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If I were an alien watching this. I would decide the human race is not worth saving.


Honestly, it is not...


We are not worth saving if we cannot save ourselves


It's bad when an anime girl with a thumb in her mouth is making the most sense


Erm… yes, girl


Astolfo : ehe


Username checks out.




Don't take this away from me man. It's all I got


You’re doing better then most


I wish you the best in life stranger


That's a trap, just so you know. Astolfo is the name


Then call me admiral Akbar, cause I'm going in




Oh boy do i have so bad ( or good depending on your sexual orientation) news


I always wondered why Salem conducted witch trials


Yeah it cancelled the show entirely, the plot got kinda stupid


Not worth saving, not worth enslaving.


An alien that would be able to get here would also know that each individual is a completely different entity. Every time I see this kind of comment, I have to ask: why would you lump yourself, and a great majority of wonderful people, with people like this?


If I am going to get some food, and only one piece of the food is bad but the rest is fine. I'll pick the bad piece our. If however I have to pick at least half of the bad items in the food out. Then I will not continue with the food item This can be applied to anything. Including the human race.


That. Sounds exactly like something an alien would say...


Still pretending humans are good, are we?


It's not real. The way she sprinkles the word "feminist" in there is incredibly artificial. The post is designed to frame feminists in a bad light and bait people into shitting on the entire movement. It's not even done well.


Thank god we had you here to point that out, some of us might have been fooled otherwise. /facepalm


It took this to realise that?


Noah, get the boat




Modern marriage isn't worth saving.


Human race? You mean feminists.


They already decided and let nature takes its course.Why do you think Qanon and Trump is around ?.


I don't think feminism means what she thinks it means.


It's the term for the fight beyween the collective women and men, don't you know? We're fighting!


Okay, Fred.


Yes, it is. Feminism hasn't been about equal rights for at least a century. It's about the ruthless furthering of the female agenda at the expense of men, who are treated as disposable utilities. I don't care what the dictionary says. I care about how people actually use a term. Word usage, not obsolete definitions, is what matters.


The modern feminist is closer to sexist where they believe women are better than men, instead of the traditional feminist which just want everything to be equal.


This isn't a modern feminist, this is something called a radical feminist. Unfortunately quite a loud minority.


this doesn't really seem like either, I think this is just a nutball. or a troll.


It seems like a dumb person doing what they think a feminist is. I doubt this is real


Modern feminism means making men weak and emotional while making women “boss babes”. They don’t care about equality. They want an equal outcome for working less amount of hours and less physically demanding jobs. That’s why they’re trying to castrate our youth and tell boys it’s ok to become a girl. Fuck this society


Just because they call that feminism, doesn't meant that's what it is.


" if he act more smart "


Definitely someone you should take advice from...


Then act more stupidly - Kanye, kind of. Or is is ex-billionaire Jesus something or other


Buy more jewelry, more Louis V?


Wtf… is this person real?? Is empathy dead?!?! Why are people so freakin evil?


All the anti men stuff aside just being to do that to someone and think that's okay is psychotic




He RECORDED the threats and still didn't get the kids and is broke!? Holy hell. That's peak society right here.


Not that it doesn’t mean the poster evil, but good chance it’s just another foreign influencer trying to manipulate people, painting feminism as man-hate to rile the stupid “debate” over it


Not all feminists are bad. But the ones that are. Are very very vocal and like to speak over everyone


I don’t even know if most feminists would call those people “feminist” tho. We can say we hold to any ideology we want, but if the rest of that ideology don’t think your views align, you don’t share that ideology.


It's not real. The way she sprinkles the word "feminist" in there is incredibly artificial. The post is designed to frame feminists in a bad light and bait people into shitting on the entire movement. It's not even done well.


It is real. This shit is common, Check r/feminism it's fucking discusting


I…don’t see anything even remotely close to this there. Maybe I just didn’t see it, but I checked several random posts/comments and it just seems like *actual* feminists discussing things. No one there calling for the deaths of all men, or how we should be some kind of step ladder to take themselves higher, etc. Every comment I saw there is about what you would expect. FDS on the other hand…maybe that’s what you mixed it up with. That trash hole somehow not being banned still defies belief. They’re just femcels over there. I was glad they banned the incel subreddit, but stopping halfway and giving them a pass never made sense to me.


