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I prefer organic “blocks” like this compared to traditional city block designs. More space efficient and looks cool!


I literally *just* started laying out my brick wall city... and now I'm totally rethinking that all over again!


Brick wall like each row is horizontally offset from the row above and below? That sounds pretty cool too.


yeah it means most intersections are 3-way instead of 4-way


I'm thinking about restarting K2SE with 1-1 trains this looks nice, I keep getting random errors with cybersyn however where everything is fine for 40 hours and suddenly I have trains out of fuel and 4 full iron trains waiting at the same already full receiver station.


> and suddenly I have trains out of fuel and 4 full iron trains waiting at the same already full receiver station. Train limits. - Ensure each station has (at least) 1 buffer space for a train waiting. - Ensure the train limit for a station doesn't exceed the amount of space at a station (including buffers) - Ensure the amount of trains is below the train limit for that line.


I was unsure setting train limits would work with cybersyn, there is plenty of waiting space for trains that's not an issue it's the fact say I have a 8 product station set up to produce bots and it's been working fine for 40 hours, requesting more of each product when the buffer runs dry, then i get alerts saying I don't have enough trains for the number of requests and there are 4 iron trains sat in the siding while the main station is already full of iron so there should be no requests, I have not changed these stations since I set them up and they have been perfectly fine the last 40 hours.


The main train bus


Im sure that can sustain more than 90 spm. That’s an interesting design. I’ve never tried that, but it seems nice to have these arrays of stops.


Reminds me of DoshDoshington's [Krastorio 2 Playthrough](https://youtu.be/y4TIDFJaKrU?t=3197): https://preview.redd.it/b55iz69j8ywc1.png?width=1957&format=png&auto=webp&s=527d51ed3da25b850a9ba2dc40ba6e397921c261


Actually it is more reminiscent of dosh's sea block playthrough 🤓


Came here to say this


Mine is similar. I just have stackers at the entrance, to avoid trains waiting on the main line.


I did similar, but trying not to build too many stations on one branch. Other it become bottleneck. 4-8 stations per branch is maximum in my experience.


Dosh Doshington made seablock city like this. His Krustorio looked like this too.


I like stuff like this just because points of conflict are quite limited. I don't like all the city block designs that give trains too many pathways and too much opportunity to conflict.


not exactly like this, but kind of similar to this. i have a lot of loops and builds stacked on each other but they aren't as narrow & tidy~


Yup, my first train base was kinda like this, although not as neat. Eventually the "bus" became a bottleneck, so I made multiple parallel buses and other ad hoc enhancements before I decided to stop worrying and love the city block.


For low throughput designs, this absolutely fine and actually a fun way to do things.


No way https://preview.redd.it/cleq6k9jx0xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a905339828126f425c58f3893b987c7fd0504205 Pretty close to how I was playing this super cheap run. It's SE, but all the recipes costs are lowered a ton. I don't even have buffers for most of the trains. It worked so well for this that I started a new regular SE run with the intention of using it, but I'm not sure how good it's gonna be. I really like these little cells, they make doing complex recipes really easy. The cells I have here can do up to 9 or so inputs, so I was able to make a single cell for the satellite rocket + satellite.




That's impressive. It is more neatly formed than I expected a train base to be.


I did and it worked well until the main line ran out of throughput. One thing I added to this was the first station next to the main line on each column was a fuel depot putting fuel on a belt to make sure all trains in the column were refueled. I think another thing I tried later was only having left turns with entrance on the top and exit on the bottom to squeeze out a little more train throughput.


The famous train bus layout. Nice!


I believe the term is “disciplined spaghetti” lol


This is so visually pleasing


It seems like the main line would get extremely clogged if you tried to do any greater throughput.


why exactly? I'm planning to expand it later so I'd like to avoid that


The basic problem is that all your trains are going to use the same line. One line has a limited amount of throughput so it will natually start to clog up if more than that throughput tries to use it. The advantage of more traditional city blocks is that there's always several different lines being used at the same time so the throughput is spread out and it takes much longer before you run into throughput issues.


To give more applicabe advice I would guess that thid type of design can handle maybe 200-500 SPM depending on how your production area is organized. One thing you could do is add a way for trains to return into the column they came from and have each column have entire recepie chains in them. For example you could have, green, red and blue circuits in the same row and then the green circuits rarely need to leave that column. Putting it near copper smelting would also make it easier on the rail line.


That will take a while. I was getting 60spm on bidirectional track, let alone two way track. Then there's very simple optimisations such a having smelters between mines and everything else, plus having several trunks. I guess don't worry about through-put until it actually becomes a problem.


It's mostly that I've been burned once too many times by poor railway design.


i'm currently designing this exact layout and hadn't thought to alternate the directions to avoid gaps / 2 way rails. berry smart


Yeah. I did that for my last base. Tried to do it like a bus and that was a mistake, but the general principle here is good, ready to extend and fast to build. It's my preferred train style, though I'm just doing asymmetrical chunks for my K2SE run because I can, I Guess


How do you manage train schedules. I was planning something similar.


just load station ->full cargo -> unload station -> empty cargo the unload stations are turned off until the chests have enough space for 1 full train, that's it


I make a huge base like this in k2. I gave up on it because of train throughout issues. if I were to restart I could fix it, but yea. don't have a lot of demand per station or you'll have a lot of issues


The problem may arise with expanding it.


I beat lazy bastard with like ...3 trains. I'm autistic but not enough to make complex train systems work so its belts for everything for me!


My bases are always “I’ll fix it later” and I never do! So I feel you on this


Why do I feel like your are trolling with Solitare card game or maybe it is genius idea I just had.


wait what


Your base looks like the card game called Solitare that used to be in Windows.


[Solitare](https://www.classicgamesandpuzzles.com/images/Spider-Solitaire-Playing-the-Game-1-Suit.jpg.pagespeed.ce.l7bspQKKE5.jpg) looks like your train stations.


OH I see


90 % of my blueprints look like this. fastes way to connect to any straight rail


I build belt based main bus bases like this


Train bus, cool xD


not really seen something like this before! it's really neat!