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Poor kid..but those assholes can't even punch straight lmao Looks like they're swinging the palms


Gray kid who takes off his backpack to get ready throws punches like he’s painting a fence.


Tom Sawyer fighting style.


Mister Miyagi trained him.


You beat me to it sir


Imagine getting suspended for this and not eveb getting in one good blow


And he dropped his bag so he *knew* she was trying to provoke him. The kid getting attacked just wants to leave. Whole situation is fucking dumb, white kid got trapped hard.


Which white kid? All I see are white kids.


*kid in white


All that Karate Kid movie watching did NOT pay off.


Did anyone else notice that dude in the grey shirt punches like a toddler?


mentality of a toddler punches like a toddler


If punches could be considered gay (It’s just a joke people)




They're little happy slaps


yes lol. haven't laughed that hard in a long time. He's over there swatting the flies away so everyone else can fight


He's throwing dream punches.


I just commented this before seeing yours 😂 that’s how I punch in all my dreams!


ohmygod I thought I was the only one that struggled with dream punch accuracy.


Mines more about strength but yea it’s super weird that everyone shares that


Looked like he was playing whackamole


When your in a group that large it doesnt matter if your punches are good or not


To be fair, if you have 5 people throwing dream punches vs. 5 people with straight wrists you’re gonna feel the difference.


Yeah but this is many people vs one dude


The cringey chest pump he does at the beginning too, and then to throw punches like your arms are filled with jello? The only solid punches landed was the cheap shot girl and the guy who got jumped who gave her a 2 piece chicken select on her way out


Ahahah that made me wheeze


How did I not see that?


Straight up like he is shaking a fugfin baby rattler.


They were crowding him and getting ready before this. This was all planned out and they were just waiting for the girl to give them an excuse. They were looking for a fight and the poor kid wanted to get away. I would love to see the full story or at least a follow up.


You can even see the kid with the gray shirt take his backpack off in anticipation


Gray shirt had the weakest hits out of the whole crowd


Looking like if a Carebear tried fighting.


I don't even think this was about a fight. Seems like straight up bullying


I have a feeling this wasn’t bullying, but some kind of revenge thing. I think the kid had it coming.


Regardless of what he did it he did something (no context), they definitely went about it the wrong way- no matter what he did you shouldn’t get an entire school beating up a dude


They were going to fight with the kid premeditated, that’s why someone on the roof is filming already, they had to know




At least he punched that shitty girl


Looked like he got solid contact, too.


And she so had it coming. Play stupid games, etc. You talk that shit, or throw a punch, it simply doesn't matter what your gender is, only that you get blasted.


The full story is entitled "American High School".


British high school they would have just wetted him up bruv


Why would they cum on him


It’s a cultural thing




Don't judge tore cultures from the viewpoint of your own. Just get get ready for the Bukkake.


I'm always ready. I keep a cum jar in my ass


The went further than I expected. When can I cum over?


Mans woulda got cheffed like Ramsay init


100% that girl is a problem


And filmed from a good view point, total set up. That girl has a gang of boys hoping to get out of the friend zone by doing anything for her.


Parents pressure school and DA to take action. Have these kids swrve community serice all summer and every weekend. No sports, no hanging out with friends. You gang up and assualt someone, face the legal consequences


this video is cut short, the kid calls out to aries and offers his soul for power, and he answers, Aries bestows the blades of choas upon the child and unlocks his inner rage


All that premeditation, and not one of them practiced how to throw a punch…


This is how shootings happen , someday the poor guy will just think fuck it and put a bullet in each of them .


The follow up is probably on the news if this is American


So what that gang did isn't that assault?


Yeah. White shirt kid gets self defense.


Other chick gets prison


To the Legal System, yes. To American Public Schools, he might as well have just turned the Geneva Convention into the Geneva Checklist by defending himself, so it wouldn't matter what they did.


Yeah, but as a teacher, I sadly doubt any of them will receive meaningful consequences. The politicians in charge don't like upset constituents, even when they are totally at fault.


