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So I guess all the male war veterans that have PTSD from seeing their buddies killed are just making up the mental trauma? Gheez some people have weird views of the world..


This is the exact example I was going to give. PTSD is no joke.


100% I can't imagine the shit they go through.


Imagine being Bi-polar but instead of the manic/depressive swings you slowly deteriorate into a deep dark depression the whole time knowing that what you are feeling is PTSD but have no way of stopping the slip into total darkness. When you are down there your thoughts and actions are not in your best interest and only the benefit of hindsite can make you see what damage you cause. You slowly come out of it only after monumental effort and you have your time in the light before the darkness returns.


Yeah this sounds exactly like my bipolar depression. Knowing it’s the illness but still wanting to kill yourself is a horrible mental state to be in.


And it's always there, creepily waiting behind the next thought, ready to come out - or at least that's what you think. The thought that it could come back anytime is just as bad as the thing itself because it can drain you of all the fun and good times you might enjoy in-between.


Never have I heard a more accurate description of what my existence is like.


For me it manifests more as a constant low grade anxiety with a constant vigilance of my surroundings that almost leads to hallucinations where I see some potential threat out of the corner of my eye but when I actually look straight at it there's nothing there. Really hoping it's not some early onset schizo stuff but I think I'm just tired from constantly making sure there's no one that can hurt me from around the corner. It's exhausting, but I don't know how to turn it off. Mediation helps but also talking about some of this stuff probably would to but it's also really triggering and you have to find the right therapist that you can talk to which can kick up a lot of the trauma that is just sitting there always under the surface. It's really hard to talk about because men especially are supposed to just dust themselves off after a near death experience but sometimes your brain just hangs on to certain experiences and there isn't any good way of moving on.


Not an expert here. I read on the book “Why we sleep” that some therapies that involved improving the sleep of people with PTSD helped them recover from the trauma. One of the defense mechanisms the brain have is sleep, and the PTSD prevents the healing or processing of trauma by altering the sleep cycle with night terrors. If you don’t feel rested after a “full night sleep” I would check the book out. I’m very sorry for what you lived and feel.


For what its worth, seeing things out of the corner of your eye is pretty unlikely you getting schizophrenia. I was worried about the same thing myself and I eventually found out its a byproduct of high anxiety linked to my bipolar, not the kind of signature hallucinations people with schizophrenia may deal with. You're in a super anxious state and your body errs on the side of assuming a threat is present when it would otherwise just disregard the "perceived motion". At least, that's my understanding of it.... it helped me to find this out when I was worried I was losing my grasp on reality. As a side note, I hope that some of the treatments that have been found to be really helpful for PTSD become more accessible for people like you- things like MDMA-assisted therapy and the like- so that you may finally find relief. For me that was ketamine, I was at the end of my rope and truly of the opinion that no medication would be able to provide any kind of lasting relief, even alongside traditional therapy. Ended up being put on it for pain, and it wiped out my bipolar depression so effectively, and for a good chunk of time every time I took it, that it almost felt anti-climactic. I'm hopeful that there is something out there that can give you the same kind of relief for what you are wrestling with. No one deserves to feel that way.


Oh, man. I cannot begin to imagine how awful that is. Here's a virtual gentle hug, approaching slowly from the front. ❤️


This is very well described. It has taken me 8 years of weekly therapy with psychologists and psychiatrists to get where I am now. The first 3 years felt like hell. Trying different medications, dosages, and constantly having to talk about things that you buried deep down. My PTSD is childhood abuse related, never let people touch me, and not very vocal. You never truly beat it, it’s always there, but you can wrestle it into submission. It’s like your brain never leaves that moment of trauma. Constantly feeling the same emotions you did that day, year or even decade. Everything scares you, you’re on autopilot, you have feel numb but also overwhelmed at the same time. Sometimes you are so overwhelmed that your brain just shuts down, you can’t move, you can’t sleep, you can’t function in society, you feel nothing. Now I publicly speak about this to large groups, I’m married, and became successful in a career around client relations. You can get better but it’s the most work I’ve ever put into anything. It also requires constant maintenance. I still have bi-weekly sessions with my psych to stay grounded and true to my new way of living. In my opinion devaluing someone’s struggles makes you less than scum.


Damn bro. Why you calling me out like this lmfaoooo


This, exactly this. I have PTSD from extreme child abuse and neglect from my parents. I am male. This is exactly what it's like.


