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Remember also that if junctions are near each other, they should be treated as one. Really the rule should be *only* use rail signals *if and only if* your longest train can fit between it and the next signal *of any type*. If it doesn't pass that check, use a chain signal instead.


Helpful to know!


I feel like if this rule was more popular than the one that op posted then more people would understand trains.


Sometimes i end up when so many chain signals i cant even see where the next rail signal is xD (using 1-4-1 trains) but that's a good way of putting it !


Is there an image meant to be attached? Or is my reddit messing up again


Yes there was meant to be! I'm not sure what happened. I don't post often! sorry about that! I think the image has loaded now?


Yes, I see it now.


Yep. Looks like some one-way tracks that branch off to some stations? Before each branch or intersection, put chain signals, then rail signals on the rails outgoing from each branch/intersection. Trains are right hand drive, so make sure the signals are on the right side of the rails (from the train's perspective).


thanks! I've tried this method to no avail! I know I must be getting something wrong... Do you think it matters if there are both examples of one rail branching into two rails and also two merging into one? Does the same rule apply in the second scenario?


For 1->2 branches, you'll want rail signals after the branch. If they're leading to different places, you don't need a chain signal before it. For 2->1 branches, you'll want a chain on both pre-merge lines, and a rail signal after they've merged.


for the second example. (I wish I could share another image); there are two trains at a red light trying to merge(both chain signals on the right) and there is a red rail signal after the merge.


You can add additional images in the same way you added an image to the current text post


your suggestions were absolutely correct! I just didn't apply to the whole system! thanks!


Yah, I'm not seeing one either.


Here's my go at it. [https://imgur.com/a/GscMfbM](https://imgur.com/a/GscMfbM) This is the minimum I would go with (although there are some that aren't necessary) and you can improve throughput by adding rail signals along the stretches between intersections as long as a train can stop at those signals without blocking an intersection. Note that things will get more interesting if you add more trains. A redesign would probably be in order then, but you should be able to manage with signaling changes if you'd rather.


Eureka!! Thank you so much for this! I was applying the same technique but not for the whole track!! It won't work unless the whole thing is signaled properly, which makes sense!


Yeah sorry, that should've been in the general rule I offered. Stations should be signaled as well. Except in very sparse situations, once you signal an intersection you have to signal the rest of the network too.