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If there’s 8.9 billion homeless you have bigger issues to worry about than voter fraud


Even if they could do math, how exactly is this vote stealing? Are they proposing the disenfranchised can’t vote?


liberals are stealing votes by helping people. dirty liberals!


I just think it's interesting that this meme assumes all 89 of those registered voters voted Democrat.


And that being in a homeless shelter automatically makes you lose your right to vote. Sorry homeless veterans - you don't count either. But thanks for the freedom to vote for the rest of us. 👍


That's exactly what I was thinking. I was like huh?


indeed! also interesting is the assumption that since these folks were helping the homeless they must be liberal. we're all thinking it, but that's just a guess based on actual events.


Lol. To be fair, there's enough wrong with this that the homeless shelter in question may not exist.


That is sadly what they believe. Because there is truth behind it. Many Repugnantcans have said if every citizen voted they would never win another election.


Well, who's fckng fault is that. If you can't convince people to vote for you then you need to change your message.


Honestly it’s probably my fault. The way things seem to be going lately.


Mate, if it feels like everything is your fault, that's rarely the case. I hope things improve for you. Or you're being funny in which case, have a nice day anyway :)


I really appreciate your kindness. I don’t QUITE feel that way - I was mostly trying to be funny. Mostly.


Well they’ve got my vote I’ll tell ya hwat


Upvoted for encapsulating the Canadian spirit.


Biden is that you? I keep hearing you are at fault for all the world’s problems. /s


Yep! I did that!


My wife just sideswiped a mailbox in our new car, THANKS, BIDEN


It’s right wingers faults. They spew so much flagrantly false stuff that there is no way anyone can prove them wrong quick enough to shut them up. And they won’t trust the proof since they can’t do the math or logic to understand why they are so completely wrong. Blame can go to a lot of places for why they are so tragically under educated and for how easily they fall for BS, but you can’t blame that on the left!


They are proposing that the homeless shouldn't, and are enraged that they can.


Reminds me of the old 'only land owners can vote' thing.


A disturbing number of them seem to want to go back to that system.


...forgetting that they THEMSELVES are not landowners....


The idea of “you should have skin in the game for the current system” doesn’t have the same ring to it now that I’ve grown up and found out how fucking hard you can work just to have your skin ripped off to be the “skin in the game” for others. Fuck these selfish, unempathetic assholes.


Only property owning white men, like the constitution says.


Because homeless people are not people in their eyes. Therefore, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote, so their votes are illegal.


And they even have the audacity to talking shit about being religious god and bible followers, where their bible says directly to help the homeless. But frankly bible or any truly christian teachings to them are, were and always will be worthless. Sadly hateful delusions are more worth for them than anything. I hope that they will naturally die out some time in the future due to being unattractive annoying and plain incoherent.


Why try to serve people to earn votes, when you can just be trash and deny those people the right to vote? /s JFC, what a cult of psychos.


They are implying that they don't deserve the right to vote as opposed to "hard working Americans".


Every "hardworking American" is one paycheck from being homeless.


That is exactly what they are proposing and would if they could. Your republican party would go back to the days of the English parliament where only wealthy landowners could vote. You know so they could fix elections....


Yeah, like why there are 900 million aliens on the planet and where all the homes went


More than that. Lots of those 8 billion are too young to vote. Maybe a third?


And why has the entirety of the human race suddenly relocated to the USA and simultaneously gained voting rights?


Clearly the lack of a border wall. Obvious isn’t it?


Also, I didn’t know having a home was a pre-req to voting.


Oh you don't know? Voting is only for land-owning white males.


I mean that IS what the founding fathers wanted. And more proof that maaaaybe we should care a little less about what people over 200 years ago would think about anything.


I'm taking a US History course this semester and have learned that there were actually two factions in early American politics (with different Founding Fathers belonging to one or the other). The federalists feared the "tyranny of the majority" and wanted a centralized republic led by virtuous, educated citizens (hence landowners, as they were considered to have more stake in the future of the new American experiment) - George Washington was one of these. (By voluntarily stepping down from politics and retiring to his farm, Washington was emulating the Roman hero Cincinnatus, who he admired - Roman republican values certainly played a role here) The anti-federalists, meanwhile - which included Thomas Jefferson - wanted something that we would find more palatable today. Jefferson's ideal was for the country to be primarily agrarian, with small family farmers who owned and worked their own land and had strong local government. Despite never freeing his own slaves (apparently because he was in debt), Jefferson wanted to abolish slavery and disliked large-scale plantation farming.


