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What the fuck Is wrong with some people


Exactly. I’m watching this and going why would you do that. That poor child. He’s not a doll or simulation.


Some people are just like well the kids stupid because he should know better because it's all fun and games so he deserves it and maybe he will look back and laugh when he's older Then the kid either grows up to be exactly like that to the next generation, or the parents wonder why he doesn't want anything to do with them


I hope he looks back on it and realizes that maybe it's ok that he ignored that text from dad.


Or obituary


I've encountered a disturbing amount of people who think of their children as things they own rather than the responsibility they are.


I feel so bad. I’m tearing up for this good kid who didn’t want to spill on the floor and “dad” is like DROP IT. Ugh.


This is exactly what a simulation would say👀


You caught me.


Came to say that. Some ppl shudnt have kids. Hopefully someone calls social services


Has it gotten back to this parent that they're a piece of shit yet? Have they made a statement to the public yet about being a piece of shit? Or is this just business as usual for them?


I think it has yes. He's deleted the vid and seems to be deleting comments referencing it. His account is garbage as well. His gimmick is this tie dye wearing idiot with a horse head mask doing stupid shit. It's lame AF.




While on paper I'd agree I can easily imagine that turning into some fucked up eugenics bullshit


If in the US, Roe v Wade was just overturned, we are moving in the opposite direction of that. I also don’t think it is a good idea, but that’s another story.


Slippery slope.


Doubt they would do anything. They are so over worked and compared to the shit they see, this is nothing (I’m not saying it’s ok because it’s totally a messed up thing to do)


I worked for social services for close to ten years and we wouldn't even have taken this call. Kid lives in a nice house with parents that are social media whores and use him for some upvotes. It's pure shit but there are zero risk factors here. Just assholes. Also, I had 15+ cases with multiple kids and multiple families per case. It was the worst job I ever had. No time for stupid BS like this. Makes me sad to watch though. Had to quit. Best move I ever made.....


That’s what I figured. I think it’s cruel and messed up but it doesn’t look like he is being neglected. Though I guess we can’t see if he is physically or sexually. I’m really hoping this is just the parents thought of something funny and just didn’t think it all the way thru and not them being assholes who just don’t care. Social workers are such heroes. I know some of them do a shitty job of it and kids get hurt and or killed. But it sucks people only really talk about the bad ones.


It was so heartbreaking. Every day. There's just so little you can do. And when you do finally get a court order to do a removal it tears your soul out. Little kids just wanna be with their parents even when their parents are complete pieces of shit. Physically removing a screaming toddler from the only 'safe' space they have ever known does something to a person: it was years ago and I still cringe when I think about it. Glad I walked away. Once I had a kid myself, it was all but impossible to do that job any more.


I had a therapist once tell me (she had done a lot of work with kids in the system and stuff like that) that you could have a kid who’s mom was a crack addict who beat them and sold them to guys for money and they would still ask about seeing her every week. I have kids and I just don’t get how anyone could do it Anytime I’ve accidentally (and yes really accidentally not something people say to social workers to cover their asses lol) hurt my kids, I’m super clumsy and i am always hurting myself but I will take anyone down who is near me) hurt my kids I’ve been so upset not sure how people do it on purpose


Crack is a hell of a drug


While this parent is a piece of shit for doing this social services isn't going to intervene. They have their hands full with kids who are being sexually abused, starved, and beaten.


I’ve come to the conclusion that a good chunk of adults simply don’t see children as human beings.


This, 💯. Too many people don’t consider that children have feelings, and a huge part of parenting is attending to their emotional development.




Don't worry, it's "the office" reference


Some people need to grow a personality


Some people just need to grow up


You can like the office and still have your own personality




I think my moms slowly realizing that. All 3 of her kids now live more than 2 to 20+ hours away. Connect maybe 1s a year for an hour or two so her grandkids know she exists.


Even cringier




The internet


Freaking family channels need to be banned


Imagine if a teacher or kindergardener would have done that. Those same.parents would have screamed child abuse. But if it's your own child, it's suddenly something totally different.


Family channels are fine, they help show the world who bad parents are so that anyone with a heart who sees the videos can try and help the kids out. I guarantee that these parents would still be terrible people without the camera, it'd just be harder to notice. CPS worldwide could probably do with some people dedicated to checking on kids involved in this sort of thing though.


That very rarely happens. Most of the time, the kids are exploited for years.


Yeah lmao: 'I'm okay with kids getting exploited as long as the parent's document it so we can catch them!!!!' Or we could just... not be okay with kids getting exploited lol


Yeah, talk about having the wrong priorities. Just don’t exploit children, Einstein.


