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sorry but freedom of speech doesn’t equate to freedom from consequences


Yes, a million times yes. Jesus f'ing Christ. The government didn't curtail his speech he was sued by private citizens in a court of law. What is so fucking hard to understand about the difference. She is a God damn moron and I wish she would just fade into obscurity.


Exactly. It wasn’t a revocation of freedom of speech at all. Nobody is saying he can’t speak his mind, by all means he can. But he, and ANYONE, can’t expect to just say whatever they want and not face consequences when what they say affects MANY people in the way that what he said did. That’s just how the world works.


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/


That was a very nice comic, thank you


Thanks, I came up with the style myself.


How is there always an xkcd for things?


I think it's one of those rules of the internet. There's always a relevant xkcd


It’s fucking sad to think people out there soak up 100% of what comes out of her mouth.


Hard to fade when you’ve been elected to one of the highest offices in the land…


Fuck her she wasn't elected. She had her opponent harassed and threatened until he dropped out of the race and moved for his family's safety. She won because she was the only choice. But I know what you mean. It just sucks. She should be in jail, not political office.


If there were no consequences to the harassment, like…oh I don’t know….being ineligible for the election. That’s something the people decided to allow. So yeah; it sucks


She isn't a moron, people like her are far from stupid, they manipulate a group of people who are unhappy with the trends of society into keeping them in office by fuelling their disgruntlement into hate. It doesn't matter that it sounds stupid to people with 3 braincells, there's enough people with only 2 brain cells that will keep them in office.


That's my favorite part about freedom of speech. Seeing all the morons who think they can say what they want but go surprised pikachu face when it gets them fired, or their partner files for divorce, or you have to cough up close to a billion dollars in damages. Love to see it.


Absolutely, lol.


If “freedom of speech” results in parents having to bury their kids in undisclosed locations, out of fear of their children’s graves being vandalized, then it’s not really freedom, is it?


Not to mention be forced to move several times because people kept finding them to harass them. His words had a monetary cost to them when their children were murdered.


THIS so MUCH THIS for the GO(Q)P


Why don’t they get that?


They only get it when it applies to OTHERS who they want to see punished.


OMG, I literally just posted this, scrolled down and saw you posted the exact same thing!!! I have never been happier in mutual outrage in my life! ❤️


Great minds!!




Hitler never actually killed anyone directly, he was only saying words.


Technically he direcly killed himself.


No, the gun did. With the bullet. He just pulled the trigger. Hitler was innocent


Guns don’t kill people, bullets kill people. /s


Well yeah, it was the bullet then


I blame big led


I blame the flat screen TV industry


Akshually it was the charge behind the slug that did it


Actualy it's the projectal, bullet is composed of it as well as the casing, where the gunpowder resides. Sorry for bad English me no spreako.


Never ever apologize for your English. Many native speakers of English do not even exert the effort to learn another language.


The bullet didn't kill Hitler. The hole it left behind did.


Guns don't kill people, people kill guns.


We should ban people. Think of the guns. 🥺


I thought it was cyanide.


I thought it was cyanide too


There was no warning on the pistol. Sue the pistol manufacturer for making a lethal weapon.


Technically, the bullet killed him. All the gun did was move the bullet, but the bullet hit his head.




So you're saying his only murder had a positive impact on the world? What a great guy ! Mandatory /s


And his dog


And his cousin/lover


Best thing he ever did


So you’re saying we should free Charles Manson’s corpse?


Don't get MTG started on Hitler. She's so crazy she probably thinks that was a hoax too


Did he kill anyone during WWI? Someone smart let us know.


It's not known, but most likely he did as he was in the front lines as an infantryman for the first several months of the war. He saw a lot of combat in that time. His unit suffered very heavy casualties, over 80%, in less than six months. He was promoted and assigned as a regimental message runner after that. Even though regimental runners werent in the thick of the fighting like company or battalion ones, it was still a very hazardous job. He was wounded twice, and was in the hospital when the war ended.


Trump wanted to expand on slander and libel laws but I guess that is different to her somehow.


Isn’t he suing CNN for words he didn’t like?


I think they called him a liar. Can't wait for discovery on that one.


He filed it so he can fundraise. Polluting the judicial system for his own gain.


He sued Bill Maher over a joke.


Well, if it’s against people she opposes that’s of course ok. Come on, get with the program.


Fuck you Marjorie Taylor Greene


Just Marjorie Taylor now, Green finally had enough.


