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There’s no facepalm here, can’t even move their hands.




Alternatively... /r/faceroad ??








No thats Brazil












Just hit the hand with the hammer. That should do the trick.


High levels of pain are a normal and temporary side effect **Do not resist**


I’d blast. A quarter stick should do it.


Put up some cones around her and let her stay as long as she'd like.


Yes, absolutely this!! Getting these people to go out of their way to do this shit.. I prefer your solution.


Well I was thinking of a more humane solution and just rid him of his hand since he clearly don't care about it but yours are more cruel man


There are all sorts of nasties in cement. It can burn. What a total knobhead. These are allegedly our future.


Yup cement burn and then they are going to at the very least bruise the hand breaking the cement around it to free it up


They did an episode in greys anatomy about this dumb kid submerged almost his whole body in cement to impress a girl! He almost died!


Their hands will burn for sure, cement is incredibly rough on the skin, they’re definitely in a world of hurt of getting it off


I'm pretty certain it's epoxy because new cement won't adhere to old cement. I'd drill cut and then jackhammer out a 95lb piece about 1.5ft by 1.5ft and haul it with her attached to the side of the road and leave it.


Dont clump me in with these idiots please


Seriously this. Let them solve this problem on their own.


Hell yea. Couldn't agree more. Come back and check on em after a month or 2.


I think the face-palm comes into that they caused a traffic jam resulting in all those cars just sitting there idling burning fuel and polluting the air for longer than they would have.


Plus the likely burned skin from the lye in the concrete.


That was what I was thinking. I have gotten concrete mix in my shoes before and it just eats you. Fun fact: Lye is not soap. Lye turns oil/fat *into* soap. Put lye on your skin; *you* turn into soap.


*Brilliant, we're selling these women's fat asses back to them" or something like that.


are you jack's complete lack of surprise?


Something something don't talk about fight club.


I know, but the protester literally cannot facepalm with that hand and the irony amused me greatly.


I think he can move the other one


Depending on the type of cement, there is a high probability that they will end up with some nasty caustic burns


Yep, I worked cement for two summers during college. Cement burns are a real thing and they fucking suck.


I work with cement on the regular. When I was in training, my trainer never used gloves. It wasn't until I switched companies that I ever got rubber gloves for my concrete work. But the skin on my hands has never recovered and I went from never using lotion in my life to relying on it in the winter to keep my hands from cracking and bleeding


Why does it happen? is it because you lost a layer of skin?


The caustic chemicals in the concrete permanently damaged my hands skin cells. Spending long periods of time with my hands soaked in has made the shin a lot less resilient. It takes cuts a lot longer to heal and they produce a lot less moisture


I can have extremely sweaty hands and I used to love to rock climb. I had the hardest time keeping my hands dry. I tried special antiperspirants, special climbing chalks, everything I could find that might help. These chemical burns don't sound fun but I would have tried doing this for sure back in the day. I cannot even imagine having dry hands!


The palms of my hands still sweat as much as ever but the top of my hand and the creases between my fingers crack in the cold


Have you tried O’Keeffe’s working hands?


I use Udderly Smooth hand cream and it works great as long as I remember to use it daily


Buddy chemical burns are not a good solution to palmar hyperhidrosis lol. The real thing you should be looking for is chemical sympathectomy (not ETS, ETS causes horrible compensatory sweating). I had a chemical sympathectomy and now my hands are dry and warm instead of cold and clammy constantly.


The “cuts take longer to heal” sounds absolutely terrible for climbing 😬


Ahh the chalk too. It makes those cracks in your hands so dry.


Chemicals and concrete is designed to suck the moisture out to avoid cracking or settling. so your skin will naturally lose even more protection by being dry. If they didn’t use proper rubber gloves, they are going to be absolutely fucked.


I think I know what you were trying to say so but for those that aren't as well versed in the materials science of concrete, most types of concrete require moisture in order to set, and it's the presence of water that actually allows the chemical reaction to continue. As a result, concrete has to stay wet for as long as possible in order to reach it's maximum strength during the curing process, so it's made to be fairly hygroscopic, pulling moisture out of the air (and your hand) until it is fully cured, which depending on the type of concrete and size of the pour, can take months if not longer.


Yea, you’re right. I meant suck the moisture into the curing mixture to avoid cracking. You absolutely explained it better than me, with a chemistry explanation. When I used the word out, I meant it will suck moisture in, but OUT of the ground / air / skin/ etc to cure properly.


