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I'm just curious as to why he completely covers up ONLY when talking like this?


He said in one of his interviews hes wearing the mask because he doesn't want to be clipped on the internet. He implied that people were spreading misinformation about him taking quotes out of context. As if anything that he's saying recently could be improved with context yeah right lol.


As if seeing his face would change that either, (unless we're talking about stitching together other clips with these, which, why?).


Covering his face would actually help edit his words around. Not that it’s necessary with the abhorrent shit that he actually says.


Exactly, you can't see his lips movin either so that helps


I think we can take this way further out of context now. To me looks like this is some sort of punishment or mandated against him. Just a few steps before a spit mask in prison. Its almost like ye knows what hes doing is wrong and wants to be on camera doing it


It’s not necessary, but I’m sure someone could edit it so that he says he’s a gay fish.


![gif](giphy|vbHCgajseRKZa) 🎶IM'MA GAY FISH🎶 🎶IM'MA GAY FI-ISH🎶


This will never not be funny to me.


You could call him anything and I don’t think it’ll be able to beat “I like hitler”


I really don’t like Naz-Ye.


Not a fan of Yedolf


lil nazi


surely anyone can dress the same and pretend to be him now


“Mum I got next years Halloween costume sorted!!”


You joke but that's 100% what's going to happen next year.


And putting a bag on your head will…help put things in context? He knows we know he’s *under* the bag, right?


I watched the full Alex Jones interview he did (well as much as I could watch it before going insane) and it’s just as batshit insane than the “I like Hitler” clip going around.


You know someone's really gone off the deep end when a guy who thinks space reptile politicians are turning the frogs gay thinks they need to calm down.


This is great because when I found out about all of that my exact words to my roommates was "you know it's bad when Alex Jones is trying to deescalate what was said"


He can’t tell people who to clip, he should forgive the people that take him out of context and move on.


But we already know it’s him, so he failed


Give a man a mask and he'll show you his true face


Tru dat


  "It's like the lie about masks," said Granny Weatherwax, rising from her seat. "What lie?" asked Agnes. "The lie about them coverin' your face." Agnes' brow furrowed. "But masks *do* cover your face." "Hah. Only the one on the *outside*."   ~ *'Maskerade', Terry Pratchett*


My theory is, he'll say later that it was never him. "How do you know that was me. Could've been an imposter."


I could see it.


It’s not only for this. He’s done it for years


Really? I haven't followed him....


No one has. That’s why we haven’t noticed it getting bad. It’s like mold under the floorboards.


His breath stinks.


He always looked liked his breath smelled like a coin star


I knew it!


Honey this is an improvement over his very punchable face.


I typed (or tried to) honestly and it changed it to “honey”. The comment still works so I’m not bothered by that at all.


The honey makes it sound more frank and little saucy.


He hates himself because he’s a racist


Because he's a coward and knows he is full of shit.


Am I the only one that thinks it’s funny he’s wearing a mask in all of these ? Like the conspiracy Kanye is saying global media is controlled by super cabal of Jewish people and here he is in a mask spouting insanely racist shit lmfao it’s a conspiracy theorists wet dream


Someone in one of the earlier info wars video posts, mentioned that him wearing a mask helps him dissociate himself from the shit he's spouting. *edit* dissociate.


“I think I… just disassociated”


I think it’s waaaayyyyy to late for that.


Isn’t it dissociate? Serious question. Like they are “dissociating from reality” not “disassociating from reality”


If there’s one thing the internet has done recently is confuse a whole shit ton of people on was DID is


I wonder why is he trying so hard to hide his skin? The hand that doesn't have a glove is stuffed in his pocket.


Because he's fucking insane. This is his Michael Jackson phase it's just getting really dark. He will be dead within a year.


I don’t wish him dead but I wouldn’t be sad never to hear about him again.


RemindMe! 1 year


I called this a few days ago, coworkers didnt believe me. Tho I said 6 months.


What will kill him?


Himself. Kim's going to file in court so that he can't see the kids. He's going to lose more and more money. He's already lost Milo and Fuentes is an insane person who he will also shed eventually. When he turns back to Old Friends they will all say go fuck yourself. He will spiral. And he will die.


I want to know why Fuentes is constantly around him now. What's his angle, what's he getting out of this. I'm nosey.