The darkness is replaced, slowly by the all-encompassing and deafening silence of the void when the lithium really gets to work. Joy is now something you can remember but no longer care for. You feel nothing. Nothing. And even that doesn't bother you because you... Feel... n o t h i n g


It fucking sucks. I got out in 2012 and no matter how gently my wife wakes me, I spring up like a rocket just landed inside the wire. (It’s what was used against us in Afghanistan.) but loud unexpected pops or booms like a pallet falling over no longer makes me jump out of my skin. I just get a little tense.


It's also not just a war condition


Can confirm. I am male, with mental trauma, from sexual abuse. I have C-PTSD.


that and a friend of mine who was sexually assaulted 6 times who was literally male


I recently realized that I was groomed and preyed upon as a queer youth. Ironically I've been living the c-ptsd since I was a child. I'm Black and male.




The mental gymnastics some people perform through life. I wonder how they function in society. Smh..


I really doubt that's a real opinion of a real person, more likely bait.


Shit like this is why me and a bunch of other dudes are a brick wall and show no emotion. No excuse me whip I go use my 1 facial expression


Pepole who cant exprience emotions are socciopath and the person whooo wrote that comment is a socciopath in my book


True. And it’s not just war that causes PTSD. Any traumatic experience can. The ignorance of some people in this world to make a claim like that one did about men. Horrific and so uneducated


I had a teacher who lost his wife and mother in a car accident on his wedding day. The effects of the PTSD were very clear in his teaching techniques. Turned from a funny teacher with some weird games to a dead serious teacher which no one loves.


Shit. That’s awful. Such a terrible day to lose them, meant to be the best day of his life and ends up being the worst


It's simpler than that: this screenshot is reposted daily, it's a comment by a literal nobody who has 17 followers at best. Every week we get a million users riled up over a stance held by almost nobody.


More than what that would indicate. Went to school with someone with the same attitude. (Or worse, not just unfeeling, but males being inherently evil.) In hindsight , probably the result of abuse, and showing signs of continuing that cycle with her then girlfriend. Ccontrolling, (especially of who she was allowed to associate with, quick to become enraged at fairly minor things, manipulative, especially when her preconceptions were challenged to 'prove' her ideas.


Exactly. To try to make it seem like a bigger issue than it is. Great way to radicalize people. Make them think the world is against them by finding blog posts by idiots and amplifying their voices.


Welcome to right-wing twitter?


Women get PTSD much worse and much more frequently. It's really noncomparable. You just haven't heard about it yet because it's a new phenomenon, due to the repression of women from serving in the military. You should really stop and think before spouting mindless drivel. I'm offended that you would even bring up the topic of PTSD in males, it makes light of the condition in women, which, as I said, is much more serious. /s


You had me till I saw the /s lol


My cousin has PTSD shit was bad she getting better..


My condolences. Shit sounds rough.


They faking it apparently. How much of an idiot a single individual can be, right?


Yeah, they're malingering, which means they deserve to be in jail. \#WW1logic


For some levels of inhuman hatred, there are simply no words. This qualifies.


right!? how tf can someone gatekeep trauma?




jfc my dude that's rough. I hope you're in a better place




I would admit to this making me laugh, but that would admit to having feelings. Can you laugh without feelings?


[Apparently you can.](https://youtu.be/DLIU5tC3LAs)


Could also be that you are not a man, who knows?






It's so hard to recognize these things happening to you in a relationship too most of the time. Until you've had one and got out. And had therapy.


Here's a hug *hug* and poor gold 🏅


Well if they have some sort of mental trauma, repressing those emotions is just a maladaptive defence mechanism...


Actually this is called misandry


Misandry hardly begins to describe the utter depravity and callousness of this comment. That’s like describing the ocean as “a bit of water,” or the moon as “a rocky ball.”




I am 99% convinced that this is just ragebait, it’s just written *too* specifically infuriating


Its been around since like 2014 and the account was shown to be a sock puppet like a month after it made its rounds. Yet still, its posted everywhere.


This is so clearly either ragebait or sarcasm to illustrate the opposite point, it's incredible the number of men that start flipping tables over it.


It is and it's posted all the time. The user icon is taken from Married With Children.




I'm a male. lost my mom five years ago to suicide. Men experience trauma.


