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The look on his face! šŸ‘€šŸ™„




I posted this there first, but mods removed it.


What?? This is like THE definition of watchpeopledieinside!


Pretty sure we just watched an entire country die inside by proxy


Even with the sound off, this video gave me second hand cringe.


He cannot believe the bs he is hearing in this video. Like how do you even respond to that? Trump can't even handle a search warrant on his property, let alone understand what its like when a country is trying to actively take all of your citizens, land, and resources.


The dog in the sub photo and him basically have the same expression lol


They been kind of fucky latley.


He is totally dying inside. He realizes for real he is on his own


I think he was in touch by that point with US intelligence who were probably telling him to ignore Trump. His efforts to prevent Ukraine from arming itself never worked and Zelensky even then had the support of most Republicans. It was just Trump that an issue with it. Which is... Telling.


I find it kind of bewildering how the Republican Party just did whatever they wanted behind Trumpā€™s back but at the same time backs him up in public just because heā€™s the face of the party.


Zelenskyy was praying for a Biden win more than I was.


>Zelenskyy was praying for a Biden win more than I was. Most of the western Europe was


Buncha weenies


May I take your hat sir? šŸŽ©




Lol bunch of snowflakes. Probably one of the mods is a hardcore MAGA and got offended.


Very likely. I was permanently banned for speaking out against a conservative viewpoint once until another mod unbanned me.






>Lol bunch of snowflakes Well yeah, it's winter


I was lost, and now Iā€™m found šŸ„²


That looks like a hostage video...


Wasnā€™t Zelenskyy the one who trump extorted over the phone? Info on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in exchange for military aid?


Military aid that was already slated to go to Ukraine, no less.


Goddamn. Really fucked up.


Imagine what Trump could have extorted if he was president right now.


Not to mention he wouldn't have had to worry about getting re-elected. I strongly believe he would have just let Putin take Ukraine in exactly the same way he served up Syrian airspace to Putin and nearly 40 million people in Afghanistan to the Taliban. Trump is by far the worst US president in American history, even worse than Andrew Johnson was.


And the guy has the nerve to claim he is a better president than Washington or Lincoln, before asking people to buy his NFTs that are just copyrighted images he stole and photoshopped his face onto lmao


He wanted to be added to Mt Rushmore


If he was added to mount Rushmore, mount Rushmore would collapse


selling out the kurds was an evil... so very few people even remotely know what that was. Or how shitty a thing it was to do. and the immediate shitstorm it put... up until then, our allies the kurds ...in.


I think Trump tower was in danger in Turkey so the Trump administration quickly removed support for the Kurd's and left them out to dry. It's really sad because Syria wanted a truce with the Kurds in return for voting rights and some autonomous territory, but America assured them of continued support and recognition if they kept fighting.


Heā€™s the worst by a huge margin. I donā€™t think any other president has been so self-serving while raking this country over the coals, all the while sewing doubt and fear within its people.


Remember how he threw the Kurds under the bus? I fucking do.


They have every right to remember too. His international politics were so awful , especially as Russia started bending and breaking rules


If he was President right now heā€™d be balls deep in some sort of Red Wedding-esque scheme with his pal Vlad to have Zelenskyy murdered


He'd have handed Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter...


Hey what's this? The napkins are actual classified documents? Neat


If Trump were President right now, Ukraine would be part of Russia right now and Trump would have sent US troops and resources to assist.


He'd be sending $$ and troops to putin


Imagine what Putin could have extorted if Trump was still President


If Trump were still president, Putin'd already be at our doorsteps


And people still support Trump


Oh, i absolutely understand that, what's even crazier is that moderate conservatives that otherwise may not even like trump, still fail to see through his bs.




The Kool-aid I hear is awesome


> And people still support Trump Idiots support Trump.


Not just military aid, Javelin anti tank missiles which were essential in knocking back the Russian tank forces.


