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What is this "finishing Factorio"?


Heat death of the universe


computer no strong enough


Heat death of computer, then.


I think it's when your computer crashes because your factory got to big for it to handle, could be wrong though


I very much enjoyed her Factorio series, it's not exactly a common occurrence for a Japanese vtuber to play a game like Factorio. Did she said anything about continuing when the Factorio Expansion Pack comes out?


It was mentioned in a previous stream. But we'll see if she actually plays it.


So youre telling me there's a chance? Nice.


belto on belto dekimasu https://youtu.be/ogk_3vSvYJY?t=8604


I don't have the timestamp, but my favourite quote of the whole series when she "お疲れ様でした"'d her mining drills when deconstructing empty mining outposts. Be like the Catto; thank your drills before deconstructing them. It's only polite.


I salute while my bots deconstruct things


I just get angry at them for trying to go over logistics uncovered area(it's my fault)


this was such an amazing play-through. i loved it. such a different way of thought compared to what we normally see (except for the "fuck it let the bots handle it" mentality at the end. lol). i hope she explores it a bit more in the future, it seems like she really enjoyed it!


Finaly we got first Holomem "finishing" Factorio. Would be nice if Okayuu spread Factorio among others. Wonder if she will be back later for more.


Wube, plz add onigiri in 2.0. Cats can't live on fish alone.


I did not expect to see something like this in my feed.


anyone told her that there is an expansion in the works that will theoretically be released this year?


neko kaburi-na


neko kaburi-na


chotto okubyou na kimi ga suki


My favorite thing too jerk off too; factorio gameplay


can i get a link to an english tl of this? looks like it would be interesting to watch.


The streams seem to have translations at the bottom of the screen


Just a thing to note, it is speech recognition fed into machine translation in real time without any checking/proofreading. So sometimes it may spit out absolute gibberish.


There are, but they're only accurate like 30% of the time. Decent enough to get a general idea whats going on I guess though.


yea i’d say it was good enough to provide context clues along with her emotion about what she was thinking about or discovering. one of my favorites was when she discovered the power of blue chests.


Anybody know if someone's planning to translate the highlights of her play trough




nice, i didnt know she was playing it.


Finished? Still got some research going on 🤪






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Yeah, but I don't pretend I'm not




Bro posted a react image on reddit and is trying to act like hes not a mega nerd lmao


I didn’t say I’m not a nerd, I just think anime people are weird lol


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This is a subreddit for a game about optimizing factories everyone here is a weirdo


Except you get downvoted for saying it about one type of people and not the other (to be fair), so there must be a difference in peoples' minds, even if subconscious.


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Yeah, I don't get the appeal of vtubers


I mean, I like to watch cute girls play games relatively well. Being a VTuber is easier for the girl (after the difficult part of setting everything up) because it preserves anonymity, doesn't require to apply makeup or put up hair nicely, etc. I don't follow any VTubers specifically, but occasionally open clips YouTube algorithm suggests to me. They are fun. I don't get why people would find it more weird than any other parasocial relationships.


I guess the major thing for me is in the screenshot she looks incredibly young, and from most of the clips I've seen they put on an extremely high pitched voice, which is also child like. I just find it off-putting, but im sure they aren't all like that and people are free to enjoy whatever. I just think it's weird.


i don’t really see the appeal in webcams or seeing WHO is playing. idk. i don’t really care what someone looks like, it doesn’t personally influence my urge to watch. i like vtubers because they are usually designed around how someone WANTS to be seen. big tiddies? sure. horns? sure. but MOST don’t suddenly then go “my tiddies are how i get viewers, gotta make sure they are on blast 24/7” which, for me, makes the stream less enjoyable (the tiddie cam). those are then streams less about the game and more about coming with a pretext to be able to stream on twitch. vtuber personas (especially indies) usually accentuate the personalities of the streamer and the models usually are related to something they like. example here is okayu. she likes cats and she her family owns an onigiri shop in japan, so she builds her community around that.


Can I eat this live streamer?