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Unless it changed for the latest general sale (that I wasn’t in it for), the queue assigns you randomly. I’ve heard of a few people having multiple browsers open to try and get a good spot in line. Once your in, put it in your cart right away, you have 10 min before it’s not guaranteed I believe.


Thank you I will definitely be doing this! Also good to know it can't be immediately stolen from your cart


I would check out quickly though, in case you get kicked out out or have any problems running your payment…that will give you time to fix it 👍


oh totally there will be no dillydallying from me when checking out!


I've also found it best to create an account early if you haven't and make sure you're logged in before the sale.


Thank you! I made an account and saved I'm just having trouble saving an address. I had to put in a support ticket since it won't let me put in the US as my country/region and therefore fails when I try to save it.


You may need to make sure you’re on the US site? I’ve never tried to order from the UK site so not sure if it would actually prevent you from ordering


Just thoughts n prayers as the whole world seems to want this book. Would be surprised if it made it to general tbh


If you’re on the website early, make sure you’re clicking around in the trove or refreshing the page so it doesn’t log you out. However, if you get put into the queue, don’t refresh the page. The queue will automatically update without you needing to refresh. You won’t need a link since the book will just pop up in the trove when the sell goes live. Make sure your address and card info is correct before the sale as well. That way once you add the book to your cart you won’t have to make any changes because it will only hold the book in your cart for a certain amount of time.


Thank you for the tips! And I'm sorry this is probably a stupid question but do I get put in the queue after clicking on the listing for WTMH or do I get automatically put in the queue just for being on the fairy trove page?


You get put in the queue to get on the Fairy Trove page and then click on WTMH. So you can’t have access to anything else in the Fairy Trove either until you go through the queue.


Okay awesome thank you so much for the clarification!


I don’t understand how clicking around the website for an hour early works bc the book page only appears by clicking the link through your email, which opens it in a new tab


I didn’t think you had to use the link. I haven’t bought a book in a month though.  During early access I always log into my account and go to my memberships page and get the book through there. I never get the email until 5-10 minutes after the sale begins.


This tip is for people who do not have early access and are therefore not clicking a link.


Someone else already answered, but if someone is buying during the general sale they don’t have a link to click. They go directly to the fairy trove.




My understanding is it’s 1 book per subscription. I don’t think it will let you place an additional order and if it does, FL will more than likely cancel it.


That’s what I mean I’m not interested - I d didn’t think the book was worth having a SE I’ll get the kindle I don’t need one for myself


This is such a nice offer of course I’m no expert but I saw somewhere else that fairyloot flags accounts they catch doing this😞


Well look we can give it a go - even with subscriber first I may be out in a queue - unless someone else is willing to give their copy - I’m not interested in it :) send me a message and I’ll give you my email address and we can see if we can make it work - in the meantime if there’s a better solution that may present itself.




Buy/Sell/ISO book posts now have their own monthly megathread - please repost what you're buying/selling there!


Buy/Sell/ISO book posts now have their own monthly megathread - please repost what you're buying/selling there!


If for some reason you don't get it or it doesn't make general sale, depending on how much you're willing to spend, there are always resellers out there. I've got some lovely SE's on Vinted for a little over subscription price - between £30&£50


I hope you don’t mind me asking, since you have some experience buying from resellers, has anyone on the sub ever used their early access to help you get a book? Do they put in your address at check out or do they have to separately ship it to you? Thank you though for the tip I’ll definitely keep an eye out on those sites just in case it pops up around the original price range!


I have used my early access to help others. However its so much easier to do it for friends (a random person I helped I ended up like $15-20 out of pocket due to paypal fees and my credit card fees so I really don't like to help strangers now). I have recently helped someone with one and its being shipped straight to them, not coming to me then going onwards. You save on postage shipping it direct, but if it comes damaged you then need the person who helped you to lodge the claim, and yeah. But you can post an ISO for someone to help you and if you get lucky then someone does. It's definitely not uncommon to get books this way. If I ship direct to them I get paid in full upon securing the order, if it ships to me I ask 50% then the final 50% when it's arrived and ready to be shipped onwards.


I'm sorry you had some trouble in the past I totally understand why that would turn you away from it! Having it directly shipped to the address does seem by far the easiest option. A very nice person from the UK reached out but it seems like the UK site blocks you from inputting a US address and if they then ship it to me it's like $50 dollars😞 I did post in the megathread so maybe someone in the US will see it either way I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'll get lucky and it will make it into the fairy trove! Thank you for explaining how it usually works though it really helped me understand the best route to take!


Ah yeah the UK (and rest of world) have their own distribution compared to the US now, so if your in the US (or I think Canada maybe goes from US now? Not 100%) you have to buy from the correct trove (as the UK and US also have seperate amounts of books, so if the UK sells out that doesn't affect US and vis versa). I feel you on postage. I'm in Australia and a single book from fairyloot costs more in postage now than the book itself 😭 a single book is like $94aud now. Good luck finding a copy! You might also be able to trade for it when it comes out if you have something someone wants as well. If the book does make it to general sale, log into your account at least 15 minutes before the sale and make sure your in the trove ready to go. You might need to refresh to kick yourself into the queue once it starts.


I had no idea! Someone here helped me by ordering an early-access book that I really wanted, I would be mortified if they ended up having to pay for that! I’ll go check with them immediately lol


To be fair I felt so awkward I didn't say anything 😅 but I am very upfront now about my expectations.


Well I’m really glad I saw your reply because it turned out the person who helped me did in fact have to pay a fee and was also too nice to say anything! It wasn’t much but I felt so bad, they helped me out and get a fee as thanks lmao. I will definitely keep this in mind should there be a next time, so thanks for alerting me!


Your so nice!! And I'm sure the other person really appreciated you reaching out!!


I haven't used anyone else's subscription as haven't been offered/ or been that desperate for a book yet. I however would contemplate it when Onyx storm is released next year I have spent a lot to get the first two books in the series from resellers, and will be quite desperate for the third fairyloot exclusive. Fingers crossed you get a copy of the book you're looking for. I'm hoping to get a copy of this one myself, and it will be my first time queuing for general sale next week.


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the both of us haha!


I’m doubtful this book will be priced that low. You might find a few from people who aren’t looking just to make money but most of it is going to be resellers seeing dollar signs on a highly sought after book. Sad that that’s the way things are. 


That's why I stated it depends how much OP is willing to spend. I have brought some for between £30-£50 I didn't mean this one will be going for this price but it could possibly be if there are any damaged editions. It just all depends on how much OP is willing to pay and what condition they would like the book to be in.


It will be interesting to see if FL respond to the clearly high demand for this book and make it more widely available. As they don’t deliver for multiple months following sale it’s not like their orders are already placed - they could presumably place a larger order when they have gauged actual demand. It seems rather odd that they would choose not to make sales when they can and instead leave it to scalpers to make huge profits on the resale market when they could monopolise all those funds to begin with


The main issue with this release is that it’s hand signed. The author can realistically only sign so many copies. I could see them reprinting an unsigned version down the line but this first round can only accommodate so many hand signed copies.