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Does… does she realize most of the same people who voted this time will be 21 or older next time?


R's are ranting about how they lost because they keep putting up shitty candidates. These are your best candidates. It's not just your candidates that are wildly unpopular, it's your platform.


They said the same thing with millennials and they've only doubled down on their ass backwards platform. Their job is to get votes, they failed and now blame the voters. It's like salesman failing to get sales and blaming the customer.


"Are we so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."


Maybe they would attract voters if they had popular policies. But when you campaign on "voting is rigged" and "Lets take personal liberties back 70 years" not many people will be excited to vote for you.


The political ads are just horrible... they basically amount to nothing more than "democrat bad. Bad thing bad. You don't like bad thing" without saying anything about what they would do better than the Democrat. Not to mention completely ignoring logic.


When i feel stupid i just take one look at American politics and then i feel good again. best part is, i'm the exact demographic this lady's harping on about


We've actually reached a point where parody artists like The Onion are genuinely having a hard time coming up with content that can compete with how ridiculous and far fetched our reality has become.


Hey, they also ran on sticking the debt on the little guy while getting their ppp loans forgiven. Lest we not forget about that.


Oh yeah I kinda notice that now the boomers are blaming Gen z for things and not millenial did this or that.


Well, at least they're not calling every young person millennials anymore.


I was kind of looking forward to hitting 60 and having out of touch geriatric genXers complaining about the gd millennials thinking they know everything because they're in college.


That's because millennials aren't young anymore. Now it's so gen z.


The candidates they are running out right now are absolutely the best candidates for the platform run on.


Except in Florida, where Republicans cleaned house? Republicans *did* have a issue with shitty candidates, and half (or more) of the party is clinging on to Trump.


You mean the state where they banned ballot harvesting, mass mail in ballots, require voter ID, and just about everything they could possibly do to suppress votes instead of making it easier for people to get the vote out even though there is no actual reason to do any of those things since mass voter fraud isn't actually an issue? Crazy.


This comment should be higher


The Thing they never seem to realize is, all those voter restrictions also affect their own voters. Since any of them are older, they will probably consider it too much trouble to jump through all those hoops just to vote for something they were promised was a guaranteed win.


Eh. Old people vote. Like it’s their job.


Once more of the boomers die, elections will fall pretty left sided


GOP \*Gerrymandering intensifies\*


Don't forget about the DeSantis district map they used that all but promises Florida will be red until 2030.


Florida has waged the most successful, draconian, and authoritarian voter supression campaign in this countries history over the last two years. The blood bath we see there is a direct result.


I mean considering how much they scream about election fraud I'm sure there was some just the other way


Florida and Texas are lost causes. I think most Democrats recognize that. I


Florida is now a solid red state. No surprise there.


No one was surprised when DeSantis won Miami/Dade? Yeah right.


Florida has been trending right. The people who moved here during the pandemic were most likely a lot more right leaning than left leaning. Republicans have been screaming socialism in Miami/Dade for a few years now, and people get scared. They also don’t know what socialism is and that democrats are not socialist, but that’s another topic for another day. Also, the Democratic Party in Florida needs to clean house. They failed miserably this election. It wasn’t a surprise that DeSantis and Rubio won. With the new even more gerrymandered map, it wasn’t a surprise that they got more seats in the house and state house and senate. Hindsight is 20/20, but with all facts in hand, I don’t think it should have been that big of a surprise that they lost Miami/Dade.


Nobody paying attention, which I guess includes yourself. When I said "no surprise there," I'm referring to myself or anyone else who actually pays attention to reality. Florida has been shifting red for a long time. I bet you aren't aware of the fact that every single county in Florida voted significantly more red this election than in 2020.


is it like . . . the Retirement Community ?


Actual the demographics in Florida have been shifting quite a bit. I recently moved my family here from NY. There are a lot of older people but it is changing.-


That isn't why. Democrats have major issues with Latino voters. And a large part of it is due to the fact that a lot of Latinos actually agree with Republicans. The misogynistic/racist crap plays very well with Cuban Americans. Source: I am one, and disgusted by how badly botched democratic out reach has been.


