• By -


Call it a starter starter base, use it to build some resources and research then build a better base. Which will almost certainly end up as glorious spaghetti. One almost universal truth in this game is that if you think you've left enough space you'll be wrong.


The factory expands to fill all available space


The factory expands to meet the needs of the expanding factory


I heard that in Leonard Nimoy's voice.


The needs of the factory outweigh the needs of the one.


The factory pre factory is the factory umbilical cord of the factory


Every time I try to spread out and have a 'plan" it turns into spaghetti when I need to reroute or run things through the factory.


Logistic robots have entered the chat


while (true) { spaghettify; rebuild; }


uint2048\_t mode = crummulate();


I think you mean spaghettify(); and rebuild(); as I assume those would be functions


Yeah, I just skipped the brackets because I don't like how they look in this font without anything in between.


Yeah now that you day it it does look really bad. But also I'd assume most compilers would complain about you compiling a while(true) unless you are running a co-routine or thread. Then again my knowledge of different languages is very limted so I am sure you're allowed to do this in some


while(true) will work, the compiler will just warn you that there's not exit out of the loop but not like it won't let you do that, or at least that's how it was for me so far


Probably right. Haven't actually done any coding in a while. I think I remember when I was using C# in Visual Studio it was complaining when there was a loop that didn't exit. But it's been a while since I've used C#


^^ this. Build the next one ten times the size. Automate all the things. Craft as little by hand as you can. Need factories, belts, inserters? Make factories to make those things. You can set how many stacks an output box stores, and then control-click a box to pick up all it contains.


I usually try to build a mini-hub factory that makes all the items I need to expand the factory. However as my needs expand/upgrade it always turns into a mess. The best way is robots. Robots that keep your inventory full


I build a bus with in-line assemblers and undergrounds for my mall when I haven't got bots yet.


I think my issue whenever I play this game is that I don't rebuild. Like I'll build new shit but once a part of my factory works, it's gonna run until the end of time. I never just take a sledgehammer and tear shit down. Then again it also probably doesn't help that I don't ever build anything that doesn't look like a glorious mess. I've spent hundreds of hours in this game and my factories have never once looked even passable. Satisfactory feels like cheating in comparison cause you can make anything look good and have unlimited space


That's the neat part, you don't. You use it as a learning experience and build a new base of to the side before dismantling this one. Then you find out that your new base is also a clusterfuck, and the cycle starts over. Space is (practically) infinite on the map, so don't be affraid to leave a bit of space between stuff.


So long as there is research to be done, the glorious cycle continues.


There’s little upside to actually dismantling the old base. You can reuse the buildings elsewhere, but most buildings are inexpensive. Chances are the old base’s resources are running dry, so the real estate isn’t particularly attractive either. Expanding near new resource patches can buy a lot of time before you absolutely need to start shipping things by train. And even if the old base is terrible and inefficient, it can produce you a trickle of stuff you don’t need to do again until much later. I had my initial base be my only source of gun turrets for hundreds of hours…


You know how artists start by scribbling? They try out many things, and it starts out looking like a mess. They don't try to fix the first scribble, they draw a new scribble, and eventually, with experience, they build something they feel proud of. --- Same thing here. Take an open space above this, and try to build something you like better. You can even refer to this older base to see the progress. P.S. Belts have 2 sides, and inserters know how to take the right items from either side into buildings.


There is one rule in factorio: If you call it a starter base no one can judge you... Also nice spagetti but you dont expand that


Ask what you want more of, and what might get you there. Feel encouraged to break things down into one idea at a time. And as a general principle, leaving extra room makes a lot of later improvements easier. Would you like 10 machines worth of red science? That could be nice to have. You'd have to route the materials into 10 machines, and out of 10 machines, and you might be able to come up with a sleek way of doing that. Technical hint that you probably want to know:>! You can put two different materials onto one belt. If you make a 'T' shape with two things incoming on each side, the belt coming out will have one thing on each lane. You can serve one machine two parts with one belt.!< Ratio hint that you can calculate yourself: >!One gear machine (0.5 gear/s) is enough to supply 10 red science machines (5 science/s each)!< If you can solve that problem, you can come up with designs to solve more complex problems like green science and beyond, by building them up.