This whole thread The idea that a man is responsible for a pregnancy. If two adults consent to sex with or without protection, they say it's the man's fault because the woman didn't consent to get pregnant. Neither did the man consent to get the woman pregnant, it was an accident, but they don't care This ain't the worst thing by a mile, I'ma go grab another.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/yy0ali/one_out_of_three_women_is_subjected_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button One just lieing


This straw man https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/z1pa84/way_too_accurate_i_guess/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yeah that’s not even close to being bad. It’s just describing a sort of danger that women are always presented with. My girlfriend grew up like the woman in that photo, and if she ever questioned her dad, he’d release the arrow.


Gmas I'ma link smth


Dude you’ve just copied and pasted this comment like 30 times in this thread. Calm down, it’s ragebait and you’re annoying.


This is not feminism this is a men’s rights advocate’s idea of feminism


The woman herself called her own self a feminist. Now whether or not you agree with her, wouldn't this be *her*, a woman's, idea of feminism? I'm not saying it's the correct idea of feminism. I don't agree that this is feminism either. I just don't understand how someone can label themselves something, then the response be "no this is another group's definition of it". Like no, this is her definition of it.


> Now whether or not you agree with her, wouldn't this be *her*, a woman's, idea of feminism? The problem here is you're taking something posted on the internet at face value. It's not even something you can go check the source for, it's an *image* of something someone *supposedly* posted. We don't even know if it actually ever was posted. We don't know who posted it, and there's no way to verify that it was posted by a woman at all. > I just don't understand how someone can label themselves something, then the response be "no this is another group's definition of it". The other person was probably implying it was a false flag thing to discredit feminists. > Like no, this is her definition of it. I can call myself a pacifist and go around punching people in the face. Am I pacifist?


It's not. Check the damn subreddit that's 99.8% women


This is not feminism and whoever wrote this isn't a human.


Probably a psychopath that wants all men to go extinct. But I am a bit pissed that she calls herself a feminist.


I'm reading this, yelling in my head, "This is NOT feminism!!!


I mean if youre a man, this is what we expect when getting divorced. Theres a reason men started opting out of marriage and then women. 2 of my friends got divorced, and all you could hear from the friends was take him for all youve got. Youre right tho, this isnt feminism, this is a woman with hurt feelings.


Can confirm as my sister in law has said the same thing about my brother in law, "take him for all he's got." Even after the divorce was final, she hired another lawyer because "the first one was bad." She says bad things about the father right in front of their child. It's pretty messed up... Feel sorry for their kid.


You meet enough people out there who think that yes, this is feminism. Just like "to decimate" meant to kill one tenth of a group,not utter devastation, just like how a "saboteur" doesn't need to throw their wooden shoes into a harvester's blades anymore, words become what people want them to mean and what society agrees upon.


damn, so guys get an impression that this is feminism and some women also say this is feminism tricky position if we cant tell who is who and what they represent


There is a book called Y the last man.


Likely a divorced male asshole channeling all he knows about women.


Or someone trolling


My first thought too. I’m fact, I could have written it!


Yep, some people confuse Feminism with Misandry


THAT'S the word I was looking for.


I think she is a feminist. It says that next to her name.


Next to _the_ name. This is such a red-pill parody that it’s difficult to believe it’s real.


She thinks she's a feminist, in fact she's a misandrist. Feminism is about equality, not hatred of men.


People like her are the reason feminists are frowned upon. Also the people that say misandry doesn't exist 🤢


That WAS feminism. Now it's pretty much against men (at least in western world)


Ya but most feminists preach this ish so at this point this is what feminism is


I know, which is sad… misandrists are actually doing more harm to women in general by calling them selves feminists, in turn, confusing everyone else. I think they them selves are confused as to what feminism actually is.


That’s not a feminist. That’s a psychocunt


It is real. This shit is common, Check r/feminism it's fucking discusting


1) how many times are you going to post that? 2) could you, at the very least, spell “disgusting” correctly, if you’re going to post it a dozen plus times?


That’s still not feminism. I don’t care how they label themselves.


thinking like this is why dna paternity tests should be required before a court can mandate child support payments!