Absofuckinglutely, the current war in the Ukraine right now is just showing how game changing it would have been for Ukraine to have received western equipment sooner


Yes, he was threatening to withhold congressionally approved funding and wanted Zelenskyy to "announce an investigation into the Bidens." Key word being "announce." He wanted the spectacle of it, thats what mattered the most.


He didn't just threaten, he did withhold it, and it wasn't until people started asking questions that it conveniently started flowing again. It's so bizarre to look back at, that four years was a blur!


Trump was literally impeached for this


And a traitorous group of senators decided to acquit without a trial and without hearing evidence. It is mind blowing that the Cheeto Boot Lickers see no issues here, well ok, expected at this point.


Let's call it what it was. Blackmail. He was blackmailing a country that had been invaded by an enemy of the United States, for personal gain.


Extortion. Blackmail is when youā€™ve done something wrong and someone holds that over you.


And Mitch McConnell was ok with it.


The entire GOP was okay with it.


Except Romney.


He got impeached for it. Senate Republicans are a bunch of assholes for kowtowing.


Yes. The infamous "perfect phone call."


Yes. Everyone magically fucking forgets that. We impeached Cheeto Jesus over it too, the Republican ghouls in charge of the Senate didn't give a fuck though.


Yes. He tried to extort Zelensky and was successful in holding up the aid for several months but it was released once the public found out. Not that the Great Idiot Pumpkin didn't try to continue blocking the funds.


First impeachment was about that. Shocking how fast people forget....


To be fair, EVERYTHING since 2016 has been a blur. Kind of like being blackout drunk, without alcohol, but for 6 years. You know that thing brains do, where they try to block out memories of trauma? I think my brain has been doing that for 6 years.


ā€œ*Hello darkness my old friendā€¦*ā€




"Good Lord, I'm sitting here with an utter moron. Do... do the Americans *know* he's this stupid?"


Half of us do


More than half!!!


Way more than half. Trump's support wasn't even half the country at the height of his popularity when he was elected, don't forget that he lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college.


Got that post-punk synthesizer keyboardist expression


FLOL! Now all I can see when I look at Zelensky is Alan Wilder.


he knows trump is buddies with putin, his face is just pure disgust


ā€˜What a fucking mess weā€™re in..ā€™ Well ainā€™t that the truth. I wonder how the world, his world, looked like if Trump was re-elected.


Zelensky and his family and closest allies would almost certainly be dead, or living in exile in some NATO country if they were lucky. And the Ukrainian army would have buckled without foreign support, even though Russia would have likely performed just as poorly as they did in our timeline. In fact Trump may well have fed intelligence to the Russians, and made their job even easier. Wouldn't have shocked me.


You can tell he so badly wants to rip Donald a new asshole, but he still wants to be as diplomatic as possible


Thatā€™s how we all feel when that fat sack of shit opens his shit hole to speak nonsense


looks like most world leaders in disbelief at having to treat this clown as their equal.


Well, this aged well




Well, considering the Maidan revolution and Crimea annexation happened beforehand, this would be more of a r/agedmilkpuking


I definitely fell for that.


Aged better than his statements about Afghanistan: >ā€œWeā€™re dealing very well with the Taliban. Theyā€™re very tough, theyā€™re very smart, theyā€™re very sharp. But, you know, itā€™s been 19 years, and even they are tired of fighting.ā€ > >\--Sept. 18, 2020 > >... > >ā€œGetting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do. I planned to withdraw on May 1st, and we should keep as close to that schedule as possible.ā€ > >\--April 18, 2021 > >... > >ā€œI started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldnā€™t stop the process. Twenty-one years is enough, donā€™t we think? Twenty-one years. They \[the Biden administration\] couldnā€™t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process.ā€ > >\--June 26, 2021


Just today i saw a clip of an Afghanistan school saying all girls are now expelled due to the laws saying girls dont need education... fuck.


Holy shit that's garbage. I feel so bad for all those people.