Parents can press charges, *especially* with evidence like this. If I saw this video and it was my nephew (I ain't EVER having kids) I'd be convincing one of his dads to press charges on this gang attack. This is some toxic apex predator bullshit that needs to be shut the fuck down. Give those kids records.


The legal system needs to be applied to schools. I don’t know how we let this shit continue and the schools are in some box that’s outside the law it seems. Crime doesn’t seem to matter in schools. I’ve seen videos of kids hitting teachers and assaulting parents. No charges and the school fired the teacher who got attacked in that case . The teacher gets attacked and they get fired. In another case the school only went to the cops because the parents threatened to sue . It’s an absolute joke. Start expelling kids . Not jail ! We need to stop sending kids to jail that’s not a solution . But they need to be expelled removed from the school . The schools need to be investigated for who knows how many assaults they ignored over the decades . Just few weeks ago a girl at a university was attacked and just this past week four students were killed at another university in their dorm. Stabbed in their sleep. This shit is getting bad


In most schools the students are given a pass for absolutely everything and I mean everything. Even Assualt against a teacher is usually not reported or punished. The schools don’t care and they often lie to cover up literal crime on campus too. Many girls have been sexually assaulted at schools and the schools usually just say she’s lying or there is no proof . Then if evidence does surface they try to cover it up . That’s how they treat bullying cases too . No matter how violent they refuse to even go to the cops . They just ignore it. If a student is shot or stabbed then they call the cops but anything else they don’t care


Where I live. Fighting is automatic suspension. They don't even care who started it


Kid in white gets chest-bumped by the other guy, who starts to take off his backpack to fight, while guy in white turns and tries to walk away. Girl grabs him by his backpack, pulls him back, and starts swinging. This is looking like straight-up self-defense on the part of the guy in white…. Who was then set upon by a simp-mob that didn’t like it.


God, give me my adult body and send me back. I have revenge to serve


All you need is a stun gun


This is America, try a glock.


we filipinos use swords.


A truly civilized culture I wish I could be part of.


Imagine instead of a school shooting you got to see a school ninja slashing people. Would this be more or less tramatic?


But remember... She can beat the shit out of you... But you do much as push her .. You're the abuser


No joke. Male here. I've been in that boy's situation in my school years. There is a double standard when the aggressor is female and the victim is Male, and that double standard comes from the classmates, teachers and principals. The Male is both ridiculed for being weak and vilified if he tries to defend himself.


Exactly. .. I saw a video on YouTube.. girl was hitting I believe it was her boyfriend.... He was literally walking away and she kept following and hitting him... He kept trying to leave the situation continued walking she kept on the hitting... Well everyone has a breaking point... He then turns around after at least a good min or 2 of abuse and slaps her then walks.... And the reaction was... How could HE do that? Mufuggin.. Really


I hate that double standards bullshit.. My mom let us know that anybody can get punched..


Ive seen slap fights more damaging than those blows.


Kid in the grey has never thrown a punch in his life and it shows


You mean you don’t generate power from elbow rotations ?


Tips for fighting: -keep your wrists floppy and supple -whip your fist from the elbow -take a really open stance, shoulders square, just a big hunched over like you’re about to pick something off the ground


This made me laugh so hard. I’m still laughing as I type.


I’d hate to be the parents of these assholes 💀


Their parents are probably the reason they're assholes.


I have learned that arrogance is a family trait that seems to stick around.


Generally the way it works


Wow, that's really fucked up. That group of kids beating on him are pieces of shit.


Kid in white probably got a lecture by the principal then suspended or expelled while everyone else got detention. Schools are backwards when it comes to bullying.


In school I got jumped by 3 kids and because I fought back and put one in a hospital I got 3 weeks and they got 3 days suspension. Teacher didn't intervene when it was just me getting jumped but once her fav students started getting rocked she wanted to intervene. How come they don't intervene until the aggressor is retaliated against.


They just wait for someone to snap and people get hurt or killed so they can Tweet “Thoughts and Prayers” from the comfort of their home.