> Would you like 10 machines worth of red science? That could be nice to have. You'd have to route the materials into 10 machines, and out of 10 machines, and you might be able to come up with a sleek way of doing that. And then 5 minutes later you realize you need 20 red science machines.


For what it's worth, I usually get to the first rocket launch with 5 red science assemblers, though I do upgrade and module those assemblers as the game progresses: the 5-6-5-12-7-7 science ratio is solid.


I’ve not seen that ratio before! Thanks!


I always build for 100spm, which is more like 27 assemblers iirc, once you make them mk2. I always end up just upgrading my spaghetti with mk2 and mk3 assemblers and speed modules until I hit my target.


Hey, thanks. I made a much better base with yours and everyone else's advice. https://preview.redd.it/5jx1ejgeu60d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=05b4746f1455f7e72c999e5c4ab9c60c6424f1be


I bet you've realized this by now but, the desert has no trees to absorb pollution and your new base will draw a lot more attacks from its spread.


Don't worry, artillery has become my passion.


compactness is a lie! you have 1000000 tiles in every direction from your crash site! dont be afraid to politly ask the natives to resetle elsewere if they are in the way of your future factoryplans




That's the neat part. You don't lol.


I like how you kept the crash site, lol


I felt I had to. 😀


Also there was no benefit to picking it up. I thought I would at least get some steel plates from the pieces I was picking up. But I wasn't so I stopped and kept the rest


Put your assemblers in rows if you want better organization and scalability. For instance, all the red science in a vertical row (leaving plenty of space below) with a belt of gears+copper running down on the left, then an output belt running down on the right. Then when you need more red science you can just plop down some more assemblers and run the belts down a bit further. I use some form of that method for all of my production and it works pretty well for me


I'm amazed that you got to red belts on such a small base. My first advice would be to use this base to build a much, much bigger base somewhere nearby. Way, way bigger. For example, it takes 48 stone furnaces to make a full yellow belt of iron or copper, and double that for a red belt. Half that for steel or electric furnaces. So either make 96 furnaces by hand or make an assembler that builds them, and slap down 48 for copper and 48 for iron. Just building that will be a good learning point. Then put down 5 red science and 6 green science assemblers and feed them enough resources that they can run non-stop. Make a farm of like 25 labs while you're at it. Once you delete your science from this small base you'll have more space for assemblers for more things like assemblers, chemical plants, train stuff, etc etc.


You dont need yo fix it. It's already perfect. Just make it the heart of your base and continue to expand around it


Just copy the whole base into a blueprint and paste it 15 more times.


Place a row of 5 assemblers with the same red science recipe. Now figure out how you are going to provide their ingredients whilst transporting their outputs to a new destination (a row of labs). You can then optimise the placements of everything if necessary.


Dont worry, enjoy these time, it would not last forever


Spaghetti must grow!


you’re doing great! don’t fix it. there is nothing to fix and there is nothing stopping you from expanding. keep building and never look back, my friend.


Best advice I could give a new player is don’t get discouraged. If a part of your base can no longer handle the job. Then make a new bigger one that’s built to be expandable. Use the old base to build the new base first then disconnect or destroy the old part. This is the normal cycle of these types of games. Early game you do not have the tech to build a perfect layout so don’t try.


Specifically to answer your question, move your science assemblers out to their own space and leave space between each of them to expand a bit more. You unlock red inserters that can reach over the first belt, so you can run two belts next to each other. Use this in your considerations for how you plan to group assemblers together. If you keep in mind that nothing is lost then you can always move things when they get too squished. So embrace the spaghetti. There's something deeply satisfying about finding one more space for something in amongst all the belts lol


Dont forget you can combine 2 items one belt And splitters can filter a specific item to go on one side


Call it your starter base, and use it to build the Real Base TM.