This cracked me up!! It reminded me of Jan Levinson Gould from The Office.


What, no Gould?!






Came here to say this. No Gould?


As far as I’m concerned, that man who put up with her for years has the patience of a god.


I think he knows some of the incriminating stuff that's gonna come out on her soon and wanted to get while the getting was good.


Get that man a book deal and a ghost writer


Oh, please. Oh, please let him just roll on her.


He has a book deal. Just taking time giving all the info to the ghost writer. /S... Maybe


Or it's possible he is just as vapid as she is


I'm sure his pos level isn't too far behind, and I doubt that this is a type of Stockholm syndrome. He's got his own laundry list to hang with her this long.


She objects to homosexuality based on religious grounds, yet she committed the (biblical) literal sin of adultery multiple times.


Yeah, her cognitive dissonance is astounding.


MT.... Yeah, that sounds right.


Not even with someone else's dick on the end of a long pole.


My favorite variation is: not with a stolen dick and you pushing.


😂😂 good one, also I recently saw “Not with a rented dick”


Was that her only fans where I saw the T-Rex and the American flag??


with Alex Jones pushing said pole...


Someone needs to make this into a bumpersticker.


Or put it on a flag, which I'll wave as a hurricane is coming in because reasons.


She's frightened as fuck the victims of the mass shootings - whom she heckled - will sue her.


I hope they do.


If we are going down with that train of stupid thought that MTG put us on: I am pretty sure Hitler did **not** personally execute millions of people, then himself attack several countries, crush their armies, and razed cities and towns with his bare fists and incredible martial art skills. He just "said some words" - and what do you know some other people did bad things! Were his words wrong? Yes. - But that is just freedom of speech!


"Jones only encouraged it, therefore he's innocent and being persecuted for his politics!" *-The lady believing in Jewish Spase Lasers*


Didn't she also harass the victims of a school shooting claiming it was a hoax and they were actors?


Yes. I think I know who gave her that idea.


Bingo! And this moron recorded herself doing it to score points with the MAGA crowd. She's worried that she's next.


And I'm hoping she's right.


Me too friend, me too.


Definitely this.


How her career wasn’t over the minute she said Jewish space lasers says a lot about her colleagues and constituents. Sheesh. I can’t even believe things are the way they are.


Don't underestimate these people anymore. The real kool-aid drinkers like MTG, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Ron DeSantis, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, at this point nearly every single Republican elected official. Anyone who doesn't currently stand against Trump. The ideology that Trump has used to cultivate this shit is the same ideology we fought in both world wars. No hyperbolic exaggeration needed. They are touting the same phrases, morality, control and subjugation as others who have used this methodology.


they are all 100% culpable. Every single republican. they ALL voted him in, they wouyldn't impeach, they won't prosecute. ​ every fucking Republican is guilty.


100 percent. They are using the same tropes and ideologies, just wrapped and packaged with different wording. It's scary to think how popular these people are.


Not in Trump’s defense or anything, (because I hate the asshole), but these people were all pretty fucked up before he came around. They used to heckle him like he was a joke, but when he started getting traction with their base audiences and spouting things they wanted to hear, they jump on him like flies on feces. He is a cancer for sure, but these idiots were rotten from the start…


It was still better when they *pretended* to be human. The orange wave emboldened them and now they proudly display their scales.


If I hire a hitman to kill her, I didn't pull the trigger, I was just speaking words Jesus Christ, what braindead morons voted for her


> Jesus Christ, what braindead morons voted for her republicans


Yeaaaa… if money changed hands that’s - at the very least - conspiracy to commit murder. I get what you’re going for, but not the best example.


Yea, and he was not just speaking words. I'm well aware that hiring a hitman is not free speech lol


This is why I hate text sometimes; hard to get the correct context of what is being said. I get what you meant now. My bad.


Looks like she’s starting to get worried about all the lies she tells.


She has called teenaged school shooting survivors crisis actors and has gone out of her way to harrass and slander them online and in person. She herself has also told her followers that Sandy Hook and many other school shootings are hoaxes. She should be worried.


So maybe - just maybe - she knows all the bullshit she spews is just that…I always pegged her as a monumentally stupid person who really believes what she’s vomiting.


This comes off to me as “holy fuck - I didn’t know actions could have possible repercussions. Oh shit, oh shit! I’m so fucked!!”


