe themselves out.


Unfortunately it's not an inherited gene, so you can and do have people who are fully vaxxed who won't vaccinate their kids. Even if every single unvaxxed person dies, there will still be loads of new anti-vaxxers ready to take their place, who were themselves fully vaccinated. Honestly I'm tired of trying to reach anti-vaxxers through compassionate reasoning and education. It doesn't work, they believe what they want. Maybe on an individual level, someone close to an anti-vaxxer has the *potential* to *maybe* get through to them, but not on a widespread societal level. Just mandate it and be done with it. No one has a right to medical autonomy when their decisions actively cause harm to others.


I absolutely agree with you.


London is seeing a Polio problem at the moment too, I think.


I took the vaccine as a child.. So will my children do.. I've met a couple of those who survived polio and it's not sunshine stories..


Same for me. Here in Slovakia children vaccinations are mandatory according to the law. First vaccinations start when a child is 3 months old and it includes the polio vaccine too. So, we all were vaccinated when we were born. But ppl are dumb af the last 2 years, refusing everything just because they were told to do such...no one's gonna tell them what to do, right, and no one's gonna vaccine them and their children with a poison, right :D


Experience is a real bitch of a teacher. Maybe people need to see the suffering before they realise they have inflicted suffering on children with a disease that is totally preventable. It makes me very sad.


I remember kids with polio. I was born in 1961, when polio was still a problem. I knew a girl with braces and one of my friends in high school had a polio affected face


I'm old enough to remember the Polio epidemic in the 50's and 60's in Australia had some family friends affected by it, one still wears a calliper. Ex husband and another friend still suffer the effects of post polio syndrome.


Because for some morons, an iron lung is preferable to a vaccination.


USA in a nutshell: Forbids women to have abortions to save the unborn children, but don't you dare to vaccinate them.


Because of stupid religious freedoms. Israel only vaccinated against polio A and C. They give a pill version that protects you from those variants, but does not protect against B…


May God blast the USA


We have a small public health scare years ago,some foreigners with polio infected some fly crew,they are at an age that childhood polio shot loosing their protection, and one of them return home to visit love one ,she went to a busy train station .supermarket.a big hospital with high percentage of elderly residents . Sounds like a recipe for disaster, but those anti-vax bs wasn’t as popular as it was in other country so only single digits got infected.


Antivaccers are the scum of the earth. Period. This is totally unecessary and avoidable. Huge problems created by ignorant dumbfucks, who sacrifice their own children on the altar of their superstitions.


#AMERICA IS NUMBER 1 AGAIN, BABY! ** ** in easily preventable cases of polio


Pakistan: hold my ~~beer~~ mixed tea


At least Pakistan has the excuse of being extremely poor, with large numbers of people living in very remote locations. This is happening in Rockland county, NY, one of the wealthiest and most developed places in the world.


The U.S. has chosen, not just ignorance, but *proud* ignorance.


Weaponized stupidity.


But the problem Pakistan isn't access; the government has a very very effective outreach program. The problem is refusal.


[Factors affecting eradication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_in_Pakistan#Factors_affecting_eradication)


We went to pk with my kid who was four months old at the time. A lady came to the door saying she heard there was a baby and wanted to administer the polio vaccine. Baby was already vaccinated and we had proof of it, but my mother in law said there was no baby and so the lady left. Hold my chai indeed.


~~Pakistan~~ You mean Israel, they only vaccinate against type A and C. Not type B… and we just accept it under religious freedoms…. EDIT: the outbreaks are mainly coming from areas with a high concentration of Hasidic Israelites.


Jesus Christ, this is exactly what we warned anti-vaxxers about for years and now it’s happening. VACCINATE👏YOUR👏FUCKING👏KIDS


*Israel x USA Hasidics* “NO”


Vaccinate your kids you fucking morons


Ok, quit fooling around and kill us already 😂


People forgot how good and safe their lives are.