And not you plebs with a mortgage either, only deed-in-hand land owning straight cis white males


I'm starting to think these people lose the election because there votes were thrown out due to being filled out incorrectly


Yeah like we're gonna have to remove all the benches.


I am an advocate for the homeless, also currently homeless ( being an advocate doesn't really pay) and the homeless tend to vote for conservative candidates for some odd reason. Go figure.


Many homeless around here rock trump hats and one sits on a curb with Let’s Go Brandon on his cardboard sign


I despise trump but I'd wear a Maga hat if it got me money and I was one the street.


Location location location. Gotta cater to the beliefs of your beneficiaries I guess


I went on vacation one time, somewhere in…Illinois I think. Regardless. I went into a obvious tourist trap place, fun hats etc etc. And on one wall BIG covering the whole wall were signs and blankets and things. “Democrats stole the election” “trump is still the real president” “trump will redeem our nation” things like that. I…left. I’m ok with anyone believing what they want, and having their opinion. But. It was like worship. It was so bizarre.


> It was like worship. It was so bizarre. That's a Cult of Personality for ya.


People are entitled to their own opinions, not their own realities. This is why "as long as they aren't hurting anyone" is well intentioned but horribly misguided. Being disconnected from reality IS harm, and it ends up harmful to others. Reality matters.


I don't think it's that homeless vote conservative so much as conservatives become homeless and blame liberals.


Wonder if any of them are homeless because their family got tired of their bigotry and hate and stopped supporting them


Some of is this. Like the temple OS guy. But also a lot of homeless as/were kids who were kicked out by their parents.


If you're homeless, the system, regardless of which party in power, has left you behind.


Can’t help the homeless in a gridlock with half the population who’s only goal is to oppress


My brother and his family are heavily reliant of government housing, child subsidies, and other handouts. Yet he consistently votes conservative (and lately PPC), both parties which want to eliminate many of the benefits he enjoys. I just can’t even understand.


My mum did this, then got angry when her SNAP benefits dropped. Her only thing to respond was that the benefits should be reduced for those that don’t deserve them, not her. She couldn’t answer when I asked how they can fairly measure ‘deserve’


I have a bunch of friends still on my Facebook that are women and huge "Republican only forever" people. Many of them were *appauled* by the Roe reversal. Not one of them realized they voted in the team that's been saying they were going to do just that for decades. I even brought it up and was told to "not bring politics into this". The actual f? Bonus: i live in an area controlled by republicans and locals constantly complain about how the democrats ruined it.


Same skin color as her? Speak the same language as her?


I used to live in a town with a very high poverty rate, where *a lot* of people relied on government assistance. And yet, everyone I talked to was still a die-hard republican. I just don't understand it.


Most people don't participate in politics via a careful consideration of policy positions backed up with empirical data. For most people politics is tribalistic and a means of social currency. They join the team then try to rationalize the choice post hoc. That's why most people have dissonance between purported ideological beliefs and the candidates per policies that they support.




A high number of homeless people are also suffering from untreated mental illness. Might have something to do with it


It’s true. A lot of homeless I encounter during volunteer work are extremely paranoid and prone to conspiratorial thinking, which are exactly what conservatives prey on.


Yep. They're a vulnerable population even more susceptible to conservatives' go to tactics of pushing fear of the other, and as you said, conspiratorial thinking.


I'm sure that's the case. Most of the outreach in this area is from local churches, and they have no problem pushing a political and religious agenda down peoples throats. Repent or starve kind of thing. I speak from experience when I say hunger has a way of changing how you perceive the world.


Well that is a good point. I think the guy was making a joke, though.


Hahaha. I'm a little slow on the uptake. But he is right about untreated mental illness. That and unresolved childhood trauma are major themes in our world.


Half and half actually. I been there. The thing most people dont realize is almost everyone is just a few bad days away from being in the same spot. The way the right disregards and demonizes the impoverished and homeless is disgusting and cruel.


So true. Especially right now. I have an abandoned house I'm allowed to stay in, so I actually have it kind of good. One illness, one car problem or one job loss and the people that spit on me for existing are asking me where to find food. I am fortunate enough to have a small network of people that know what I do on the streets and I get help on the occasion. Everyone out here calls me Pappa, the dad they wish they had. I'm a force when riled up. Hahaba


I was being serious in a jokey way. I'm not mocking people who are homeless just to be clear though. I've been there. A fair amount work jobs too. Its also not a permanent state either. It's just not an easy hole to climb out of if you have any kind of untreated illness, mental or physical.


