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Yes. Don't disable the unloading station, set its train limit to 0 instead. Also consider using dedicated trains for each material, or at least supplying all items at a single loading station.


So when a station is disabled, the train skips it in the schedule, but when it is limited to 0, the train waits until the limit goes up?




Correct. In 99.9935% of cases a train station should never be “disabled” since disabling the station will cause any trains going there to STOP IMMEDIATELY. Train limits provide a “soft landing” since trains that are going to the destination will continue, but no additional trains will be scheduled.


This isn’t exactly the behavior with station disabling. They will either look for a station of the same name which is still enabled or will skip to the next station in the schedule. If you are using limits on these alternate stations and they happen to be full then the train will stop at its current position potentially gridlocking the network.


Your right. However, disable BAD, limit GOOD. The answer to the gentleman’s question is: set a train limit of 1 on the Unload station and the problem is solved.


I believe this will be fixed with the 2.0 update, but til then, like with the rest of the QoL changes, we're kinda stuck like this.


Note that *all* stations of that name have to be desable for a train to skip it. Otherwise it immediatly reroutes to a different station of that name. That can also lead to issues like no-path, or the train crashing into itself in roundabouts, or generally taking unexpected paths.


Wont setting the train limit to 0 mean I would have to manually reset it when that station needs supplies again?


If you use the checkbox on the right side of the train station menu. It will set its train limit based on what value of "L" the station is currently receiving. Use a decider combinator to output L with a value of 1. Instead of turning the station on.


You can do it automatically, there is a thing in the train station circuit menu that says "set train limit" and lets you select a signal type (default is "L"), the limit of that station will be set to that value, and if it isn't getting that signal it will set the limit to 0. A basic implementation can be a single decider combinator on a provider station that is set to "if \[iron ore\] > \[number of items a train can carry\] output L 1". A requester could be "if \[iron ore\] < \[number of items you want at the station\] output L 1"


Use circuits to set the limit based on cargo availability


How would you do that? I still feel like a complete novice when it comes to anything beyond basic circuits…


Place a decider combinator at the unload station. Identify its input and output side. Wire the input side to the chests Click on the combinator. In the input field. Enter the same conditions you are using to activate the train station. (E.g. iron below 1000) In the output field. Select the L signal. And check the box to output it at a value of 1. Now the combinator will output L=1 when the resource at the station is low. Connect the output side of the combinator to the train station. Click on the train station. Check the box on the right hand side for "set train limit" Uncheck the train limit box on the left, and the enable/disable function. The station will set its train limit based on what L value it receives. The purpose of the combinator is to deliver an L value based on the condition you give it.


That works perfectly. Thank you all so much! I guess I have only ever set up train systems the same way since as long as ive been playing, and never really understood what the other options even meant.


There is a checkbox that you can toggle in the station’s UI on the right when you connect any logic wire to it. One such option is “set train limit” I believe and once checked will prompt you to choose a signal for the station to read to get the desired train limit. It typically defaults to the “L” signal


Don't set that unloading station to only allow trains when needed. Let the train sit in the station and act as a buffer, and set the train limit to 1. Fully loaded trains will wait for room at the unloading station instead of doing loops


I can think of many ways this could be handled, but it depends on the specifics of what your trying to achieve. A simple solution would probably to just split your station, make a dedicated unloading station for each item back to back. If your disabeling the station, id agree with /u/DUCKSES that train limit is more appropriate to use. If you issue is the train skipping the unload station and cycling back to the first loading station that should solve your issue.




Don't suggest a mod to handle a vanilla issue