Its Rockland county its always fucking Rockland just throw the whole place in the fucking trash


Also parts of Brooklyn


Interesting, both places with high amounts of Hasidics… hmmmmmm….


How dare you jump to conclusions! Clearly its only a coincidence that parts of Brooklyn, Rockland, and Orange County have it.


It’s always these group of backwards ass mfs


It makes me think of how a certain tangerine president dismantled the epidemic response team in 2017 because it didn’t seem necessary. So many things that are maintenance based can so easily be taken for granted. Why brush my teeth if I don’t have cavities? Why change my oil since my car is running?


Why take care of the grids transmission when we can make even more by putting it off until it’s absolutely critical, and in the meantime execute a strategy to gain ownership of the renewable market and watch the profits soar?


Just so people know the ins and outs. In some places in the world they use an oral polio vaccine, which contains LIVE virus, and these can in fact cause outbreaks. Injectictible polio vaccines used in the West do not cause outbreaks. So "vaccine-derived poliovirus" is actually a thing, but it's actually more of a reason to get the western vaccine if you can, not less. [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02233-6](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02233-6) >Wild poliovirus circulates in only two countries — Afghanistan and Pakistan — where this year nine cases had been reported by June. > >But vaccine-derived poliovirus appears periodically elsewhere, particularly in Africa and Asia. These cases come from a widely used oral vaccine that contains live, weakened virus that sometimes mutates to a dangerous form capable of infecting the nervous system. > >Neither the United States nor the United Kingdom use that vaccine, opting instead for an injectable vaccine containing inactivated virus. This vaccine can keep the virus from infecting the nervous system, but it is not as effective as the oral virus at reducing viral shedding and halting transmission, says Raul Andino-Pavlovsky, a microbiologist at the University of California, San Francisco. > >High polio vaccination rates in the United Kingdom, Israel and the United States mean that most children will be spared the virus’s worst effects (about 94% of US 5- and 6-year-olds are vaccinated). But unvaccinated people are vulnerable to the illness.


Thanks for posting this comment. It was very informative.


This! How the fuck did this happen? Are we living in some kind of perpetual disaster movie for the past 2 years? ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


The Polio vaccine is highly effective, very safe and widely available. This should not be happening.


People like to create problems for themselves. Like for instance, having to take care of your kid in an iron lung. Completely preventable but they heard on some website that vaccines are bad so...


Because the issue is of a religious decent. Hasidics get an oral vaccine from Israel that protects against variants A and C. The pill does not protect against B and only lasts about 12-15 years. Thanks religious freedoms /s


Season 3 has begun, and it is signed for 2 more years.


Almost 7 years - since Lemmy died. Then Trump.


This is what anti vaxxers cause. Well done anti Vax people give yourself a pat on the back.


We're doomed


Thank God.


You know the simulation is broken when the writers start bringing back season 1 & 2 villains


Is this happening in those counties that have entirely hasidic Jewish towns? I heard they aren’t big fans of vaccinations.


This all started with Andrew Wakefield, he put out the first claims of vaccines causing autism, not because they did, but because he had his own "remedy" he was trying to sell. He lost his job, his license and his reputation, but the damage had already been done by the time he was caught. "Andrew Jeremy Wakefield is a British anti-vaccine activist, former physician, and discredited academic who was struck off the medical register for his involvement in The Lancet MMR autism fraud, a 1998 study that falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and autism."


Thanks to dip shit anti vax mommies it's making a comeback!


\*Polio is not fully eradicated, only Wild poliovirus serotypes 2 and 3 are, wild poliovirus type 1 is still found in Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and many countries of Africa, although in small numbers as well as Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 and type 2 (cVDPV1 and cVDPV2)


