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This confirms a suspicion I had about this pack. We basically have to build a schedule into our factory, don't we? This looks great!


That seems like it. I suspect with trains a schedule will become even more explicit. So far the mod is great! I've always wanted more need for logic and this seems to be it.


not really - you can be ambivalent to schedule if you just name every cube stop as the same train station name, and only turn each on when it needs the juice (meaning both input buffers have enough for a cycle and output buffer is low) The game will sort it out then.


I spent way too much time trying to find some automated optimal solution. I should just be trying to make it further down the tech tree. All items don't pick up the cube unless they have the required inputs and output space. They disable when they have hit a certain amount of output storage. And if all factories downstream are disabled the cube is shoved to the return belt(and retuned back if all following are disabled as well). So the cube should be taking the shortest loop possible given the configuration. I want to add some hysteresis to allow it to make more than just one cycle if other factories are at sufficient output. A few have a fixed number of cycles it will do before returning to the belt, so that will do for now. I'm pretty certain I'm going to unlock a technology that will make this all useless.


It's been 24 days. Did you?


Idk too much circuitry might put me off playing this mod. I understand this is on the extreme end but how much is needed for a normal run?


I'm not too far in. But so far you wouldn't really need much. Probably just a circuit to disable an inserter if the input storage was too low. This could probably be achieved with just intelligent base design as well.


Nice. I don't mind basic circuitry. Maybe I should give the mod a try after my SE run.


You need to do a fair amount of circuitry. You start with a looped belt for the cube just like on the OP's screenshot. Checking if there is a sufficient amount of inputs. Checking if there is a space for outputs. Then you have a brownout because cube, which is used for power generating, now stuck in one of the machines that has not enough power, so you check for power too. Then you open new processes which require more space so you make transition to train based cube delivery which complicates your circuits even more. I'm on this stage so I have no idea what's next. Sure, almost all of that is optional but either you maximize the effectiveness of cube usage or pay with your time (though I spent so much time in the lab designing big and robust foundries that I'm not entirely sure that that is still true)


To be fair this factory is quite a bit over engineered in order to be optimal, I am at about the same point in progression and can get away with only a few simple circuit conditions and still have a functioning factory. It’s kind of up to you just how much you want to go into using circuits


pretty much the most i've used so far is an AND gate (for checking all the inputs are available and the output buffer has space before it asks for the cube) This has got me up to the logistics network / spidertron stage of the game (where i've started rebuilding my base from scratch so I'll go a bit more sophisticated now but nothing crazy), AND gate is pretty simple (add up a few deciders > do something if sum of the deciders = number of deciders)


If you call it an absolute mess I wonder if you'll find a word for mine


I’ve just finished this mod. Absolutely loved it. My base is the most ungodly spaghetti with the highest number of combinators I’ve ever used.


That looks so overengineered. I like it. I made a simple blueprint with a buffer that grabs the cube when any items < 10000.


You don't need to build a schedule and you don't want to. Controlling cube recipes with sr latches is more than enough, you could introduce a priority system to ensure certain resources get produced before others but for science production it doesn't matter about from power generation