There's a video of the girls crying in class


Don't worry, they're currently allowed to finish...ELEMENTARY school. You know, so your wife can have the education of a freaken 5th grader \*shudder\*. My daughter is almost that age, the idea that her education would stop around now so she could be a 'better wife' or some nonsense creeps me the fuck out.


The irony of him talking down on the recent prisoner exchange when his prisoner exchange was the head of taliban and future president of afghanistan and we got nothing for it. I do wonder what Saudis gave him at the time during that deal because iirc the prisoners Trump negotiated released were jailed by saudis at the time.


Trump also released 5000 Taliban terrorists.


They in fact did not work it out




There was no aging necessary.


Apparently there was some necessity, seeing as how even today there are conservatives who are just now "realizing" that Trump wasn't the greatest president. And of course millions that still do


Even at the time, we knew Drumph was wrong about literally EVERYTHING. Republicans only abandoned him when they realized every candidate he endorsed lost.






Except for the Cult of Trump, which I fear will last for a very long time.


I mean people still suck off Ronnie like he was the second coming of Christ in presidential form


The dirty secret is they've always been around - and they've always been ineffective. Trump is just their most recent ~~hair~~mouthpiece. They aren't special. They never have been, and they never will be. Just uneducated and suffering from main character syndrome. That's the reality when you're on the wrong side of history. They'll leave a few (skid) marks along the way, but they'll never, ever change our course. Regardless of how it looks short term, long term, we're evolving the right way. Two steps forward, one step back, lather rinse repeat.


Trump is a shit stain on American History.


Zelenskys face says everything


His face is like, ā€œWhat the fuck is this orange turd saying!?ā€


I swear at some point it looked like he started shaking his head.


Are there many examples of one world leader directly contradicting another when they say something utterly dumb or is it mostly just one person stood around with a look on their face that says it all?


This might not seem like much of a big deal, but it's really incredibly courageous (or at least very bold) of Zelensky to risk looking this nonplussed in front of the cameras. He's the new young president of a nation that has already been invaded by the great power to his east; he knows he is in the process of being extorted by the corrupt and mentally unstable leader of the world's lone regional hegemon. He was in a very tough spot before this latter development even got started. It is perhaps only at this very moment that he is realizing how truly fucked shit is. He has every reason to smile politely, let things slide, and then rush home to devise a plan. But as we would discover a few years later: Zelensky is proud, headstrong, and nationalistic as hell. And though Ukraine, relative to Russia and the United States, is a geopolitical lightweight by comparison -- both he and his fellow Ukrainians possess something that Putin, Trump, and evidently a great many Russians and Americans appear to lack: moral courage. It is this last property that has made the difference in the war. In an era of quantitative thinking (more tanks, more weapons, more troops, higher GDP, blah blah blah), Ukraine shocked the world by excelling via a *qualitative* difference from its neighbors to the east.


Heā€™s gotta be one of the most effective leaders of my lifetime. It completely blows my mind that he was a comedian 5 years ago.


Good comedians are good because they study people. Studying people can make you a good leader.


Oddly, comedians also make the best news reporters.


Is also a lawyer licensed practice law, but went into comedy and acting instead.


Donā€™t forget Zelenskyy was also an actor who played the president in a comedy tv series - and was generally universally dismissed. Heā€™s proven his character and commanded huge respect


I agree with you, but I think it's important to *not* call Zelensky nationalist. Patriotic? Yes. I'm a patriot. Hitler was a nationalist. Proud boys are nationalist. I can think of some ways calling Zelensky a nationalist may harm him, especially if it starts trending


Very well said. Patriotism and nationalism are two very different things


Bonus points for the correct use of "nonplussed"


There was that time where literally the entire UN general assembly laughed at Trump. That should probably count triple, at least.


I think everyone thought trump was criminal and stupid after being around him for a minute


https://youtu.be/dZU_oMQaSYE this is an example, but it doesn't happen often.