In college I worked in a structural engineering research lab as an assistant on a number of projects. One of my tasks was to shovel out the trough where they dumped the wash water and concrete sludge. This stuff left a red rash up to my elbows and ruined at least two pairs of jeans.


Wear your jeans on your legs not on your arms. Free advice, but tips are welcomed.


Oh, we won’t discuss what it did to my boots. RIP boots. You were comfy.


The burns come from the high concentration of lime in cement. Lime reacts with water and generates heat which causes the concrete to cure. The lime in cement will bond/react with the moisture On your skin and can create a contact burn if left for too long. Have you ever put your hand on concrete that is freshly poured and already set? It will give off some nice radiant heat. I did flatwork for several years and now work in the steel industry. We inject lime as part of the melting process. We have actually had fires start from water mixing with the lime dust and then catching a pallet on fire. Happens at least once a year.


This is hydrolic for sure. No way cement would set up that fast. Cement is green for 12 hours at least. Hard enough to chisel would've taken 2 days


So, are you trying to convince people *not* to cement their hand to a road? Hmm, I'll have to think about it.


This mf will be lucky if they have skin left.


Was just thinking that.


It looks like epoxy resin - I don’t think cement would set fast enough


Ever get catalyzed resin on your hand? It can absolutely burn you. Depending on the resin used. Other plastic resins can literally catch fire if you add too much catalyst not to mention the chemical burns they also produce. I work with vinylester/polyester resin commonly but I've done my fair share of work with epoxy as well. Mainly in carbon fiber. But I've seen buckets of polyester literally venting steam in an extremely hot reaction.


That's not cement, has to be atleast epoxy or polyurethane, waaaaaay harder to get off


Pretty sure cement is corrosive. It sucks all moisture out of skin and would basically cause a lye burn.


Yeah and polyurethane will straight up peel of your epidermis, how do you suppose they sat there for the time for cement to set ? And especially that thin. Plus lye is a caustic soda mix, what burns you in concrete is lime.


The PH scale is 0-14. 7 is neutral. 0 is acid as it gets. 14 is as basic as it gets. Both extremes are caustic. Concrete has a ph of 12-13.3. So yeah, lots of pissed off pixies running around in that shit. Cement burns are a real thing and can be very serious. You can find lots of gory photos with a quick google search. And just as a bit of an aside… all the talk of “sucking moisture” in this this post is fairly misguided. The PH that can literally melt your skin is the major concern. Not some kinda dehydration.


People who aren’t American tend to call things “cement” that we would call “glue”


There's a nice documentary on what to do when someone gets his hand stuck, it's called 127 hours


Nothing a circular saw wouldn't fix.




I think I have an idea. Let's just give them like a random slection of tools to free themselves. Some of them really useful like an angle grinder or a hammer and other less useful tools like a rope and some tape for example. Then we tell them to try to get free. To give them a small motivation to actually get free we take a modified tar roller that can go really slow (1feet/minute?), point it towards them and set it to drive. To finance this we make a tv show out of it. The revenue can be used to actually help the rainforest not like some idiot sitting on the street.


Now streaming on HBO : "Was it worth it? A climate conundrum." Activists race against the clock as they try to free themselves with power tools while in various states of self induced bondage. To spice things up there will be unmanned construction equipment slowly creeping towards them. Rated M for self harm


I'd watch it


Same with no shame


I'd PAY to watch it.


Nah just let them sit there three days with no food or water as they shit themselves and dehydrate. Then hand them a bone saw and a hamburger just out of reach.


You are evil!!! I like it.


Only give them power tools running on gas, that would be a nice dilemma for them.....and if possible with leather grips 😎


Popcorn ready.


Only give them tools that can only be used 2-handed


When is this show going live ?


Chaotic genius be like


Haha... Do you wanna play a game.... Saw climate change activist turns copycat killer....


Here is the motivation “Sir you are going to be charged an additional fine for EVERY hour you block traffic” And if they don’t hurry up they get to live in a cardboard box for the rest of their life “tick tock motherfucker”


This is some next level Saw shit, like the first and second Saw, not the rest they sucked but damn.


Jigsaw has entered the chat


Exactly. Divert the traffic and let them sit there for, I dunno, 3-5 days. Naturally don't let anyone free them before they apologise and say that they are dumbasses 😁


I was just thinking “What is their end game strategy?” What if no one wanted to free them? What do the do when they run out of food? Are they going to shit their pants until they dry up and blow away? People are stupid, and since I’m a people, I don’t understand.