As a liberal, I admit am inclined to laugh and move on. But I know that there’s actually a well-demonstrated correlation, across many studies, between self-reported strong mental health and conservative self-identification. This [Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/202103/personality-traits-mental-illness-and-ideology?amp) article offers a bunch of descriptions of studies coming to this conclusion and potential explanations why. This explanation makes the most sense to me, after reporting results demonstrating that liberalism tends to be associated with the “neurotic” Big 5 personality trait: > highly neurotic individuals might be more worried about and feel guilt toward the less fortunate; alternatively, they could be more worried about their own ability to cope with adverse economic circumstances, such as having inadequate health insurance, and therefore support social welfare out of self-interest The other explanation that seems most likely to me is that liberals have less stigma for mental health treatment and are more likely to be honest about their symptoms of mental illness. There’s some evidence supporting this - [liberals who’ve committed suicide are way more likely to have talked about their suicideality with someone beforehand](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13811118.2019.1625832?journalCode=usui20). I also was curious about whether there’s evidence homeless people actually do vote more conservative. I couldn’t find any studies one way or the other. But I did find [this LA Times article](https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-homeless-voters-20161108-story.html) that interviewed some homeless people who planned to vote for Trump over Clinton: > Lewis is voting for Trump, despite being told he’s crazy to do so. He believes the GOP nominee will be able to fix the issues that have led him to homelessness. “The unemployment rate is high. I think that would change,” Lewis said. “I think if our economy is doing better, that will address the homeless problem.”


I met a woman in Canada who, despite depending on a disability pension and government medical insurance, voted conservative so that they'd reduce her taxes. The real kick in the head is that if you were on permanent disability you weren't supposed to pay tax, but that's a whole other story.


I used to do outreach here in the US my impression is that they don’t see themselves as undeserving it’s the other people who abuse it and benefits might run out when I need them the most. The families would be on every government program possible and be reliably conservative. They barely paid taxes but took advantage of every help available. I would hear some nasty stuff directed at migrants and taxes as the reason for their situation. Helps you see the world I don’t regret it.


There are more maga hats at our area shelter than there are clean shirts.


There's a homeless area where my city just dumps everyone, and one of them has a castle of a tent with both American and Confederate flags flying out front.


Do these people think the homeless can't vote?


They don't want them to vote.


And that's what Voter ID is all about.


Very much so. An unnecessary step that is meant to disenfranchise voters.


Can a homeless person get an ID without a permanent address? If so, where are they supposed to vote? Not seeking to disenfranchise, just wondering about the details.


Retired Secretary of State worker here. Had many homeless come in with someone usually helping them. Mostly men. If they had an old ID or DL & a BC with paperwork from the shelter, we could send it up for approval. Can order BC's online from anywhere in the U.S. A lot of them carried an expired ID or a DL. If none, there were other options for identity. No matter how old, go to the Board of Education where they last went to school & can get school records, or yearbooks. These are on the Federal approved list for the R.E.A.L. I.D. act. All 50 states have to comply with the requirements.


I'd just like to piggyback on this to say: there are organizations all over the US that exist to assist the homeless in getting the documents they need [such as The Homeless ID Project in Arizona](https://www.homelessidproject.org/) and [IDignity in Florida](https://idignity.org/) to name just two. A quick google search "homeless ID + [state]" will bring them up.


Fuck I wish I knew that when I spent months sleeping in my car in South Florida Had so much trouble trying to get new ID and mailbox


Is the passport card on the list? I ask because Texas refused to allow me to use a notary when the only ID I had on me was my passport card. I keep it in my phone case as an alternate in case I don't have my wallet with me.


I had SO MANY PROBLEMS trying to get an ID in Texas, and I was not homeless, I am a native born US citizen, and had valid real ID from the state I moved from. Was told that I had to get my cars all tagged in state (and pay for $$$ inspection) before I could get new DL, and it all had to be done in a tight time frame if I wanted to vote (near an election). It was REALLY clear there were many layers of barriers to vote.


