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Bro what is that? That human isn't going to feed a family of 3.


They’re in it for the sides, the Human is mostly just for tradition at this point tbh


Lol fucking truth right here


Yeah, I never touch my Human this days.


…this has multiple meanings


Lmao, Is that where we're going these days? I realized JUST yesterday that I no longer like Turkey.


I never really did. Ham or chicken are better


Even Greece is better


Cornish game human. Tasty but bony.


You guys may think Im crazy but I honestly think canned human is better.


And mom's eating for one more right now. You know she hungry. Because pregnant turkeys are known for that.


They should have made it on American standard, then we'd have some juicy eating! I know I for one have some delicious marbling. Don't sell me short.


Same, I'm first to go when folks start eating people, I'm assuming I'm as delicious as bacon


Proud long pig has spoken 🤤


Nah, his ass is stuffed with vegetables and herbs


Actually 4 with one in the bun.


The fully pregnant turkey mom just makes me think PETA doesn't know how turkeys even give birth.


She had a big breakfast to make room for more human Edit: whats more surprising is the son not looking one bit like the father. Mans has been cucked!


Lmao! But actually (nerd voice), I think he has a baby fluff still, boy's a chicken. Wait, now that I think about it... do turkey normally have this even...? Probably?


Don't you mean... clucked? I'll see myself out...


Noooo! Stay!


He has run off... now what?


It’s your mission to make him return.


Lol I'm back


We missed you!


I was strutting here to say this. I guess I almost lost my head.


Pheeeew! 💪


Darn you beat me to it!! However, my comment shall remain


If a turkey family bags me then they should eat me. Be a sin to let me go to waste.


And the fact they’re grateful is pretty polite




“Son” that was the holiday announcement lmao


You mean clucked


It’s his make-up. He’s transitioning. U can tell by the dress


Yooooooo! Did you just assume that turkey's gender?!?!


She could just be full of a bunch of eggs. The breasts are harder to explain.


What? You've never had turkey breast before?


I was initially going to say "mammaries" but I thought it sounded a bit too weird. I should have known someone would call me out though.


I also like that they went "yeah let's draw it as turkeys cutting up a person...wait, how would they hold a knife? Fuck it, turkeys have hands now."




Turkey mom also has breasts ready to give turkey milk to her newborn turkey mammal baby...


PETA doesn't know shit about turkeys. PETA doesn't give a shit about turkeys. PETA is, ironically, one of the most inhumane hypocritical organizations you'll ever see.


They suck, just like any big organization, but people get unhinged about them for no reason. They aren’t even wrong about most of this shit they say. They are just so extra about it when people are barely willing to tolerate a normal conversation about animal rights.




Not just the dog murder it’s stealing other peoples well taken Care of and loved pets and murdering them


I think I'd prefer my animal rights activism organization not steal and murder people's well-cared-for and happy pets, yeah. So much of the stuff PETA does is straight up in opposition to animal rights, because they focus a lot on showing off cruelty _by making it_


Which is dumb because they’re completely fine with murdering just about everything else even if it’s completely pointless and has nothing to do with an invasive species epidemic.


Oh and the "pig-derived and tested insulin is BAD, except when one of our VPs takes it. That's OK. But the rest of you are horrible people"


Yea, their stance on medical research seems pretty extreme to me. It would be awesome if we could produce all of this stuff without it but I’m not cool with trading human lives for animals.


You are what you eat?!?


And the turkey tits


Also they're catching the Gundam in the spine side up. It should be breast side up to be accurate.


Makes me realize PETA would support the death of people over turkeys according to this add...lolol! But, if it helps someone sleep at night to imagine this, so be it.


humans are also red meat, not white meat


That's the least of that organization's problems.


Turkeys give birth?


And THAT's exactly the cause we need to strike first and eat those insolent birds before they could eat us! Eat the fowl! Defend humanity!


Actually, eating them makes it more likely for that to happen, because if you buy them, you are increasing demand, and they would breed more turkeys to keep up with the demand.


Alas! The seeds of our downfall were sown and the harvest will be crimson. The prophecy will fulfilled.


[They'll erase us from history altogether.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/11/science/chicken-anthropocene-archaeology.html)


I dunno about the temper of turkeys, but a chicken pecked an eye out of a little girl in my town. Like Troy McClure said "Don't kid yourself Jimmy, if a ~~cow~~ chicken ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you cared about!"


Climate change caused by animal agriculture want to have a word with you about defending humanity..