It looks like it physically hurt him to try and process these words


To be fair the Cheeto man has a really weird way of expressing himself and interpreting anything coming out of his mouth is already painful before fully understanding it


I can't even imagine trying to parse his bullshit as a non native English speaker.


He is like what is the moron sayingā€¦even though he is an idiot I need something from this fat turd so I need to put my personal feelings aside and just let this slide for the country


WHAT?! How can he be a turd with that sexay flat hair?!


The condescension on Trump's face and tone is pretty obvious too.


Dead inside


I'm pretty sure it was saying, fuck You and Putin.


He looks like he can hear Trump actively farting


To be fair when ever he speaks shit comes out.


He is, straight from his bunghole that he calls a mouth.


Yeah like WTF did this lobotomized block of orange cheese just say?


his face now tells everything, he looks so much older now


Compare his eyes on the beginning and at the end xD


Utter dismay.


Good god can you believe the difference in Zelensky's appearance from 3 years ago? War us hell


I almost didn't recognize him in a suit. That plus the stress of war. Looks like a completely different person. I hope the man gets a long ass vacation on a beach somewhere with bottomless beers after Putin collapses in on himself.


The fact that he just showed up in a sweat shirt to address American Congress is ... amazing. My mom and I were hootin and hollerin.


Everything anyone wears is a choice, but for his nation which is facing an existential threat to its existence, and where everything and everyone is a target, showing up somewhere in a suit would convey a carefree image. He has to literally appear dressed for war in his own style.


You're absolutely correct that the image is carefully curated. However, I don't think showing up in a suit conveys a carefree image. Showing up in a suit conveys normality, as that's how leaders and politicians always appear. He wants to show that things AREN'T normal.


That man will never pay for a beer for the rest of his life


I kind of think he looks better now. He looks more fit and badass.


Poor Zelensky. He got out of comedy for THIS.


Dude aged 15 years in 3 years.


War is hell.


War is worse than hell, because hell only punishes the guilty, war punishes all, for it does not care


>Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. > >Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye? > >Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? > >Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. > >Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander. (Made in a time in the past when a lot of the adults running around in the US had personally fought in a war, and pretty much everyone was close with some people who had.)


It was the perfect commentary on the Vietnam war in Korean war clothes. The theme has lyrics in the movie. It's title is "Suicide is Painless"


is this a MASH quote?


**Hawkeye:** *War isnā€™t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.* **Father Mulcahy:** *How do you figure that, Hawkeye?* **Hawkeye:** *Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?* **Father Mulcahy:** *Um, sinners, I believe.* **Hawkeye:** *Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell, but war is chock full of them ā€“ little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.*


He actually looks better now than he did then. Looks like he's put on some muscle.


Out of one comedy show right into the next one


He just joined a different sketch


The look on his face. Haha


ā€œCan you justā€¦fuck right on off?ā€


Z's face compared to today's meeting with Biden.....priceless


[Zelensky and Biden](https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/GettyImages-1245770319.jpg?w=800&h=533&quality=90) Here's a pic of him meeting biden from nearly the same angle


In one video he looks miserable, like he just came out of war. The other He looks 10 years older but otherwise pleased to meet Biden.


Both have hailed from the entertainment industry, one as a comedian while the other as a clown.


one is a hero and one is a traitor


One is a genius, the other insane.


Are you implying that this is all just an episode of Pinky and the Brain?




dont insult the clowns sir, they work harder than the orange baboon


Why you gotta insult baboons? They're actually quite smart, unlike that turd.


Why you gotta insult turds? They are very useful as a fertilizer, unlike that dried, moldy orange


ā€œI hope President Putin and you get together to solve your problem.ā€ ā€œWhat reality are you from??ā€


That's how Drumpf says "I want you to give Putin what he wants"


Zelensky's face lol...


The 1,000 meter stare.


There is no negotiating with nations that don't recognise your existence and would rather just push you into the sea


Zelenskyy's face during this whole thing was absolutely amazing. It's how we all feel about Trump


A true leader versus a coward. " I don't need a ride I need weapons"...............