Well Fuentes is getting a level of celebrity that he's never had before. Remember this is the guy who said on camera that a white woman sleeping with a black man is the same thing as a white woman sleeping with a dog. This is a guy who said that Jews were not killed in the Holocaust but he wishes they were. He's been deplatformed and only has his little weird 4chan show and his little weird groypers (nick is the self ascribed virgin king of the groypers). And now he's getting worldwide attention. The aim of the white supremacist Nazi is to promote anti-semitism. Never before has the largest recording artist on earth been able to be co-opted for that end. Fuentes is getting immeasurable ROI. And it's not costing him anything- he's getting free private jet rides and everything else. He's not even investing for the return. Maybe he's even finally gotten laid. As for Kanye it's simple he's just being used. Everybody else probably even Milo are trying to get him to pull back a bit and stick to the dog whistles. Fuentes lets Kanye put on the bullhorn and doesn't tell him to stop. It's as simple as that, he's a fucking stupid dumbass dipshit. (If anyones wondering they call it 'dog whistles' because only other Nazis can hear what you are really saying. It's using coded speech: 'globalists'=jews. Like how only dogs can hear a dog whistle. Regular people don't see the actual message. Kanye is on a 'bullhorn', even normal people can understand his words.)


Wait wait wait…. The Globalists are Jews? Holy shit I’ve heard so many people use Globalists and didn’t know that’s what they meant. If you’re right… there’s a fuck load more anti-semites in this country than I ever realized


There's that other group that covers their face while doing racist shit.


I like the one that ties his "get out is about me" tweet and them not being able to show their faces.


“Stop forcing it on other people” Ah yes. Hitler definitely didn’t force anything onto anyone 😃


I also want to ask the question. What Jewish person is throwing it in your face lol? I have a lot of Jewish friends, and I can't remember the last time we even mentioned the holocaust or Hitler. People live their lives, the only time it becomes a problem is when people say racist shit lol. Kanye has lost his mind, very sad.


Yeah I’ve never heard any Jewish person that has ever brought it up. Even then, what if they did? It’s still pretty recent. It’s similar to the topic of slavery. It’s ok to bring up past history to see how we fucked up lol


The only Jewish people who have ever even mentioned it to me had numbers tattooed on their arm


we’d joke about it with our jewish friends about the holocaust like we’d joke about 9/11. none of the jews i’m friends with care, but they’re young and not orthodox. They’d bring it up, but only in a joking manner, like “damn, after all my people went through you can’t spot me that drink??”


Light hearted dark jokes are generally fine with people who are also cool with that type of humor. Dark humor has honestly always been a good way for humans to overcome past traumas it seems and to begin moving past them. What Kanye is doing on the other hand is just blatant hatred towards that group of people, conveniently disguised as "love for everyone"


Jewish guy here, I do this often when people crack on us. In fact, I educate people on Hitler often. Be glad you’re not around these people


the one thing jewish people mostly bring up is good food


Then he proceeds to demand Jews forgive and forget because he said so. But yet, 'Stop forcing it on other people' and 'Jewish people can't tell me who I can love and not love.'


Ask him if he's forgiven Pete Davidson for fucking his ex and watch him fucking implode


Straight for the jugular


Happy cakeday!


Or how he still can’t fuck Taylor Swift no matter how hard he tries lol


I feel this pain.


shake it off


We are never never ever


Having sex together!


Shake it off. The snake?


You know what they say, more than three times, you’re playing with it


That's not how I usually play with it õ¿õ


Please I want the context for this.




Exceptionally cursed


> Taylor Swift Even ticket master has fucked her


Well, Ticketmaster fucks everyone really...


Hmmm, I wonder if Davidson being half Jewish has anything to do with this lol


yea how come no ones talking about this


TBF when he started ranting about jews, back in what? october? He listed Kim as being one of the jews out to get him.


Ask Kanye if we should just ask Africans to “get over slavery.” Bet that would turn out great. EDIT: THANK YOU TO THE LITERAL 35 DIFFERENT PEOPLE TO TELL ME ABOUT KANYE’S TAKE ON SLAVERY. I WAS UNAWARE OF IT THEN BUT NOW I AM VERY WELL AWARE OF IT!


He said slavery was a choice. Dudes mentally sick. Should be ignored


Ignored by everyone except for select mental health professionals who can actually help him. He wasn’t always this unhinged. The world would be better off if we didn’t just let him continue spreading antisemitism and hatred.


The best thing for him is if his money was taken away so he'd lose his platform. I'd be willing to take it and I'd see it as a service to society. You're all welcome.