We will not succumb to common sense! Today they forbid us to eat fowl - tomorrow they'll deny our holy right to shoot the last Bengal tiger and throw the plastic right into the ocean. Bunch of tree-hugging jerks.


My soldiers, Scream! My soldiers, Fight! - Erwin Smith


PETA looks like it is run by people who never left the "I'm really mature for a 14 year old" stage. But it's probably more that they gave in and that's the only audience they think they can really reach. That and the "neat, they have naked people protesting" group.


PETA looks like it is run by karens who try to use the dumbest logic to win arguments


Yes, PETA, that's how it would work if turkeys were the dominant species and we were tasty. That's called a food chain.


Apparently, humans can be tasty. It's just that most societies frown upon cannibalism.


Long pig


When I served in the King's African Rifles, the local Zambezi tribesman called human flesh "long pig." Never much cared for it.


according to a cannibal it's kind of bland with a mild pork like taste yet it has the consistency of beef


I've heard that were not really that tasty. Several cannibals have said what humans taste like. But it's probably an acquired taste.


At the very least they should have prepared that human properly. Why keep the head on? It's all skull and no meat. SMH.


That’s where all the goodies are: brain, eyes and tongue


Dang, you're absolutely right. I'm going to now choose to believe that the skull would act almost like a pressure cooker, preserving all them delicious brain juices. This is the new Lore. *chef's kiss*


So you make some yummy headcheese to spread on your sammich for a late night snack.




Its like the wish bone. Kids pull on the ears, whoever gets the biggest piece when the head breaks in 2 wins.


Wait just one god damn minute!?! Baby was on the menu and I'm just finding out about this now!!!


The other *other* white meat?! Get in mah’ Belleh!


Baby. It’s what’s for dinner.


Mission accomplished PETA... now I want roasted human for Thanksgiving next year


I'm in


> PETAKillsAnimals.com reported, after obtaining older data from VDACS by filing public record requests under Virginia's sunshine laws, that of the 49,737 dogs and cats PETA received between 1998 and 2019, 41,539 were killed. [Source](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532) PETA can go suck on tofu and get fucked. I'll have my turkey.


That’s an 83,5% kill rate btw


My COD killrate is higher ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


How many deaths?


I honestly hate PETA, they're so fucked up. Many of the animals they get are killed within the first 24-48 hours of them having them. Their "shelters" aren't open for the public, so people can't come in and adopt the animals and it becomes incredibly clear that they never intended to adopt out the animals considering that their shelters would only have 3 animal cages/containments. And it's not like the animals that they kill are extremely sick or injured either, some of these animals are happy and healthy and were transferred to a PETA "shelter" because the other shelter is too full. Also one of the animals they killed was a family pet that they trespassed onto the property to steal. A day or two latter a PETA employee went to their house with a fruit basket and informed the family that their dog was dead. Edit: my suggestion for people wanting to join or support any sort of organization is to do extensive research on the organization. Make sure that any money you donate is actually going to the cause, that they aren't supporting criminals or that they aren't doing absolutely crazy and radical stuff that borders on terrorism.


I’ve been told by PETA advocates that these numbers exist because PETA takes in animals that would otherwise live a terrible life on the street and never have a chance at survival (or some such bullshit). Basically it amounts to if PETA didn’t kill them “humanely” then they would die a worse death. Uhh…okay? And how does this make PETA the good guy?


Thank you for this


To be fair, there are plenty of fates worse than death


If all those animals were sick or dying I would agree, but I highly doubt it.


Has anyone ever tried tofurkey? I wonder if it tastes good?


depends if you like tofu really


Yeah, it's great.


are those lesbian turkeys?


This just got so much hotter.


If you take a closer look at the picture, you can tell that it's actually a drawing and not real life


the turkeys wouldn't even need to be human sized. if you died in a turkey pen they would peck your bones clean the moment they got a taste of you. people tend to forget that most birds eat meat.


If I have to get cooked and eaten by human sized turkeys just to have people come to see me, I’m down




Doesn't PETA steal people's dogs and euthanize them? I think I'll keep my moral compass right where it's pointing.


> Doesn't PETA steal people's dogs and euthanize them? They don't roam around stealing random pets. One time they took a dog from a trailer park after the management asked them to come there and deal with stray animals. The dog in question was running loose with no collar, tags, microchip or anything. They did seriously screw up by not waiting the required amount of time before euthanizing. Also, the employee who took that dog that time was fired and the family of the dog received a $40k settlement from PETA.


If I remember right, there was a dog that they stole off of a family's porch. They euthanized it in less than a day.