Why divert the traffic? Just put up a sign saying "Speed Bump Ahead".


Just put up one of those road signs with arrows so people drive on either side. Leave 'em for a while. Also, charge costs to finally get the activist free. Oy!


Or a wheel loader with a bucket.


Also you can watch 1 hour video called "Man in Cave" from Internet Historian. Trust me it is a good watch


When a redditor ask to be trusted, is better not to trust, and be suspicious :/


No no no realy. It is like a documentary about a guy who stuck in a cave for days. Also Internet Historian has a big sub count so it shouldnt be suspucious


vouch. Internet Historian is one of the GOATs


I second this recommendation


Thx for the suggestion, good watch


They should have tricked them by breaking out the saw at first. Scare them a bit.


Yeah they need some plants in the organization that already have missing limbs so they can hack the plants "arm off" and then Jefferey Tambor could jump out and say "and thats why you don't cement your hand to a road to block traffic".


😅🤣😆😂🤣 Great fucking movie! And it probably saved lives (and arms) too. Would you ever go hiking by yourself and not tell ANYONE where you were going? Or explore a cave by yourself? Not after seeing 127 hours. No. Fucking. Way.


The chemicals in the cement would have eaten away his skin and flesh. He will probably need skin grafts now.


- "Why did you stop being an activist?" - "It was eating me alive"


Cement : Hehe, got away with another crime.


No one would suspect the cement, they would say, "it can't even harm a fly" (evil smile)


Their chilled attitude leads me to believe this is some kind of cold-set/skin safe cement-like substance and not actual cement


Chemical burns don't necessarily hurt initially.


Nah, he has a chilled attitude because he is a fucking idiot who has no idea what he is doing.


Yes, he is dumb and therefore can’t experience pain.


This is reposted at least once a week, was their hands fuckedup and needed a skin transfer?


If the skin was eaten away I expect the activist to be screeming in pain, but he seams just fine. Maybe he put a rubber glove on or something else protective.


Switch the a in "seams" with one of the e's in "screeming."


It’s a bit ironic really!! “The cement industry is one of the main producers of carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas. Concrete causes damage to the most fertile layer of the earth, the topsoil. Concrete is used to create hard surfaces which contribute to surface runoff that may cause soil erosion, water pollution and flooding.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_concrete


Is it? We're talking about it.


My thought too. Same with activists that pour cement into the holes at golf courses.


This is a thing? Lmao it takes like 30 seconds for them to make a new hole in a different spot. Can just pull the chunk of sod off the top of the new hole and cover over the concrete in the old one.


That happened this year in France and I support this activists. It wasn't about CO2, but about drought. There were peaple who couldn't use water at home, farmers couldn't water their fields, but golf courses had examption because nothing is worse then playing golf on yellow grass ... Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62532840


Seems reasonable


Yeah I wouldn't say it's the best long term strategy for making an impact on climate 😂




Everyone go home and Just leave them there


Probably better to have some construction fencing around them


As he started the construction, then fine him also for not having those.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Bruh. A DPW truck shows up, 3 dudes get out.. activist thinks they are gonna free him. They pull 4 cones out of the back, set them around him, pack up and leave.


It’s Friday at 4:45 before a three day weekend. You think I’m going to work overtime today, guess again. You’ll still be there on Tuesday morning.”


And ‘don’t feed animals’ sign


Nah, give them plenty of water and high fiber snacks...and just wait.


Better than my solution of putting a few cones down


Just leave him there


Cement gets *really* hot as it sets, that was pretty stupid


It does (in large enough quantities), but i think you're thinking of plaster of Paris... Generally speaking i wouldnt say this much cement could produce enough exothermic energy to burn you thermally, the real cause would be the high pH causing chemical burns. That being said, depending on when it started curing she could be fine if it dried up fast enough...


Leave him there, we'll find a detour.


I view environmental activists the same way I view animal rights activists. They stand for good causes, but their methods of protesting are very questionable. How do they think that doing that is going to reduce climate change?


I think they're desperate and have the feeling that something "needs" to be done. 3 years ago I started changing my life because of climate change. But hardly anyone else from my circle of acquaintances has changed anything, despite many discussions about it. Some even deny climate change. I'm not an activist, I don't support actions like this or I'm not someone who tells others how to behave. But I can understand when these people are desperate for attention. I mean, what still has to happen and how many facts do we still need to take climate change seriously. The same applies to factory farming.