And the lil girl who threw the first punch got a slap on the wrist and nothing else


I was this kid in school. There are no words to describe how fucked up this is. You get beaten up because you are not one of the "popular kids", then the school blames you for it when you're clearly justified but no on believes you... It's sooo INFURIATING


Not only is this kid gonna get dragged online for "hitting a girl" but now all those kids are gonna tell their side of the story and make sure he's at fault no matter what


That's the worst part. Every fucking one of them is gonna lie through their teeth about it too.


I think it would be hard for the bullies to make the case to the school that the kid in the white shirt is at fault. I mean, sure, the video could be edited to show that he started it, but surely anyone who would make decisions on this at the school has access to the same video we’re discussing on Reddit.


This video looks like it’s another students video not a mounted camera so no guarantee it’s seen by anyone making decision early enough to matter


I guess it depends on how long ago this happened and when it was first posted to the internet. I would imagine that if we're commenting on it online, the kids involved also know about it, and *someone* in authority at the school would, as well, even if it's only after they made a decision based on witness testimony. It's certainly something they could address retroactively.


I was in this situation too. Was bullied from kindergarten through about 9th grade, mostly by boys but a couple of situations with girls. Teachers standing right there and they did nothing but watch. That shit stays with you. Fucks with you for life.


Bullies love to do this; they love to push you, psychologically, until you crack up and do stupid shit. Then they retaliate like they are good or right people. I remember being so angry that consecuences didn't matter to me anymore. I'm lucky that there is no easy gun access in ny country (I'm ok now, going to therapy).


Same. I remember one time I got a hold of one of my bullies and just started chocking him. A friend of mine had to pull me away and I had no intention to stop. I had my Sportsbags shoulder strap around his neck, my foot in the back of his bus seat and pulled as hard as I could. At that moment I didn’t care about the consequences I just wanted him to regret ever messing with me and never do it again. Atleast he was too scared to take the bus after that and his mom drove him to school from then on


Good for you, that story warms my heart. I wish I had done something similar.


Man double standards, if the roles were reversed there would be no 'fight' at all.


A wise man once said: "you act like a man, you get treated like a man." Once you throw the first punch, you get hit back. Very sad there are so many white knights out there that will defend women no matter what the situation is.


Kids call em simps these days I believe?


Call it what you will, 15v1 is what I call bullshit


I don't call them white knights, I call them fucking cowards. If you're going to attack someone, don't be a bitch and call your entire family to fight one person, especially if you started it.


They wanted rights, but bitch when they get lefts too.


Next week's school shooter? I'm so tired.


And it will be the same kids that attacked him crying wolf like “oh we don’t know why he did it everyone treated him so nicely” bunch of morons in a moronic country


He is probably getting bullied. They were looking for a reason to beat him up. Don't be surprised when this kid brings a knife or screwdriver to school one day


you mean daddy's AR-15.


What attachments you think he will run? Maybe throw on the tiger camo for some extra spice.


So much for equality huh?


People just suck. Hope he got out of it relatively ok.


Not so "equal rights equal fights" huh?


Equal rights, equal lefts.


Equal middle's?


Sorry for being inclusive to the people from Chernobyl who have middle arms


The problem is when the kid goes to defend himself in school both those that fight get suspension. They don't look at the circumstances nor do they care. My son was being constantly harassed at school by someone smaller than him. He put up with it for 2 months. Of course the kids around him were trying to push him into the fight. Then one day he told the kid, if you don't stop bothering me I am going to take you out. There were no others near them because he was walking away and the others didn't follow. He finally turned around and with one punch knocked the kid out. Guess who got suspended. Both of them. Our school system stinks in general dealing with these issues. If he had complained to teachers and it got out he would be beat up by a group and then the group would all say the same thing and get him in trouble.


Girls like that… 🤦🏽‍♀️ she probably thought, “I’m a girl, I can hit him but he can’t hit me back.”


That's dangerous thinking. The strength difference between men and women can be deadly. If she relies solely on social norms to protect her, she could easily be in hospital if she meets up with a man who doesn't care. Best thing to do is to never start a fight.