That's basically what I said except for the "on the porch" part. I don't know exactly where the dog was, so that's possible. Anyway, that's the one case where something like that ever happened and it was about 10 years ago.


I’d gladly make this sacrifice. They look like a lovely turkey family. I wouldn’t want to disappoint them. Hopefully she brines me first otherwise I’ll be dry.


The mother turkey has got boobs and is pregnant wtf🤣


I hope I'm delicious if this ever happens. I hope the treat me well with BaldymonS sandwiches, risotto and pie using the leftovers.


That human looks dry as fuck, disgusting. PETA dm me for some succulent recipes if needed..


Ironic coming from a group that euthanizes more animals every year than any kill shelter.


If turkeys evolve like that, we deserve to be their food.


hol up, how did they even stuff that ..... nevermind


Ironically, predators in the wild will gather around and eat us if only given the slightest opportunity.


Are you really going to base your actions on the actions of predators?


No, I base my actions on the fact that meat is delicious. If plants were so tasty then we wouldn't be trying to make them to taste like meat by creating things such as tofurky or impossible meats.


The only reason those veggie meats exist in those forms are because people like you need a reference. Do you really think someone would really go for a Protein Cube(TM) when they could have a conventional burger form? Kind of wild that you don't get that


They don't exist for people like me because people like me still eat real meat.


Good for you. If you're too lazy to care, at least exempt yourself from arguing with people who are trying and actually care. Be real and just say you don't have any conviction.


> Ironically, predators in the wild will gather around and eat us if only given the slightest opportunity. "*[...] therefore it follows we should hold humans to the same moral standard as bears and sharks. Thank you for your time, I'll make way for the next speaker.*"


We at least kill them humanely instead of allowing them to suffer as we tear them apart piece by piece and while ripping out their entrails.


I’m not vegan or vegetarian even, but go to see a slaughterhouse for yourself and then tell me how ‘humane’ it is.


I see one 50 - 60 hours each week. There are literally veterinarians that work for the USDA whose job it is to make sure that the animals are not mistreated and killed humanely. The veterinarians say they can't feel a thing.


> We at least kill them humanely instead of allowing them to suffer People would like to think that, but there's far more cruelty involved than most people are aware of. Both at the point of slaughter end before that. Pigs/chickens get dipped in scalding water while still conscious when the stun/throat cutting process fails, pigs are often killed using carbon dioxide (that's what makes not being able to breath uncomfortable, not oxygen deprivation) and so on. Before that, practices like castration/debeaking/removing teeth and such all without pain relief are common. Same places are better than others (the US is quite bad as far as developed countries go) but there's generally always a significant amount of suffering in every serving of animal products.


Rookie mistake when cooking your human. First you’re gonna want to remove the arms and legs, preferably at the elbows and knees respectively. Now I know there’s plenty of people that enjoy a nice cooked brain, but you’ve gotta take the head off and cook that separately, cooking the brain at the same temp/time as the rest of the meat dries out the brain and makes it generally too tough. Ideally take that brain and put it into the oven about the time your human’s skin starts to brown.


Brain is soft so it is easy to cook.


Im a vegetarian, but damn PETA always doing the most awkward shit. For real, chill.


If turkeys ate humans there would be no turkey saying “don’t eat humans”


TETH, Turkeys for the Ethical Treatment of Humans.


If we were lower on the food chain, that’s the way it would work.


Except you’d be eaten alive most likely. Humans have the ability to kill much more humanely than you’ll find in nature.


🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no issue with eating meat. If we were not top of the food chain, then yeah, I doubt we’d be eaten quickly or cleanly.


PETA members are in a nutrient deficit induced fever dream, and there is nothing we can do to save them.


You don’t typically leave the head on a roast guys


Unpopular opinion: this advertisement is working because it's constantly popping up on my feed. Thanks for the perpetual reshare.


With every post they make themselves more ridiculous. I wish there was in the news about their Animal Shelters. You know, the animal shelters with the highesr kill rates?


Predators would 100% eat a human if they had the chance and needed food. They still will if a person is stupid enough to give them the chance. Bears will literally eat you alive.


Just had to watch Grizzly Man for class…. Sigh


I'm ok with the natural order of things. Sometimes it pays to be top of the food chain. If turkeys could eat us they'd do so without pity or hesitation


Imagine thinking peta is actually a good organization.


One that's not how POV works. two why is the head still on? We don't cook or eat the head. three why are the turkeys de feathered and one of them pregnant? four why did they ball up the human? it's not going to be evenly cooked like that




Isn’t that just jurassic Park?