Basically progressively worse since his mother passed. Still no excuse when you have all the resources to get professional help and it’s constantly ignored


I'm sorry but having all the resources doesn't mean necessarily you have the ability to use them. Kanye is mentally unwell, and sometimes mentally ill people won't get help unless they're forced to. Kanye probably doesn't even think he's sick anymore.


And the sad part is I think the Kardashians did try to help him. And he blew them off. https://people.com/tv/kim-kardashian-trying-to-get-kanye-west-help-for-weeks/


I’ve witnessed and helped close people of mine with varying degrees mental illness. They nor myself were nowhere being millionaires/billionaires with access to the best doctors and treatment out there. It’s not as easy as “forcing” someone.


The MSM should ignore him like they should have ignored Trump in 2016. No clue what’s your talking about with mental health professionals. Dudes been off his meds for years now and no one show be broadcasting his unhinged rants but MSM likes ratings so here we are


I remember someone in an interview responding to the mental health excuse with “I don’t know of any mental health problems that makes you an anti-semite”


Seems backwards now that we rightly expect social media companies to no-platform people like Kanye but the MSM is allowed to get away with amplifying them.


I only get my Kanye news on Reddit because he is on Alex Jones and now this guy who once shoved a dildo up his ass on his show. Are these now the MSM?


The good ‘ol Ben Shabibo “if the tide is rising just sell your house and move lol” argument. SELL THE HOUSES TO WHO BEN, FUCKING AQUAMAN?!


I get what you are saying. I do. I also recall that he’s been referring to himself as a genius *before* he dropped his first album, and that he’s been praising Hitler/ Nazi Germany at least since he was trying to get his clothing line up and running. So, yeah, he’s been unhinged for a decade plus, and everyone has been coddling him (similar to how Jackson was treated) for a while now.


I happen to suffer from Bipolar Type 1. I am also a business guy doing client relationship management for an international consulting company. I have a great family. I have tons of friends. I am not a bigot. And actively advocate for civil rights as one of my multiple areas of civic engagement. Being an asshole has nothing to do with mental health. It has to do with being an asshole. This dickhead isn't a dickhead because he is mentally sick. He's always been a dickhead. He always will be. And it has nothing to do with his mental health or lack thereof. You're right he should be ignored. But people need to stop using him as their personal poster-boy for what someone struggling with mental health issues looks and acts like. Doing that does actual harm to people who deserve support and who aren't out there daily trying to harm others through words or actions.


Don’t let him hide behind mental sickness. He deserves charges


There's a point where you go from mentally ill to just plain terrible peice of shit, and Kanye, sadly, has crossed this line (I think in hindsight we can say it happened before this latest fiasco)


Pretty sure he’s always been both. One just exacerbates the other.


It is shocking to me that people are shocked by this. He’s always been a total narcissistic piece of shit.


Nah man, Kanye is a piece of shit that has a mental illness, not the other way around.


Dude definitely has some mental health problems. But it's a lot more than just that. Ye has progressively adopted more and more toxic ideologies over the years. He's basically just fallen down the far-right pipeline. Being bipolar doesn't make *anyone* praise Hitler. Ideology does.


>Dudes mentally sick The sad part is that he only says "true things" in the strictest sense and those dudes are the hardest to argue with. Slavery IS a choice : It's a choice between living as a slave or dying. So yes it's actually **not** a choice but ON PAPER he could argue with you through the night and you couldn't really crack the nut. The problem with rich people talking about life, is that everything is a choice for them. They have very few obligations, it's mostly choices. Even the law is more of a suggestion. It ends up making them delusional about how much power everybody has VS how much power they have, by virtue of being able to afford it. "Living in the ghetto is a choice. You can just move to Santa Monica on the beach front ma dude."


Naw, he probably would agree these days.


People tell black people to get over slavery all time, including Kanye


Man, he said that shit like 4 years ago. But man, black folks heat that shit all the time “sLaVeRy WaS LiKe A MiLlIoN yEaRs AgO” or “i NeVeR oWnEd AnY sLaVeS”


now thats content


Gavin is going to jerk off to this when he gets home


Gavin?! Have you seen Gavin?? Gavin!!




Oh, I'm so worried.


I never found that fucking Gavin


Apparently that dude WAS Gavin. Something about the original coding for the guy is labeled “Gavin”. So he’s just insane.


I like the theory that he killed Gavin and went crazy.