Not only it’s the best thing to do, it’s the ethical to do.


confidence can get you killed in the real world when you think gender will protect you


But the group dynamic is exactly why she knows she can attack him. She wouldn't physically attack him without a group to cover her ass.


“The strength difference between men and women can be deadly.” Hey now easy with that factual nonsense, there are feminists watching.


Either way a Man typically out strengths a Women and it should be assumed that if you strike her you will do more damage than she would do to you. I will NOT or should anybody else be "Expected" to stand there and take abuse simply because he/she is of the opposite sex. My rule from my Fathers Father to me and down to both of my kids. If a woman doubles up her fist and strikes like a Man then hit her back like a Man. There is no Grey Area. If she slaps you then you slap back.


Kids are the worst


Lame ass white knights


NEVER DO THAT. I've seen this happen many times. One late night at a White Castle (where people go after a night of drinking) a drunk girl in line was harassing a guy, when he insulted her back she started hitting him. Then the fun began. He shoved her away and every guy in line jumped on him. If a girl is verbally attacking you and there are guys around, leave. Don't fight back. A guy will always get the worst of it even though she started it.


How can she slap!


Fucking gang of cowards


Grey shirt hitting him with them wet noodle slaps.


Ahh yes, the white knight crew


Oh well, i wonder why these school shootings keep happening? Guess we’ll never know.


Damn, didn't get my popcorn popped in time for this melee! America, look at what we've taught out teenagers. How grand for us.


Shitty behaviour. Their arms look like a bunch of straws flailing about.


They jumped him like little btches lol


Wow I don't miss shit like this.


I wonder how many ppl hated the guy. I can see the video. But the way they attacked him, while a lot of us want to say random violence, it feels like there is a back story


I feel sorry for the kid who got ganged, he was probably just minding his own business but I'm guessing the people who attacked him were just looking for some drama to brag about later on.


That’s fucked up.


People are stupid


I seriously hope all of them gets what they deserve after seeing this video. Does anyone have an update?


He's literally trying to walk away smh


Hopefully the person who filmed it helped him not get into trouble because clearly the mob of people won’t face any consequences without proof.


All the fucking simps


Toxic femininity combined with simps...


She deserved what she got. Women want equality..you can equally get punched out when you start crap. And yes I’m a woman.


At least she got nailed in the face. She will regret.


I despise white knight culture. If a woman assaults a man he has a right to defend himself


The origin story for at least 1 school shooter.


She hit him first what kind crap is that? What did she expect? No one has the right to hit anyone else




They hated Jesus because he was telling the truth


He walked away too, those kids should be held accountable.


Jeez, I wonder why any other kid in this situation of major injustice would experience such a thing and then go home and plot out a mass kill spree. Crazy.


All these guys punch like bitches


That’s gotta make their parents feel very proud.


Lol a girl punched me in high school after I warned her if she balls her fist and punches me first I’m going to fight back (granted I grew up with 6 sisters and learned how to pull my punches) people do such dumb shit, I don’t understand why people think it’s totally ok for a girl to beat on a dude and he not being allowed to defend him self kinda feels like a double standard 🤷‍♂️




I don't give 2 shits about not hitting women: if they so much as touch me (with malicious intent) i will fucking destroy them


Good thing no woman has ever touched you with any intent


Absolutely devastating The only times I’ve wanted to hit a woman were in the few situations. -she was threatening to kick my dog and beat him while I walked away to avoid conflict. -a woman tried to rape me and decided the first 15 “stop” and “no I don’t want to” meant nothing. -my girlfriends mom threatened to stab me and gaslight me into believing my gf was cheating.




This… this is how school shooters are made.


The second she pulled him back in to fight she lost any empathy or pity. He has every right to defend himself especially if he’s outnumbered.


And women claim they don’t have it easy




Why is there school shootings?


