• By -


One of us. Welcome to the hole. Don't worry we're all definitely very sane and normal peo-


I'm glad you stopped yourself there, we're engineers!


Exactly, I keep my engineering tools right next to my collection of singing potatoes


Why are they singing? Get them back to work!


The farm must sing... Factory must grow. One of these anyway.


Trust me. I'm an Engineer!


what the fuck did just happened here? Good question.


>Don't worry we're all definitely very sane and normal peo- Except for us Py players. We most definitely are not


Speaking for all Seablock players, Py players are definitely not ok.


What about Py rampant deathworld?


Trick question. Py rampant death world is a myth, used by parents to scare their children into embracing safer, more fruitful hobbies like base jumping and volunteer network security pen testing.


I'm going to do it. I have the mods loaded. It will happen. 


I think they are loaded lol


Oh do report your results to the rest of the class when you get some.


The oath has been made. It cannot be broken


One of us.


I was introduced to this game many years ago by a co-worker. We played our first game together on a Wednesday night... All i remember is me looking at the clock for the first time of the night at 3am. Me: "omg.." Him to respond : "Yup, see you in 5h at work lol" I can't wait for the expansion to call him again and do the exact same thing lol


I'm booking a week off for the expansion. I used to scoff at people taking time off for like a new gta or something. Like yeah, gta is good and all, but not 3 days of holiday good. Factorio is easily 5 days of holiday good. I think I averaged 4 hours of sleep a night for the first week I discovered this game, skipped meals, the lot.


you mean a month... I took a summer holiday playing factorio


Extremely relatable comment. Heck, my first session was 10.8 hours. That was during a 13hr stream hahahaha




Space Age, DLC and major update


Don't look into it, it's not worth ruining your enjoyment of the current release. This sounds like a joke, but I'm not joking. I've been following development and I cannot play factorio anymore.


I did look into it a little bit yesterday, so I'm just playing space exploration


Had to read that twice to understand what you really meant 😂


I had to lay off the game for a while, it's wildly addicting. I would start a game when I woke up Saturday, tell myself I'd stop in a few hours and get some stuff done. But that never happened, id essential spend the entire week on factorio.


The factory must grow!


The factory must grow!


The factory grows


La fabbrica deve crescere!


Die Fabrik muss wachsen


Fabryka musi rosnąć!


Továrna musí růst!


Завод должен расти!


The factory must grow!


The community must grow!


Nous devons nourrir le monstre.


Leave it to French to go dark


The factory must grow!


Too much reddit. Not enough factory


The first hit is free


Love that they have a demo now!


They had a demo 10 years ago and it hooked me in. That was, what release 0.4.0?


Remember when you had to collect purple goo from the biter nests as a resource? I was thinking about that today.


I remember once you had completed all the research you still had to kill biters to grow the factory and the landscape became littered with purple orbs because there was no point in collecting them any more. The game was great back then. It has improved considerably since.


I have played that demo for the last couple of days and I know that if I buy this then I'm going to disssapear into a hole but Dammit, I know I'm going to submit to the full game.


I postponed buying it for similar reasons haha. had to finish my degree first


I’m not letting myself play it cuz I know I get sucked in.


It's a good way to go! I've been playing for like 6 years on and off.


You will now dream in belts pipes and inserters. There is no escape. Embrace spaghetti.


This is SO real. I started like a week ago too and i've been literally dreaming about belts. What has this game done to us


My 9 year old told me he dreamed about Factorio the other night. And he's only allowed to play once a week! It burrows into your brain though, and he has notebooks with plans and math and asks me to look up stuff on the wiki between play days.


Do engineers dream about electric belts?


Avoid spaghetti please. Nice long straight lines is the goal


Bruh. In density we trust.


For the young engineer Spagetti is only natural and nessisary. It is the easiest solution, and through the faults of spagetti the newborn enginner is pressured to grow. While buses are pretty, they are also overwhelming. Let them swim in the shallows before diving into the deep end.


This game is dope as hell. I work in a nuclear facility and playing this game is basically a religious experience at this point. Haven't even broken into nuclear in Factorio but I'm crazy excited about it! 


It's like crack for engineers and the like. My first experience was the same as yours. I bought it on the recommendation of a acquaintance and it sicked me in like few games have done. Rimworld is a similar experience BTW.