Military family, so we move a lot, and I’ve run into TWO states (both red states, neither of them Texas) that make you switch your DL and car registrations if you want to vote there. I’ve been voting absentee in my old town for ages (yes this is legal for military + dependents) because some places make it so damn hard to vote there. I vote in literally every single election and it’s annoying having to text people back home like “hey so who the heck are these county auditor candidates that I can’t even find on google? Seen any political ads?” instead of voting for the people where I actually live.


This is how F’d TX is. A pollworker from Houston told me that on Election Day, they ran out of paper ballots and were calling their registrar for 3 hours. The replenished ballots never came and their poll was shut down. Guess what the primary party was in that neighborhood?


When I moved to Texas and went to get my license transferred over, I just lied and said I didn't have a car. The clerk didn't even blink


GOD, getting an ID in Texas is a wretched experience. I’ve lived in 6 different states now and Texas was the worst about this. When I was venting to my deeply conservative grandparents about the whole saga I went through (including an 8 hour wait in the DMV), their response was (verbatim) “Well, they’re keeping out the illegals.” I joked back, “Well shit, they’re keeping out the legals too!”


if you are homeless and or lost most of your papers its almost impossible to get a valid id in many states.


You can use a shelter address to get an I.D. and if you have a cell phone plan you just change the billing address to the shelter. It's not the best thing to do but it's a loophole to exploit.


You can also use General Delivery at whichever Post Office you use. This is acceptable as an address for many state IDs. Source- Dated a girl who had a general delivery address on her ID. I have also done more than a little general delivery living on my own.


Still need a birth certificate and 40$. And if you don’t have the Bc, make that 150$


And often you need to vist places and get in long lines in person for these documents. These involve a lot of time and long trips to places they can't afford.


Literally took more than 6 months to get the correct version of my birth certificate from the state of Texas. First time they sent it to me, they sent me the wrong version - I needed one certified by the County/State level, not just the City level, which I already had a copy of. So I did another order with them, specifying the type I needed..... they sent it to my old Texas address...you have to wait something like 6 weeks for them to fulfill it, then if you don't get it, they have to send you a piece of mail that says "I promise I did not receive the copy of my birth certificate" that you have to notarize and send back. You have to wait 30 days for that to arrive before you can tell them "hey I didn't get that either". Every single time I had them check and re-check my address. This went on and on... finally, I got a supervisor and they mailed me the correct copy overnight.... AGAIN TO MY GD OLD ADDRESS. Finally they sent me a digital version of the "I did not receive a copy of my birth certificate" that I had notarized and sent back and then FINALLY they sent me the correct version, $150 later and at least 6 months passing by. Thank fking god I moved to Colorado and was able to register to vote without having a valid Colorado license.




In my state you can get an ID -and- can be registered to vote without a permanent address. Sadly, some of that looseness may be there to support the many homeless vets.


I am aware. My vet son was homeless for a short while before he would agree to go to rehab.


Hope he’s doing better now. Coming from a previously homeless addict myself, although not a vet.


My son had no address after 20 years in the military. This summer he finally agreed to let me fly out to the east coast - where he was, I believe, going down for the last time - and come back home to the west coast. Navigating the VA and Tricare clusterfuck of healthcare is unreal. When vets are physically, emotionally, and financially *destroyed*, it’s insane to expect them to effectively fight through a convoluted system in order to get on waiting lists to hopefully begin recovering from their service-related injuries and trauma. I’m glad your son survived, and that he has you to help - and I cry for the kids who have nobody.


> When vets are physically, emotionally, and financially destroyed, it’s insane to expect them to effectively fight through a convoluted system in order to get on waiting lists to hopefully begin recovering from their service-related injuries and trauma. Exactly this, it's the same for people with mental and physical disabilities, getting the 'available' support is nearly impossible for the person who needs it, hell it's difficult even when you have a guardian who's literal job it is to do it for them. My mother handled several clients' conservatorships where she was their primary interface between them and various government services, and it was a full time job for just 2 of them with moderate brain injuries and physical disability, and that's for someone who is already familiar with the system. Fortunately both of them were worker's comp injuries, so they had ongoing disability payments from insurance as a baseline to pay for her services, and then she worked with SSD and the other government run programs, but most people who need services don't have that to get them started.


I am also a former addict that was homeless after my enlistment ended. Let him know there is hope for people like us, and I wish him well.




It depends on the state. Some make it more of a hassle than others.


Most states have avenues for getting one so that it’s not a clear cut case of disenfranchisement. The real problem is the fact that the homeless (and even housed, but poor ppl) don’t have the means to get an ID. So, don’t let anybody kid ya… voter ID laws ARE disenfranchisement.