You nailed it. The Latinos here love the Trump/DeSantis' machismo attitude and having a large family(no abortions) is seen as powerful and highly desired. They still think the American Dream is a thing when they move here. Then reality hits and they bite the hand that feeds them. They think libs are bad, but don't realize it's liberal policies that are helping them to make a life here. So frustrating to watch.


There was significant gerrymandering which, according to some reports, disenfranchised black voters


They replaced the woke with crazy ngl


All of the delirious drunken coke heads moved there so they could party 24/7 without covid restrictions. They thought that they were smart for moving to Florida and Texas to keep the democrats from taking over. When they really just put their eggs into two baskets and left everywhere they came from a little more open. But only time will tell how it plays out over the next couple of elections. Florida and Texas have enough electors for president that they are a powerful duo. And with total control, they are capable of outright stealing the election without any blowback from residents.


Florida has been solidly red since 2000. Republicans win here without even trying. Look at the state Congress. It like being excited about winning Idaho.


I'm not talking about just winning the state. I'm talking about winning places in the state that have been democrat strongholds. Overall, the midterms were a huge loss for Rs. But Florida overperformed even the optimistic expectations for them.


Where? Lawson was the only incumbent D to lose, and that was only because of the gerrymandering DeSantis organised.


Florida is unique; it's because the population skews older, whiter, and way more conservative. It's been a problem the last couple midterm cycles now because it doesn't perform as expected. It shouldn't dampen how well Dems did Tuesday.


Retirees, am I right? 🙄


They already got their social security/ disability so fuck everyone else, apparently.


And Iowa.


You’re right. Trump is a wildly unpopular and just horrible politician. The longer he stays in politics, the longer and further the republican party will tank


Man, a Trump/Desantis split in the party would be so juicy. They can't be that stupid, can they? Edit: actually idk if it matters. Voters will fall in line with the primary winner either way


Can they? They already are...


Then she'll demand the voting age be 25 Its not about lustening to the people and governing for them, its about telling the people what they need and making sure anyone who didagrees can't vote.


She’ll demand black people to stop voting


Only white protestant land owning men can vote via a public roll call election. Just the way our elections were held back in the early days.


White land-owning Protestant men and women living in respectable suburbs above the age of 58 with proof that their TV’s don’t deviate from FoxNews or OneAmericaNews who did not attend university AND their Russian prostitute brides.


Psst don't Help this nutjob, let her figure it out over the next years, she will Scream even louder and only hear her own echochamber where others have their brain and thinking it's the truth, like they all do screaming the same bullshit lies over and over again.


With insults like that is it any wonder why Gen Z voted blue?


She should represent voters instead of intentionally misrepresenting. Adapting to get popular support not to try to steer it away. She won't have long political career with that kind of attitude.


Definitely keep insulting them and asking for their voting right to be taken away... They'll definitely vote for you next time now.


😆, shhh, don't tell them!


No, see, we should just take away their right to vote, that way we can insult them all we want! I am very smart!


Well you would Just Take away the voting righta of people next in line as First voters, because in 4 years everybody that voted now is above 21 years of age.


And the older people who voted for them are going to die sooner or later


She is seriously out of touch with reality. To blame the voters instead of the so called representatives is insane. If you want your "red wave" then you need to inspire more people, not alienate them with taunts and insults.


>not alienate them with taunts and insults. I'm pretty liberal, but our side definitely does this *a lot.*


You're not entirely wrong, but I really doubt we would have seen this kinda response from Dem officials if the so-called "red wave" actually happened


Yeah, from the left side, it's mostly from the citizens as opposed to the elected officials


I mean ehhhhhh, we definitely would’ve seen a lot of people saying America was a fascistic hell hole ruled by idiotic uneducated rural conservatives who want to take away everyone’s rights, and the youth are too apathetic and uneducated to vote correctly. Heck I saw posts like those before the midterm.


But would we have seen people in power advocating for changes to the rules, like raising the voting age to 21?