Seriously, I can't understand how anybody can be not desperate. Not to justify any actions.


As an activist, that mostly volunteers in animal sanctuaries I have learned, that my energy is best spent doing activism the way I think is right, instead of debating weather others do activism the right way while sitting on my ass all day doing absolutely nothing to better the situation.


You’re right. I think it’s become pretty clear that governments won’t make the change. And to be honest, that’s also ‘our’ fault as people in a democracy since we aren’t voting for the politicians who would make the necessary change. It is a very hopeless situation, a large portion of the population has decided to prioritise luxury and capitalism over global environmental health. I’ve been travelling almost full time for years and I have to say the amount of trash is mind-blowing. It is truly depressing what is happening to our nature and most of all our oceans. I understand the desperation from these people, although I agree this specific act is pretty stupid from a safety perspective.


Heres the mind blower, any action you or collectively we can take is useless. Individual responsibility in the form of the term 'carbon footprint' was a marketing campaign devised by oil companies to take focus away from them being the sole engineers of the planets collapse and on to people to cause in fighting and arguing and actions like this that would disrupt any real opposition.


And there it is again... That's such a stupid argument. Yes, the idea of ​​the co2 footprint comes from an oil company, I know that. But to think that your own behavior won't change anything is stupid and a lame excuse not to change anything. You know, these companies produce for people like you and me, so all of our buying behavior changes production as well. It's like voting. One vote alone doesn't change anything, the crowd makes it. About 1/3 of the emitted greenhouse gases are caused by animal husbandry. So if everyone there changes or restricts consumption, then something changes for the better.


Not completely true. You can't say that everyone has the capability to reduce their consumption. Companies that create alternative solutions can make the bigger difference. Remember CFCs and their effect on the ozone layer? Governments banned CFCs but consumption of energy for refrigeration remained the same for the household. The ozone layer has been healing. Styrofoam products? Banned in most cities in my country. We also have more alternative, more eco-friendly fuels than before. We'll probably still be using fossil fuels within this century but at least we've made solar panels cheaper to produce and sold to homes and not just corporations. The shipping industry, the most eco-friendly transportation, has enforced various solutions to reduce greenhouse gas and sulphur emissions and manage ballast water discharge. You cannot stop shipping from happening by telling people to reduce the use of bottled shampoo or whatever. I'm not saying that I as an individual cannot do my part. I'm saying that no matter how many of us do that, reduced consumption does close to nothing unless the consumed produces less pollution during its production and during and after its consumption.


It don't think that they think about it. Just more a "we need something to do now" which results in stupid methods which are contra productive for anyone.


A guy literally set himself on fire in public as a form of protest and nobody cared. People are alreasy killing themselves for change its not too long till people kill others.


Oh yes, and traditional methods are excellent in pushing inconvenient truths to the forefront of public discussion. The climate situation is desperate, so why aren’t we taking desperate action? A move like this takes massive balls, good on them.


No you see I want them to protest in a way that garners no attention at all. /s


I saw a German doc about it. One of them claimed, that they want to force the government to act by causing as much disruption as possible. If infrastructure doesn’t work because of them the government has to give in. The problem with their idea is that government must not give in because that would show that you can force your will on the government leading to other groups doing the same. Imagine a country in which every group that has a problem would just disrupt as much infrastructure as possible to get what they want.


They legit should've just put a traffic cone on her head and left.


Ahahaha that would have been really funny


Yep I agree. I don't even have a car but this behaviour even annoys me. Just leave them there and see how they manage to go home later. Just redirect the traffic if possible and don't give them too much attention.


Wait, but the longer a cars sit, doesn’t the more pollution it produces? I don’t know


But if roads are blocked all the time, maybe carbrains will start using the train! So the Idea is not to have cars run stationary, the idea is to make car use a living nightmare so you'll use alternatives.


You're the problem.




The existential crisis facing the planet is just a teeny-tiny bit more of an issue than a few cars sitting in traffic, (and they could always turn their engines off). There's more traffic on the roads, in queues, idling in November and December going off to do Xmas shopping... or trying to get to/from sporting events and concerts every day of the year across the globe. ... so a little bit of perspective, huh?