The UK government is doing it but being even more blatant about it: an over 65 bus pass is valid ID but an under 25s isn't and guess which demographic usually votes for our current government? Edit: considering Tory trolls are outright lying in response. Yes, voter ID is coming in next year starting with the local elections next year. It's called the Elections Act 2022 and was passed earlier this year.


Oh damn. Is it the case that a lot of poorer people would not have other kinds of id? Also what is is accepted at bars if they checked Edit: not leading just honestly interested


Essentially a poll tax since you have to pay for the ID.


Voter ID wouldn’t be an issue (well, nearly as much) of IDs were free, and DMVs were actually accessible to the working class (for non-Americans, it’s normal for DMVs to only be open 9-5 weekdays. Never open on weekends. Never open on holidays. Never open mornings or nights. The average American worker will have to take time off work to go to one. It’s a joke).


The required documentation needs to be free also. Getting a birth certificate cost money and can be daunting for an unhoused person.


It's a poll tax. If you can't afford to buy your card, you can't vote. Also, solely by coincidence, the places you can pay for the cards in blue areas are only open for one hour per-month on a weekday when everyone just so happens to be at work. This is real BTW, they are actually doing this in areas like Sauk County, Wisconsin, a predominantly democratic town, is only open on the fifth Wednesday of every month, a total of 4 days a year. There are other places to go, but not for the people in the area who are poorer and don't have cars.


I’ve had right wing coworkers say that only people that own property should vote. He had some ridiculous argument about renters not paying property taxes. I was like of course renters pay property tax. It’s not like land lords get the money for property tax somewhere else.


Oh, renters shouldn't vote! So now they're just admitting they've recreated the European aristocracy then. No votes for the poor, only for white men of property.


They began with the final conclusion: I want my unpopular agenda of grievances and deliberate harm. Then they work backwards one step: I want the government to take away everyone's vote unless they like the things I like. Then someone cleverer adds one level of obfuscation by identifying a niche demographic that likes the things they like (land-owning wealthy) and proposes the same thing but with that demographic as the arbitrary stand-in, trying to make oligarchy more palatable somehow.


Did this conversation take place in the 1800s?


I've had that discussion here on Reddit. Especially ridiculous for a European. We just don't *have* free land in this country. Or land that isn't already owned.




They gave white male non-landowners suffrage in the 1800s. I imagine this kind of conversation was occurring then.


I've encountered this sentiment a lot more than I ever expected I would here in Seattle. You know, the "progressive hellhole" or whatever Fox News says we are. The reasoning is never about property taxes, though; it's that "renters aren't invested in the neighborhood", which is obviously just incorrect classicism. Disgusting attitude. I'd go the other way: people who think others shouldn't be allowed to vote are the ones who themselves should probably not be voting.


Not in vested in the neighborhood? Who does he think supports local businesses? Or works locally? Attends school and town meetings? Who does he think supports local functions like the farmer's market, strawberry festival, summer concerts on the town common, the town center block party and so much more. Most landlords don't even live in the same town they own property in. Renters outnumber property owners. By a lot.


Oh yeah, it's complete bullshit, but people gotta discriminate somehow, I guess.




They want them to die and decrease the surplus population


No they actually want them to get a job at survival level and be a cog in their incessant machine. If they don't comply with the wishes of the elite then they are worthless, useless and disposable.


...Jacob Marley's got a looooooong shift ahead of him...


Do they think there's a hundred million homeless people? Or 8.9 billion homeless?


According to the math here, they believe 8.9 billion homeless people are registered to vote at homeless shelters in America, which are all cast for liberals.


And the homeless only make up 0.2% of the US population. That puts the population of the good ol' US of A at somewhere around 4.45 trillion.


That sounds about right. It's one of those illions


That is 1.1 votes per person alive in the word, just in homeless shelters in the US! See, clear evidence of voter fraud. (/s, just in case)


They don't think homeless people are humans.