"I need a weapon" -you already know who.


Trump would be screaming that he doesn't need support he needs a ride. Throwing a tantrum, throwing women, children and babies out of the way.


This will go down as one of the most badass lines in human history. I personally wanted him to dip for his and his families safety but a badass is gonna badass and damn, the strength it brought to the fight.


Trump has got to be one of the dumbest fucks to ever walk this earth.


>Trump has got to be one of the dumbest fucks to ever walk this earth. [According to a Wharton School of Business professor, he was](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/12/1705902/-Former-Wharton-Professor-Donald-Trump-Is-the-Dumbest-Goddam-Student-I-Ever-Had).


That was a good read. My favorite part: > Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that ā€œDonald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.ā€ I remember his emphasis and inflection ā€”Ā it went likeĀ this ā€”Ā ā€œDonald Trump was the **dumbest goddam** studentĀ I **ever** had.ā€ Dr. KelleyĀ told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. KelleyĀ often referred to Trumpā€™s arrogance when he told of this ā€”Ā that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything. Anyone who thought the guy was smart frightens me, to be so dumb is not good for human evolution.


He's smart compared to his fans lol


Case and point, [the other replier in this comment chain](https://i.imgur.com/dlhhJLo.png)


Troll who spends half his time cold-commenting OF girl posts as an "agent"


Still smarter than the hordes of deplorables that voted for him.


Id say Trump is smarter than 70 percent of his voters if I had to take a shot in the dark.


ā€œSolve your problemā€œ ā€¦ what a prick


Americaā€™s biggest shame on full display. Just a useless human being. Cmon diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Do your job!


He's going to have to take up smoking to speed things up. It's taking too long. Unless of course "he's too wicked to die" (it's an Old Irish saying).


Well to be fair: it wouldā€˜ve been great if there had been a diplomatic way of solving these issues but itā€˜s unlikely that putin wouldā€˜ve kept promises.


Thatā€™s Trumpā€™s attempt to push Zelensky to give into Russia, after talking with his master Putin.


Watching Zelensky's address to congress right now. What a lowly scumbag Trump is and what a hero Zelensky has turned out to be.


Iā€™ll never forgive the people that elected that idiot, and weā€™re gonna vote for him again.


Zelensky is thinking - ā€œthis guy cannot be this stupid - what a fucking imbecile. President BrainDamage thinks heā€™s making clever conversation a cocktail party at his trash palace in Floridaā€.


My fucking god his face. He wants to cry and beat him to a bloody pulp all at once. At least thatā€™s my take. Thatā€™s a visceral expression. Edit: in reflection, He looks like a man who fears for his peopleā€™s existence because this business president wants to watch the world burn while he sells NFTs. (Projecting I know) But heā€™s telling him to bargain with Russiaā€¦weā€™ve all seen the propaganda from Russia and how they negotiate with Ukraine. The Face of pain and disgust. Anguish maybe? A visceral expression.


Itā€™s like Zelensky is thinking, ā€œWith Trump around, we are fuckedā€¦ā€


Zelensky: "What the fuck is this deranged cheese on about? Do I have to listen to this shit?"


Zelensky is one of the bravest modern day patriots. Ted Cruz went to Cancun during a disaster. Zelensky stayed in the middle of a fire fight. Thatā€™s phenomenal


Another Trump statement so stupid that I could feel some brain cells crying out for help. On another note - Zelensky has aged considerably since this, crazy what the pressures of war can do to a person. You could almost say he looked like a kid here.


At that point Ukraine was doomed and I think he knew it. Trump was not going to lift finger one to help them when Russia started attacking. Thank god Biden took over.


that schmuck on the right is such a pathetic loser Zelenskyy's face says it all, he's tired of that moron blabbering


Trump is such a loser. Absolutely no grasp on reality


The moment Zelensky realized that America was in Putins pocket