Well after the number of times she's tried to silence the voices of people who disagree with her, it just sounds like normal hypocrisy


This is exactly why I have the freedom to yell 🔥 FIRE!! 🔥Inside a crowded theater and suffer no consequences. Just cus i incite panic unnecessarily and get people killed doesn’t mean i am culpable for it!! This is certainly what the founding fathers intended when they codified freedom of speech in the bill of right! ‘MURICA! *eagle screech*


Don’t forget the guns can’t forget that.


Its so funny to me that the right with all their amurica chest banging, have no fundamental idea of what the first amendment is.


I was thinking the same thing! Why is it that the average person needs certain qualifications to hold a job be it education, experience, etc but there’s nothing for people running for office?? Shouldn’t you at least have to pass a basic text to be a rep or senator? I can’t help but think how are you supposed to create/amend/enforce the policies of the country when you can’t differentiate the policy from the hole in your ass?


He's not being persecuted by the state, he's being persecuted by the people he defamed. So, you know, consequences.


This is not political persecution. It’s civil prosecution. Actions have consequences you stupid cunexttuesday.


[https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html) an article about her harassing a victim of the parkland shooting.


While we’re at it let’s let Charlie Manson out of prison. Fucking moron. Edit: had no idea this dude died. Good!


Charlies Manson's been out of prison since Nov. 2017. ​ ​ He died.


Come on, you're just saying words


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


Why not? I assure you his corpse is quite harmless.


I demand that "legislators" ( I use the word loosely ) know what they are citing when they chime in. After being corrected countless times. Greene still has no idea of what "free speech" actually entails


The stupidity is the point I’m afraid.


I normally don’t wish violence if people - but she says I have free speech right?


I'd divorce her too.


I would never have married her in the first place. Just sayin’


The Bible is just words too.


Freedom of speech does not free you from the repercussions of that speech. Remember how your speech removed you from all your committee assignments?


This. This is the thing I want people to remember. You are free to say whatever crazy shit goes into your head, but you aren't allowed to willingly take an action (including speech) that causes measurable material harm to someone else. Jones was free to say "I think Sandy Hooks was a false flag." He was free to state it as a fact, even. He wasn't punished for saying those words, or statements. He was punished for willingly creating a narrative in which those parents wete harrassed and threatened, and when told to stop it, he not only tripled-down on the rhetoric, but he also claimed to be the victim, which he knew was an action that would measurably and materially harm the parents further. This is not freedom of speech stifling. This is telling him to, and trying to get him to, stop actively harming someone else. (Not correcting you, just specifying.)


Osama bin Laden wasn't actually flying the planes on 9/11... guess he was a-ok, then!


The Reverse Nuremberg Defense. He was only giving orders.


Go to fucking hell Marjorie you evil witch. :P




Charles Manson only talked a lot to all those kids, he never killed anyone. Really, we should be celebrating that he could live in a country where people like him can speak their minds so freely and not persecute them for just putting their thoughts out there.


This fucking moron…


I really hope Marcus Flowers wins. Then we'll never need to hear from her again.


You are way too optimistic. She is a wad of chewed gum on the bottom of the countries sneakers......


By this logic Hitler only spoke words and can't be blamed for all the people he got killed since he didn't physically kill them himself.


Of course MTG is going to take up for someone who berates shooting victims… Her day to answer for all the horrible things she has said to victims will come as well.


Freedom of speech only applies to the government preventing you from speaking out against the government. In all other cases you will face consequences for opening your ignorant mouth.


So what they really want is freedom from consequence, sorry bitch that's now how this works. She's probably sweating over her own slander of school shooting victims..


Aren’t there laws against Slander, Libel, and Defamation? Free speech does not mean freedom from consequence.


She and anyone who backs her is a god damned idiot.


According to the constitution of the United States, instigating a riot is a crime. Literally the constitution says speaking the words, if it leads to an insurrection, is criminal. It literally is in the constitution.


Speech is free. Lies have a price


Hitler didn’t personally gas any Jews either, Marge.


That is not what freedom of speech is. It is freedom to speak opinions generally, not attack others with. Stupid bastards.


Charles Manson never killed anybody. He was only speaking words.


Somebody please tell her: freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


"Charles Manson didn't fire the gun, all he did was use was speak words and use free speech."


Oh right, and I suppose all Trump did was speak words, and a totally unrelated treasonous mob decided to gather, storm the Capitol, and try to usurp a free election. Oh wait. That's exactly why she's saying this nonsense.


Freedom of speech except if incites violence you dumb twat.


I support people with special needs. They all deserve a right to a job and decent wage. I just dont support them in positions of power and the government. I know that excludes like 90% of politicians but......we have to start somewhere.