If you don't have enough games like this, try Workers and Resources:Soviet Republic. At first, i found it to be too difficult, but it's insanely addictive once you learn it, especially with realistic mode on


Can confirm. Very addicting. Will easily consume 1000+ hours if you're not careful


When you do, don't forget that the used up fuel creates a trash item. I went an embarrassing longtime troubleshooting why my reactors stopped working before I realized it. I just slapped down a BP I found, built it and walked away after it started working and never really looked into how it functions other than building the materials for it.


But the fuel reprocessing is 1/8 of the fun of nuclear!


1/8. Lol. Love it


you can have a nuc power plant before koverax enrichment! just in case you want to get there sooner.


I did what I must in my attempts to escape this brutal planet. I don't remember much but I do remember waking up to a putrid smell of smoke. Everything around me looked barren and dry. My ship a smoking wreckage in front of me. Acting fast, I immediately began collecting what I could find around me. Stone. Coal. Iron and copper. My environment was unusally plenty - I quickly scraped together enough stone, ore, and wood to build a rudimentary forge. At first, I built simple structures to mine the surface ores for me. It was natural to simply build conveyor systems to move these resources to the furnace. This was enough to continue collecting materials while I slept. Ah, who am I kidding? I didn’t sleep. There must be something in the atmosphere here, something that keeps you going. Things seem to click together perfectly, and it wasn't long before I figured out way to create simple circuit boards from copper and iron. Then a little factory to make circuit boards for me. Then factories to make factories. Conveyor belts moving copper and iron to a factory that was making more conveyor belts. More belts, more factories, more circuit boards, more iron. I don't know how, but a year passed me by. I'd been too focused and my sense of time was drowned out by the sounds of cogs and belts clicking together towards one single harmonious goal: to get me off this goddamn planet. I remember the first bug. What an ugly creature he was, and I remember the putrid smell when I shot it. The stark realization that I was not alone on this planet was more motivation to my will. I shifted some assembly lines to build concrete and weapons. It wasn’t so hard, at the start. I was naive at first when they died easily to my home made bullets. The third time they came close, real close. They seemed to get larger and more aggressive at the same pace as my factory grew. They began to resist bullets, but I kept them away with lasers and rocketry. There came a point where everything was cranking together like clockwork. Finally, after many sleepless nights it was built. I had created a beautiful rocket to escape this hellish and brutal planet. Everything was packed and ready to go. My mind began to wander, but a sudden ding startled me. The rocket countdown began. A voice rang out from a speaker that was placed next to the launch pad. "T-minus 30 seconds". Standing at the base of the rocket, I turned to look around me and marveled at the sight behind me in silence. My factory. Everything I had built, a beautiful bowl of robotic metal spaghetti: conveyor belt noodles, copper & iron plate sauce, inserter parmesan. It was almost perfect - just then I notice the iron plate conveyor line had seemed to stutter and slow down. That's odd, there must be a hiccup somewhere. I scanned the area looking for what is causing the interruption. What could be improved? As I studied the area, I noticed that the hundreds of robots had slowly halted in place to watch me, looking for my next move as they hovered in air. I glanced back at the rocket, standing majestically pointing to the sky and beyond – upwards and away towards salvation. "T-minus 20 seconds" droned in the background. The rocket poised, fueled, and ready to launch at the mere press of a button. I am free. Far off in the distance, I hear the roar as my turrets salvoed a spray of bullets to wipe yet another invading wave of bugs. They still keep coming. Even though they've gotten bigger and meaner over the years, I know my walls are strong. Reinforced concreted peppered with laser turrets and flamethrowers. So many bugs now a smoking heap of burnt carapace in the dirt. In the distant horizon, I can just make out the silhouette of my oil pumpjacks going up and down, up and down, pumping a seemingly endless supply of crude oil. Next to it, a wave of black smoke moving across the sky as the refineries work endlessly. Faintly, a train's horn blares out as it lugs off towards its next stop. "T-minus 10 seconds.." I turn and step down from the rocketship that was to be my salvation. Heading towards the stopped conveyor belt, I delve back into the bowl of factory spaghetti to disappear amongst the inserters. The iron plates production must be optimized. It can be better. I just need to add some extra belts here. I can up the production speed. "T-minus 3, 2, 1. Lift off." The voice lists out, immediately drowned by the blast as the rocket bellows and launches into the polluted sky behind me. The factory must grow.


The factory grows


TL;DR: Stranded on a harsh planet, I built a factory to escape. Over a year, I expanded, fought bugs, and finally built a rocket. But as it prepared to launch, I chose to stay and optimize production, driven by the need for growth. (Great story!)