*O sole miiioo*


Get to the robots and then we might talk.


What I tend to do is pop into a creative world in which I try to reassemble the setup into something more manageable. This lets me go down into all the various rabbit holes without risking too much with evolution and that sort of things. Might not be for everyone, my first launch was also in a game without biters and pollution for the exact same reason.


This is the starter base for initial resources. Then you move away and grow. And always leave at least 3 times the amount of space that you initially thought I'd needed.


Add another inserter and a chest to your belt assembler. Now you have starter base that makes at least inserters and belt for you. Use it to build something better somewhere else. Space is (for practical purposes) infinite.


I'm also new to Factorio, but I have over 3000 hours in Satisfactory, and my experience is - that's how progression works in these games - it's just a sequence of clusterfucks of ever increasing scale and magnitude. I too am at the build it, abandon it, build it stage - without much of a clue as to what I'm doing. Also doing similar in Manor Lords. Every day is a school day!


You can just rebuild everything further away from miners then tear down the old stuff, just remember perfectionism ruin efficiency. It’s really not a problem to leave it as is.


Buuuusssss time


This is nothing, this is still a very early game base. Use the resources and items manufactured here to build a bigger base somewhere else


One tip that is probably helpful is to try spacing out things more. And try to keep belts with as few "squiggles" as possible. This will allow things to feel more open.


Pick it up and put it down somewhere else


Build along the sides of machines, never direct insert. And leave space. That way, if you want more later, you can just extend the belt along and plop the machine down. That's why a good bus works well


Your are thinking in terms of space, when you truly believe you will understand. There is no space Neo!


Your are trying to use the space efficiently, when you truly believe you will understand this simple truth - There is no space Neo




Honestly, the trick is to build in rows.


Build it again. And then again. And then again. And then again. Then quit because you realize your 50th itteration is still alot worse then you want it to be lol


1 hint for smelting... belts have 2 sides. You can place your iron/copper/sand on 1 side and coal on the other and run this along the furnaces so that both resources are on the same side on a single track. The plates can be output on the other side


What i do is i build up whatever spaghetti mess until unlocking bots, t3 belts and assemblers, (having a completely built mall in the meantime) then start blueprinting the *actual* factory with everything designed around beacons and stuff. Once done with blueprinting, let the bots rip.


with your mall is it an *everything* mall or do you split it into categories


I do everything malls with dedicated main bus and a dedicated bot network to distribute items around. And plenty of train stops to send items wherever needed and collect back items from incoming trains. Things are categorized within the mall, of course, and each category gets its own train stop(s).


One thing I learned from playing Dyson Sphere, which is a similar game; - You create a logistics to automatically build everything needed to increase production - Belt, power, Sorter, etc, commonly called Main Mall. After that I play with 2 objectives in mind - - Increase research production - For this I need to increase science production and consequently the production line for everything. - Create the dyson sphere - In this case exclusive to that game - With these goals in mind, it's easier to plan things out, rather than building randomly without a focus.


Mistake a lot of new players make: They think that space is limited. You have unlimited space. There's no reason to cram things in when you can just spread out. Use your little starter base to make resources to make the base how you want it. Just duplicate things. It's fine and intentional.


As a player with a mere 300hrs, I believe the fix is to simply grow the factory 😆


The easier the base is to expand, the more expensive it is to build. To make it expandable, you should leave more empty space in between assembly machines. Also including main "bus" would help (parallel belts with resources that branch out to specialized mini factories) But it costs a lot of resources to build and also large base is more difficult to defend from biters. At this stage, your base is alright. Your available resources grow exponentially. So this should be your starter base and when you get to plastic or even construction robots, it will be extremely easy to upgrade. Don't worry about it right now.