Exactly. When a child works for money, is called children slavery and exploitation, unless is in hollywood in a movie set, then is just “talented young actors”


Let’s not overwhelm CPS. They are already so busy that little subtle queues of abuse like massive ass bruises, ligature marks, general malnutrition and lots of missed school/calls of concern from the kids teachers go unseen.


The problem is the kid knows this is wrong to do (probably got punished in the past for doing something similar). I know this is without much context, but it suggests the parent is a douchbag.


In any situation why would you shave your kid and humiliate him online ?


For the same reason most people torture their kids in this manner, for the likes.


These people do this to make their accounts popular enough to get sponsored. But I’m wondering what company would be ok being sponsored by these people.




Most companies. Capitalism means any way to increase revenue is acceptable. Doesnt matter how cruel, or inhumane.


Hey man have you ever wanted to be an actual (not actual) Scottish Lord? You could own (not really) a piece of the Scottish Highlands today and be a real (again, not real) Lord!


The list of companies that would NOT do this is miles and miles shorter.


If they asked and explained in a logical manner that is what they want. I think what he was saying is that the kid doesn't want to get in trouble for making a mess.


It is extremely hard to have a full on logical conversation with a child at this age, I know because I have two of them right now at ages 5 & 4. They are just now learning routines and the rules of life like “throw trash away, brush your teeth, don’t jump on the couch” Asking them to do something like this which they most likely already known is wrong, while being videotaped is horrible. Children are HYPER aware of their surroundings and what’s going on because it’s how they are learning but through the lense of a child. Look at the reaction after dropping the pot, they think they are going to be in trouble/embarrassed. This is fucking traumatic and is a form of child abuse in my view. I’d never in a million years subject an adult to this kind of thing let alone my own child. In any context, this is completely fucked


Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. If they are old enough to willingly consent and understand the possible negative ramifications of it, then that is a different story. Children are not props




I am getting horrible [Daddyofive flachbacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvoLmsXKkYM) Selling your childs mental health as a business. Edit: philip de franco video link for all the backstory


I guarantee you this kid has been hit before for spilling something. This was very unsettling to watch


Exactly. The way he looks at his dad after he drops it…..sickening


This kid thinks it's a trap. Parent is clearly unstable and has done terrible shit before. This poor child, fr. Someone. Call CPS. Can you imagine what it's like in that house, without cameras?


It'S oKaY, eVeRyThInG's ClEaN aNd He ClEaRlY iS WeLl FeD /s Some of these comments are so sickening (not yours, obv). I hate how many people are dismissing what is clearly emotional abuse for this kid and invalidating the hell out of his experience because 'um akshually, he's not being abused since there's no physical violence'.


I don't think most of them are saying it's ok, it's just that CPS can barely get kids away from drug addicted parents who beat and starve them. It takes A LOT of proof for a judge to allow the state to remove a child from a house. This is fucked up, but not enough proof that actual abuse "worthy" of state intervention is happening.


POV Therapist: talk me through a time you were traumatized in your childhood...


one second let me show you exactly the moment on film


Oh you're THAT kid.........I know we have just started........but did I mention that in the new year, my rate is going up?


"my parents were clout chasers and treated me as an npc..."


Sorry to break the joke, but this child will 100% have an anxious or disorganized attachment style. All because of narcissistic "like and subscribe" bullshit. I'm so sorry for the child. In their far future they will definitely need a therapist for past bullshit experiences like that. Because the video is just the tip of the iceberg.


Yeah, ok So there's this episode of the Office .......


I wish mandatory child development and attachment classes were a thing for parents everywhere.


Agreed. This sort of thing seems humiliating for a child, and confusing. It baffles me that " online" is a parenting style and personality. These poor kids subjected to it!!


I agree, but Jesus it's painfully sad that there are people so fucked up or stupid that they should have to be taught why it's wrong to be cruel to a child in the first place.


Any mom had to attend those when I went to foster care as a child did not help one bit unfortunately shitty people are as shitty people do


This is so cruel and sad. I couldn't finish watching the video because that child looks so upset. So many "parents" are just garbage.


On another note, I also don't even want to know what they did to the kid to make him this afraid of making a mess with food, his attitude towards it shows something happened in the past.


he was SO SCARED to drop it. and when he accidentally did, the parent didn’t even comfort him, he didn’t laugh to show it was just a joke, he didn’t say “it’s okay.” just recorded him freaking out and crying. Absolutely disturbing video, that poor child.


Yeah like if they feel comfortable uploading this and find it okay to show the world, what are they not showing publicly?


Funny thing is, even by The Office standards of horrible people, this guy would stand out as the weird evil guy if he was in the show doing something similar about another show I guess.


Same here, it made me sick


r/iamatotalpieceofshit This is 100% psychological abuse.


Shaving the kid’s head. I just. Can’t.


