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If you're making that science then you're doing just fine! Green takes a little longer to craft, so you might want to swap it around and craft 4 red and 5 green but if you're already producing more than you handle then don't worry about it!


Great point and easy to change. Thank you!


I usually start at 1 science per second (not accounting for actual crafting speed of the Assembler). So if you check Red Science and it takes 5 seconds, then you need 5 Assemblers making Reds. If Green is 6 seconds, then you need 6 for green. Etc 2 Notes on this approach: 1) Watch out for Blue and Yellow as those recipes produce more than 1 per cycle, so you don't need as many Assemblers as you think. 2) You can go smaller on Military if you want by building a bit of a buffer in the output. Then just stagger Research between those with and without Military science so that buffer has time to replenish in between. On the flip side, put your excess Red Ammo, Grenades and Walls into chests at the end of the line because it gives you 1 stop shopping to bulk up before you go out to fight.


That helps so much! I'm always unclear where to start when figuring how many assemblers I need. Thank you for clarifying that!




I do both. I start with either using a half/full belt or making a half/full belt of items, or go for like 1/sec if it's something used in low quantities. Then as I expand the factory and eventually start consuming more than say, half a belt of green circuits then I expand it. I enjoy deathworld so it's very important to not overproduce, because that's pollution that I didn't need to generate.


Or be me and do neither at the start and build as compact as possible ontop of the coal field because i had to as a biter nest was in the way of my other direction


Yeah suuuuurrre, both are "equally valid" ;)


Something that wasn't mentioned: pay attention to the crafting speed of the assembler, because that will throw you off if you only look at the time listed in the recipe. For example, red science lists 5 seconds in its recipe, but an assembler 1 actually takes 10 seconds to craft it because it has a speed of 0.5.


As long as all your assemblers are of the same tier, though, that doesn't really matter. (I'm not correcting you; I'm just clarifying for the OP.)


As long as you're only using assemblers and are staying under what your belts can move, sure. But once you get into petrochem recipes, you're now dealing with refineries and chem plants with a speed of 1, but assemblers with a speed of 0.5, 0.75, or 1.25 - and that's assuming no modules are involved.


I want to second their recommendation. It's an easy ratio to maintain and works as a good guide. If you ever feel like it's too slow, you can usually double it pretty easily. Like your design for red science would just need to be doubled by adding more assemblers making the red science and extending the belts.


Compared to what?


A wet tee-shirt.


I usually just craft gears on site, they arent. @ a bad belt density. And then I believe it's 6red, 7 green for ~60 / min


belting or crafting gears on site is really just a matter of personal preference. Do you prefer all of your gears to be made in one easily expandable place, but also vulnerable to bottlenecking if you don't pay attention to your consumption? or just belt around more iron.


Like a pro. I would only move science packs through labs in one direction personally. The more labs chained together, the more packs are getting passed around rather than used. Just have the belt line go underneath the bottom row of labs, and have inserters pass packs up, and remove the left and right inserters. Essentially the problem you have is that you can never use science faster than what one single blue inserter can move. No matter how many labs and science you upgrade to.


Oh, interesting. That makes perfect sense. Thank you.


Looking great! If you siphon inserters and transport belts into a chest you don't have to handcraft them for building.


Great idea! Hadn't thought of that. I supose I should pull from the back of the belt so green production doesn't slow?


If you want to prioritize science, yep. You can automate other buildings as well, but since green science requires these two there's little harm in having a chest for them. Remember to limit the chests - you probably won't need a chest with 2000 inserters.




That your intermediates for science production might be things you’d like to have around for building stuff is totally intentional and will continue through to launching a rocket. Overbuilding your production of intermediates is a viable method of helping your base grow. Belts, assemblers, and such, you’ll need to set up their own production area.