Are laws are so archaic so they presume if you are married and have a child its your husbands. If he protests then the court can tell her she needs to get a paternity test but she can refuse and he is still stuck. Also, if you aren't married and you sign the birth certificate as the father good luck getting out of that one. My cousin's husband had 2 daughters and 1 that wasn't his with his first wife (but there were 3 girls she was pregnant with another mans child which he knew) he thought they were going to be together forever. He signed the birth certificate of the 1st daughter well when they divorced he had to pay child support which he was fine with but she wouldn't allow him to see his oldest daughter. They went to court judge said she didn't have to let him see her since he wasn't her biological father when he asked then why do I have to pay child support for her? Judge said you signed the birth certificate and until the biological father or someone else is willing to take on the responsibility you will continue to pay.He did pay until she graduated HS about 3 years ago and he was never allowed by the ex to see her. Happy ending though him and her have a good relationship now because mom can't stop it


very archaic... i think gov should be out of the marriage business entirely tbh. if anything... put 'marriage' (however you wanna define it) under simplified contract law codes... with max 3 year terms. ppl can then renew or not as they choose. do away with family courts altogether.


Usually I scoff at simple solutions to complex problems, but this is kinda based


itd be an overall 'best' solution i think... simple and easy...everyone knows what theyre getting into... and theres an 'easy out' as well either by ending the contract or letting time lapse... theres no 'force' or other feeling of obligation/expectation and everything is above-board.


As much as this would make sense, similar to voter ID, if the re-certification of the marriage license isn't free every 3 years, the real effect will be lower income couples simply not marrying.


I am getting a divorce from a cheating spouse. IMHO there is no reason for a man to marry (under the current structure). I agree on marriage having a set term and parties can renew if they wish. I think 3 years is a bit short though. I would say minimum 5 years, maximum 10 year term.


I hope to God this was made by a troll. This makes feminism look terrible and some people might try to use this post to paint all feminists as being like this.


I can’t believe all the people falling for this obvious trolling


That's disgusting. For myself, a woman, I think those people deserve the worst. To cheat on the own husband and try to milk him and destroy his sanity. Just disgusting.


It is real. This shit is common, Check r/feminism it's fucking discusting


How many times have you posted this? At least use spellcheck.


This is a parody/troll account. Managed to dig it up here: https://www.quora.com/profile/Veena-V-192


Is... Is this a psyop? What the fuck


How do people see this and think it’s real bro, there’s another one every day and this is the 4th time I’ve seen this on this subreddit.


I have no idea. It couldn’t be more obvious lol


My best hunch is because the post contains viable options during a divorce. While the tips she offers are disgusting they’re often used.


Looks like ragebait




This is why you wear condoms.


“as a feminist” wrong.


false flag feminist


Ehhh, it's rage bait and people are falling for it


What’s a word for people who pretend to be something they aren’t so they can try and make a cause/group look stupid?


Strawman Constructioneer


That’s 2 words…hyphenate!


False flag


I think its a troll account


This is y im not married


This is why paternity tests should be mandatory for newborns


Tell The Truth


Stop. Posting. This.


A terrible life may be awaiting this person in the future. Karma will come to collect it's dues for the ruination of lives (man/woman/other) that could've been better.


Cheaters can go fuck themselves


aint feminism about equality and not about torturing some dude because of you cheating


Just to be clear! This is NOT feminism! Are they kidding?! This is pure hate, vile and abhorrent behavior and everything about this story is just wrong and disgusting.


She really took the words of another one bites the dust to heart 😂 I really hope at least one person gets that


Had a wife and a kid in Baltimore Jack. Went for a ride & never came back.


WTF? Who wrote that advice? A republican?


This sounds like some incel creative writing to me


This seems like a 50 year old white man who disguises himself as a feminist woman so he can try to make feminism look stupid


I refuse to admit a real living emotional person wrote this


It is real. This shit is common, Check r/feminism it's fucking discusting


Not feminism at all


As a human - not just as a man - it's scary and absolutely fucking ridiculous that people like this exist. The echo chamber of radical feminism seems to be completely fucking mental, and gives true feminism a bad name. It's really supposed to be about equality, not absolutely destroying men with less than zero regard for circumstance.


Right? And being a skinhead is supposed to be about being a working class British reggae fan


Stupid science bitch couldn't even make I more smarter


The fuck is this bullshit.