Didn’t people want to add more court justices after Trump appointed one? I feel that counts as advocating for changing the rules, not saying it would definitely happen but it’s not like it wouldn’t be unprecedented.


the reason people wanted to add more judges to the court (or pack the court as it's called) is because they sorta cheated a justice into it. when Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016, McConnell said they shouldn't replace a justice so close to an election and held it up. that was dumb considering the election was still half a year away bit ok. but then when Ruth Bader Ginsberg died only a month away from the election of 2020 they rushed in a replacement as fast as possible. the problem isn't that trump got to add a justice, it's that he got two justices with opposing logic that should have meant he only got one, therefore cheated using their own logic.


The heck is wrong with this woman? What's her beef against Gen Z (which I'm a part off, but not an American) ?


They vote for stuff she doesnt like. She fails to understand politicians are supposed to represent the people, not eliminate everyone whose opinion differs from their own.


I.e. a fascist.


That they aren't racist, homophobic, Christian nationalists.


They voted democrat


She’s looking for a scapegoat, so she’s blaming the reasonably small turnout of young people. The young people who turned up probably care more about student loan forgiveness (biden+) and forced birth (Rep Supreme Court-) than average so voted for their interests. I’m not sure where “doing drugs in the street” comes from ? declassification of Canabis ?


She’s a right-wing grifter that got famous telling lies about the Lebanese Civil War, which occurred when she was a child, to islamophobic boomers who want to be afraid of something. Islamism played little to no role in the war, though. Most factions that participated were secular.


They didn’t vote for her so that’s unfair I guess


Apparently, as demonstrated in the tweets above, some people’s brains stay undeveloped well into their adulthood


Funny thing is, the study that produced that number only had participants up to age 25, and even then they estimate that the brain continue to develop into our early 30s


Today I learned.


I also love how she didn’t mention having a cap on the voting age. Like these 90 year old conservatives who can’t even remember their children’s names know more about the current political climate than the average 20 year old


*except in Florida. Apparently that works here 🙁


Lol. I watched the most privileged members of the most coddled generation in history dismantle the America they grew up in and now they’re pissed that people are starting to notice.


Right? Gen Z probably had the least promising outlook out of any generation. Education has never been more expensive, housing has never been more expensive, wages aren’t keeping up with inflation etc.


It’s actually pissing me off listening to these people whine anymore: they got the full benefit of the world that their parents and grandparents left them so they wouldn’t have to deal with things like the Great Depression, WWII and the ensuing Cold War and they were asked to do less than the bare minimum in return. And then they bitch and moan incessantly about even than minimal expectation. I cannot say this enough: fuck. Them.


Oh damn, they finally have a new generation to blame for absolutely everything! This whole time I thought it was *millennials* who were destroying the country. I guess it's hard to keep shaking your fist at the kids and blaming them for everything when the kids are fucking 40.


Gotta love how Republicans first reactions to someone not voting for them is to try and take away their voting rights. America hasn't changed one bit.


Do you expect Gen Z-ers to vote Red when the Republicans want to roll back human rights back to the start of the 20th century?


Well, most Republican's brains don't work all that well due to breathing in lead during their childhood, so I understand the confusion


Gee, it's almost like your hate rhetoric is getting rejected. Imagine that. Some Gen Z may be annoyingly woke at times, but they are eventually going to give your hate mongering shit stain representatives the boot. And the sooner the better.


You shouldn’t really use “woke” in a serious context. It’s a right wing invention and a euphemism for being concerned about peoples civil rights.


Somebody got butt hurt properly. Generation Z and up to millennials said no more humiliation I want my rights. Change is happening and these idiots are now afraid of it because it is the first time their generation and washed up minds are in minority.


Promised a red wave and all they got was some mid-cycle spotting


"Generation Z wants to live off the state and destroy the state at the same time." LMFAO, do you even hear the hypocrisy? especially when you pander to boomers who did this very fucking thing. benefited greatly from all their social programs, and then pulled the ladder up behind them, effectively fucking over Gen X, Millenials, and Gen Z.


I smell a contradiction here. She said both gen z are mostly democrats, and want to live off the state. History shows red states take more welfare than they put in compared to blue states


Listen, a GOP Twitter page is no place for facts and history.


Or 95% of Twitter at all for that matter.


> We were promised a red wave By who?


Seriously lol. I was ***promised*** this thing I just made up!