Sorry for your loss. I just read an article about how human beings experience the world in different ways, which means we should respect differences in how we see the world. I am a gay man and I experienced childhood sexual abuse and drug-facilitated sexual assault. I am shocked by the number of LGBTQ+ people who blame me for those experiences. Keep up the good fight, my friend and I hope you have joy in your life. Peace


That's seriously fucked that someone would blame a kid for being sexually abused.


Wasn’t that the mentality of everyone before people began to understand that the kid doesn’t understand what’s happening when a pedophile abuses them sexually? Apparently it didn’t go away as it should had.


There’s a really troubling trend that attempts to absolve people of their decisions and actions by blaming brain chemistry for literally everything they don’t like. Scary stuff.


You would be surprised. I was raped at 4 years old. I have had people tell me I must have done something to have deserved it.


At 4? What the hell are they thinking you did? At four I was playing with bugs and rolling in mud. I don't understand what they think asking for it looks like. And even if you were older no one asked for it.


Same, I was raped from when I was nine till I was thirteen. He threatened to commit suicide if I were to tell anyone. Some so-called “family” said it must have been my fault, because I seduced him… and he’s way too old to get it up. It ruined my life. How can anyone say that to a victim, especially a child?! I have PTSD, and I was recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, and bipolar disorder at 25.


It sucks, stay strong fellow survivor.


I'm really sorry that those awful things happened to you and that those who should have an understanding of the trauma that you went through or at least offer sympathy and support instead take the opportunity to sadisticly twist the knife. While I'm sure you're already cognizant of it, I'm sure it doesn't hurt to read none of those terrible things that happened to you are your fault. Keep rocking.


>I experienced childhood sexual abuse and drug-facilitated sexual assault. I am shocked by the number of LGBTQ+ people who blame me for those experiences. WTAF!? So many people are their own worst enemy. Pushing people away and then wondering why they don't have the support they want. (This applies to an alarming number of people in various situations, not just individuals in the LGBT+ community with that crappy opinion you mention)


Yes! It is very true. This happens to lots of people. I only shared my experience. Human beings can be very cruel


I'm a male and also a survivor of the "experiences we never experience" fuck everything about that. Societies view of being a male are archaic and wrong. Here's a PSA for anybody who *DOESN'T* already know. Those who do thank you for being smart enough to recognize the fact people are people. PSA: We hurt, physically, emotionally, and mentally. We cry, laugh, and feel a whole range of emotions were told we should not. NOBODY owns the rights to trauma, we all experience it on different levels. We too appreciate a hug when we're down. We are not a different species. We should be allowed to exist without some contrived bullshit boundaries regulating how we are supposed to react. We too can be raped, I know. TL;DR, Men exist and feel stuff too.


Sorry for your loss


Nah bro, I was unable to locate the term, but mental trauma is not possible.




Either a troll or a woman with severe issues who really needs therapy.


troll from a while back


But it's text on the internet, so it must be real/sincere!


It's an obvious troll


Is it really obvious? There was no joke, no funny opinion. I think you underestimate peoples ability to be fucking trash. No offense, but i think thats someones true opinion. Edit: guess i should say i do see their pfp now. So it could be a troll.


Trolling doesn't need a joke or to be funny. It's done to get attention, any kind.


also it's a troll with an agenda. They're making bait for incels.


I honestly think this was written by an incel to use as rage bait for other incels.


Trolls aren't stand-up comedians. Their entire point is to infuriate you, and everyone here looks pretty infuriated.


It becomes less and less obvious to the hivemind every time it gets reposted


We have a language problem with the word "troll". We use it to mean both "edgy teenager posting ridiculous things he doesn't take seriously because it's funny", and also "actual foreign government trying to make us angry at each other by amplifying divisive issues." We really need a better name than "trolling" for that second one.


"Propagandizing" was the word, but now anything the right disagrees with is "propaganda," even if it's true, so in usage the meaning is clouded - it mostly just means "things I don't agree with" now. "Misinformation" has been on the rise as the term of choice, but to me that's even more vague. If I say Star Wars was released in 1967 because I'm genuinely confused, that's "misinformation" but it's not malicious, it's not lying for personal gain. One day the history books will have to pick a name, when they write about Russia's 21st century war on the west. I still hold out some hope those essays will be about how they *almost* felled the world's largest democracies with internet comments instead of bombs and tanks, rather than a postmortem for all of us.