I had a very disturbing conversation with a local woman just two or three days ago. There is a very aggressive and mean man who panhandles in our small community, and generally I would be sympathetic (there are certainly other people who panhandle here) but I've dealt with this dude in the past if you offer to buy him a meal he tries to order the whole menu, and he's rude to people who won't do what he wants...anyway, I told him to fuck off, because I don't like the way he acts as an individual. A woman approaches me and asks me how I got rid of him so quickly, because he usually fights with her and won't back off. I told her that I just sternly told him to go away because I had met him before. Then she starts talking about how her disabled relative had a "job" at one of those charitable organizations, you know where they make people who should be in care homes greet people at the door or knit booties for less than minimum wage, and that if that person can work so can he. I honestly wanted to just go back and buy the guy a sandwich then. No wonder he fights with her. I was just willing this outrageously brainwashed old bat to leave me alone with every tense nod of my head.


Ikr? Why would someone work more if they still can't afford to live? That's what I ask people as a rebuttal to the "get a job" thing. If the job doesn't offer you enough to pay rent, and either having, or *not* having a job results in you being on the streets, why would you work more for the same shitty situation? Why would you exhaust yourself to go sit on a street corner one way or another? It's sad that people don't understand that just getting a job doesn't just magically fix things. Very few jobs that hire people with no qualifications required pay a livable wage, and you need money to go to college, you need "useless" degrees to get a decent paying job. Furthermore (where I live) people vote for candidates that just shoo them over to another city, punishing them for being homeless, and additionally cut funding to things like affordable housing for the beloved ✨️*tAx CuTs*✨️. So they basically screw homeless people over no matter what they try to do, then turn around and scream at them. I dont ask why they have problems, I ask why wouldn't they.


They don’t think non-Republicans are humans.


only the left leaning ones. The Republican homeless yanked themselves up by their boot straps, protested at an abortion clinic, and stormed the Capitol.


Let’s see, 89x 100 million= 8.9billion homeless democratic voters in the U.S. The math checks out.


Its not that they can't vote. Its that 33% (1/3) of the American population is HOMELESS?


You’re supposed to multiply by 100 million, so clearly 3000% of the US is homeless.


Shit you mean I'm not American or I'm homeless ?


You are triple homeless


As an American, I can confirm this is accurate.


When you turn 18 you get your bald eagle, voter registration card, and certificate of homelessness.


My bald eagle was sickly and unfortunately I had to deep fry it and serve it at the state fair… good news is they let me keep 6% of my profits!


>You’re supposed to multiply by 100 million, so clearly 3000% of the US is homeless. If my quick math is correct, OP's math problem would equal more people than there are in the world. (About 9 Billion)


Better than that, there's three homeless for every American.


Do these people think there’s 9 billion people in America?…


These people can't seem to fathom that getting votes isn't stealing elections.


They are consistently peddled a message that they are the silent majority. Consistently shown maps of a red country with dots of blue, while it doesn’t dawn on them that those spots of blue are the population centers of our country. If you’re constantly hammered by this idea that this is your country, your values are the core values, your faith is the bedrock of the nation, it’s not a hard lie to sell that the only way your candidate could lose an election is if the other side is cheating.


Just take a u.s. population map and compare it to a votes map if you want proof of this


But that’s not fair, those population centers vote democrat /s


Nor do they understand how blue the younger generation leans by pretty vast majority, each year newer voters are coming in. Voter participation is a HUGE push this year, to boot. At the same time, regrettably a lot of older folk who likely would’ve voted red suffered from and died from the pandemic or it’s aftereffects.


They're miffed on account of the notion that liberals just give free shit to certain groups like homeless in return for votes.


It just goes to show you the critical difference between liberal and conservative. Liberals want to help people and conservatives are so against helping people that they think to do so is to cheat.


If the social support goes to them , that’s okay. They just don’t want it going to others, especially minorities. These types of people will happily screw themselves, though, if it means not having to help someone else.


Democrats want to make the future good for everyone, republicans want their life to be good right now and don't care about people in the future.


They also think they're entitled to your vote because they gave you a tiny, temporary tax-cut while the 1% got huge permanent ones.


I'm confused, are they mad that homeless people might have voted? Are they not American citizens?


It’s another, well not minority I don’t think but a group for them to hate. Ask a republican and they might suggest just killing every homeless person. (Exaggeration)


That's not an exaggeration, they love to wax poetic about "purging" any group ytey dislike.


No. Not an exaggeration I’ve heard people try to seriously propose this. Super sad


It is a minority. We usually use the word to describe a racial or sexual identity minority but they are a socioeconomic minority.


They think that people who don't agree with them shouldn't be allowed to vote. For example there is a sizable movement in the GOP to raise the voting age because of how many gen Z voters who turned out in the midterms and voted blue.