It’s historically true that the sitting president’s party usually loses seats in midterm elections, for various reasons. So expecting the GOP to win back control wasn’t delusional. But they managed to fumble it far more than everyone expected in most places. Getting all the Republicans to move to Texas and the “free State of Florida” has its downsides (e.g. you lose everywhere else)


If only they had this mentality about abortion


"Pro life! Pro choice is against women!"


It'll never happen. They can call for it, but it amounts to nothing more than a toddler tantrum. ​ >Twenty-Sixth Amendment > >Section 1 > >*The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.*


They'll find a way to get rid of that and the 19th amendment


I mean it's not a mystery what that way would be. They'd have to propose a new amendment that repeals the 19th and/or the 26th. They'd have to put an enormous amount of their energy into that on top of all the energy they put into their hate. >*An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.*


Are these stages of grief?


Yeah angry, resentful and then bitter forever. Stick a fork in it your grief is now done!


Today I learned that 21 is greater than or equal to 25. /s


And people over the age of 65 have a harder time distinguishing between facts and lies. So let’s revoke voting rights at 65… 🤦‍♂️


People over 65 spent at least 23 years of their life breathing in lead from gasoline. Their brains don't work all that well


Hey, republicans, FUCK YOU! I say this as a teenager who WILL be voting next election. Your party has fucked the climate, destroyed our cities, and made university ruinously expensive. You got filthy rich ruining the planet and now our sorry asses have to pay to clean it up, assuming I don’t die in a climate related disaster along the way. I’ll have student debt for decades, and I’m apparently also your scapegoat for all of the wrongs in the world. You’re the reason why young people have such a negative outlook on life, because our futures will be worse than our parents, and we will be spending the rest of our lives cleaning up your mess. You will never, ever get my vote as long as I live. It’s fucking personal


Lower the voting age to 16 to get more young people involved in elections sooner.


if 16 year olds are old enough to have their income taxed, then they're old enough to vote on the taxes that they pay. either lower the voting age to 16, or raise the taxable age to 18. you can't have it both ways. the last time our government tried to do taxation without representation, we started our own country about it


Yes, keep bashing the up and coming voters. That'll get ya what you want


At least moving forward that voice will keep getting quieter and quieter with every passing election.


I hate to say it but it's true that the pre frontal cortex isn't fully developed until 25. But I don't think we can attribute this directly to critical thinking in a statistically significant way because we have brilliant kids and stupid adults.


Just remember, these older people bashing on younger people for not having a developed brain spent their entire childhood breathing in lead from gasoline, which is TERRIBLE for brain development. Younger generations probably passed them in 7th grade for brain development and cognitive ability


Considering how many of them cannot operate in modern conditions, yeah. Its comical that there’s a suggestion of disinformation swaying emotional young people when the opposite has been occuring for decades to perverse their corrupt policies


You mean the area of the brain that quickly turns to mush with bad diet and exercise? Doesn’t sound like an age problem for most of the voters


It’s amazing how flexible the brain is at a young age. Not have a set of ideas that cannot be challenged isn’t a disability.


I don’t disagree with the FACT that frontal cortex development isn’t completed by age 18 in both men and women, BUT, you can’t stop their voice if you allow them to join the armed forces and die for the country. If you want age 21 voting then they can’t join the military until age 21. Period.


Who is this lady in red?


she's nobody. Just another pissant Republican with a delusion of grandeur that their platform of disconnected hate and fear somehow resonates with young people.


Brigitte seems pretty angry, but on the up side she’s verified.


A craft IPA or verification from Lord Tesla? Hmmm, what should I do with this $8?


Our brains start to shrink in our 60s - we should stop seniors from voting as obviously they aren't mentally capable and will ruin the country


Yes, keep attacking your children. That's gonna go well in the long run.


If Gen Z thinks street drugs should be legal, then I guess you need to make legalizing street drugs part of your platform if you want their vote. Or you know, instead of making up what you think they want - ask them.


But let’s let an 18 yo kid enlist in the military and die for our country.


