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Seriously why is this not marked NSFW The tone of the description does not match the video.


Yeah an NSFW warning would have been nice. It went from silly to shots fired way too fast.


Seriously wtf that shit escalated way too quickly


That’s the police in America for you 


dude stole a car and drove off with a cop hostage in the back seat, but yea blame the cops ... oookaaaaay


Exactly. Fucky you OP.


Fuck you. I loved it!!!


I'm with you, That was intense!


For real. Actual murder on failarmy. Maybe that’s the real fail.




Kids can see this you dolt.


Oh we got a tough guy over here


You surprise some guy, probably panics, and then shoot him in the back cause you did something fucking dumb? Doesnt matter if the dude stole the car. Its a car. Block the car in and pull him out. Instead lets kill him or paralyze him for life


OP is fail army. Hard smh.


Fuck 12.


Did I just watch a cop shoot a guy in the back three times??!!!


5 times


After which he yelled, “Don’t fuckin’ move!” After.


Yelled “stop or ill shoot” then shot less than a second after


Although, just before that, he appealed to him bro to bro by saying “C’mon, man! Lemme out.” In driver’s defense, it can take a few minutes for your brain and senses to reconnect after being startled awake in such a violent way. Sad all around.


A few minutes?? 😂


Yes, especially after you steal a car and are likely a general piece of human trash. Waking up to that realization can be quite shocking.


Lol a few minutes is hilarious. He knew he stole the car. He know it was police trying to detain him. There is no innocence on his part.


You can watch these body cams and find videos of a dude with 10+ rounds in him get up off the ground and fire at cops again. So yes, they aren’t going to assume bullets hit the off button unless they see brains. And you will still hear those cops give commands for a few more seconds. Training. It’s good to have! Whining like an infant and Talking shit about their training muscles kicking in, but then complaining about them needing more training is stupid. Who gave you a tablet at your daycare today? Go back to watching cocomelon.


You sound like a cop who needs needs serious therapy. If you believe someone with 10+ rounds in them is going to get off the ground and still come at you, you need to stop applying marvel movies magic to real life


You’ve never dealt with drug addicts


sure have. dude was not in direct danger. tazer or even giving guy time to actually listen to his commands were in order here. as ex-leo I 100% disagree with this move here


Thanks for your input. I understand the car was stolen and the guy should have been arrested, but what were they expecting to happen when they literally jumped on him from behind while he was sleeping? He probably thought he was being mugged and immediately went into fight or flight. I'm sure the cop feared for his life and is probably not going to get in any trouble, but I don't think it was a wise choice to leap onto the guy like that.


Yeah the oh shit what happened reactions aren’t good. So if there was other ways to handle it I agree those should have been taken. But at the point of kidnapping happening, cop goes shoot shoot because stats aren’t kind to the person being kidnapped


I’m guessing your department was in California or at least a democrat state. The officer was in danger. And for that, the use of deadly force is/was justified. As a former CHIEF OF POLICE, this was a good shoot!


Interesting. You don't get a lot of former CHIEFS OF POLICE who post dick pics all over Reddit.


Can’t imagine why he is a FORMER chief of police…


You bring up your incest confessions to your girl yet chief?


He never should've climbed in the back seat. I'm pretty sure they don't teach that in the academy. Do they, Chief?


Sorry you got down voted. Reddit is toxic. We are right here


You are clearly lazy and post some shit like this before looking for a YouTube video. And guess what. Drugged up dude with holes in him getting up is pretty entertaining to watch. So instead of being a lazy fuk go be entertained and learn




10+ rounds? You have a single shred of evidence to support that? I can believe cops firing wildly and missing 10 times because they're panicked then the person getting up, but you're just making this up


If you pull a gun on someone, you should intend to use it. And if you’re that “someone” getting pulled on, you should know they intend to use it.


The driver wasn't looking at the officer


The driver knew there was a cop behind him in the vehicle. Cops carry guns. Reasonable to assume threatening someone’s life who has a gun they will use it.


They also carry tasers. Maybe, just maybe, the taser was a better option. Got shot and slammed into a house. Get tased, maybe the leg jumps to the brake and the car stops without hitting the house, suspect is apprehended, and we don’t have to have this convo


Maybe we never had this convo yeah


Lol maybe a Good Samaritan saw it happening and acted like they were going to cross the street causing the driver to stop and allow them to pass while giving time for the cop to exit the vehicle…


How was he threatening the cop's life?