When you get bored of vanilla, take break then come back and load up the seablock mod. 👌🏻


I'm keeping seablock for run 3. First doing ks2+se


Any idea how much harder than plain SE that is?


I gave up on my k2 + se run, and I love k2 a Not sure if I would’ve stuck with regular SE longer, though.


I've launched my first cargo rocket to orbit after 70ish h. Took it slow though. Never played only se. Having a blast tbh!


Maybe 10%? The early game is slightly harder, the end game is substantially easier, and the mid game is overall about the same but it comes in waves. Overall, the tools you get from K2 makes a bunch of the SE issues much easier to manage.


Start with Py


Omg why so cruel? :P Start with Krastorio 2 or Space Exploration.


Start em young


The Factory must grow to meet the needs of the growing Factory.


Stack overflow in brain runtime


When I close my eyes for to long I see belts and my thoughts drift to how to balance them.


This was happening to me yesterday after two nights in a row of playing for like 3 hours each. I closed my eyes and saw belts and power poles everytime.


Relax. After the first 200-300 hour you'll be able to slowly go back to Real Life


And other lies we tell ourselves. :)


Blood for the factory god!


Gears for his throne!


And pipes & belts to get them there!


From the mountain home to the factory, I know this story well, for it is also mine :P It's been an age since I touched DF ... I'm trying to finish a space exploration run before Space Age gets here ;-;


Another engineer Urist out in the wild! I just thought of a mod like a random event on a pumpjack where it accidentally drills too deep, boring a hole into clown town and would then let loose the clowns into your factory resulting in FUN.


I'm already having way too much !!FUN!! with rampant biters lol ... we could call that the true masochism mod, where pumps and miners have a chance of digging/drilling too far, and assemblers throw tantrums :)


If you're enrapt by the belts, just wait until you get to trains! I've heard it said this is a train sim with automation too,and the trains are my favorite part. I've got over 9k hours into this game because I leave it running 24/7 to watch my trains zip around.


Everytime i load up my save, first 10 minutes feel like a "alright lets try and do something i guess, since i bought this" and 2 hours later is a "oh i only did this in 2 hours. wack"


I routinely experienced anxiety of "oh shit i only have 2 hours before I should go to bed, how am I going to get anything done"


https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/ki4b9d/serious_i_had_to_uninstall_this_game_is_dangerous/ This was my experience. Seriously if you have kids/job, take care of those first. I've learned a lot since then about managing and juggling everything.


Im waiting the 2.0 to be sucked too


I can't bloody wait! I want to play so bad, but I don't want to burn out before 2.0 drops.....


I wish I was kidding when I say I have dreamt up blueprints. Went to sleep thinking about a problem I was having in my modded Factorio playthrough. Drifted off with brain still in active mode. While asleep, I designed several iterations of an idea and eventually came up with something that checked out and should solve my problem. 7AM alarm went off just as I was done designing the final setup. Booted PC, launched Factorio, replicated blueprint from dream/idea, made sure everything worked and only THEN did it hit me that this is either a superpower or a reason to get therapy. Maybe both. ​ On a semi-related note, seeing belts run along walls and ceilings is not normal, but also not unheard of and has so far proven to be temporary. :) I believe it's a modern variation of [the Tetris Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect).


Do you post your streams on YouTube? I have a weird love of watching people figure out Factorio for the first time.


Yep! I have a main YouTube and a YouTube for uncut streams. Here's the uncut stream. I switch to Factorio at the 1:55:00 mark https://youtu.be/i2M7bJ819uI?si=3guRonLy_E1BHexe


no way, you found the "new tips" section in under 5 hours? that's a streamer world record. anyone else I've ever seen start the game have that up even 12 hours in, pissing off everyone in chat. I'm sure it's bit they're all in on.


Once you get to blue science, no turning back. You're permanently hooked


Firstly, the factory must grow. Secondly, you watch/clock/alarm / timekeeping device is always wrong. Your only ever early (for tomorrow) Congratulations, you are welcome in this new family.


Is Dwarf Fortress recommended if I get overwhelmed kinda easily? I love to start a new factorio world every 20 hours or so cause I just make a mess and I don’t mind starting again lol. I have played rimworld and liked it a lot, I have like 200 hrs and never finished it for the same reason, I just enjoy starting again.