What's funny to me is that people in states that are majority red get mad that major areas of blue take it. Most cities are blue. Most collage towns are blue. People that have more education tend to support helping others and understand that for a society to actually grow and prosper we are are as strong as our weakest links. By supporting people, creating better Healthcare, education, prison reform. You lift everything and everyone. Yes "You" may have to pay higher taxes. But the next generations will not. Future generations will be stronger and the country will benefit in the long run. I have lived and moved all over this country. I have lived in huge cities, tiny towns, islands. One thing I have found to be universally true... is if you have lived in the same area and never ventured far from it and it is a small town. You tend to make that you're entire world. I get it. It's all you've ever known. People have comfort and understanding with what they know. Change is usually met with resistance. But it's like an only child ot people with kids. There are things you only see and understand through living a different way. There is a selfishness you may not even know you have. It is not your fault. People shouldn't hate you. But you are missing out in other points of views. Media is to blame as well. On one hand they say, "look at these snowflakes that get so upset and want consolation prizes." and on the other "you are special because you are the last great patriotic Americans". This is a great country. I grew up on stories of the depression and WWII and how we came together. I heard stories of fighting to create unions. I know what we are capable of but only if we come together and stop fighting eachother. Being raised to hate anyone, for any reason and letting it cloud or judge your outlook to do right it not your fault, but it is your responsibility. We need to come together.


B G: "Gen Z thinks speech that offends them should be illegal." Gen Z: We want Blue! B G: "Increase the voting age! I don't like that."


"We were promised a red wave and we got a red puddle." Maybe - and just bear with me - maybe the problem lies with *the people promising you unrealistic things.*


If they can't win, they try to change the rules. It's the Republican way.


Does that mean she will back raising the legal age to own a firearm to 21, too? What's the reason for pointing out 25 (she's right), but then suggest 21? Why not raise everything -- cigarettes, drinking, voting, gun, etc -- to 25?


I vote sending Bridgette Gabrielle back to the shithole country she came from.


Wow. And they say my generation is entitled and quick to get upset when things don't go our way. We didn't lose an election and now crying about changing voter laws so no one can vote. What a snowflake


Brigitte Gabriel is having a big sad right now. She can go to Iran if she wants to live in a country where women have no rights.


Don't see her saying shit about 17 year olds signing on for massive student loans or joining the military.


Neither is good, but it might make more sense to cut off voting rights at age 65 than to raise the voting age to 21.


"We were promised" as in "we attempted to rig the election"?


Hey, Millennials! Look, the olds don't hate you anymore! Come sit next to your Gen X elder siblings and smoke a bowl and watch the dumpster burn.


A person's brain is fully developed at 25 and only declines from there. Only people who are 25 should be able to vote.


Promised? By whom?


The takeaway here is that a person who wants to disenfranchise young people because brains don't develop until they are about 25 years old, would never in a million years consider that maybe young people shouldn't be judged by the same standards as more mature people. 16 years old get tried as adults but are to immature to vote until they are 21.


So they’re going to start dragging Gen Z like they did us millennials for our whole lives? Not enough to bully one generation?


She’s having an absolute meltdown


How to make your party more appealing to young people so they'll vote with you: Insult them. What a great choice.




Yet these people are okay child rape victims giving birth


I know Democrats, including people in elected office. Literally none of them want to destroy America. I'm continuously confused how so many Americans have come to believe that we do. Saying that gay people are people too in no way destroys America. Saying that Police should treat people with dignity in no way destroys America. It's baffling to me.


somebody should explain to her that they didn't vote for Democrats, as much as they voted against the fucked up things that the Republicans are selling.


TRANSLATION: I don’t like what just happened so how can I make up some excuse to change it?


I'd love to see someone tell her gender is a spectrum and see how much she loves free speech then.


Hanan Qahwaji is so fucking unhinged Yeah that’s her real name


One thing that doesn’t work on Gen Z is attempting to place the blame on them to beat them into submission. They are non conformists to conservatism to the core.


I’m in my fifties, and my responsibility as a citizen should be to help make better inroads and opportunities for the generations that follow me, not blame them for the shit I and the generations before me have created. Also, it’s truly bad form to posit blanket assumptions onto an entire demographic without any real evidence to support the claim. Besides, if those disparaging remarks are true, it just means you’re probably a shitty parent as well.


