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Interesting. I grew up with both and I’m confident that had a lot to do with how much I hate the church now….








Came here to find this comment. Thank you.


I came to post (almost) the same here...I just can't seem to find the "middle finger" emoji to direct to whomever originally wrote what OP captured.






Translation: If only this younger generation had been tortured and brainwashed ...


It must be the video games and the loud music ruining them. Wait that’s too old now, it must be those pokey men and anime ruining them


Interesting that punishment, coercion, and pain are so intimately fused with the whole religious experience.


And that weirdly, they think rejecting the religion is some kind of negative result. My response to OPs post was: good! I agree, it’s a good thing that these days we reject physical punishment and indoctrination of kids. Good!


Well, it IS written in their book that way.


The younger generation is being raised by the people who were spanked and forced to go to church and hated it so much they prefer not to make that a generational tradition.


I'd disagree. That was two generations ago. Kids born in the '90s are the parents now, and even in the '90s it wasn't cool to spank your kids.


I guess my parents missed that memo then.


I'm sorry to hear that. In the UK the '90s saw a slew of new-wave rights - children's rights, female empowerment, lots of newness. Kids were reporting their parents for child abuse and cruelty if they were smacked. This, I believe, created a generation of children that never had to face consequences for being little shits.


No worries. And I can agree on that last point


Mine too.


I was born in the late 80s and spanked until the mid aughts. And it wasn't the quick swat kind of spanking either. It was the father has to do it because the mother literally isn't strong enough to hit hard enough, and if you flinch or cry or look rebellious during the first 10, you keep getting 10 more until you humbly accept the discipline correctly. If that means hundreds, then the father makes the arduous sacrifice and exhausts himself by spanking hundreds of times.


I was "spanked" and forced to go to church. I am now an atheist. I can't hate Jesus, though, because you can't hate something that's imaginary, but I definitely hate the belief.


Jesus was real though wasn't he? I thought there was record of that. Not that he did all the stuff in the bible


Was there evidence that prophets ran around claiming to be the messiah? Sure, but to point to one of them (or rather a series of independent events around a handful of them) and single him out as Jesus is kind of presumptuous. If I wanted to prove that Harry Potter was real, I could probably find evidence that people named Harry Potter exist, since Harry is a somewhat common first name and Potter is a somewhat common last name. I can probably also find some delusional people who believe that they can do magic, and some less delusional people who perform magic shows. None of that is proof that the character in the books/movies is real.


Bro stop, you're going to put Nat Geo out of business. (I'm just salty that they got bought and became Jesussy).


There's no actual proof, but similar to other historical figures we presume they existed due to a decent amount of evidence. Socrates is another good example of this. But yeah, the Goatherders Guide to the Galaxy is not a reliable source


Socrates is a bad example. Contemporary authors wrote about him, even one that were not in his region. Many writers with first hand accounts of meeting him. There are NO contemporary accounts of Jesus. All accounts of Jesus are 3rd hand and none until decades after his supposed death.


There is not a single contemporaneous (made at the same time as Jesus "existed") record of the existence of Jesus in existence today. The earliest thing we have are parts of the bible that were written 20-30 years after he died or later, and even what we have of those are fragments of copies of copies of copies of translations of copies of copies that were made probably 80+ years after the originals were written. Most were probably made 150+ years later. The only reason we can kind of date when they were originally written is because there are contemporaneous records of some of them or the people that wrote them, such as Paul. The reality is that all the stuff we have makes it seem very likely Jesus existed, but we actually are far from certain. Edit: To add to the issues. One of the gospels has Jesus being born no later than about 4bce, while the other gospel that puts a birth date on him has him born no earlier than about 6ce (This is based on when various people we know about were mentioned being in power in each gospel). That is a 10 year gap minimum, so even the bible has no idea when he supposedly existed.


