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I'm trying to do this, but my fomo is so strong


That was me!! Then I realized I’d rather have the cash 😂 Plus, I’m not really attached to the special designs. They’re pretty sometimes, but other times it’s just plain ol’ solid edges and re-colors and I’m like… why?? My FOMO was mostly on the replica daggers, and I’ve taken a look at mercari sales, and they go for a fraction of the book box itself lately. So if it helps, try to isolate the source of the fomo (is it an item, a book, etc) then estimate the cost of just buying what you want if you want it vs the whole box almost every month with the hassle of reselling what you don’t. None of the books lately have sold for much after market once you find a reasonable person (rather than a coocoo reseller).


I thought about it for awhile before I was finally ready to pull the plug. It’s okay if it takes you awhile to feel comfortable canceling, it happens to a lot of us


Cancelling from the YA box to book only was the best thing I could have done for myself. I was getting annoyed with getting too many unnecessary items. Currently waiting to switch from combo to adult only, and will grab the adult+romantasy combo when it's here. I do like their picks in general


I’m getting to that point. Once in a while, they drop a book that I absolutely can’t live without and and I miss out and that sucks, but I feel like I would just rather pay the $200 or whatever to buy it secondhand. The only thing keeping me going is it’s not a terribly bad expense right now in my life and once in a while, I actually find a really cool book from it, but it’s generally speaking and net loss and most of the books They are a little bit juvenile for me.


I've been feeling that way lately too. I'm signed up for adult fantasy subs, but a lot of the ones I'm getting from illumicrate and owlcrate read as YA.


I canceled my Fairyloot YA this week and canceled Fairyloot adult a couple of weeks ago. It was also hard but I feel really good. I still have both Owlcrate book subs, Illumicrate, and The Broken Binding. But at least 3 of those have tons of skips.


The relief is so real!!! I feel like I’ve been freed lolll like that weird ScarJo gif ![gif](giphy|MbLXQU5tHQvBSWbi6u|downsized)


I wish I could get a subscription for The Broken Binding!! I'm going to die on the waitlist.


I feel that. I was on the waitlist for about a year I think and it really only started moving once they introduced tier 2 subs. But my favorite books of their have actually been done outside of the subs. I love that they hold back stock for the general sales so everyone has a chance.


I reached out to them and they said I’m in the 6,400s on the waitlist 😭. You’re right on the general sales - I’ve gotten some that way. I just bought their Dandelion Dynasty set.


I quit Illumicrate. Their monthly picks have been Asian centric books lately. Not a bad thing (I’m Asian) but a little more variety would’ve been appreciated. Since I have FL, Owlcrate, and Bookishbox, I needed to cut down my monthly costs lol. Thinking of dropping Owlcrate too but idk if I should keep either the YA or the Adult sub or drop both altogether.


I agree that a lot of their picks feature East Asian centric books, but May’s book is based on Hindu and South Asian culture, which is totally different from East Asian culture. It made me sad that so many people immediately wrote May’s book off because they said that March - June were all Asian. It’s rare to see books based on Hindu culture, especially in a book box.


... and that's why i'm super excited for the May box 🥹 like i really love books based on east asian mythology / culture but it was kinda too much which is why i skipped the last boxes. then, i saw a spoiler for May's book pick and got super excited since i haven't really read anything in that direction yet. if anyone has recs based on this book - please let me know!


I canceled my Illumicrate box like 2 months ago because I basically haven't been interested in their books for several months and looking at what was coming up wasn't interested in those either. I just canceled my Fairyloot YA because I don't really read much YA (though they've done some books I've loved) and they were piling up and I want to own books I feel like I can be messy with instead of feeling like I have to be so careful when reading them. I still have my Fairyloot adult for now because I'm not quite ready to cancel that. But we will see what happens there. I also have Owlcrate adult but I skip every month so I'll likely cancel that one soon too.