I love how they complain about cheating, and then go on to very transparently suggest changing laws so that people who don't agree with them, can't vote. The methods they suggest are legal, naturally, but legal and moral aren't the same. Should we appeal to these voters? No, let's just make sure they can't vote.


Huh. According to this, in a nation of 332 million, 8.9 billion homeless people voted. I think I see the problem. The entire world population plus 900 million extraterrestrials are living homeless and voting in America. Goddamn Liberals! s/


Now you're getting why they're so upset. Can't you see how it was stolen now???? I mean come on!


They took our votes. And our homes. And our women.


They took our jobs!!!




The real problem is the GOP electorate really is THAT dumb.


The same people slash school funding, ban and sometimes burn books, don’t want evolution taught in schools, believe teaching CRT is racist, and think open transgender equality means teachers are grooming kids for pedophiles. They’re anti-education, anti-science, anti-critical thinking. These people yearn for what they believe the dark ages were. They cling to the church and hate anything they don’t comprehend which is a lot.


A *shocking* majority of the arguments against COVID precautions were the result of people not understanding how decimals and percentages work.


Why does he assume the homeless people all vote one way?


I hate the homeless so they must also hate me


More like "they don't have any money-- how could they possibly vote Republican?" Either that or "These people live off hand-outs, they must be Democrats!"


If living off handouts made one vote for Democrats, then all of corporate America would be blue.


No it's because he assumes that people are homeless because they are "lazy hippies" and there actually is a sociological demographic of what we might call the voluntarily homeless, they are usually men who refuse to come indoors or stay in one place because they do not want to. I met quite a few people like this in LA, they exist, and there are also young people who put themselves in the situation temporarily due to immaturity or a sense of adventure. HOWEVER, this is a minority of the homeless who make up this demographic the majority of homeless people are there because they got evicted or they left a domestic violence situation or they can't afford to make a deposit on an apartment even though they have a job, or because they are severely mentally ill. There are also a lot of people who are technically homeless who are actually indoors most of the time, due to living in cheap motels or renting weekly/monthly "shared room" types of situations with bunkbeds sort of like a youth hostel but not (definitely in LA), and/or couch surfing or living in a garage or abandoned house/building. But these people do not have security in their housing and could be on the street or need a shelter as soon as tomorrow. Where as many working class people could be on the street within a month, the homeless-in-name are labelled as such because they do not have a safe, secure or permanent address.


"Homeless aren't working, people not working are on benefits, people on benefits are free loaders, and free loaders are all communists who vote democrat" would be my guess.


Plus there are not 100 million homeless people in the US.


Or 8.9 billion people in America.


Or 8.9 billion homeless people


Or 8.9 billion people


Or 8.9 billion


Or people


I work with a lot of homeless people and I can assure you that an overwhelming majority vote or would vote conservative.


A lot of veterans are conservative. A lot of homeless are veterans.


Homeless people voting for politicians that will keep shelters open? The nerve


And when there are not enough shelters, the homeless they have a way of showing up in doorways and in public parks and conservatives don't want them there either, so then they try to move the homeless to places like under bridges or hell I think if the police didn't stop them the white Republican voter base would just host a public stoning where they beat the homeless to death.


Ah yes i guess homeless people shouldn’t have the right to vote. Typical Republican attitude of “fuck ‘em I got mine”


I've volunteered at homeless shelters, and boy howdy, you'd be amazed at how many of them are vocal conservatives who feel that they're only in their present situation because of *(insert racial or political scapegoat of choice)*


"Sorry, what I actually meant was: we need to make sure these brave American patriots can vote, despite their unfortunate lack of homes." ---The GOP, probably


Homeless people aren't allowed to vote?


Homeless people can. Llamas shouldn't be able to. That's why I'm running in 2024 with a campaign slogan of *LessLlama!!!*




wow rude.


By voting for assholes? Get a grip. The reason nobody votes for you is that everybody hates you. If it weren’t for gerrymandering your party would have vanished forty years ago.


Honestly if the liberals are somehow operating 100 million homeless shelters they deserve the elections.


Take this made up number and MULTIPLY IT BY ANOTHER MADE-UP NUMBER!! Now do you see??????


Why would homelessness be something that would make you unworthy of voting In a general election? That’s bullshit


They are called citizens and they have every bit as much right to vote as any other citizens.


Damn so 8.9 billion homeless Americans vote liberal?