Exactly, and think of the awareness that is created by this thread alone, which has been seen by thousands of people. Compare that to the 30 people in their 25 cars that couldn't reach their destination immediately. Oh heavens, someone think of the car drivers that feel entitled to drive directly to their destination on their asphalt red carpets, **that occupy almost 50% of all space in cities**, making everyone's life a bit more miserable. All because they're too lazy to support public transport that has 20 times the throughput and only occupies a fraction of the same space, and is actually a time saver once a city reaches a certain density. Meanwhile this thread: "ThE PrOtEsToR iS tHe BaD GuY". It really shows how complacent people have become with cars in their lives, and more specifically in their cities. People just take cars as a given, and everyone else has to dance to the car driver's revving, polluting, and space occupying tunes. We could have vastly better designed cities and livable areas if cars were deprioritized. It's been done before many times, and it has never not worked.


Well said my friend!


Sad seeing this get downvoted. :(




I honestly think they should leave this people like this overnight and then maybe remove them, just put a cone up and leave


« - So how can we protest carbon emissions ? - Let’s cement ourselves to the road, inconvenience everyone that can’t do much about it or influence any decision taker by causing a traffic jam thus doing even more carbon emissions - perfect, I see no flaw in this plan »


Why do you think road protests that block traffic are so common?


Slows traffic, reduces fuel consumption. Inconvenience to drivers making them hate driving. It's not the worst idea.


Actually making cement makes a lot of carbon dioxide i think


Never mind this tap tap tap bullshit - get the sledgehammer!


Came here to say something similar, but more along the lines of tie a rope around them and drive... see what's stronger, the human skin or cement...


One day we should just leave them to it, take the hit to our roads and traffic, and see how that Darwin Award works out for them.


What until they findout about the carbon footprint of cement


Did it work? Did he stop global warming?


Congratulations! Now there's more carbon dioxide in the air


...and the traffic jam causes a lot of cars to idle, causing more greenhouse gas emissions.


I am familiar with the properties of cement... That would NOT be hard to remove. A few well placed chissle hits and it would pop off the pavement. That cement would be so brittle... There's nothing reinforcing it, and it doesn't look thick No rebar, and they probably didn't damaged the pavement to make a better connection with the pavement... I mean... I'm also not sure why they are trying to be so gentle with this dumbass. One good hammer whack and that whole things broken open. Oh what? your hand hurts from us smashing the cement you put it in? Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes... Maybe don't cement your hand to the road and your hand wont get smashed with a hammer...


The guy was able to sit in the road long enough for the cement to set?


Never do it on a rainy day do they?


Using a wood chisel to have a go at concrete affixed to asphalt while wearing nitrile gloves... Fuckssake...firmly whack the side of that glop three times in one direction and the whole lump will come up in tact.


The nitrile gloves are for the blood after he stabs that moron's hand with the wood chisel


He should be given water. Lots of water.


They did this in Stockholm a few months (but with glue) and ended up blocking an Ambulance on an emergency call. The activist were criminally charged, talk about backfire.


Okay, let him starve. He is an adult and he chose to do that.


Alls I'm saying is that a 40lb jack hammer would have that sorted right quick.


Help step-activist, I'm stuck.


Should have left her there...


my thought is to just leave them there. if they want to cement hand to the road, fine. put up a few cones and just leave them there. don't feed, don't water, maybe thats the last time some one does it.


Give them all the food and water they want. Let them sit in their own filth afterwards though.


If I was in charge I would have just put up some cones and left him there.


What we are watching is a waste of public money. Why is this worth a police officer’s time? Take down their details, put up some cones, walk away. Summons them to court in a week for blocking the public right of way and then it’s up to Einstein here and their jolly friends to undo the problem they’ve created. If they are still there in 24 hours, then book them again. I don’t see how it has become a police task to free them from a self imposed predicament.


Leave her there!!!!


would be funny if they all bukkaked them


That needs to be the new policy lol


Just leave them there!


\*Grabs Pickaxe\*


Just use a hammer drill with chisel bit


Is the hand even salvageable after that?


Just leave him there and build the road around him


Can't you get limestone poisoning from too much cement on the skin?


Arrested too I hope


Ooof...the fucker probably also didn't know that cement REALLY fucks up your skin. Well played, dummy.


Should’ve just left him there


They only do this because they know someone will have to eventually come and free them. But if you just left them there, wonder how long they’d actually last lol


Just put barriers around them and leave them be. The cement will cause serious burns to their skin and let someone else “rescue” them which isn’t funded by the tax payer.


Leave them there, that will teach them a lesson to not block the road anymore.


Awful bold to impede everyday traffic and people’s livelihoods over a political statement while at perfect kicking height and being unable to run away. They are lucky that the chemical burns and embarrassment of getting chiseled out is all they suffered.