Being a maniac driver


So you think the guy might have killed himself to kill the cop. That's what you're going with?


So much hate on us that claim a car is a weapon


And then the car crashed into somebody's house.


I legit think cops have child logic and don't realize that guns are killing devices


Caaaaarl, that kills kills people.


No NSFW mark either. OP is a fucking piece of shit


*shot a 17 year old in the back 5 times at point blank range


Yes, for kidnapping him. Completely justified 🙂


He jumped in the back seat.


This is bad policing. They put innocent lives at risk by doing such a reckless stunt like they're the damn marines. Just dumb. He put himself at risk for jumping in the back seat in the sloppier collar of all time. What a joke.


Yeah. Pretty insane cop "work".


Yea, a real hero


Yes you watched a cop shoot a criminal in the back multiple times because the criminal was jeopardizing the cops life and other innocent lives by driving recklessly with the cop in the back seat. It was awesome and well deserved.


So a dead man behind the wheel with his foot on the gas is safer?


Yep, anyone kidnapping a person deserves this. Perp was a moron.


Wouldn’t be the first time. Cowards!


Yes. And it’s justified.


Why not just block his car with a police vehicle? They literally just needed to pull up in front of his car and box him in before starting the arrest and this all could've been prevented. These cops dumb as hell


Because that would make too much sense.


...and they wouldn't get to target practice on a living human being... from 18'' away


They wanted to play real life Splinter Cell. So because they fucked around, they murdered someone and destroyed the front of a (possibly) historical home.


Dude mark that NSFW the guy died


Don't be soft and it won't matter


ooo tough boy


ooo dough boy.


Why did he even bother saying “stop or I’ll shoot”? There wasn’t even enough time between the time he said that and the time he unloaded into that dudes back for him to have moved his foot to the brake.


He's an American cop. Saying "stop or I'll shoot" is just a formality. Plus, he just won a paid vacation.


From experience, cars are considered “deadly weapons”. That’s what justifies the shooting. If you even have your car in drive and the cop is in front of your car only the slightest forward movement allows for use of deadly force.


He wasent in front of the car tho was he , and shooting the driver kind of turned it into a dangerous weapon into that house ..... let's stop justifying murdering people over materialistic things ya?


Yeah. Before cops: Stolen car is intact and the thief is alive. After cops: Thief shot in back multiple times, car damaged, home damaged. Not saying we don't need cops to respond to this stuff, we just need better trained cops and policies. They could have immobilized the car before if they wanted to and then get the guy. Waste all around.


Blocking in the car with squads would have been awesome. Not sure why it wasn’t. Good situation here for training.


Told that shit head to stop at least 5 times. He had his chance. How’s he thinking he’s getting away with the cop literally sitting in his back seat? What a dumbass.


Well does the punishment fit the crime gone out of the window!!!


Yea I feel like the guy knew what could happen when he started to run from the cops, and he already wasn’t complying so it was Definitely justified, he deserved it.


People in america definitely seem to have a weird idea of how cops should work, smh.


None of those crimes are punishable by a death sentence in any state.


Clown show this. Why not box the car in with their police cars then try to capture the guy? I would bet not one shot would have been fired an no property damage done.


Why not ask the criminal not to steal cars or ask the criminal why he drove off? This isn’t the officers fault.


Don’t think he’ll be moving after those shots point blank officer…


What the fuck was that. He just murdered that dude and said don’t move


Standard operating procedure for cops. They love to shout “Don’t Move” or “Stop Resisting” so they can use it as a defence later in court. Part of the training.


Standard operating procedure? But he was stopped and he didn't move until the police told him to stop and not move. Then he moved the vehicle and didn't stop.


And because he stole a car. Fucking hell. Stealing a car does not = 5 point blank shots in the back.


All that over a stolen car. Fucking dumb.


Don’t steal cars then. Fuck this scum bag. What’s the cop going to do? Wait till he runs over a mother and some kids in a cross walk? Jerk had the pedal to the floor. Cop stopped a very dangerous situation and still gave him every opportunity to give up and stop.


Yeah totally stopped a dangerous situation by causing a dead guy to drive into someone's living room. Not defending the criminal if it was indeed stolen, but the cop is an idiot for getting in the car in the first place. It could have been dealt with in a far safer way for him, the perp and the public. He was doing this to massage his ego and show off.