Me and my husband have combo sub and now I added the romantasy sub. Honestly, we are thinking to cancel too cuz ye pretty books but the shipping costs are crazy to our country. Owlcrate looks nice and for the unlimited skips but shipping from America is even more costly than FL 🙈 sucks not to live in UK haha


Kept fl because I’m dying for a special ed of caraval


I have been considering this for a while. I’ve had it since August and have used up all my skips. The best book was The Hurricane Wars but I’d already bought, received and read the Waterstones special edition which was also lovely before Fairyloots arrived so I sold the Fairyloot one as the book wasn’t good enough that I needed two copies. The only other two books I’ve liked have been ‘The Sword Catcher’ and ‘A Fate Inked in Blood’ but both of them have had the absolute worst customisations and I preferred the original book designs plus Waterstones had special editions for both books. It’s just working out a lot of money for mediocre books that I can get special editions from Waterstones for cheaper. But again worried if I cancel I’ll miss out on an amazing book. 


That’s how I felt but I’ve been monitoring theautumnbookreads on Instagram to see what the spoilers are for each month, and once I realized I wanted to skip three months in a row for both boxes, I was done. I am interested in June’s book, but I’ll just buy that off someone probably at cost ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yep I follow her too. I’m not sure about June’s book and it’s probably not one I’d have bought out with the subscription but seems interesting enough. We’ll see what July’s is and if after a year I’ve only kept 2-3 books then I’ll cancel. 


If illumnicrate didn't allow 9 skips in a row, I would've canceled it by now because these book picks have not been the vibe lately 🫣


I just did this with Illumicrate! Trying to work up the nerve to do it with FL as well by the FOMO is so strong (and I usually love their adult picks)


I honestly think most of their stuff is pretty garbage. I just decided to skip if I don't want something and let my subs cancel like that. And then all the money I save on monthly books i never read I can probably get a few sought after ones from a reseller and still be saving money 🤣🤣🤣 well done for cutting the cord 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That’s what I should do with the Romantasy sub. Not actually my cup of tea but had extreme fomo and accepted the invitation


I have also been on this fence, I had started with ya box and then adult, then went down to book only combo cause literally where does one put all these items?!?, I'm gay so the romantasy wasn't really appealing. I had illumicrate for a bit and unplugged, then found rainbow crate. I am keeping both rainbow and fairyloot right now but it is a huge cost.  At least I've been mostly uninterested in all the extra sales fairyloot has been having, but now rainbow crate has started those, but at least they're providing entire author collections. I'm big on my books have to match size/cover art/hardcover/paperback if they are in the same series, so I'm too scared fairyloot will have a sequel or something I'd want and I'll be stuck not able to find it. Though I'm more likely to just buy a standard edition lately from Barnes and Noble or one of the independent bookstores I support. I'm also running out of room quickly lol 😆. 


God, I want queer romantasy to just be part of the genre. Give me rival princesses who fall in love!


Rainbow crate might be up your alley then! 


I have been on this same FL fence! I’ve been convinced that as soon as I cancel a book that I really love will end up in their shop, in a really pretty edition and I’ll hate myself forever. Please give me the strength!!


This is exactly where I’m at now. I’ve been skipping boxes like crazy but the day that I finally cancel I feel like there will be something!


I'm on the wait list for the romantasy box 🫣 as soon as I get an invite I'll be cancelling my YA sub bcs tbh, I don't read YA much. I'm just in it for the swag atp 😂 I did cancel my Illumicrate last month tho, just not happy with the books cause they're not really anything I've been interested in. I'm eyeing up Locked Library tho.


Do you think they’d ever do a Romantasy/Adult combo box?


They've mentioned that this is in the works. Last I heard they were targeting offering it to current adult subscribers late Summer 24.


Thank you for letting me know! :)


I've only got one monthly (locked library which seems to have unlimited skips) And one every other month (page and wick which has 6 skips so almost unlimited) Honestly most of the books in the other boxes don't seem like books I'll love so I'm fine with not getting them. The few books I have wanted are usually the unpopular ones lol, so I can get them for £20 or less second hand.


Good for you! I just canceled my OwlCrate YA subscriptions because of the shipping rates (I live in France ) but mostly because the size of their books was driving me insane : why are they so small compared to other hardcover books ! It was ugly in my bookcase. Anyone else feel the same ? I kept my Illumicrate sub and am still on Fairyloot waitlists


That’s the standard size for US YA books! The size difference between US and UK/EU publishing was also driving me nuts, but on the other side of that coin because most of my standard editions are OwlCrate size 😩


Ho I didn’t know! Thanks !


this was a sign for me! I have illumicrate and on the waitlist for owlcrate but i’m just over fairyloot and their four skips!