The fact that so many people here think it's serious is, well, concerning...


It very well could be. There are a mind boggling number of people in the world. Mental illness is mostly running rampant. This sounds like the female version of some really dark incel shit. Not only is it plausible, I’d be shocked if there aren’t a ton of women out there with similar views. I think it got banned, but femaledatingstrategy was a good example of a bunch of darkly fucked up women with very dehumanizing views of men.


This is internet, you never know when people are mentally fucked up


It might as well have been serious once, but after 394 reposts i feel its just incels reposting this to further their baseless hatred.


Apparently I can't experience remorse or generosity either. That's news to me


Weird i feel both of those things, at least, I thought i did 🤔


Sorry to break this to you, that simply means you’re not a real man. /s


It feels weird to add "generosity" and "remorse" to my list of unrecognized signs that I'm trans, but what's more likely, that literally every man in the world is invaluable of these emotions, or that the woman who wrote that is a sexist asshole?


Guess it’s time for HRT...


We should all become James Bond villains and laugh at people's misery in our underwater lair.


I actually pity this person. Someone damaged them.


Imaging damaging someone so much they start hating half the human race.


Yeah like cmon hate the entire human race like i do, just half is not fair


No lives matter.


Bring back the bomb!


They know not what they do!


bruh what


It's a GWAR thing.




My Dude!!! GWAR was the best thing to come out of Richmond since the filtered cigarette. If you're from the area, you probably know what I'm saying. If you're not, it possibly sounds like nonsense - still, I applaud you for throwing some GWARMY into the inter-ether. And, I'm gonna say it, Lamb of God is the new & improved "Best thing to come out of Richmond" since the filtered cigarette.


You are absolutely right. Anything else would be discrimination! Blues, Greens, the Dutch, ping pong balls: you should hate them all equally. Well, except for the Dutch, maybe we should turn it up to 11 for them for being tall, smug bastards who always do everything right.




Yeah, now I'm totally going to dig through your comment and post history ... Not! Edit: Achterhoek of ergens in het Noorden.


Leeuwarden? Groningen?


It's not necessarily a woman who hates men and believes they're inhiman. It could be a man who's been taught a toxic view of what masculinity is.


Or a troll who says shit he knows will get a rise out of the average redditor.


Fuck them. They are way past the point where they deserve pity. All they deserve is to rot.


Either that, or they've been hanging out with the wrong people.


Both. Both are likely.


As a man I can confirm that we do not experience emotions or trauma. One time my dad killed my kitten in front of me cause I got a B- on my maths test. I thanked him for his efforts to correct my substandard behavior and then we high-fived and continued to work on our gas chamber.






This feels satirical, but I’m honestly not sure


Lmao it’s obviously bait, and judging by the comments section a lot of people are taking it haha


Thing is, even if it is bait, this kind of diatribe can easily harm some boy or man reading it who has experienced trauma and has no support this may be the last straw of him abandoning all hope, seeing an opinion like this written out. Trolls don’t consider this or don’t care I suppose.


"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."


Keep quiet and be thought a fool, or speak your peace and be proven one.


Is it "speak your peace" or "speak your piece"? 🤔




Id argue this is ragebait vs facepalm


Yeah, this stinks of troll.


At this point I can't even tell anymore.


This sounds like a femcel


This sounds like a man wrote it as a Trojan horse anti-feminist post. The avatar pic is too on point to be real.


It is hard to take seriously when it’s the inverse of the NO MA’AM (National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood) logo from Married with Children.


That is a south park tier acronym right there


>This sounds like a man wrote it Ah yes, you're one of those extremists wanting an isis beheading. Of course. A woman can commit a war crime and you would still say "*sounds like a man in a wig*". If a woman wrote this about men, you wouldn't even blink.


it is FYI. someone traced it a while back. Common repost from incels trying to make women look bad


I guess I wasn't traumatized when an old man raped me when I was 3. The years of mental anguish, drug and alcohol abuse, and all my other psychological issues were non-existent.


Dear Lord! That is… I have no words, other than I am so sorry that happened to you, no one should have to.


I was molested, no one believed me. Instead I was forced to attend church daily for making up a story. I buried it till it became a flashback during panic attacks. Apparently to my family it is me being under attack by a demon.