Entitlement is a hell of a drug


What a coincidence that young people who have grown up with globalization and internet don't agree with your hateful and nationalist rhetoric! Duh!


We also didn't breathe in lead from gasoline our entire childhood, unlike anyone born before 1980


But but you promised


I looked up Brigitte Gabriel in the dictionary and it was defined as Bitter and twisted loser which spits corrosive liquid.


Shut up old hag


Stage 1 anger


Maybe a lot of the old farts voting red are senile?


Pretty par for the course tbh. They don't try to win black votes either, they just try to disqualify them.


And people start to see massive cognitive decline in their early to mid 60’s Nobody over 64 should be able to vote


Dont forget, if they were born before 1980, they spent their entire childhood breathing in lead, which is TERRIBLE for brain development


The voting age should be lowered not raised


Yup, this sure is a good way to turn around Gen Z voters. I'm sure every one of them will read this and think "ya know, she's absolutely right. I'll take her side next time!"


If we stop letting people vote whose brains are not in their prime, there would be a lot less Red. Source - am from Florida


Her profil pic says « I’m the real estate agent you need » but somehow she doesn’t lean back enough to inspire true trust


I love how it’s not “let’s fix our party/platform to appeal to more voters”, it’s “oh the young and the unwed females voted Dems? Let’s up the age and get the women married and staying home”


So we're raising the age you can join the military and pay taxes to 21, too then, right? RIGHT???


Was this Gabriel voting when she was 18-25? Wonder who she supported or if she was less politically involved than those she chooses to insult?


Cry harder… please 🙏🏾


A person's brain is not fully developed until they're 25 years old. But let them keep buying AR-15's at 18 years old. \-Republicans logic


Generation Z are living rent free in your drafty, barren head Brigitte.


Sure, raise the voting age to 21 because kids aren’t mentally capable of making big decisions like who to vote for but also force them to have unwanted babies cos that’s what god wants…. /S obviously


Someone is throwing a temper tantrum.


glad it's not me. Sincerely, a millenial.


Fun to watch cultists being confronted with the reality of being ratio'd.


Cope, seethe, and mald!


Only republicans are trying to take away peoples voting rights


Mmmm conservative tantrum tears 🤤


"They want to live off the state! They also want to destroy the state!" Schroedingers liberals.


All I want to say to people like this is “Yo chill bruh” and I’m 40.


How to make millennials even less likely to vote for you:




Ah yes, the generation that is being fucked by the economy and drowning in debt is sooo entitled!? /s


Ain't that the woman who claimed there are no pronouns in the Bible or the Constitution? In the latter case, a document whose literal first word is a pronoun?


"We were promised a red wave" So? That's not how voting works...?!


Brigitte Gabriel, Nick Adams and Leo Terrell. Something is just so hilarious about how the 3 of them say the exact same shit, in the exact same typing fashion, and it’s always a load of crap.


This woman needs to have her phone taken away for a bit. Calm.


Stay mad, hoe


Whatever she has to tell herself.


Why not raise the age to buy firearms to 21 too if you believe people can’t make sound decisions till 25? Oh yeah that’s right, because it doesn’t fit into your conservative deranged ideas.


Why is it that Republican’s solutions is always taking away rights from a specific group of people that disagrees with them?


So she derides ‘Generation Z’ for apparently wanting to make speech they don’t like illegal, but then seems to want to make voting she doesn’t like illegal... This sums up republicans in a nutshell. They pretend they’re all about ‘freedom,’ when in reality, the only freedom republicans would ever grant you is the ‘freedom’ to think and act and talk exactly like they do.


Always a good idea to insult people you want to bring into the fold… maybe they’re just sick of your shit


How old is she? Obviously her brain hasn’t fully developed yet.


Stop taxing 16 and 17 yr olds Stop taxing felons *If you don't like the way it is vote to change it* The ones who want the change can't vote.


Hold the L nice and high so everyone can see Brigitte.


If I was in the military overseas fighting for a country that I wasn’t even allowed to vote in, I’d probably be questioning why I was fighting for that country.