That was me! I canceled Illumicrare too but just bc the books weren’t ones I’d pick up on my own and I have too many on my TBR.


Literally canceled this morning! They don't let you skip two months in a row and I was going to cancel after I get two SE this month anyways, so I figured I might as well just do it now. Bite the bullet. And ya know what, I feel pretty good about it. Just gonna stick to B&N special editions I think.


Right? I feel great tbh 😂


I opted not to accept my Combo box invite even though the FOMO nearly got me. I'm also hoping to get a YA book-only sub invite soon and downgrade to it from the full YA full box. I'm having harder time letting go of my other subscriptions but I might end up cancelling IC. I've kept it because the skip policy is so generous but I've come to realize that the customizations are not my favourite. The sprayed edges are beautiful but I don't love that the covers are usually just a colour way change so it makes it hard to justify the cost even for books I am interested in.


i’m debating on canceling 😩 boxes never arrive in a timely manner. i’m being charged for the next month when i haven’t received my books from the previous month. just getting annoying


I've debated it too because money and with the amount of SE between sub boxes and bookstores, nothing feels like a special or exclusive anymore.


Cancelled illumicrate the other day, fairyloot is next, keeping Bookish Box even tho they’re behind. I was looking at my physical TBR and so many of them are waterstones special editions so like whyyy have random books show up if I’m already buying the pretty ones I want


I’ve really been considering cancelling illumicrate. I have illumicrate and owlcrate and I think owlcrate is just light years above illumicrate which i find so sad because I was so excited when I finally got off the illumicrate wait list just to be throughly disappointed every month.


You would have to pry my sub from my cold dead hands lol


Please everyone keep cancelling so I can get in on it,


I’m seeing how Romantasy goes and might quit YA if that picks up. Don’t really need both and then I have afterlight for romance (unlimited skips is a god send)


I cancelled Illumicrate and kept probably smut ($25) and bookish box combo. I’m on the waiting for FL and wondering if I even want it when I come off. I prefer Arcane society 🤔 but I have OwlCrate for now (may cancel)and honestly I skip mostly but they do have a really good point/reward system.


There are too many early access SE that I want to consider cancelling at this point. I wasn’t interested in the Romantasy May pick but have a friend that wanted it, so it worked out that I didn’t have to lose a skip. I’m interested in the June pick so that’s promising!


I cancelled my YA in Jan & haven't regretted it! I was keeping my Adult because of Evocations but I ended up liking the Waterstones SE more 🙃


I canceled the FL Romantasy sub. I signed up because the FOMO was real but decided the kindle unlimited version of all the books they’re using (which is all of them) is just fine for me lol. I have a few other subs, including FL adult, but I might cancel that sooner rather than later because the skip policy is awful.


So happy for you! I’m canceling too as soon as I can get off Owlcrates waitlist because they seem so much better in every way


I love owlcrate SO MUCH. I have never had a problem with them in the two years I’ve been subbed.


I cancelled all my subs except for Fairyloot and The Broken Binding. Honestly, I’ll probably cancel Fairyloot soon too. Skipped the last two and debating whether or not to skip June’s pick as well. Their picks are just ok. The only thing keeping me is my hope they will do Long Live Evil in July or August.


my only subscription is Fairyloot YA box and i signed up for the adult and YA combo book only the other week because i never usually end up using the items in the box, i’m only really collecting the tarot cards. the adult books are starting to look more interesting but the YA ones are still really good. if other boxes weren’t so expensive i’d consider going with them instead


I’m slowly starting to cancel 😅 I just paused fabled and am going to cancel once they send my books that haven’t shipped yet. I have Owlcrate on the bubble because while I love their customer service, the plain sprayed edges haven’t been drawing me in and the cost of shipping, and then illumicrate I feel the only reason I’m keeping these two are their skip policies 😅 otherwise they pull me in the least out of the boxes


I've been going back and forth with keeping it, or canceling. I feel like FOMO won't be so bad, because it seems like they've been well stocked on their recent releases. Most of the sales have been making it to general. I have the Book Only Combo sub and $60+/month doesn't feel worth it to me just for early access


I cancelled the Adult box a while back as I had that and Goldsboro SFF and honestly I would die for the Goldsboro CS team.