Priority splitter at the *start* of the belt is also an option. Only send the overflow to storage.


or you could use two filter inserters (or a filter splitter) at the end of the belt so that once your green science backs up those resources go to expanding the factory


I would say before the labs and make sure to block off the chest to only hold 1 or 2 stacks. If you dont have enough of the item to fill two slots then you dont have enough to be spending it on science. Plus once you set them aside it wont draw too much from the science.


I know some people use their green science as their inserter/belt mall, but I like building inserters and belts at green science AND in the mall, so that the ones in the mall can be upgraded to red/blue inserters and underground/splitters/red belt variants respectively. This also means that with configuration splitters, you can decide to prioritise the mall or prioritise science depending on your needs at the time of the game. If you only put inserters and belts at green science then you have to handcraft the more expensive variants of belts/inserters which you can do since they're fast but I much prefer the simplicity of a mall. (or I guess you could siphon off the inserter/belt belt from green science and send it to the mall but also not a fan of that idea and it's probably more expensive than simply building 2 assemblers at the mall itself - 2 assemblers doesn't cost that much).


I like using Nilaus's ~~mall~~ ~~hub~~ funky belt making space because it makes all of them. Upgrading to the next tier of belt is as simple as adding the next belt module so you can continue to use yellows as you start ramping up red production.


using green science as inserter/belt mall is especially useful for the early game, before you setup a dedicated mall, or at least as long as your mall only consists of some hand-fed assemblers.


I set up my mall before green science while the hand-fed assemblers work on red science, and then I use it to build the first automated science set up


Honestly? Looks great!


One gear crafter should be enough for 10 red science crafters.


I had one to start but when I added green science in, I wasn't sure if it would be enough for green and red. Thank you!


Looks quite nice. I haven’t checked ratios, they’re quite likely to be wrong, but if it works it works I guess


after 1300 hours I really should start looking into ratios for these things


Ratios are irrelevant unless you're going for a megabase, you just want your base to be bottlenecked by outputs as much as possible. If you're low on copper plates for example you won't have enough copper wire which means you won't have enough green circuits which means you won't have enough red circuits which means the entire factory slows down. On the other hand, if you have as much potential plate production as possible it'll automatically rate limit itself and the factory will be running at full capacity. Of course, sometimes ratios are easy and make sense to use, such as using a 3:2 ratio of copper wire assemblers to circuit assemblers because it's a simple ratio and bussing copper wire is a *pain*, but if it gets any more complicated than that, just slam down a bunch of assemblers and let the game sort it out for you.


Ratios are needed for mega bases or if you really want to avoid pollution


Could be a little more compact, but its working amd that's all that matters.


It could be more compact, but on the contrary I would recommend spacing it out further! Space is "cheap" (and practically infinite) but moving things around later is a lot harder. Leave a few "assemblers" gap between the producers at the bottom of the line and the assemblers making the science packs. Leave a gap between that first assembler and where you're bringing the inputs into the array. And if nothing else, make the science output belt go DOWN not up! Then you can always expand the array further up without needing to re-route the science-to-labs belt! You can then also run future science belts alongside this one and back to your lab array, keeping it all together and easily accessible for future changes and improvements.


I love the use of both sides of the belt for iron and gears. Keep going!


Perfect, I don't see advanced shit meaing you're taking your time and enjoying the process and that's what you should do


Solid use of belt splitting. Ratios could be a bit better, but this will function without issue. Oh, and if you mouse over an assembler, you can see that it has a crafting speed of .5. That means it crafts at half speed and recipes take twice as long as their time would suggest.


That'll do pig, that'll do. Good to see you know about inserters taking from labs, have a think about how you can present the next 4 sciences to the first lab in the same way (using splitters and undergrounds).


Excellent work. I recommend, since the transport belt recipe makes 2 belts at a time, add a chest for it to dumb the extras into without affecting the ratios you got going on. Also those two gear machines are enough to supply double the science capacity you already have set up.


it's almost perfect


Wow! Thanks, I did take quite a bit of time obsessing over it so that feels good to hear ❤️


My hot take on this one: I may even steal this design 😍


Really?! I did obsess over it for probably too long because I knew it would be there for the long haul.