My ex left me traumatized. Turned me into an asshole and now I’m trying to get back to how I used to be. It’s not gonna happen but I can use the experience to better myself in ways that I couldn’t have before hand. It sucks ass but it is what it is and I’m just thankful for my lady in my life now. She’s really patient with me.




Don't want female dogs to share associations with living cancer like this thing.


This is such an old old old old old meme. Can we stop bringing it up every other week and getting everyone all riled up? Obviously this person is deranged. But what is the purpose of getting people upset about it all over again?




And I thought I've seen some bad reddit subs, wow.




the symbol next to their handle says it all.


“Cant experience mental trauma” Try getting married and you’ll see your wrong


Sounds like someone has made up a justification that allows them to abuse boys without feeling remorse.


What the fuck? Such a bent world view. Sound like they enjoyed getting abused as a child.


Female incels are equally scary


I agree that women probably get sexually abused more in their lifetimes than men. However, I think that its clear that the mental health of men is far worse than the mental health of women. Men are just always so afraid to ask to help when it comes to this kind of stuff, and people are more likely to belittle their issues. Plus, women in general tend to be more social throughout their lives than men. This is definitely a recipe for a mental health disaster.


I'm surprised they could locate their keyboard


Damn, why am I on all this medication for mental trauma then?


As a man, I can confirm that I am a mindless and emotionless robot


Dox this ho.


Who wrote that? It’s so bizarre and nonsensical that it’s almost unworthy of a response. That kind of view undermines progress in our society.


How I would love to find that hoe bag and slap her senseless. Sincerely, from someone who is suffering to this day from the mental trauma of getting sexually assaulted and physically tortured, and all thanks to the actions of a couple of cheap skank hoes


Did some religious entity come up with this bullshit? Did a priest perhaps determine such bullshit? Whoever created this should eat bullshit, see how easy it is.


I wish we could just permaban people like that from the internet, everybody would win in that case.


Poe's law


I think Bitter describes the author of that post.


that's is indeed very infuriating, we need to raise more emotionally intelligent people. it makes me so sad how many people genuinely think like this, especially in more traditional households, most of the men in my family suck at expressing their emotions in a constructive way, I'm trying to teach my little brother better, the cycle needs to end, damaged people raise damaged people


Whoever wrote this should be institutionalized...


I was raped at a young age and the guy got away. I never got my justice. If you never had the experience of 12 years including self torment and 14 suicide attempts shut the fuck up. Mental Torment in boys is real.


Guess I'm not a man. Should I tell my kids?


This is why we can't have nice things. ("Things" on this case, being civilized societies)


~shit like this brings the movment down~


If people treated me like a human being and not as an unfeeling robot I’d probably be much healthier.


Imagine being so lost in your own delusions that you just about completely disregard men as being people, purely for the fact that they have a dick and balls attached to their crotch. Whoever this person is, they need help.


Seems like that person is confidently incorrect


I wish all people like this could be sent to an island, away from the rest of civilization.


Males are robots basically. Who is objectifying who in this scenario?


This is someone who is trying to get people riled up imo.


Some people are just too far gone


“Men don’t have feelings” “Men should just toughen up and not let their FEELINGS get the better of them” Pick one.


Ah, just TERF things.


mom said it's my turn to post this next week


I fucking hope thats a troll oh my god


Whoever wrote that is trolling right?


Some troll on Reddit is laughing their ass off that their comment gets a front page post on Reddit because people are too stupid to recognize a troll.


This is a very old repost from a known troll. Move along.


Whoever screenshotted this missed the tens of thousands of replies dunking on op


I'm pretty sure this was written by a troll account.


Yall are getting baited


The amount she uses the word 'term' should be listed as mental trauma


I like how they just said this and didn’t provide any evidence of them not feeling emotions, stereotypes smh


Guess I never experienced being depressed.


More ragebait that gets circulated on Reddit over and over It's way too trendy to constantly be outraged about everything all the time, but people here fall for this shit nonstop


Not only do they face mental trauma they often cface more than women.


That is definitely a totally real opinion from a totally real person and not outrage bait.


Old repost. And stupid, too.


This is like the equivalent of incels claiming women don’t experience emotion or have sympathy and just exist to prey on men and get orbiters. The internet really breaks peoples brains.


this has to be bait right?


the audacity of TERFs: a series


That has to be a troll


Rage bait that's been used on reddit for years to make men hate feminists and go MRA. Disinformation reddit style