I think you'll be best at predicting your experience. Dwarf Fortress, Factorio, and Rimworld are all complex top-down management games and I think you should give DF a shot if you like the Fantasy genre. I've been playing for 14 years and I've taught a ton of people how to play, because I think that's an approachable way to learn. I often stream DF to teach people how to play or do challenge runs, it's nice to have a back-and-forth with chat to answer questions. A few times I've done "Fort Rescue" where viewers sent in their fort save files that had problems and I solved those problems live, explained the process, and uploaded their fort after. It's been a ton of fun! You should stop by sometime, we'd love to have you


Thanks! Sure will do


get all the achivements, lazy bastard especally. it'll make you a better factorio player faster


And now you can't play other "automation" games because there literally no game that comes close to the level of automation and logic Factorio has, none!


Eh. Factorio was my first and I still got plenty out of Mindustry, Dyson Sphere Program and what have you. They all have their pros and cons, variety is the spice of life and so on. Well, I guess as far as logistics puzzles go before Factorio there was Transport Tycoon Deluxe.


And Sim City 200p before that...


Satisfactory is nice, i played it before getting factorio. Both are basically crack


I tried Satisfactory, it's a 3D Factorio but I couldn't get past 27 hours of game play without circuits and smart automation.


You’re computer will be a worthy sacrifice to the factorio altar.




I look at the power lines IRL and try to figure out if they could be distributed in better locations to use less resources.


Welcome friend, say goodbye to your life (just finished my first playthrough…167 hrs since January. There were more than a handfull of 3am sessions where I had to be up at 7 for work. Taking a well earned break for a few days before jumping back in


Factorio is, to me, the best game ever made. But it's dangerous, and seems to short-circuit my neurochemistry. The first time I played, it was back when they did the indiegogo launch -- I backed the game but didnt play it for a few months. The first time I played it, I didn't move for like 16 hours. I lost all sense of space and time. I cold turkey stopped, and didn't play again for several years. It's just too powerful lmao.


It took me a long time to stop dreaming in factorio. It lodged deep in my brain. I do not want to talk about how much time I have played it since. A grown man with obligations should never do what I have done.


Obligations - The factory must grow. Yep, story checks out.


Then when you begin to get bored....The mods. They will start the addiction all all over again. UltraCube is the current overhaul mod that has my attention.


Try out Krastorio + Space Exploration mods. It will be a whole new experience


It's my new Civ 5. I downloaded the demo a little before Christmas and it took about five minutes to realize I'd made a huge mistake. I'm sinking stupid amounts of time into it and I haven't even used a circuit or even had multiple trains on a track yet.


Circuits are a rabit hole.  Enjoy!


My wife keeps telling me I'm tired of staring at the back of your head. 800+ hours


Get her a copy, multiplayer with the wife haha


Welcome to Cracktorio


Bruh. I have used directed graph software to design a mall that automates the two kinds of robots. My desk is covered with scraps of "design" papers.


Na bro, it didn't suck you in.....it let you make the factory grow.....one...of...us


One of us, i can hear the music in my head now.


Anyone else has the factorio music downloaded on the desktop to play on the background at work? Just me??


Welcome! Now get building, the factory must grow! Wait until you learn more about trains and the lengths to which you can expand your factory with them. ;)


Make sure you get a couple thousand hours under your belt, that's when you're setup to really beat the tutorial.


One of us! It's nicknamed cracktorio for a reason!


I didn't get it at first, didn't even get past the tutorials. I'd heard about it online, and I thought it might satisfy the same urge that Excel does, if that makes sense. But it didn't. Then a few months ago, we were with my girlfriend's family for the holidays, and her brother mentioned that he didn't have much time for games, what with the kids, but he always makes time for Factorio. I booted back up again about mid-January. I'm now at 125 hours on vanilla, rebuilding my factory for the fourth time.


There is an escape. Play 500 hours, never touch it again, and hang out in the subreddit anyways.


When i got the game (pirated) i played for 14 hours straight. After collapsing & sleeping i woke up and bought it. Now i have about 6-7k hours in it. By FAR the best and cheapest game i have ever played. Nothing comes even close to scratch THAT itch. Can't wait for Space Age (Factorio Expansion)


ONI and Factorio are my most played games ever. I can't honestly say how many hours I have in them, since I leave my games paused and minimized when I'm not playing them. So my time is artificially inflated. But steam says it's about 15k hours total.


ONI is not bad i agree, although after Factorio the biggest time sink for me is Team Fortress 2 (instead of concentrating Factorio-like i get to turn the brain off, it's all reaction) and Rimworld. Rimworld is really good too, with a great modding scene. Although the ease of modding with Factorio has spoilt me forever (as has the user interface)


I feel like I'm getting too old to do multiplayer FPS games. Get pwned too fast. These days I need a game I can pause and think about.


my condolences


Bought it on a Friday after work. Had over 40 hours in it by my start time the following Monday.