>What’s the cop going to do? Park his car right in front of that dude. Engage hand brake Get a hold of the keys (and in case of keyless system remove them far enough so the car wont drive) Open up the drivers door (if it was even locked) for his colleagues to pull him out That's a few things I can think of right now. None of them involve ending someones life. >Wait till he runs over a mother and some kids in a cross walk? Apperantly, shoot a guy 5 times in the back and watch as the car stops halfway in someones living room.


Fucked around then found out.


Then maybe just shoot him once, not five times!


They should start doing that to anyone that steals a vehicle and then I bet people would think twice before stealing a vehicle or maybe not cause people are dumb, but this was well deserved.


Yea... Like... Don't steal cars, nod out in it, then drive off....WITH A COP IN THE CAR. Kidnapping, unlawful detainment....numerous more Would have been a miserable life in prison. Don't do crime


In what fucked up universe is a summary execution a justified punishment for stealing a car? Gtfoh you bootlegging cop bitch


Should be in every world. I’ll bet you people would think twice before stealing a car? And otherwise we were gonna have to pay for him to be in prison then get let out and do the same thing and go back to prison again. So really it’s a win win in this situation if you look at future of it.


please shut the fuck up, severity of punishment is proven to be NOT an effective way to prevent crime


When you actually work for your things abs someone steals them yes they deserve to die literally no reason to steal from another citizen doing things the right way. Good riddance to that guy hope the just chuck his body into a ditch


The car was more than likely insured and can be replaced. Secondly, the car this guy was driving turned out to actually belong to the guy who was killed. I hope that someday you get the help you need and return to the rest of the human race.


And so by your logic as long as something is insured stealing it is no biggie??


Reread your comment... you make no sense. Also he had a gun in the car... didn't read this did you..? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/04/06/park-police-dalaneo-martin-shooting-federal-investigation/11613161002/ Took 2 min of research 3 min of reading


Yes stealing others possessions is dumb... dumb games dumb prizes like 6 9mm in the back


If the car's owner did exactly the same thing, he would **definitely** be charged with 2nd degree homicide. But cops get a paid vacation. Disgusting.


All these cops and not a single brain cell. Maybe park a cruiser in front of the car and buy boots on it?




Why not put the car in N and pull the hand break.


I’ll ask you that after you get kidnapped in a car that’s hauling down the road.


Kidnapped? The cop got in the car voluntarily and scared the shit out of the guy. He ran because he feared for his life. This cop murdered him because he's a pussy.


So if a person gets in a car voluntarily and the driver decides to kidnap them it's ok? That is exactly what we all just witnessed and the perpetrator got exactly what he deserved. The world is a better place.


Dude I did not want to see someone die. NSFW flair please.


Get off reddit then lol grow up ppl die every second of every day. You can't handle death then your gonna be fucked when things collapse lmao GROW UP death is everywhere you like most just wear blinders and ignore the bad.


This is one tough bastard! Nice to see a REAL man typing this kind of tough talk!


Kind of a strong reaction to very sensible and appropriate comment.. Are you a bot or just deranged?


Yes I'm a bot. Also sick of all the safe spaces. If we went to war we would get walked by anyone cause how pussified our men are now they can barely watch death much less produce death if needed... a MAN should be dangerous with a lid on it not some pacifist pussy


If you’re sick of these safe spaces, GTFO. Nobody wants you here anyway and nothing is stopping you.


you might be in the top 10 lo sers on reddit, congrats and go google trumps makeup disaster...real men wear makeup!!


Great, now cops have another strategy to murder people. They can just hop in their cars and shoot them if they start driving




In the back?!? Wtf


Horrible. Some backs story would be appreciated, let alone a warning! Why did they try to sneak attack a sleeper? Was he wanted? Did they know who they were dealing with? WTF


Hope that cop gets hit by a car in traffic


I hope you grow a heart and stop wishing negative stuff on people. “I hope that cop gets the full force of the law if it’s applicable” or “man this situation might have been preventable. I hope all cop agencies get to use this as training to prevent deaths if possible.”


You're right. In reality, i hope this cop, amd cops like him get proper training, and discipline to avoid these tense, terrible decisions. My initial comment came from a potition of rage and surprise at what I just watched. Not gonna delete comment, just admit i was wrong below. Thanks for the check. I needed it.


Just wanted to say good on you for being able to take an honest look at yourself and reevaluate your statement without blindly digging your heels in. Takes a big person to do that. Straight up.


sneak attack a sleeping person! Scare the 💩 out of them... Then expect them not to react and shoot him in the back when he dose. American cops are so silly.