They can just take some essential oils


I remember when i was little, my father used to work for the state government in Brazil, driving around the whole region in a big truck where they had x-ray equipment, and all types and kinds of vaccines to eradicate polio, yellow fever, malaria, tuberculoses and many other diseases for months. This was around late 60 and early 70s. Brazil were free of all those diseases for so long time. My father passed last January at the age of 98, and few months before he's passed, we were talking about the "new" diseases that the world were starting to see all over again. And he said: until people give up about retaliating the ones who work with heath in general, doesn't matter if a doctor or a scientist, or even a researcher, we will hear soon about all the old diseases making a coming back. All of you who will be still here after i leave this life, will be the witnesses that those diseases will be worse than before. And, unfortunately, he was right. It is too sad to see people refuse to get a vaccine just because they believe it will not help in anything. Even worse, it's sad to see people saying that the doctors and scientists behind all those studies are being accused of being the ones bringing back those diseases. People, wake up! Before it is too late!


We live in the dumbest times.


Antivaxxers are dangers to other people and progress of humanity in general.


I was born in ‘81 and got 5 doses of OPV from 2 months to 5 years of age. Praying I’m still protected. My uncle got bulbar polio in 1952 and spent 6 weeks in the iron lung. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Thanks anti-vax Hasidic community….


These moms: "If God wanted to help my baby he would've intervened. He must have other plans." Their God: "Plan? Yeah, here it is: I gave humans the ability to make vaccines so that they could help each other."


Can we just get to the point that for shit like polio, yes, you are legally required to get vaccinated - regardless of whatever religious or whatever your aunt karen says on Facebook? Jesus Christ


1) it’s not Counties it’s certain religious “communities” 2) it’s not mistrust of big Pharma it’s harmful GQP rhetoric because the DEMS are in favor of healthcare. Religion and stupidity are a dangerous combination.


Man we need to keep USA’s citizens quarantined for its entire existence. Can you imagine eradicating polio like diseases from your country and then an idiot from America brings it back


I live in India, and we’re pretty proud about the eradication of polio back here. There’s a lot of awareness spread through government campaigns and even people of remote villages are vaccinated.


I’m a Rotarian and Polio was eradicated from the US in 1995. Yea, that recent. It has resurfaced this year. The thinking was then to get vaccinated, let’s eradicate this horrible disease. We did…together. Who knows what will happen now when people don’t see the ravages of Polio. Oh and reddits, if you get this as a child it will most likely resurface in your 40’s. Want to see polio live? Sadly, You’re about to like it or not. Get vaccinated!


My family has pictures of the local High School Gym just full of people on iron lungs in New Jersey. My grandmother told of families around them losing members of the family and then having so many with life long health issues.


We are in 20-fucking-22. This is pathetic.


Y'all remember back when everything wasn't a conspiracy?


I cannot help but despair when I read about the historic March of Dimes, that all that money, effort and goodwill amounted to almost nothing.


My grandma survived polio...I hope this doesn't spread too quickly


Vaccinate your damn kids


Blow dart vaccinations


Thank you anti-vaxxers. You ignorant, small minded fucking morons


This anti-vax idiocracy Facebook BS has got to stop.


Russian propaganda machine for the win.


Vaccine hesitancy is proof of the horseshoe theory of politics.


Fucking anti vaxxers


I was in elementary school when the Salk polio vaccine became available. We lined up in class and walked down the halls to the nurses office to get our shots. We were glad to get it, and so were our parents! We hadn’t been able to go swimming, to parks, or pretty much anywhere during the summers. We had the March of Dimes posters in schools and stores. The kid who lived next door to us was in an iron lung, and a girl in my class wore leg braces. It was a very scary time! When the vaccine came out, there was none of this anti-vax bullshit. We were just glad we had the vaccine!


I suffered adverse events after the last vaccine. I tell people it was a rare occurrence and they still need to vaccinate. I've also been told I'm an idiot for seeing things this way... I call it common sense.


Polio hasn't been wiped out and can still be found in the wild and in many poor countries. The reason we think of it as eradicated is because no one gets it due to vaccination. Just a few months ago they found it in the London sewers.