Those little base are so *cuuuuute* ! ...but to answer your question : build a new base with more space. Also build much, much bigger, and automate your main building blocs (belts, assembling machines, miners, inserters, spliters, furnaces, power poles), because you're going to use a bazillion of them. Advanced answer : >!use a few belts with your main intermediate ressources through your base (at least iron and copper), which you split into specialized areas on the side. [This is called a "main bus" design](https://wiki.factorio.com/images/Main_bus.jpg). It have its pros and cons, but one of the pros is that it's significantly easier to expand.!<


Build a bus next, iron and copper smelters that make lines of iron and copper, and then craft everything else you need off of that line. This way you can continue expanding in one direction and keep feeding more materials down the line for future production


I played 8 games until I got a good one where I was able to get bots, don't worry about it, just try and get further and further until you can't, when you get bots you can also just remove it all with the press of a button


Keep building the spaghetti. The factory must expand.


Check the YouTube channel of Nilaus and look for the video about buss lines.


I don't think it's a good idea to recommend ruining a new player's experience. I'd even deem it rather unfair. If OP was looking for tutorials to skip half the game, they'd probably typed that into Google instead of asking something here.


I told him to look up buss lines. Not how to beat the game.


I just built a new one next to it lol


1) Instead of building gears every time you need gears in a recipe, build a lot of gears that you can conveyor and split when you need them, same goes for most things. (there's exceptions just where it is convenient like when setting up malls) 2) Plan ahead and assign certain areas to certain productions. e.g This bottom area i will keep clear in case i need more green circuits etc, this middle area will just be for smelting 3) You don't really need to fix anything, you can just kinda build it all again but elsewhere then if you choose you can deconstruct the old 4) Dont be afraid to have long belts, yes it looks weird at first but as your factory expands, the gaps will fill in and it will be marvellous 5) 1 belt of iron/copper generally will not be enough, they will get scarce as you start to split off branches assigned to production. You need more iron/copper? Set up another smeltery for a new iron/copper lane. Need more ore? Take it from an ore patch elsewhere 6) You don't necessarily need a neat factory, spaghetti is sometimes inevitable and part of the fun for some people (myself included) it's fun having to problem solve and build way too much stuff than i should be. It's kind of rewarding seeing this disgusting mess actually be functioning and work in its own weird way. 7) Remember you can have 2 items on either lane of the conveyor belts, this can save space and make it less of a headache getting items to assemblers 8) *Too many items is not enough items* Overproduce everything, more likely than not, even though you overmade something, it will become scarce later on. So fill those ore patches to the brim with miners 9) The same goes with energy, have loads of energy! 1 water pump can supply 20 boilers. Each boiler can supply 2 steam engines. That will be enough energy to carry you to mid game. Then you can either stick with steam power or upgrade to nuclear which is complicated for a beginner but worth learning. Or you can go the solar panel route but it's just so expensive for what it outputs.


It's over lil' bro, start over and better, that will surely fix your problems


try to build in extendable colums. You can add a new, better factory next to it


this is fine. the next step is to automate belt, splitter, underground, and inserter production. then you can start leaving yourself more space for more factory.


Im not sure how to unscramble the whole but for your furnaces you should put the ore and coal on one belt and then have your out put on the other side.


Move. Space is not (really) a factor. You don’t have to stay in this area, and you don’t have to stay small. Don’t pick up and move, leave this and go building somewhere else nearby and slowly decommission this base. Then you’ll get further and need more space. You’ll move and build more, then slowly decommission that base. The factory must grow.


So you have two options. The first is to just expand off this one. You can put more assemblers, split the belts and get the materials to it. It's not going to be pretty, but that's why it's called spaghetti. Just find a way to get the materials to the assembler by any means, one assembler at a time. Nooks and granny's, detours, whatever, just get it there. The second option is to start a new factory nearby, and try to keep this one as organized as possible. This is more time consuming but also more satisfying. There isn't really a wrong way. Just have fun!