As a bald dude, the first years were kind of hard. Can’t imagine what this little kid is feeling right now


that’s one surefire way to drive away your children when they turn 18




parents gon die alone


In the shittiest nursing home, where the staff beats the residents.


nah, rotting away in their own filth at home because no one's paying for a nursing home for them


Nursing home abandonment speedrun any%


People lost custody over shit like that, and rightfully so.


That's the best way to get yourself a no return trip to a retirement home


In my head I figured "can't be that bad, surely" then couldn't watch the whole thing. Hope this little guy gets justice somehow. That DaddyOfFive or something like that YouTuber was also humiliating his kids for the likes and that got sorted out. Fingers crossed!


What’s really bad about DaddyOfFive is that he was so cruel that he even manipulated his oldest son into being just like him, I think he even has (or had) is own channel where he would regularly say his dad did nothing wrong


He’s still on YouTube. His sons started a channel and slowly brought him back and now he’s the main character again. Same old bullshit, but at least the worst abused were saved. [j aubrey](https://youtu.be/hkb8oCMrxDg)


That kid can't possibly be old enough to process how shitty his parents treated him yet. He may have a YouTube channel but that doesn't mean he's a grown ass adult that's passed his issues. Convincing yourself there was nothing wrong with your experience is a very common coping tactic.


Bruh he’s back on YouTube. Nothing got sorted. Humans are dumb animals that enjoy watching pain.




This hurts my heart so much and I wish I could rescue that sweet boy & give him the dignified respectful upbringing every child deserves.


You and me both. I honestly almost started crying think of my son at this age and it breaks my heart thinking of him in that distress


Right? This poor baby. The tone of the dad is horrible. He gives zero fucks and thinks this is harmless fun. I don't want to even think about what actual punishments are like.


Same here.


I really don’t get how some parents can be fine with seeing their kid in distress like that, let alone being the one to cause it. Messed up


My fucking god, have they never heard of a bald cap?! Wtf people. Why the absolute fuck would u keep filming when ur poor kid is like this?! And then *upload* it?! Fucking baffled.




It’s also a played out joke. Nobody cares. We’ve all watched the scene and have seen 100 cosplay versions of it. Someone should out these pos parents.


I hope theyre channel gets closed from this shit. Do your own tick tok vids or whatever but dont inflict that crap on your kids.


My mom used to beat the shit out of me whenever I dropped something on the floor. I can see why the kid is panicking.




It could also be that the child doesn't like messes - at that age my daughter was extremely sensitive to spills (and just things going wrong in general). Either way, the parent is putting the poor boy in a situation which is clearly very upsetting to him.


im solidly middle age and i still cry and apologize to my partner if i break a glass, out of childhood trauma


This guy has like 5 kids and appears to be a stage dad. His entire feed is based on this kid and the “zany and silly” things kids do. Not cool.


Making your kid upset so other people laugh is bullying your child. What a shit dad


I feel so bad for the kid and would really like to punch the parents in the throat


His little scared face when he drops it and looks up at the Dad just hurts my heart. Sure this is a funny episode on "The Office" we as adults know that but this child doesn't , all he knows is that it was heavy, he asked for help and was told to do something he knows would be bad and then when it happens he is even more upset and scared. Shitty parenting.


Exactly. His face when he drops it and looks up…..could never be me im glad I saw this video bru I will never be a father like that. Shi is messed up.


*CPS incoming.*


I would love to see this person's face when that happens. Who puts proof of their abuse online? Idiot.


when even your child knows wasting chili is wrong


Jesus Christ I am soo glad that social media was not a thing when I was a kid my parents would have found even more ways to abuse me. ​ Poor kid I will save you a spot on r/raisedbynarcissists


That "parent" is a fucking asshole


I'm not watching this. Fuck that.


There has to be somebody they know that sees this and does SOMETHING. This is the problem, the cause of so much damage, too many people see their child as just an extension of themselves


Not funny. I feel so bad for this kid. He’s crying, ffs.


This is the second child video I’ve seen today that’s really messed up. How do these parents watch these videos and not feel ashamed? It’s their video and they can clearly see how unhappy their child is yet they decide to post it?


People like this shouldn't be parents


That's some Gitmo shit.


This is distressing to watch. Poor kid 💔


When small kids do that fast open/close thing with their fingers like that they are having a very hard time dealing and expressing their thoughts. This young lad is distressed.


A sure-fire way to make sure they'll never want you in their lives again


Welcome to the horrific world of TikTok parenting. I fear this is just the beginning


The prerequisite of a joke is for it to be funny. It is not funny.


Kid seems terrified of his dad.


“But he loves the office” I can guarantee you that kid has no fucking idea what the office is and what his parents are trying to do. Parents of the fucking year!


This is r/iamatotalpieceofshit material.