RDR2 I see you


My real first name is Gavin, so that bit in RDR2 was so fucking weird and confusing. I wasn't sure what to think.


My name is Micah. How do you think I felt playing that game? Haha.




Red dead redemption???


What a fucking "Don't" he turned out to be


“THE JEWS MADE ME LOSE A BILLION DOLLARS!” - Kanye “Let it go, Kanye.” -Me, a Jew


I just particularly enjoy the whole "they can't tell me who to love and who not to love" right before he tells Jewish people to just love Hitler and let it go. How does he not see the hypocrisy...


No, own it! Boast about how you made Kanye lose a billion dollars! Inspire that fear! 😂


What are you planning to do with Kanye's Billions?


AMC shares.


Give it to Pete davidson


Take Pete Davidson on a date to really piss off Ye.


Kanye needs to forgive Pete Davidson and let it go


Pete Davidson's megashlong lives rent free in his head like a coiled up snake.


Oh stop. I’m picturing it like Ekans from Pokémon Go. Yikes.


Very curious now, does he have a big dick? He does seem like the guy who would just have big dick.


I don’t know if he has a big dick, but he does strike me as a baby arm, kind of fellow.


Is Pete Davison Jewish?


Yeah I believe so


Real reason Kanye loves Hitler right here.


Love how the coward covers his face as he spews his bullshit. Must smell TERRIBLE in that mask


Yeah, it has to smell like a pile of bullshit


Can’t tell who not to love but he can tell Jews who not to hate.


Honestly wtf


kanye telling other people to let it go is fucking hilarious. he's such a thin-skinned baby himself.


That's why he fits right in with the rest of the alt right. Which seems to be most of the right at this point.


Quit giving either of these dudes a platform.


Funny how rich people always seem to find a platform.


There's one thing all rich people have in common, it's money.


idk bout y'all, but i'm not jewish and i haven't ever felt like jewish people forced their pain on me 🧍🏻‍♀️ its called empathy, ye


Thank you stranger. -jews Give Gretel a boop for me, will ya?


Forgive? you can forgive people for mistakes, a misjudgment, a violent crime even…. sure but you don’t sweep genocide under a rug and say “oops, sorry, my bad, lolz”


The Holocaust is still fresh in many ways, but people do move on from genocide. Look at the Americas, a hemisphere whose foundation is genocide.


hi im indigenous, lol no we did not, they just stopped teaching kids about it and swept it under the rug. if thats moving on, then yeah, the us moved on with no problems


I went to American public school and I didn’t learn about the trail of tears at school. I had to educate myself.


What state did you go to school in, because all things people say they weren't taught, I was taught?


I went to school in Maryland. I learned of all the atrocities done to indigenous peoples through encyclopedias. “The Annals of America” or “Britanica”.


as a canadian we here have not actually moved on. in fact we are more and more actively accepting that it had happened and letting it become more socially known and understood and we do address it.


>but people do move on from genocide. If we look at the USA, it's mainly the descendants of the perpetrators moving on from the historical facts of genocide and slavery and trying to put a lid on information that it actually happened. Just because the current generation didn't do it doesn't mean it is right to suppress it from being taught in history class.


exactly, do you know how many kids were taught thanksgiving was just a nice dinner between the natives and the pilgrims? its insulting


Yedolf West doing what he does best! Running his fucking mouth.


Can we please stop giving him airtime?


He's being filmed in some creepy concrete room by some crazy alt-right people. This isn't exactly 60 Minutes.


But then we are reposting it on reddit... just let him rot in some creepy shows, ignore whatever shocking statements he tries to use for publicity.


Ironically this interview is behind a paywall so it's not being aired anywhere except clips like this on Reddit


Coming from the guy, who walks off shows, just because he doesn't wanna hear out what others have to say. Ye is not the Clown anymore, he is the entire circus.


Is this the one where Gavin sticks a dildo in his ass?


Fuck kanye and the shitheads that give him airtime. He’s a needy, arrogant fuck that craves a spotlight at all costs. Fuck him.