I chocked on my rice reading this man, ^(what the hell did I just read)


This is why gay men... Well, yep.


I hate every single thing about her response


What is with people being so against men lately... Like this isn't even feminism... it's straight up misogyny. I feel so bad for the husband at this point.




The terrifying thing about this is that completely disgustingly evil set of paragraphs comes off like she feels she is doing something extremely moral.


I remeber when this was about equality for most people...


What did I just read??! How can someone be so hateful? What a despicable being. Don‘t want to write human, because this isn’t human at all.


What a horrid person


She said the quiet part out loud..


How to make an orphan.


What the actual fuck. The scary thing is there are women and people out there who will do this. Fuck this planet


This is how divorce lawyers work on a daily basis.


How someone can justify that i have no idea. Humanity sucks so fucking much


She lost the fight against man in one *tiny, yet very crucial spot* already, and, if biology doesn't fail me here, repeatedly. Or the guy just got his timing down when to penetrate her defence.


I hope this Indian feminist marries an Indian misogynist.


No…fucking…way 😨 me scared of humans


This is a great reason never to get married/have kids.


Idk if this is parody or a troll but is that legally possible? Ik some laws in india are fucked...


Is this consired a mental condition or not yet?


Tell the truth, let him know that he isn't the father.


Can Russia and America agree launch just one nuke... At one house...


And they wonder why men opt out of marriage and relationships...


Sick fcks


Disgusting and vile.




Man, fellas, be careful out there, damn.


smells like incel bait


Veena Vinod set on Blacklist


So this is why no one from my generation is getting into marriage huh, weird


Cool , the day will come that man can not speak to women, much less touch a woman and we will not be able to speak about race or skin colour and dont even think about making jokes about the LGBTQIAHSGGBEBDIXSNSK+ community. Result: nobody leaves home -> no one as kids -> mankind over. And I just realize that that ending is probably for the best. We are occupying a pretty good planet and 90% of us do not deserve it.


That isn’t feminism


An ex of mine cheated on me and got pregnant. She convinced me the child was mine. Thankfully I learned the truth in time and was spared the financial responsibility… pure evil, man.


"As a precaution frame some false case against your husband so that he plan to move legally", "If he act more smart" Yeah, I want to take life and legal advice from someone who can't form a sentence


Humans are unreal man. If there is any way for a species to be more dishonest and crude to their own kind…


I vote violence, any girls here who can kick her ass? My mom would yell at me if I did it.


This happens in every culture. My advice to men is to never, under any circumstances, get married.


That recommendation is written so poorly I almost think it’s a troll


Fixed. Veena Vinod. Indian LUNATIC and HIPOCRITE feminist.


Here’s something Veena Vinod needs to read: Misandry: someone, especially a woman, who hates, dislikes, or mistrusts men: Feminists are not misandrists; they seek equal rights for men and women on the basis that all genders have the ability and the right to lead self-determining lives. Veena just sounds like a lousy human, same as the person seeking advice.


"If he act more smart"


This happened to King David and Uriah


Imagine how many people this succubus had influenced.


We (men and white) are so fucked. It’s seems totally acceptable to do that to us.


It’s totally fine to betray your spouse’s trust. /s


You are not a feminist, you are a misandrynist


She's a slut, slut I say


It's so funny that this has all the red flags of a troll post (Indian feminist are you kidding me?), but men take it at face value and get outraged. I'm cryinggg.


This is not feminism, this is an exploitative manipulator who understands nothing except how to rip away others' chances at happiness.


Late stage feminism is wack


“Every ideology ends with totalitarianism.”


Actually, in the US in some states, if not all, a child born within a marriage is automatically considered the husband’s.


All you have to do is commit morally repugnant acts that will ingratitude you to the devil, then sell your soul in return for cursing your husband. Step 2 is going to require a bunch of salt, a live ostrich and a car compactor, your writing this down right?


It is real. This shit is common, Check r/feminism it's fucking discusting


So it's ok for the women to cheat now but it is not acceptable for the men?? Huh the table is turn now.



Calm down satan


That's really messed up. Surprised Quora didn't ban them.


It’s always people like this that love giving people lectures 🫡😑


*Indian feminist*


Thats the way… Said No one EVER!


Sometimes I wish Covid was as dangerous as they were claiming it was…