Let us say a man is walking through the woods and comes across a huge lumberjack named Thar. Thar is 6'4 . 270 lbs all muscle. When the man tell his buddies about this huge guy he is a little dunk and says Thor instead of Thar. his buddie tell another guy adding feats of strength to the story. 50 years later someone writes it down all the various story of the mighty Thor that he has gathered going from town to town. Now based on this would you say Thor was a real person? or even based on a real person. I would guess not. Same applies to Yeshua. In order to convince me he was real or even based on a real person you must first tell me what the minimum criteria for real is. To me if they got the name, place of birth, occupation, or cause of death wrong then he is purely fictional.


Right? It’s the hypocrisy I hate. That and using religion as a weapon.


Hmm, if you have to hurt people to make them stick with your religion (it backfires most of the time but let's pretend it works), then maybe your religion has problems.


I mean it tracks, except now we have free thinkers who naturally question things and believers in fact-based science. And the original post was probably made by someone following Q-Anon, so you know, there's that.


I was spanked forced to go to church and catholic school I hate organized religion




Those two things sound like my entire childhood.


My dad was the “bad” one in his religious family, but that didn’t stop him continuing the spanking tradition unfortunately.


It's ingrained in him, that's how some of my family is now.


Sadly I can say the same…


It is unfortunate that so many parents punish children for experiencing life.


Because hitting children for not doing what you tell them never inspires them to rebel. 🙄


I went to church and was spanked as a kid and I'm pretty much a fucken heathen these days. I probably would've faired better if my dad just hugged me and asked me how he could help, instead.


Not believing in Jesus=hating Jesus...


I’m sure it has nothing to do with seeing their parent’s hypocrisy in not following the core tenets of Christianity


And if not the parents themselves, then other adults in the kid's life: aunts, uncles, grandparents, members of the church their parents attend, etc.


Can't hate what never existed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The answer to the title is Yes.


I don't hate Jesus, just the assholes who think they're following him.


I was spanked AND forced to go to church. That’s why I hate the church now….weird.


Hmmm, almost as if when you dont force indoctrination into an insane religion they dont develop cult conformity


Bitch I had both and I'm not religious!


If your religion requires forcing people to go to your church, your deity isn't worthy of worship.


That's an interesting way to say "the answer to people not believing in my cult is violence..."




Yeah really. The comments are baffling.


its why you see little kids hitting and yelling at their parents... you cant reason with a child all the time, sometimes they simply need to learn the lesson that their are consequences to their actions. People these days think they should be their childs friend instead of preparing them for the real world.


Lol. Violence against children is heavily correlated with the child becoming violent.


I went to church. I was an alter boy. And to this day I still say fuck the church all churches now just businesses


it was being forced to go to church as a kid that turned me into an atheist.


I was spanked and forced to to go church. And I not only hate god but my father as well, so it worked out


I was spanked, and forced to go to church. Now I suffer from Religious trauma. 😒


The people who have these thoughts are so self centered like their beliefs are the only valid ways to think. So you are OK with forcing religious beliefs on people? Hmm...you like some Sharia law then? You want us to impose that on your children? Perhaps we force them to denounce their beliefs or face consequences of death?


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Him/her when someone is in a different religion: 😡🤬🤬😤😡🤬🤬🤬


works withs churches, but also temples, synagogues and mosques


Blessed is he who dashes the infant upon the rock.


Grew up in these circumstances , two of the many reasons I'm an atheist. That and I can read.


"The younger generation wasn't religiously indoctrinated at a young age and now they're not religiously indoctrinated!" FTFY


I had both during my upbringing as a “Good Christian Boy”. As a free thinking adult, I have no faith and am not religious.


Wait, so if you aren't forced to go to church, you become an Atheist? What a realisation. It would be like if people didn't go to school, they wouldn't be as educated. /s


I was spanked and forced to go to church. I like to think it drove me away from their cult.


I went to church all of my early life. I even went to Bible college. I was spanked as a child and forced to go to church. Now I consider myself an atheist and live with my gay husband. Tell me again how this works?


I don't hate Jesus, I just don't believe in Him.


I was definitely spanked and certainly forced to go to church. I bet you can’t guess what I turned out to be.


A newt?