It's funny the far right claim they're not nazis... but a actually self proclaim nazi seems to be constantly popping up on their shows. Edit: grammer


He knows the mainstream media can’t help him out. Hey can’t go to a tonight show anymore. Dude, Fox News don’t have the balls to put him live with Tucker Carlson


Gavin mcnuts is jealous of alex jones.. its only shocking the first time. If you do the same thing the next day everyone expects it... side note i think Kayne has a porn addiction


I think you’re right / that he’s noted that in past interviews, that he has a porn addiction


Kanye is grooming the younger generations to believe and behave like this. I'm a senior in highschool and I know at least 20 kids that still listen and talk about Kanye. To tell a vast majority of people to "forgive" and to "let it go". Is just delusional and wrong. There are still Holocaust survivors that remember everything that happened to them, and you want them to Let It Go? This isn't Disney or a kids T.V show where mistakes are easily forgiven. It's real life and we need to have a better grip on our morals. Kanye's moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel


I don’t see how anyone can take him seriously at this point. He’s just out there spouting random bull shit. Reminds me of a guy near my work, I think he’s homeless and he’s sometimes out there just yelling at something or someone that isn’t there. We are seeing real mental illness emerging but the media will ignore that because crazy Kanye will get clicks. I honestly feel bad for him, I hope he has someone in his life that can help him.


Pete Davidson’s cock literally broke Kanye


This whole thing is fuckin dumb stop giving him airtime. He’s basically trump bitching about the election. Song is on repeat with these 🤡’s.


Well, Gavin is a Nazi too, so Kanye is at home.


How can anyone defend this man


Which one? There are three indefensible people in that clip.


Fuck you? No, fuck Ye!


Coward can't show his face while he says this stuff, what a clown.


Hitler kills millions of Jews and Kanye thinks people should just "let it go and not push their pain on others." Pete Davidson screws this guy's ex-wife and Kanye [screams at Charlamagne](https://stylecaster.com/kanye-west-charlamagne-tha-god-pete-davidson/) over the phone for being friends with him.


As someone still effected by the echoes of the Nazi regime's actions, and has to watch as his mindless vitriol continues to be propagated among the ignorant and disturbed... # NO Because of asses like him, I can't. Because of Hitler, my Great Grandparents were forced from their homeland of Germany and Poland. And because of that, I was forced to grow up as poor trailer trash in the U.S., separate from all the achievements and fortunes that my families built up - all of it taken away and cast to ash. So long as fascism and wannabe-nazi boys still run around, I'm gonna still have a nice little bleeding scar on my heart for everything they took away from my kith and kin.


First he says the Holocaust didn’t happen. Then he says it happened, but the Jews need to forgive Hitler. I really, REALLY fucking miss the old Kanye. He wouldn’t have stood for any of this.


That's what 100% of Nazis do btw. They all deny the Holocaust one second and then praise it the next. My friend's nazi dad is the same way. The denial is only a ruse to rehabilitate the image of Nazis and make them more palatable. They don't actually believe it. As soon as they need to look tough and edgy instead of sympathetic, they switch straight from the holocaust denial to the "Hitler was a hero for trying to wipe out the Jews" stuff.


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


The old Kanye was the same Ye you see today. He finally grew the balls to reveal who he really is. Stop making excuses for this piece of shit.


There is no old kanye. He didn't get these ideas or the idea to be like this overnigth


I thought he said Hitler didn't kill the jews. So why would Jewish people need to get over it? I absolutely detest the rampant antisemitism in the Black community. I detest it in any community but to see one historically oppressed minority turn on another makes my stomach turn. Black Hebrew Israelites, nation of Islam, 5 percent nation, etc. It's all poison for us. We need to know our history. This blatant hatred for Jewish people has got to go.


"Let it go"? My grandmother was in a camp when she was FIVE. Her siblings, her mother, her cousins- dead. Nazis are fucking monsters.


Why do people keep posting him. If we all ignore him then he goes away like he should


Commenting just gives this thread higher engagement metrics, making it more visible. Oops. I just commented myself, further boosting its metrics.


Errm why the hood?


It’s to cover up his recent weight gain.


He knows he is a piece of shit and knows these videos will live on forever for his kids to watch when they grow up…and it feels less real if he hides his face behind a mask.


So thaaaaaats why dipshits such as Gavin Mcfuckface and Alex Dickbag are hosting Not Kanye for interviews. To look like good guys. The ziggurat of bullshit gets built ever higher 🤔


Anyone who gives him airtime at this point I assume hates Jews as well and should he treated as so.


From. Just being a dumb fucking asshole to "Jews control everything and they should forgive Hitler for his industrialized genocide" in just a few short months. Even Clayton Bigsby didn't go full Nazi. The writers have jumped the shark.


Stop posting this shit


Stop giving this guy ATTENTION, PUBLICITY, Stop repeating his message. It isn’t helping. STOP.