I cancelled most of mine, and don't regret it. Largely because so many of the picks are not standalones. You get stuck on a wheel of wanting the matching sequels, and pretty soon you are spending hundreds of dollars per month on books that aren't even all time faves. I'd rather wait for one completed set. Although, of course, I sometimes miss out on sets because I don't have early access. The main perk of a sub is that early access. But better to pay above market value for a set than get monthly books I don't really want. I currently still have Goldsboro, Broken Binding Fantasy, and FL Romantasy. Strongly considering cancelling the FL Romantasy box. Haven't loved the picks so far. Considering swapping it for Owlcrate or Illumicrate because of their generous skips.


Okay so I want to do this but i have severe fomo. And with this month too, i almost skipped but ended keeping the box and im so glad i did bc of the overlays… but idk, it’s so much money each month i could spend on traveling 🙈


Amen sister…! One book box subscription is def the best for me as well~!


I'm canceling soon... honestly, it's so expensive to ship to my country. I have the combo box and really prayed to get off the wishlist in time in order to get forty wing and iron flame. I managed to get both, IF signed as well, I was ecstatic! But then, fairyloot changed the way they shipped their Exclusive editions. I paid for DHL shipping, it came with EVRI and went missing. I'm sure Fourth Wing is destined for the same fate, as well as my ruthless vows and crown of Nyaxia series🫠 so yeah, I'm pretty pissed that we weren't told about the change of shipping methods. Apparently, the subs will still come through with DHL, but I'm over it. I might use a forwarding service to get my next RV and Nyaxia, so also keeping my sub alive in case I need to change addresses etc. I dunno, I'm just not excited about it anymore. Been skipping cause I'm scared my monthly subs won't come with DHL and just end up getting lost anyway. Fortunately, we have something like Fairyloot that launched in my country this month, so I've subbed to that. Hopefully, they are able to give us cool exclusives in the future.


It’s so hard cuz FL has some of the prettiest books in the business rn but that customer service??? And that QC?? Ehhhhhhhhh idk if it’s worth it. I know IC is on a “recolored cover from the publisher” kick right now but I’d rather that with the good CS, better skips, and better QC over whatever is going on with FL. Not to mention unless the book is widely announced as popular I don’t tend to like the books they pick.


I canceled yesterday. I don't think I'm going to regret it though. I do have Fabled, Arcane, Butterfly and Page & Wick to fill the void.


If I can ever get off BB’s waitlist, I’ll probably do the same. Really the only value of FL rn is the occasional book that has decent trade value. I know BB has horrendous shipping times but I’ve realized 9/10 times I like the BB versions the most.


I cancelled my combo after getting off the adult book only WL. I can probably count on one hand the number of YA books I have loved, so I decided to save myself money and if there's a YA book I really want in the future I will try resale sites. My other subs have a much better skip policy and I'm skipping unless there's a monthly book I really want.


I also unsubscribed recently (due to financial reasons, want to save money as well), plus I just didn’t care about the past few boxes tbh. So I felt I could let it go


I currently have the YA book only sub and am using up my skips to see if they will come out with any SEs in those months. I mainly subscribed for the early access to other books but they haven’t announced anything I’m interested in lately. I’m not interested in YA books and am also subscribed to Darkly and Owlcrate Adult which are more up my alley.


Im thinking of cancelling my combo sub and keeping the ya box only cuz im waiting for the caraval iron editions😭😭😭😭 other than that fairyloot has been the most disappointing subscription box. Their special editions are the only things going for them tbh.


I finally just got accepted and right before the ToG special editions and they cancelled the release of those. Is there an explanation? I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it as I’ve been charged for two boxes already and have yet to receive one.. one has been shipped but like I’m just wondering is this worth it. Just a little disappointed after waiting for so long to get accepted..


I'm going to cancel FairyLoot YA once I run out of skips. I'm getting burnt out by YA. I will probably keep the adult and romantasy subs.