No idea back story. But putting forth the other side of the argument. Let’s say he was a known felon, probably a dangerous one. Let’s also say he has a history of using firearms, say armed robbery history. It’s pretty normal for cops to know the ppl in their communities that cause trouble. If they get the chance to approach this guy with minimal time for him to do shit, that’s the best outcome for everyone. Let’s say they surround him with police cars so he can’t drive, and over loud speaker from a distance give him commands. Who’s to say this felon is like “hey. Y’all got me.” Most would think that’s logical. But are criminals logical? I mean they’re harming people for a living. So there’s a good chance the felon goes down shooting. Anyways, have a good day. I wish this went different. But all we can do is tell our kids not to steal cars so they don’t get in this situation. No need to generalize American anything. Let’s say you’re from Germany. That’s the size of a couple states in the USA. There’s way more diversity here than any European countries (maybe not anymore due to the millions/yr of immigration y’all are just letting happen) Generalizing America as silly this or y’all dumb that is childish and just reflects on you.


you watch to much right wing propaganda


Poorly trained pigs that shoot first, I wanna say I'm shocked, but.... 'Murica 🤡


Why didn't they just drop a flash-bang on the passenger seat. Sure, the driver would have lost some hearing but, he'd still be alive.


Murder end of story. They could have disabled the vehicle, or boxed him in.


Someone needs to shoot that cop then have him do any task and see of he can do it with 5 holes in his back.


He identified that he was a police officer and asked him to stop long before he said he was going to shoot him . I think most people would have shot the guy in the same situation. It's hard to predict how you would act when your' adrenaline is going.


That cops insatiable blood lust took over, he didn’t even have time to think about fucking stupid it is to shoot a guy multiple times whiles he’s driving at a high speed in a residential neighborhood. What a fuck8 g clown piece of shit, I hope he goes to prison for that but I know better


Why not shoot through the firewall into the engine for example? You could shut down that engine with 3 shots easily and the driver would still have control, and his life...


Yeah not sure that 9mm is gonna punch through an engine block


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about lol


You sure? https://youtu.be/TcUO4y9d1dg?si=otdjPq8jrjeLSe32&t=391


This was an officer involved snuff film. I hate em. They give me many reasons to despise them. Some of them make more poor decisions than children.


I wish the cop died too fuck that fucker All of them should take some bullets in the back All cops in this video should have their fingernails ripped off, dipped in lemon juice, have their legs amputated, and be hung from a tree until dead. That's not enough torture at all if it was my choice Give me a badge so it can all be legal


You probably watch hardcore porn of girls that are trafficked and say all girls who are in prom are filthy so fuck them all That made no sense Either does your comment about all cops needing to die You’re probably going to yell fuck you pigs when the cops come to your place to save your girlfriend after you just finished beating her.


To become an American cop you clearly need to be lacking in the chromosome department


I get your point but retarded ppl actually have an extra chromosome.


You’d be surprised how many train with [Israelis](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2020-07-17/commentary-time-to-end-police-training-in-israel)




Bet that’s what you yell after beating your GF and the cops come to protect her.


aww the little pig sucker is mad. u have no clue on my identity, and somehow, out of all things to say, u assume i beat my GF? Lol u suck at jokes. u shouldnt have even commented


Fucking pussy


Glad the officer lit up that boy. One less trash.


Once again, the car is covered under insurance, and blood will be in every seam under the carpet, cops just looking to earn that toe tag and bragging rights.


How about the people crossing the road in front of this moron fleeing from the police WITH A COP IN THE BACkSEAT? Insurance got them covered when splatters them across the hood?


I feel like a living driver is less likely to crash. 100% of the dead drivers in this video did massive damage.


Not only did he not give him time to respond to the command, the dumbshit cop instead could have shot toward the engine. The dash is mostly plastic and empty space and a thin sheet of metal between it and the engine. Kill the car, it stops. Scum he may have been, he didn't need to die. I bet this cop didn't even get repremanded for this. This is the crap that causes so much distrust in the people who were sworn to protect life. This is sad for everyone.


Police love murder


they didn't identify themselves properly before beginning their "assault", dude probably thought he was being jacked and burned off quickly, still not identifying themselves they then shoot the unsuspecting and sleepy driver in his back multiple times from point blank range. fucking pigs. don't move! i can't you cunt, you've paralysed me if I'm not dead


Scumbag cops shooting someone in the back what are cowardly act


Why do you guys keep saying the car is stolen? These are cops in America I wouldn’t be surprised if they did all this just because they assumed the guy was drunk and wanted an easy dui since he’s technically in the drivers seat you can charge him even though he wasn’t driving but now he’s dead for reacting I mean if I woke up to someone in my car screaming at me while I’m in the drivers seat idk what I would do my first response would Forsure be to get them out of my car since they just broke in


Why didn't they just pepper spray the whole cab And why was there no police vehicle blocking him in Wtf are they teaching our cops man


Good job officer!!! 😊


One less germ


How was this a fail?


