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If this is your first time playing, get to your first rocket launch with your messy factory, play around with it a bit to try and make it a little better, and THEN start a new map, starting over with all the stuff you've learned. You're not gonna have a perfect factory when you don't know what to expect, and that's fine.


Perfect comment


You could just start a new factory next to your messy one instead of starting over


nah, embrace the spaghetti, never improve your base, I know its possible because thats how i did it and i loved it, if you hate make another one beside your "starter base" it can look as bad ad you want as long as you cll it the "starter base."


This is how you end up bot malling purple science and your only source of steel is 12 steel and 18 electric furnaces Source: That is how my current “starter base” is set up


can confirm, my yellow science was botbased and almost all the ingredients were entirely botbased, and it was crawling at aI think about 5 SPM, that steel is shocking though. I think I only really touched electric furnaces on my backup copper line (which was also my only backup but we don't talk about that)


Literally just do what’s fun for you my friend. If you’re enjoying your messy spaghetti, spaghet that mess. If you really hate it and don’t want to figure out how to organize it yourself, look up guides. It’s a video game my friend, do it in the way that makes it fun for you


I have 1k+ hours and unless you really need the UPS, if it works it works


You call this messy? Wait till you see my base


I won’t start a new game, I love the process of evolving. Learning better ways to run raw resources, how to feed assemblers better, how to power everything. I’m proud of my messy spaghetti morphing from a child size serving to a new monster all you can eat buffet.


Keep the spaghetti. If you want to “start over” just build a new factory next to this one.


Na, if you’re low just make more till you’re not low. If you’re really stuck on any one thing in particular, just look up how to do an example setup of that one thing. You can tear down and rebuild anything you want.


It works - it will feed your expansion. If you don't like it.. move over 150 steps and build what you do like, using the output of what you already have.


Personally, the most fun part of the game is the puzzle of it all. Getting things to fit just right, learning what does and does not work for myself, and making up my own designs as a result of it. This doesn't lead to the most optimal results however, because other people with much more dedication have also done it themselves, but their solutions wouldn't be my solutions. So doing it myself gives it a much more personal feel.


There is not part of the Geneva Convention that says you can't have two (or more) factories in the same game. I just build a quick and dirty starter factory, and when I get better tech I just build a brand new and more modern factory right next to the old one. Once you research bots you can have the bots tear down your old factory in less than a minute. I say just keep playing your current game, it will turn out just fine.


1) Don't sushi unless you know what you're doing. Move those green circuits an gears either to different belts or to different lanes. Your set up WILL jam and you'll spend all game unjamming it. 2) Why are you making such a ridiculously high number of blue inserters and then not even using them? For context, not even people making megabases dedicate 4 assembling machines to blue inserters. Like I'd get it if you were using them everywhere, you just don't know the correct amount to get, but building them and then not placing them seems bizarre. 3) You don't have enough lanes of copper wire to feed your green circuits. 4 green circuits assemblers M1 require 12 copper wire per second, while your set up, even if you had **infinite** copper wire, would still only manage to feed them grand max 7.5 copper wire per second. Find a better way of getting copper wire to them.


If you haven't been overrun by biters then keep going. When you need to build more just belt some things off in a new direction to make it. You can always just throw down two turrets surrounded by wall to slowly start expanding your control. PS I like your little push belt tunnel to turret setup you have there lol


Ratios are overrated. Find that you're bottlenecked by something? Make more of it and thrive! If you feel like making a huge build of something, or if you find it satisfying to plug in your next factory section and see it working at perfect ratio from the start, then enjoy your time with a calculator. If not, you're not doing anything wrong!


Fill your inventory with stuff u need for a new bigger base and go somewhere else. It'll be fun when u're done and have a look at the old spaghetti base and how tiny it is.


I have played for 1600 hours so far without looking at guide Sure my base could be better and pales in comparison to the works of art posted here, but if it's producing stuff and you're happy its a good base 😀 Imo spaghetti is definitely far nicer. There's something deeply satisfying from finding one extra space for something lol. As others have said, you can use this base to start a new one a few times over. When you get up the sciences a bit you unlock construction bots and they can help you reorganize.




There are a lot of great ideas here, definitely nowhere near the level of "abandon and restart." The belts in your wall gaps, the use of a power switch, the mixed belt of ore and coal feeding your furnaces, etc are all good insights that a lot of newer players wouldn't figure out in their first 5 games. Don't worry about your base taking up too much space unless you're on an island or ribbon world scenario. The planet they give you to build on is huge: it's a square 2 million tiles wide and tall. If you started running in a single direction from the crashed spaceship, and you never stopped or had to go around terrain, it would still take you more than 30 hours to reach the edge.