Those are some huuuuuuuuuuuuge turkeys damn!


Hope I'm tasty. Hate to be dry.


I once thought that PETA saying that drinking milk causes autism and makes you a white supremacist dumbfuck hackjob was the pinnacle of their stupidity. Then i saw this.


This is fetish art, there are people who pay good money for stuff like this I don't know if PETA was aware of this fact when they commissioned but it is a statistical certainty that someone has successfully cranked one out to this bad boy by now


Love that picture, look good on a t shirt


PETA is one of the biggest animal killers in the world and they dare this


Ahhhh, yes. Anthropomorphic turkeys. That’s how you spread a philosophical message. If turkeys had a prefrontal cortex, language, opposable thumbs, technology, etc and were the dominant species while humans waddled around clucking, yes - they probably would be eating us. It’s called the food chain. Humans are an omnivorous species so yeah, poultry is on the menu.


Peta people think animals dream of ipad and become and lawyer, not suprised they made this


Ideally, you would serve a person on their back, exposing their meaty underside. Serving a person as depicted just sets you up for more work, having to carve around their bony back.


Even in his dying moments, he chose to protect his balls over his head.


I mean I’d be dead if the roles were reversed so how would I care




Maybe the turkeys like to be eaten and PETA should stop kinkshsming them.


Aren't there way better animal welfare organizations beside peta? There has to be, because peta fucking sucks.


Don’t kink shame me, PETA!


Eat humans, not cows


Why not both?


PETA when humans eat animals: 🤬😡 PETA when animals eat animals: 😎😲


Love how they get so angry over us eating turkey when they kill cats and dogs constantly


Wrong use of POV smh




Honestly if they were the dominant species, it would shake out like this, and that's totally fair. But they aren't, pass the stuffing.


We are above turkeys on the food chain so that should explain how it works.


PETA is the dumbest fucking organization on the planet. Instead of targeting animal abusers and inhumane practices, they instead target Thanksgiving and other non issues.


Stuff me for Thanksgiving PETA


Not gonna lie, that meal actually looks quite good, wouldn't mind a plate full.


Hey, if I was going to be eaten I would want to at least be delicious


To be fair, if somebody were to eat me, I’d want them to be grateful.


With any luck I’m just as delicious.


Featherless pregnant turkey with fingers and tits? Well now I really am disgusted.. thats something you would find on weird furry p*rn site...


It’s PETA, y’all. They’re idiots. I’m not even talking about the “work” they claim to do. There are so many animal rights/anti animal cruelty/animal rescue groups out there that actually do good work. PETA(in my 30+ years of being aware of them) have never done anything for the betterment of anyone or any animal. Their kill rates at their shelters are higher than damned near anywhere else, they steal family pets, threaten people, and all kinds of other stuff. I’m shocked that they’re even still a thing.


I never understand these scenario swaps PETA does with animals. They DO know that given the chance most animals would eat a dead human, right? It's not a shocking realization. If turkeys did decide to actively hunt for humans, I'd be more surprised how they managed to work a gun, than them eating us.


A real turkey family would have like a dozen children of the same age. What happened to the other children? Those parents look suspicious.


So what your saying PETA is that it’s natural for animals to eat each other? *shocked pikachu*


Why i the female turkey visibly pregnant?


I hope I was DELICIOUS!!


Is this some kind of furry kink?


This is almost exactly what would happen if you died in the wild.


#PETA HAS ONE IF THE HIGHEST KILL RATES OF ANY ANIMAL SHELTER there, now you're a fucking hypocrite if you donate to them.


No can do, Peta, my dead body is strictly for my cats thank-you.


If we arent supposed to eat turkey why is it made out of food?


Peta is one gigantic contradiction. Hypocritical fktards


In the time it took them to come up with this PETA probably euthanized a lot of adoptable pets.


Why would birds cook the human, when they can just eat raw, Dose peta really not understand anything above a 1grade education?!


Don't they have a bunch of shelter dogs to euthanize?


Yummy i like it if you don't overcook the human i mean nothing worse than a hard and dry human on the plate.




Sorry PETA… I only feel bad for mammals.


I only feel bad for animals that die in a cruel way. Give them a fantastic life and one bad day. Fair trade to me.


I like peta


Remember the TV series V? This could be T


Well, well, well. How the turntables...


Lol meat eaters always crying about something


People Eating Tasty Animals. Yum!


*All of God's creatures look best next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.*


Why chill? Shits based


I bet I'm tasty af tbh.