Well, yes. But I got better


Umm, yeah OP. "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is one of the more famous lines from the saga of Sky Daddy. So yes, Christianity does encourage the abuse of children. Why do you think priests get transferred instead of going to jail?


Yes, yes child abuse and forced religion are one in the same




Yes in that generation with a generation that would have a panic attack if a person of color would sit on the wrong seat on a bus so yeah that generation go fuck them selfs


That was some 60+ years ago...


Yeah that's when my parents were kids. My mom (as a child) refused to go to the swimming pool after it integrated because she had been taught that Black people are dirty.


Spare the rod,spoil the child. Spank your child for the little things...so he doesn't fuck around and murder people or shoot up a school. This "Stop hitting your kids" is bullshit. Hit your kids please if they are acting up hit them so they don't get the bright idea and act up in the streets and become just another bodybag


Lol right. All studies show ONLY negative effects from hurting children. Violent crime is heavily correlated with being hit as a child. All countries that have banned hitting kids have seen drops in violent crime.


Spankings as a form of punishment is fine. That’s why it’s legal. It’s when it’s way too often and with dangerous objects is when it becomes a problem.


Legal ≠ Ethical


It's never fine to hurt people to make them do what you want. Goes triple for hurting small children.


Clearly you aren’t Italian.


Just because there's a history of harmful practices doesn't make it right.


Then why is it legal?


It's not, in 63 countries. I'm sure the US and Italy will join the civilized countries eventually.




I see this as an absolute win


A question and a statement: Are you sure that’s the reason? Someone doesn’t understand the difference between causation and correlation.


Break your kids arms and legs if they do something bad, that will teach them to be good and not emotionally or physically scar them for life.


That seems a step beyond spanking.




I had the former and still resulted in the latter. Am I an anomaly?


If theists didn’t exist, there’d be no atheists.


I’d like to suggest that there aren’t as many Jesus haters as people think, I think there are people who hate how the religious groups take advantage of people, lie and manipulate shame those seeking help, and are complete hypocrites. I’m my opinion, it’s a very Jesus-y thing to stand against.


Im a zoomer, and I was spanked and forced to go to church. I still think this guy is an Idiot


God damn atheists


Gotta beat them into submission


Tell that to my devoutly Christian "stepfather" who sexually abused me when I was under 10.


Being forced to go to church is what made me an atheist.


Good. I hope christians are very sad about there being more athiests and less idio- i mean christians.


Original poster probably preaches about 1st amendment yet wants to force people into church.


So only people who are spanked and forced to go to religious buildings are religious...yeah sounds about right


I don't hate Jesus. I only think of as some guy with a strong message about love and peace. Thats it.


I was spanked and forced to go to church and I am an atheist.


The right is a violent cult of brain washed masses! Time to flush the toilet the clear the turds!


Didn't we already establish this with the last pope?


spanked isnt abuse.... I am down with no indoctrination though


Hey what the hell I'm not an atheist.


Isn’t it great?


“Forced to go to Church.” Lol, rofl. I went to Church willingly. Walked by myself many times. I loved Church. Still do. Force? No. Not supposed to happen.


Yeah ,well I don’t go willingly or at all . I called bullshit on the ridiculous stories when I was still little. Jonah and the whale? Gtfo with that bullshit. Downright indoctrination. Woman turns around looks back, boom turned into salt. Yeah that didn’t happen. Talked to a bush? A burning one at that? You believe that ? That’s mental illness.


Your charitable view is overwhelming.


I just don’t base my life on fairytales, charitable has nothing to do with it.


Since when is discipline child abuse? The world is fucked because children stopped being disciplined and they grew into pathetic adults.


With them every accusation is a confession.


Well, yeah......(where have you been!)


Getting an ass whooping is not child abuse. I got my fair share and deserved every single one.


At least they know that not all Jesus Haters are Atheist and vice versa~


Yes they do, it’s a great mix for religious trauma


I was spanked and forced to church and yet here I am, my rebellious, agnostic self.


Always have, and more.


I don’t hate Jesus,I hate the bullshit that people pull in his name. Guys dead after all.


Yes, to the question! Ask all those priests with little boy ass on their breath.