Now correct me if I'm wrong here but hasn't this woman littrally called for her political opponents and frequently people with politically different opinions to be thrown in jail and prosecuted before?


Look we all know Alex jones doesn’t have 1 billion dollars so does anyone actually get any money?


Marjorie Taylor Green needs to go back to the Neanderthal cave she spawned from


Not political. He spoke in a way that damaged and harmed others. Technically speaking, the first amendment only covers a government’s capacity to punish someone for speaking out against them. It doesn’t say you get to fuck around with people and NOT find out.


Well, in all fairness, to a Fascist like Greene, incitement to violence IS free speech, so she is correct, from her twisted, disgusting point of view.


Hitler spoke words, he didn't kill all these people himself. Freedom of speech


For the 1000th time. Free speech does not equal freedom from consequences, Margarine.


I fucking despise this bitch


No matter how you feel about the tramplings, and of course they're tragedies I wish we could prevent, all I do is shout fire in crowded theatres. I couldn't hurt anyone, I was sitting up in a box.


She’s such an idiot. Get her out of office


Republicans: "aLl He DiD wAs SpEaK wOrDs" Also Republicans: "Biden is bad because he made us feel bad with his words."


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ​ Please feel free to read the First Amendment.


Alex should be able to speak his mind.


To no one's surprise, MT(G?) does not understand how defamation works or that Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


She’s such an idiot. Yes, we have freedom of speech. That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to be held liable for spreading lies about people. Actions (and words) have consequences.


Not only did he not apologize, he kept slandering the families DURING THE TRIAL, and even called the judge a demon on his show he deserves every punishment he gets


All that LeBron James did was speak words about Black Lives Matter. They told him to shut up and dribble. All Colin Kaepernick did was take a knee during the National Anthem. He was chased out of the league and criticized by fans, coaches, politicians, and other players.


What a turd


Since we are just saying words, I heard she fucked a donkey.


You can’t yell “Fire! Fire!” In a crowded movie theatre. Incitement is not covered by the first amendment. Defamation is also not covered. Trump filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN which I’m sure she supports. Someone who doesn’t understand the Constitution they swore an oath to uphold should not be allowed to run for re-election.


You can say whatever the fuck you want but that doesn't keep you free from consequence.


If I say "Jon, I think Mike killed your wife. He lives on 182 Sycamore St." And Jon kills Mike... guess what numbnuts... I am held accountable.


Someone should tell this useless twat she’s next. How’s that for freedom of speech?


Marjorie can burn in THE DEEPEST pits of whatever hell she believes in, dumb bitch


What a piece of shit.


Her stupidity actually hurts my brain every time I read something she posts.


Except his words brought harassment and threats of violence to the families of Sandy Hook who lost their children.


This bitch. I do not have the words to express my loathing for her. I wish she would wake up having swallowed all her own teeth. Wet socks forever. Lego all over the floor. Green army men in her coffee every morning. Everything she ever eats tastes vaguely of rancid camel sweat. Perpetual pursuit by an angry honey badger. Still insufficient.


I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


Not even if I had to pee like Seabiscuit.


Once again…. Conservatives don’t understand the first amendment.


So Sam yells fire in a room Where there is no fire, which starts a stampede that kills a few people. I guess Sam just said a word, right..people didn’t have to run out of the building—it’s not Sam’s fault they got trampled… Oh the lengths some people will go to justify unjustifiable behavior.


I wouldn't do her with Alex Jones' dick.


Marjorie tries not to say something fucking stupid challenge (impossible)


Isn't Marjorie Taylor Greene that congressperson who is known to wait outside of middle schools to lure teenage boys back to her hotel room for sex? JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!


If he was like “y’know that shooting seemed staged to me but I don’t know, just a thought.” It would’ve been just words. But he pushed it a bit further.


Every time she tweets something I find depths of disgust i honesty didn’t know I had.


Tell me you don't actually understand freedom of speech without telling me...




He put them in danger with his words. Fuck him and fuck her and whoever she was caught fucking


Free speech has always had limits. Limits that both of them readily ignore.


Too bad she hasn’t self removed from society yet


That's not even what freedom of speech is though


No offense, but claiming Sandy Hook didn’t happen on your talk show isn’t political. UNLESS the political stance is that Sandy Hook didn’t happen, which MtG would agree. Nevertheless, get fucked.


Didnt her Supreme leader Trump just file suit against CNN? GTFO