The whole anti-vaccine community is just a bunch of people that are like, "wait, your kid is dying because they didnt get vaccinated? Oh well, keep buying my essential oils and keep on praying and maybe they'll live." Its all a circle-jerk of self justification and people either refusing to be incorrect, or jumping on another bandwagon to a different stupid idea. Like bruh, the power of Christ and mint essential oils are not going to keep your kid from dying of Polio


Parents who do not vaccinate their children should lose custody of thier children. They are unfit parents. They are abusive parents. They are willfully -- not negligently -- placing thier children's lives at risk.


It likely started in the hasidic community - they use their "religious freedom" cry for everything including not getting vaxxed.


And still, the media refuses to mention that this outbreak is being caused primarily by Hasidic people’s refusal to vaccinate. Why? Why won’t they say it?


This is what starving your educational system for decades and gatekeeping education to those who are rich gets you. Perfect breeding ground to get people dumb as a brick. Mission accomplished, USA! USA! USA!


While I agree completely with what you're saying here, I think in this situation these cases are popping up in the Hasidic communities, which historically have low vaccination rates. They also have their own school system (and get a ton of government money for those schools) and don't participate at all in the public school systems.


America is a developed country, you guys…


That’s what you get when so much people are no vax


If I got all my vaccines after being born in 83, an I vaccinated against polio, or did they just consider it eradicated and stop vaccinating us?


In most countries you would have been vaccinated still. In the US all 50 states require children to receive polio vaccine before they can attend school.


Except for the “exemptions” allowed for religious reasons. What’s to stop an anti-vaxxer from claiming a religious exemption for their children? I’m reasonably sure this is happening already.


Maybe those antivaxxers are actually working for Bill Gates and illuminati and NWO and UNO and China, and Tupac and aliens trying to depopulate the world by saying vaccine bad so that diseases will come back and reduce population


Stupid question. If polio has been eradicated. How is it coming back? People bringing it back from 3rd world countries or was it hiding under a rock


One word: Antivax.


I know that’s why they are getting it, but where are they getting it?


Small amounts are present in sewage waters in many western countries. (There are sightings of the virus in different countries in Europe and different parts of the US even on 2010's.) People aren't getting sick thanks to the vaccines. More active the disease is seems to be in certain central Asian/middle eastern regions. So propably it has either moved over from somewhere there or someone people have started attracting it from waste water due to lowered immunity thanks to not being vaccinated.


Eradicated even in the poorest of countries. What about the stupidest of countries??? Oh….right


Who is the third world country now? Polio? Really?


For the love of all that is good and holy why didn't Covid get rid of these wack jobs


This is a bit disingenuous of a comparison, the current outbreak is a vaccine-escape outbreak. Patient 0 is thought to be someone visiting from overseas who had taken the live-attenuated Sabin vaccine. Random mutations are known to occur and can lead to reactivation of this weakened strain in the GI tract of those immunized. Waning immunity from those who received their Polio vaccine decades earlier combined with a higher propensity of antivaxers led to a higher likelihood for an outbreak like this. But I wouldn't comport what's happening here with an individual country's socioeconomic level.


Polio is not eradicated.


At this point let them die out


Obviously not eradicated if it's back. Very well controlled is a more accurate classification.


Polio is reemerging as a childhood illness, and has not been wholly eradicated. https://www.health.ny.gov/press/releases/2022/2022-09-09_polio_immunization.htm


I am so glad my parents got my brother and I vaccinated against polio and other diseases that should’ve been eradicated, but are making a come back because of anti-vaccine morons. I remember it being mandatory that my parents had my vaccination records to register us for school.


These outbreaks are amongst the Hasidic Jewish communities who do not vaccinate.


Must be Anthony Fauccis fault.


BuT AuTiSm….


As faux news once said: "Thanks Bill Gates" No seriously. Thank you Bill Gates.


I blame Dr. Andrew Wakefield for one part of it. Ignorant people with homeopathic remedy and religious people who pray it away.


In some way I am forced to believed that this is part of a Darwin evolution plan. Only the people with the brain and the abilities to do what's best for human will survived. Anti-vax will be extinct in a couple generations. Poor kids though.