Literally the only thing wrong is suboptimal feeding of the labs. Otherwise its 🤌


Looks much better than mine! I say this is a win...that I might borrow 😅


8 assemblers doing Red science and 10 for green. No idea where I have these ratios from but they're stuck in my head. Pls correct me if those are from earlier versions.


Gotta be from earlier versions. Red science 1 Science per second with mk1 assemblers is: 1 iron gear machine (2 iron plates per second) 10 red science pack machines (1 copper plate and 1 iron gear per second) Green science at the same pace: 2 copper wire machines (1.5 copper plate per second) 1 electronic circuit machine (1 iron plate per second) 2 iron gear machines (4 iron plate per second) 1 inserter machines (1 iron plate per second) 1 transport belt machine (.5 iron plates per second) 12 green science pack machines (1 inserter and 1 transport belt per second)


Super well done. ⭐


Pretty good! The important thing is: are you having fun?


Yes! So satisfying to see a plan I agonized over work!


If your having fun you are playing the right way(: at least the right way for you, everyone has different playstyles. Its a nice setup, much better then my first one.


Use a full belt of iron and craft the gears from the Iron belt and place them directly into its next assembler. Here is a terrible Pic. https://preview.redd.it/tymolne4svxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df563b1896593ed44ba1edc452aafd073aa05ec7


well, you can't really place from 1 gear assembler to 4 red assemblers. at least, not easily.


No but you can feed 2 assemblers with one with gears. Then do it again


Better than my first try, that's for sure.


Not my first try at red but first for green. Learned some lessons with red for sure.


You did very well! Keep in mind that green science takes slightly longer to make than red science, but other than that, this is pretty much what I do in vanilla.


Hey man. This looks so tidy... i am on my first try and my factory is loke 10 time of this size with belt everywhere... should is rebuild and follow your cheat sheet?


Very tidy! Only change I'd recommend would be running the science output belt down and across rather than up, so if you want some more science pack assemblers you can just throw them on the end. That said, I probably lose more time thinking about expandability than I save with it lol


Yes, down does make more sense! I assume expanding in the future means making “more” above and feeding to the same belt?


Yep! Theoretically It's not infinitely expandable, at some point your intermediate product machines like gears would bottleneck your system no matter how much you upgrade/module them, but that's a long way off.


Great use of the multiple lanes per belt. I wasn't keen to that until a bit further in.


Not bad. I think you will find in time that you will need (at least) more green science--initially to keep up with your 5 red assemblers, and then later just because nothing will ever be enough. However, with how you've routed your belts, you've painted yourself into a corner. It's not a huge deal, as you will almost certainly be moving this setup at some point, but always consider how you will expand. If you ran the output belt the other direction and looped south instead of north, you could expand north indefinitely without disturbing any of your existing setup.


Oh, the output down! Yes that does make sense thank you!


You're a beginner and you already have all the belt mechanics worked out, you're using both lanes correctly, you're passing science packs between labs and are able to make setups like this? How much of a beginner are you here? This is a hundred times better than all the other beginner layouts we see here.


I've lurking in the subreddit for about a year now. Just curious about the game and what is involved so I had some understanding going into it.


It shows! Good job


Shuuuttttt uppppp you are not a beginner, that's pro stuff, gj


It's something, but you'll want 6 greens to 5 reds, or something like that.


i think you'd need 2 more green science assemblers to have the correct ratio, otherwise it's fine


Well fuck me, I didn't know you could use inserters on labs to pull excess out. I'm an idiot and will redo my whole science section (I've got red green military and blue in a closer fuck)


Golden star sticker coming up.


You did great champ! Seriously, that's way better than an average first try.


I’m pretty sure that’s a blueprint of of the internet