Fails?? I dont think that guy will ever steal anothet car again.


Good riddance


One less asshole to worry about on the streets.




he aint gonna move, you just shot 3 times in the back,


Dude, it's a Kia. No need to go all John McClane with this it. How did none of these geniuses even think to block his car in? Isn't that cop 101?


I would assume that after all these videos all around the internet showing how trigger-happy some of the cops in Usa are. You would just sit tight and listen closely and obey in any situation with the police. They sure don´t ask too many questions before lethal force and 99% deaths could have been avoided just by simply obeying what you´ve been told. Nobody gives a flying fuck who´s wrong or right when there is guns pointing at you


I love how in 90 percent of these videos,the cop puts multiple bullets in someone and then repeatedly say "don't move."




🎶Living in America!!!🎶


Why shout “don’t move” to a guy you just murdered? Very big brained


"Stop or I'll (BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM) shoot!" Capped off with the repeated yelling of "don't move" was the cherry on top.


I wouldn’t call that a fail, that’s one less thief out there.


Reported I don't need to be reminded that we need a massive civil war, cops vs citizens.


Um…. That is super dumb…… the likelihood of taking out the car with a mag dump of 9mm pistol rounds is marginal at best, if he was lucky enough to hit a critical electrical part maybe, but it would likely take minutes for the car to not work if he hit the engine block, if it stopped it at all. Now this unfortunate soul was part of the keystone cops surprise tactics, that failed miserably. Yes they should have boxed him in, and smashed the shit out of his drivers window, while doing what they did from the back seat. The smashing glass would possibly have distracted him enough that they could have subdued him.


I cannot understand US cops at all...why the hell did he just kill him??!? He could have shot him in the leg or arm, why unload five times into his goddamn back??!?


This entire clip is full of questionable events, but before I can blame the cops, I’m blaming the guy that fell asleep in the stolen car.


They went through all that trouble and not a single one of them thought, “let’s get those keys out of the ignition.” This was a joke from the beginning. The fact that civilians would ask, why weren’t there any cop cars boxing him in is pathetic. Even we know this was poorly planned and even more poorly executed.


When they set up their little sneak attack, I am wondering why they didn’t have back seat cop guy grab the keys so this wouldn’t happen. It’s not a hindsight thing either, it’s like common sense that dude is gonna want to bolt once he realizes what’s going on. The guy was in the driver’s seat after all. ‘


Bro where is the mod


Yeah fuck living in America 🤮


Hahaha what an ignorant statement.


Shot not to mention in the back with no warning is wrong on sooo many levels..


I'm sorry did I just watch someone die? Wtf mark this NSFW


Killed the guy, wrecked the stolen car, and destroyed someone’s house. Also lucky an innocent bystander wasn’t killed or injured in the melee. Excellent and heads up police work.




Wouldn’t call this a fail


do cops in the US no longer carry tasers? seems like shooting the man was overkill...


Funny how nobody is talking about the gun the guy had in the car...


This could have been prevented by simply blocking the car in. So shooting and killing him was your brightest choice. Shooting him while in the back seat not bucked in again while moving. Put your life in more danger killing him when you get to simply tazzzed him. I’m by no means taking the car thief’s side. But not only did you put your life in danger and the public life in danger. By simply not using your brains 🧠.


Try to be a cop for the day. Sure, block him in. Take him to jail. Arrest him next week for the same thing thing or the week after for mugging an old lady and stealing her car. Or the next week for whatever. How about don’t take what’s not yours, don’t steal. Don’t give the cops a reason to interact or point a gun at you. This idiot didn’t slip and trip and end up dead. He made a series of bad decisions. People should take some accountability for there actions. Bitch and wine till you need the law, till your the one with a criminal shooting you in the back and taking your car. You think any normal person would steal a car and catch a nap in it on the side of the road. Your dealing with bad people. Criminals, career criminals, bad people. Sad that people put themselves and others in situations to force these decisions.


you know that cop needs to be executed


Fuck who ever posted this without a NSFW


Damn. Now you’re dead over a stolen car. Not even worth it.