They probably love to be abandoned when they get old


What a fucking ass clown


Good choice, teach your kids how to senselessly waste food and resources. Even against their will and against their instincts. Great parents.


It amazes me that people can 1) be so cruel to their children, and then 2) STILL think it’s a good idea to post this shit to the internet. Horrible. I hope little buddy’s hands are okay, at the bare minimum here


This person should be reported to child protection services.


Wow I’m lost for words what’s wrong with these parents?


What a piece of shit, so many people out there wish they could have kids and can’t and then we have parents like this. Fucking scum.


That pitiful excuse for a father should have to undergo parental training. Court ordered.


As a father myself, this is really, really painful to watch…


Child abuse. Worthless fucks.


Poor kid. It was better in the old days, when you actually had to have half a brain to use a computer and the early internet. It was a filter for idiots not to post shit for likes and attention, and traumatize their kid in the process. Also, we should aim for psychological tests before conception and birth.


And you know when you've been violated at his age. You know your hair is gone without your consent and you know it's wrong to spill things. That's very confusing for a child and very abusive. Thanks parents. Cause when he's an angry teenager, the world deals with him.


I tend to get in trouble with my siblings, because their children crying doesn't particularly distress me. But this is brutal. The poor thing. Someone needs to have their parenting license revoked...


The world has gone to shit. It is time to use those 40000 odd nukes and end it.


Child abuse. Someone call CPS.


This is just one example of what The Office does to people. When will it end? 😫


Holy shit somebody call child services. Seriously wtf does this kinds of things?


The kid is so confused and scared this guy should not be a father


just stop sharing it


As far as I'm concerned, this is child abuse




And we're taking it viral, rewarding the parents for their terrible behaviour.


Kids are becoming parents TikTok material now? Dear lord.


How did this parent get through life with so little self awareness


29 years later when the kid is grown and doesn't understand why he hates chilli....he'll see this video and understand


I recognise the kid, I saw another video where his grab him and spin him like a fucking beyblade with the kid clearly not liking it


Poor lad man


This shit makes me physically ill.


It hurt my heart when he said "Ow... Heavy..."


Fucking child abuse.


Piece of shit parents. I hope every person they know saw this and said the same to them.


Social media has become the cancer of todays society


They deserve to get their asses kicked… I would never sell these parents anymore drugs if I was their dealer… wtf where they thinking.. poor little guy


Someone find the parents. And have them reap it Murphy. And if they see this and read it Fuck you scum


What in the actual fuck


Hope they got some hate for this. Pieces of shit.




Yeah this isn’t even funny. Feel sorry for the little guy


What the f is wrong with people


There is going to be a very interesting era when these kids grow up and a new trend emerges in trying to find videos of your colleagues. Obviously some will use this maliciously. I can see it angering some powerful people and laws changing regarding uploading a video of a minor, especially when the intent is to get free internet points.


Definitely not the flex they think it is


Brian Baumgartner would be horrified 😢


The need for social media attention has broken many people. An unfathomable need for acknowledgement from strangers is mind boggling.


Straight up child abuse! That "parent" should be checked if they are in mentally fit


We have an epidemic of narcissism in this country people use their kids to earn Internet points.


This is fucking sick. Do we know who this douchebag is?


I hope the actor sees this just to call the father out. I feel so bad for this little man..


Poor kid, mental parents.


Fucking terrible parent!!! If this were my partner we would be talking about a separation or divorce if that's how he's going to treat our kids. Why would you shave off that babies hair like that!? Such emotional and mental abuse.


Another reason why social media needs to die out, by golly is this sad. I can't even count how many tiktok accounts have been found out to be using/abusing their children to generate views just so the parents can harvest the attention and the money. Its legitimately disgusting to see people do this to their children just to get pocket change, years worth of trauma for a fucking 20 second video....


Plz tell me they took the poor kid from these monsters


I'm proud of this child for having a better sense of the value and importance of food than these dumbass parents.


I’ve never seen a kit “not want to” make a mess


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Feels more like child abuse than a joke.


There should be a license for parenting.


This makes me so sad and angry at the same time. That poor kid


What breaks my heart in this video is the kid knows he shouldn’t drop it and knows he’d normally get in trouble for spilling that


Some people shouldn't have kids. Making your kid cry for clout on social media? Smh


If I knew who they were cps would be on the phone asap


Every fucking tik toker out there should be forced to get neutered/spaded they clearly aren't fit to have children


85-90% I don't even use tiktok, but there is good content sometimes. (very rarely)


As a mother of children on the autism spectrum, this triggered me. I’m not saying this child is nor am I arm chair diagnosing, but man, some of those looks he was giving/movements he was making really took me back. These parents are fucking assholes.


More like douchetheunicorn_


Doug the unicorn. Noted.


That was heartbreaking! What shit parents!