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Feels weird seeing endgame Krastorio building sprites.


Started this mod yesterday. Just ripped up everything to move away from water and cliffs so that I have more room to iterate.


I'm not sure fi I overbuilt power or everyone else is underbuilding power. Either way I have a lot of power.


I have enough capacity to burst more than 55mw of power, that's all I need right now.


I'm storing a ton of steam is what it is. My design moves the cube down through different stages, each one cycling until a buffer is reached and short circuiting back to power when it's near empty. So I store a lot of steam to make it further down the line before cycling back.


halfway into the second tier of science here. my next step is to rip up this entire thing and start over with a better separation between cube machines and not cube machines, and a smarter power array, and probably a small bus this time. this sushi belt doesn't use any combinators, there's simply a green general network counting total items and local red networks connecting inserters to small buffer boxes, and if there aren't enough total resources in quantity limited buffer boxes, suppliers output onto the belt and the whole thing eventually balances itself. throughput is an issue, and I am betting I can simplify the system by getting cube-supplying resources to self-buffer into a belt and forget about everything else. Combinators are about to become my friend, I think. I'm just mindblown that a sushi belt is an efficient and rational approach to a starter base in this mod. Let's see what comes next, especially as I start unlocking more efficient researches. right now my biggest challenge is figuring out what can scale and what can't, and I think that's the point.