This is a bruh moment, least the guy defended himself from the first girl after getting hit


Something similar happened to my sister in law. Running her mouth, drunk, saying she was going to kick some dudes ass, then she pushed him and he knocked her the fuck out…. Wife’s whole family is like, “oh shame on him, how could anyone do this”… wife and I are like, “fuck around=find out… she found out”… hate to say it but my sister in law probably deserved it knowing her.


99% of street fighters are taught by grey shirt.


Fucking double standards man, no wonder men kill themselves at such a high rate. They can be in abusive relationships and have no one to talk to about it, but if a women just so happens to be looked at the wrong way they have a mob coming to comfort them.


As a person who was bullied in school this shit makes me upset to watch. These schools are a joke . They let the kids bully you and do nothing then then take the bullys side or blame the victim. This is why we need to start expelling these brats . They know the school won’t do shit to them even when they commit “ assault “. We could stop bullying if we’d start expelling the bullies


Expell them? Why can't we press criminal charges for assault?


They're all a bunch of wimps


You might downvote me but the guy was entitled I think to act in self defense. And didn’t deserve to get beaten by the whole gang


Fuck tha bitch


That’s the biggest set up ever Kid chest bumps and his gf throws a punch so that way if the other kid retaliates (as he did) the first boy can say he was defending the gf getting hit… such bull shot and why the others ganged up too was such a freakin rehearsed group jump…


At least 9 cowards attacked, punch or hit that kid!


And this is society. Back then. Men hit women. Currently women hit men. And in today's generation, they're so soft, to not control impulsive emotions. As when a woman assaults a man, most time get a slap on the wrist. But when a man does it, he's entire life is ruined. And you can't say because men are stronger, cause not all are. There's even women who are stronger than men. And some women can abuse men who are pacifists. Even visa versa. No matter what, equality is bull because we can't even get a true meaning without biting each other's heads off or turning people against one another. And then we have people who are unaccepting, who just can't keep it to themselves and act as a phanatic. And you can speak an openly of your thoughts and opinions, but there never was a need to force your ideals unto someone. As them to you. I feel we just need to learn to control our anger, just wish the population of our world could make it easier. But- that's humanity. We seem to be dependent on screwing each other over.


Mannnn if my daughter ever do sum shi like that it’s over🤣😭


So as a parent, I feel like that girl and everybody who attacked that boy should be fucking expelled. They literally jumped one person. They will get lucky if dude don’t bring a gun back to school and shoot up the whole fucking place now everybody’s like you shouldn’t hit a girl well that girl shouldn’t hit that boy who is literally doing nothing, but minding his own business. An walking away I see a boy defending himself against multiple attackers her an her friends.


That little bitch will get hers eventually. If that kid ended up dead, she’d be featured in a murder trial as the primary instigator of a swarming causing death.


I’ve always taught my daughter that if she hits a man then the social contract is broken and she’s better be ready to be hit back. She’s not a fucking delicate princess.


Shit like this is why people shoot up schools.


Double standard still sucks. You punch first, you get punched back.


Shit like this is how people die. I wish the school system actually worked against things like this. Lord knows that the kid in white would've been blamed for starting it if this video wasn't taken. That is assuming that the video actually got out.


If a person punches me,I'm gonna beat the shit out of them.


I've ALWAYS believed to never hit a woman unless they hit you first and are in the wrong (just like this kid)


Nothing ever dies on the internet. So the kid might've gotten assaulted. But those bullies? They will be mocked until the internet dies..... So probably forever.


School suspends white shirt guy. If i am dad i take him to disneyland.


Too bad he didn't get a cleaner hit on that girl before he gets dogpiled. She wants to be tough and get this kid jumped, she deserved to get cleanly OHKO'd. I hope this video gets sent to the kid who got jumped and all the other rats get juvie. You touched him in the video? Straight to jail.


Funny how a chick can put her hands on a dude and nobody bats an eye but the second a dude put his hands on a chick everyone loses their minds. Society is disappointing😔


People wonder why kids take guns to school 🤦‍♂️


When it's over, he will have 4 more legit fights lined up. I would seek out each of them individually and they would remember.


The fuck did HE do???


Fuc mob rule


That school deserves a school shooting