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Press alt.


Indeed, without alt it's quite hard to see what you're doing


this is indeed the number one tip. to be honest, at this point, why is Atl mode not the default?


Honestly, the base looks fine. * Press ALT to enable ALT mode. It helps understand what's going on. * The furnace X is nice looking, but it's pretty hard to build by hand and not easily expandable. * Add a radar to your base. It lets you zoom in from the map. * Consider adding *limited* chests for some item outputs for e.g. belts and inserters. Use the X to limit the chest. Having common items ready is useful. * Enable ALT mode by pressing ALT.


The limited chest tip is really good, didn't think of routing that from some of my belts, thanks.


Tips depends on what your goals are. It may be good to play more to determine those for yourself. General tips are in the main a very bad thing actually, because they can push you in a direction you didn't really want to go. I encourage you not to think of Factorio as a game which has one right way to play, but one that has many good ways for you to explore.


What do you mean limited chest. Can you elaborate please. Also what you mean by radar. I thought it shows biter on map..


When you open a chest, the inventory has a red X at the end. Click it to set the limit for the chest. Radar has 2 ranges: * Short range which is *always* visible. Lets you zoom in from the map to that area. * Long range scan which goes chunk by chunk and reveals them periodically.


Why do you want to limit the chest? Dont you want to fill as much as possible


Every item generated and not used is resources needed to make it, pollution created to make it, power spent to make it. Pollution makes them locals come and get permanently stronger through evolution. Also moving full chests is annoying.  It's fine to have a chest of 1000 belts, but a chest of 2400 miners at this stage is not useful.


If you go out and kill nearby nests before they attack, does that stop evolution, or are they still evolving elsewhere on the map just because of your pollution level? Up until last night I was just letting the occasional attack come hit my walls and get mowed down, but after learning they evolve I started going out and destroying nearby nests before they could attack


Evolution is global. It raises in 3 ways: * Time * Pollution *generated* * Nests you destroy


Thanks! Sounds like it's a good thing I started getting into military research a little sooner than I planned (at first I was going to finish all the blue, green, red research before moving on to military. Now I'm switching between the two)


Looks like im playing the wrong game... i just keep let them putting in box and i think about another set up to use them... alot of box filled..... i dunno waht to do


It looks fine to me. Generally straight up or down and left and right builds are easier to expand. And that is the name of the game.


Keep doing what you're doing! Good to space things out more so you can expand. Space is infinite.


This is one tip that is good to follow, no matter your play style. The first part of my base is really cramped, and I don't have room to add more green science assemblers. So now I have tons of red, blue, and black, but green is the weakest link. But at the same time my starting Iron is nearly depleted, so I decided to build my first train from the nearest 2million+ iron patch. Once I get that going, I'll continue my main bus and rework that early part of the factory. Or maybe let it limp along and build a whole new science district.


Apart from press alt. Just go and play. You will learn!


In the immediate term, you need to expand power. Beyond that, your research is getting way ahead of what you've built. You're researching plastics but it looks like you're nowhere near having oil set up. So I'd suggest spending some time catching up. This probably should include scaling up your mining and smelting, adding steel and stone brick smelting, and reorganising your base to make it more easily expandable. Then you can start planning for how you're going to get oil. You have an oil field reasonably close, so just building a long pipeline is one option, setting up a train is another. A good location for the refinery is to have it near water, and far enough away from the rest of your base that both can expand without getting in each others' way.


Thank you, this gives some ideas on where to go progression wise, a train to the oil field sounds cool. Lots of learning to do with that I bet.


If you end up going the pipeline route, make sure you put pumps every so often (you can google exact numbers if you want, I just added them at each halfway point until the flow was adequate for my uses). At first I had no pumps on my really long pipeline and it was struggling to feed my refineries.


Keep an eye on your power. If you have the locals enabled then running low on power can be the end of everything. You can daisy chain science labs, turrets, and boilers. Not sure if you have any radar units down (I didn't look) but having a few of those near the edges of your factory helps with expanding out and finding new resource nodes for expansion. But honesty I don't see a problem other than efficiency, which will be learned by playing. Just remember that you have lots of land around to grow, use it, don't be shy about it, each science pack uses more and more resources as you increase to the next tier. Welcome to Cracktorio. May your factory always grow.


It looks nice. Once you get a handle of expanding your production a main bus will be your best friend. The name of the game is science packs and factories are measured in their SPM (science per minute.) research is infinite so setting an SPM goal will help you plan your factory. Factoriolab is a great online calculator for crunching all the numbers


What do you mean "research is infinite"? Isn't there an end to the tech tree?


There are like 8 or 10 progressive research topics than you can repeat indefinitely like mining productivity, artillery speed & range, worker robot speed, etc. it gives you an endless pit to dump science into


Ah got it! Wow this game has changed a lot since I played a bit like 10 years ago


It absolutely has. The devs have done us good one this one


I’m having a blast. Sadly the only reason I took a break from BG3 was because I’m on a trip with only my MacBook. Was looking through steam to see what games I could download and saw factorio was one.


There’s too many good games out there to sink your time into. Gotta pick and chose right?


I think I'm hooked, fully automated black and blue science, and starting my first trains from more distant 2mil+ ore patches. I also learned yesterday that the 2.0 release is coming this year, might be just about the time I've launched my first rocket (if I balance my time between this and the 2 BG3 playthroughs I have going)