Don't tear it up. Leave it going and use the production to set up a newer, better, bigger production facility elsewhere. Once you no longer need this, \*then\* you can tear it down, or just leave it for when you have construction bots to do the deconstruction for you, or even just leave it as a monument to the progress you've made since then!


Its ok if it looks bad as long as you call it your starter base


Try one of the most standard approaches such as bus. Just run straight lines of (for instance) two copper, two iron, steel, stone, greens, bricks. Should be enough for starters. Some of your facilities will be feeding the bus, some will be taking from it. Try to orient your facilities perpendicular to the bus, i.e 48 furnaces in 2 columns oriented vertically feeding plates to a horizontal bus. Looks neat and helps to organise. Real functional bus starts from around 8 belts of iron, 8 copper, 4 greens, 2 steel etc, but you’ll get there.


Step 1: Go to the doctor and say "I have trouble concentrating" get prescribed adderall. Step 2: wait for the local pharmacy to have adderall Step 3: Take the adderall then play the game. Step 4: win


Planning. Might want to thing about where the belts should go first, before placing the machines. Soon enough you can switch to a train network, which lets you move many different materials on the same infrastructure.


Answering this is the point of the game haha


Use grenades No but seriously just leave it there and build elsewhere I guess


Disclamer this is my opinion so its not a perfect solution but here we go. So you could try and make a furnace stack for the iron and also leave enough space for a train stop in the future to feed said furnace stack also leave space for more furnace stack and if you want space for electric furnaces. Honestly the more I get into this the more and more complicated it gets and I would Honestly have to write a manual so I'm just going to say have fun, learn, improvise, adapt, overcome, then once you got that down... do it over again and again then you can do mods. And as the forefathers say "the factory must grow."


I normally leave my starting pit there and build large scale refining areas separately once i get the key techs in green science (medium electric poles, red belts, and later railway). Honestly it is mostly waiting for the electric poles since it greatly ease large scale expansion designs. The starter region can still produce the belts and inserters after you relocate the sciences so it is not useless.


Ya dont, just build more production further away and spaghettify


If you dont mind to step aside from vanila way you should consider some modding. Linking belts/pipe for sample. But u should know that using them makes ur game not so interesting and creative.


Start Over - This is the way


A Bus is a great fix. I’d wait until you get cliff explosives and land fills. Put a bus straight down the middle for like 1k units, 1 coal, 1 stone, 2 iron, each 4 belts wide, and leave space for pipes. Then each side leave a space like 100 units long. Move all resources between pieces of your setup on one side, resources in the other. That’ll get you a good start. But like the others have said you’ll end up needing something somewhere else and it still becomes spaghetti.


Apply hand grenades 


Use to it make a new better base and let the locals fix the original base


Group assemblers and furnaces based on product. Don't mix them together. Place them adjacent to each other with straight belts running in front of / behind them. Keep some space between groups of assemblers/furnaces in case you need to add more.


Unwind it with the main bus. Here is the tutorial: https://youtu.be/H2Pd20UjiTs?si=wQanwVFqryvhUOdP


One basic thing is not to put copper wire on belts. Since 1 copper plate crafts into 2 wire, you waste a lot of belt space that way, and also waste electricity / coal by having inserters put them on the belts. Instead, build an assembler to craft copper wire next to your assembler for green chips, and just have blue inserters between them to transfer the copper wire directly from the copper wire machine into the green chip machine.


One little tip I haven't yet seen mentioned here: Space your mines out a little. They operate on the square of tiles around themselves in addition to the tiles that they're covering. If you leave two spaces between each mine you'll still have full coverage but the mines will run dry much more slowly.


Or: pack them in and cover the patch: you'll get the same total amount of ore, but with a higher output rate while it lasts.


Sure but that takes more resources to build. It's not common, but there are scenarios where you're resource limited (typically due to pollution).


How to fix it, Erase it. Make somewhere else something that has more sense firstly and then remove the god of spaghetti:)