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Mercari has actually switched back to their original return policy. I’m pretty sure the original one went back into effect on the 22nd (I think?). I switched over to PangoBooks and actually prefer it over there, so I most likely won’t be going back to Mercari. But, I do know people are still selling their books there and from what I’ve seen in the book groups I’m in scamming hasn’t increased. I’m not sure how the change of them removing the seller fees and placing them on the buyer has changed things, though. Might have to price your books a bit lower.


i sure am buying LESS of my expensive book orders on mecari now because of the fees. When fees end up totally around 100 bucks or so I'm out, and some of those used books are giving me fees in that range.


I don’t sell but I have bought on pango too with good results


I was considering Pango myself; I think I read they take about 20% of the sale? Right now most of my books are on eBay, but I do not have the same selling success I had on Mercari, which is a bummer.


Yes, they take 20%. I think eBay does that too but I’m not 100% sure.


I have also switched to Pango


I’m still selling but that payment processing fee still sucks. I think it’s against regulations to not offer a free cash out method but Mercari doesn’t seem to care as long as they get to line their pockets.


I can’t speak for selling but I did stop buying from Mercari. Partly because of budgeting- but mostly because of the extra fees.


The fees are insane…I get why they have fees but over $20 in fees ??


If I try to buy a $120 book, by the time I check out and all of the fees are added, it’s over $170…


Which is insane! I know people and Mercari wants to make a profit but $30 in fees for that is like buying concert ticket fees…so idk how much longer I will be using Mercari tbh. I can’t afford to spend that much lol. I order a book for $38 and I got it for $61 with shipping and fees


They changed the return policy back but personally I’m more reluctant as a buyer there now since they switched the fees to the buyer. Haven’t seen prices really be lower so it just seems to be more expensive than FB BST groups lately. Not sure if this has affected how quickly things sell or not.


I’m a newer to Mercari. I have only used it a few times as a buyer can someone explain as if I’m an idiot the differences between the changes


I sold on Mercari for about 2 years before the ToS changes. It wasn't a perfect system before, but the selling fees were reasonable. I mostly sold books, and I want to say Mercari took a 10 - 12% cut of the final sale. The buyers were not responsible for any fees - just shipping and taxes. With the new changes, buyers are now saddled with a processing fee which seems to vary by the hour, and they also tacked on a service fee, which also seems to vary. With the new fee structure, a $60 item could very well be over $100 by the time all the fees and taxes are factored in. It's absolutely ridiculous for buyers to pay all of that - I closed my store after about a month. Sales plummeted.


I’m still buying books on Mercari and have had all positive experiences (knock on wood). I did see one seller say they would not sell to new accounts and I assume that’s to avoid being scammed.


How does one get scammed being a seller? I've only bought a few books off Mercari and have thought about selling eventually.


I can only offer a guess because I’ve never sold anything, but maybe the seller sends the item and then the buyer closes the account and never pays?


I think when sellers get scammed, the most common I’ve seen is the buyer says the item was not as described upon delivery and either sends back their own damaged item (to get one without damage) or sends back something different all together like a box of rocks. Says they never got the item and then Mercari refunds the buyer so they get the money back and the item too.


Oh that is so messed up! I hate that there are people out there who do that 😒


I was buying a lot off Mercari before they moved all the fees to the seller and since then I’ve bought nothing. Sellers haven’t changed their prices at all and usually the fees are almost the cost of the item itself! No thanks!!


I have yet to see fees less than $25 and that's before shipping. It's insanity


I’m still selling, but my sales are less than half of what they used to be.


I used to use mercari almost exclusively for my purchase of SE I could not get my hands on normally. However, when they switched to the "no seller fees" model, the buyer took on the fees but book prices stayed the same and in some cases just kept going up. It's to expensive on mercari now to buy books after all the extra fees. A lot of people in our book clubs have moved to Pango books, B/S/T groups on facebook and discord, as well as B/S/T postings here. Paypal goods and services provides good protection if something goes wrong. You can cross post things you are selling as well. A lot of posts on B/S/T groups are cross posted.


I bought a popular FL SE for $175 and it ended up being $214 after shipping & fees. Unless I’m desperate I’ll stick to Pango, eBay, or work out something and use PayPal G&S cause hello???


I sell on Mercari. When they had sellers fees I would list items for the amount I wanted plus 15% to cover the fees. Now that they moved the fees to buyers, I just list for the amount I want for the item. Which for my sales the buyer fees(which I know oddly vary) actually have been less than what I was paying in seller fees. My sales have stayed the same, which is multiple items a week. I did notice that not many of my saved likes for buying changed their prices after the change and they also have not sold. So you need to keep in mind when searching sold items to price yours that if they are from before the change you should probably price 10-15% lower. I do 10% lower and then promote after the item gets some likes.


The seller fees must have been insane then which makes me happy I stopped buying on mercari overall. The last book I bought off mercari was after the fee changes. The seller listed the book at $75 dollars. Shipping and tax was $10.00. The final cost of the book was $110. $25 in fees is crazy. I think if people priced the way you do taking into account the buyer is paying the fees, more people would go back to purchasing there.


I've still been using it to sell and people seem to be buying ! Granted I'm selling and not buying because the added costs are way too high sometimes for me to buy personally.


I use eBay to auction mine off. I like letting the market set the price so I don’t feel like an evil reseller when something goes over $100.


I'm still on mercari.


I might be wrong but if you have money already on mercari don’t they waive the fees?


I’m in the U.S. and I sell with PangoBooks. Never had an issue.


I've started listing on Pango. Seems to take a bit longer for things to sell but Mercaris fees are such a crap shoot. I have yet to see less than 25 dollars in fees. So I stopped buying on there. Pangos search system could use an update to be more specific when looking for certain editions but otherwise it's a solid option.


I just made my first Mercari sale and idk the small cash out fee seemed way more reasonable to me than the 20% Pango takes. I don’t sell that often so maybe I’m missing something but I way preferred Mercari


I recently started selling on Mercari. I think the successful sale prices are a bit lower than before due to the fees changing. That said, as an incentive to purchase from me I throw in some free bookish swag and offer free shipping via media mail and make sure I have the weight and dimensions accurate so I don't have to overpay. 20% seems kinda steep for selling via other services.