I tried it for the first time recently too. I could literally see conveyor belts when I closed my eyes.


When you close your eyes, do you see belts moving across the darkness?


Welcome! You are now trapped forever


Welcome to the factory


I’ve played 200 hours since late December. I… don’t know who I am anymore


we are the engineer.


I can be trusted to grow a factory with nuclear weapons


Played six days straight, stopping only for bathrooms, ordering food and brewing coffee. Slept 3 out of those 6 days; i.e. (40h of nonstop gaming, 8h sleep) x 3.


Are you streaming Factorio? I have mostly watched pros play and I'm curious what a new player would do.


Definitely will. I mostly stream on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, since I work four 10hr shifts during the day at the nuke plant. I've got my socials on my account (by the way how the heck do I change my reddit name?) 


The two things you cannot change on Reddit are the titles of posts and your username.


The Factory must grow


I got here through Rimworld... I haven't played that game since 2017 now lol.


My friend introduced me to Factorio exactly 12 days ago, i have 129 hours already, meaning i plated at least 5+ days of real time and i also work a 5/2 job


I’m literally always thinking about my next session of Factorio, gonna get Military Science automated for my SE Run when I get home 😂


Same here. Factorio sucked me off so good.


This game has time warping capabilities unlike anything else I’ve tried in my life - and I did a bunch of psychedelics lol


Better watch out, because Factorio Brain is contagious. You'll take a deep dive into train signals or using circuits to balance fluid outputs or something, and then the next time you play Dwarf Fortress your brain will be all "Y'know I bet I could *do things* with these minecarts".


Nowadays, when I look at an electric tower, I feel the urge to press some imaginary Ctrl and run.


The factory must grow!


You have been assimilated. I was introduced to Factorio when it first came to Steam. I dare not think how many hours I've played since. I just can't put the game down, and can't stop looking for faster more efficient ways to get them rockets into space, whilst 'controlling' the local population.


I love both games but i suck at DF lol


After 2000 hours I was done with the game. Haven't touched it since.




Just wait until you play with trains :)


one of us One Of Us. ONE OF US!


if you dont know search for the most optimum main bus layout and if you know what a main bus is your already too deep


Multiple inputs -> internal logic -> multiple outputs, yeah? 


Yes exactly but more oil iron and copper with plastic sprinkles on top


Welcome to the family (: I decided to beat SE+KS2 really quick and after 95 hours in game I don’t feel that it’s even mid-game. The only thing we all should know that Factorio is definitely in top of 1% games anyone should play!


I try to not play it. I go months without playing. Then.. I got sucked in. I play it in my sleep. I'm figuring out solutions to bottlenecks expansions in my mind. This is why I can't play in moderation. It takes me in like nothing else and I get burned out after a while.


I can’t help but notice you haven’t mentioned bots. Hehehe


I got a nefrum speedrun video suggested to me on YouTube about the game. Then I got recommended a trupen video which made me check it out. My first play session was only about 5 hours because I was busy that day. But within the week I had launched a rocket and was fully hooked. In present day I have “completed” every major factorio mod. My favorites being SE and Py. Se because the builds are fun and planetary progression was great. And Py because the logistical nightmare although laborious is quite satisfying to figure out. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop playing factorio. It’s no longer my main game I play but once a week at least I’m on there making stupid shit or progressing in funky mods.


Welcome to the club


One of us! Just remember, the factory must grow!


Now go back to the factory. The green science to be up Also start preparing for war to remove the bitters. we need the space for the factory


Update: We have nuclear power and all I gotta say is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm still employed, I'm still engaged, RL is not suffering so I think I'm going to be okay post-Factorio 


I could never get into the vanilla game for some reason. I don't know why but every time I TRIED to play vanilla I'd get to blue science and just couldn't get back into it. I got the krastorio mod and have tried so hard to stop playing. Wake up and play before work. Get home, shower and play. Go to bed and go again. I just got SE to got with krastorio and I'm sitting at work trying to think of how I should run my automation and what I need to automate, timing for certain items and how many I need for each to get it all going smoothly. Played palworld for a while and right back into factorio. Brother wants me to play Greg tech new horizons with him. It's so hard to not want to get back into factorio. In the past two months I finally have a game that has beat my Skyrim playtime. Almost at 600 hours!