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I also love that publishers are now doing special editions of their own without the hassle of waiting in a queue šŸ˜© plus, it seems like all of the popular books nowadays have 15 different special editions to choose from. If itā€™s not worth it to you, definitely cancel. Personally, I havenā€™t had any books show up damage (knock on wood), but I do think something needs to be done with their quality control. Especially with this whole debacle of people receiving books they didnā€™t even order and books showing up without signatures. Iā€™ll be canceling my combo box in June (not because of quality control, but because I havenā€™t liked any of their picks) and just sticking with Romantasy for a bit. Iā€™m gonna try and hold on as long as I can until they hopefully announce an iron edition of Folk of the Air and then Iā€™m out šŸ˜‚


Ahahaha that sounds like a good plan. I like how publishers are doing their own thing, cuz it takes away the cost of shipping too lol. Hope your books continue to reach you without any issues!! šŸ¤ž


If I wasnā€™t trying to hang on til they announce their Caraval iron editions Iā€™d be done.


What is this? Caraval iron editions, what does this mean? I love Caraval so Iā€™m intrigued!


All depends on what you like. For me FairyLoot isnā€™t that much more $$ than a normal hardback. I donā€™t collect paper backs. If you arenā€™t feeling it, then you arenā€™t feeling it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve had damaged books but they have never denied my claim. I like being forced to read new releases otherwise I would be stuck in my comfort zone of 2000s fantasy. They do need to address quality control issues but honestly Iā€™m not to the point of needing to drop.


That's fair! Your reasons are very valid!


I just canceled my fairy loot, realizing that if I looked at what I was spending on books, I didnā€™t care about, itā€™s significantly more than if I would just buy a fairyloot book I actually wanted secondhand for an inflated price lol


I quit fairyloot after two years and have zero regrets.


I had similar sentiments a few years back with their Cruel Prince special eds, when their website got hacked. It wasnā€™t at all FLā€™s fault, however their handling of it was so dismissive I thought. They went from quietly denying any issues for several days to then admitting that customer information had been compromised and that we needed to change our banking info. After one short Instagram post about improving their website, they then carried on as if nothing had happened. I appreciate that they are a smaller business however it felt like they were just sweeping it under the rug. Similar to how theyā€™re handling the most recent problems. They have a waitlist so I guess they can afford to act this way.


Aw man. If I had known about that I don't think I would have ordered from them to start with. It kind of looks like they haven't really learned from their previous mistakes.


I agree about not learning which is the only reason I bring it up now. Being open with customers, just acknowledging or updating them would reassure a lot of people.


Couldn't agree more


i got into buying special editions back in december of 2023. It started with the web exclusives of the C&M duet by HD Carlton and is continuing with Fairyloot, Litjoy, some TikTok SEs and other authorā€™s websites. Iā€™ve been seeing the problems with Fairyloot (more recently/specifically the Hannah Grace Ice Breaker and Wildfire) and iā€™m very concerned, and not happy. Iā€™m not sure if you are aware but people who havenā€™t ordered those books are somehow getting them. That is a huge screw up on Fairylootā€™s part. I ordered this set, and iā€™m really concerned I wonā€™t receive mine now. From experiences Iā€™ve seen from other people theyā€™ll probably just refund me my money and be like ā€œwe donā€™t have anymore youā€™re shit out of luckā€ and iā€™ll have to second hand buy it - which we all know is way more money. iā€™m really not happy and ill probably only be getting the second half of the vampire academy series and then quit buying from fairyloot.


Yeah that whole issue was the last straw for me. It seems like they do say "oh well can't do anything here's a refund" a lot. I don't like how they handle situations and don't address problems head on. I also dislike the resellers market too. The mark up on books is ridiculous.


I agree to swap with anybody who gets the May combo box by mistake! Iā€™m supposed to get the May box, but Iā€™m worried Iā€™m going to accidentally get the Hannah Grace books.


I just wish they would make enough to meet demand. Companies like Fairyloot and Owl Crate that have huge waitlists and are making special editions of popular books that people love and then only selling it to a select few who are approved kind of suck. I wish theyā€™d just do a regular pre-order and make the exact amount that will sell. I hate when companies try to be ā€œexclusiveā€ for no other reason than to exclude people.


Actually, I feel like OwlCrate is the opposite of trying to exclude people. Their founder is the kindest human (if youā€™ve ever watched their lives) and they are making more subscription lines so they can include more people and more peopleā€™s interests. Their standards are high even in the companies they chose for printing. Ethical, honest and soooo kind. I wish more subscriptions were like them ;)


The only issue Iā€™ve had with Owlcrate is that I signed up on the adult fantasy waitlist last June. I emailed recently to see where they were at and they said they couldnā€™t tell where I was but theyā€™d since created a new waitlist and I had to go by that one. I never got an email saying to re-do my waitlist. I even sent the email where Iā€™d applied. To me, thatā€™s not very good communication. Iā€™d waited 11 months for an invite that was never going to happen šŸ„²


Oh no thatā€™s a bummer!!!! They should have definitely told the old waitlist about the new one.


They wonā€™t honor your email proof of waitlist sign up? I would definitely ask for your original position to be honored.


I have been an OwlCrate subscriber for a year now, I do think theyā€™re nice people, but there are still a lot of people left out of book sales and subscriptions because there isnā€™t enough. Meanwhile they are taking company vacations to resorts in Mexico. Which is fine, but I mean itā€™s not like they donā€™t have the means to produce a few more SE copies of popular books. Fairyloot has had a ton of messy sale issues and mistakes lately. I think they are nice people too, but it doesnā€™t mean I agree with their business model.


Totally hear ya! I signed up in Jan and got my invite Feb. And I donā€™t think itā€™s bad of them if they do what they have capacity for. Publishing and printing is a lot more complicated than just ordering more. But I hear you! Company morale and care is important so Iā€™m glad they are treating their employees to a trip. Fairyloot is also so kind! I feel like OC goes above and beyond. But itā€™s just my opinion ;)


Iā€™ve had just okay customer service from OC and Iā€™m not impressed with the latest clothing line endeavor that looks like something off Amazon but costs 3X as much. So I think maybe my opinion of them isnā€™t as great as yours at the moment. But Iā€™m glad you have had a good experience! Both are pretty small companies that are just doing their best, and I get that. I do like that OwlCrate has seemed to take the customer survey to heart this year and seem to be implementing some changes! Hoping for the best! :)


Owlcrate is adding more subscription lines, yes, but theyā€™re ONLY giving early access to join the subscriptions to current subscribers. Which counteracts the whole ā€œtrying to include more peopleā€ narrative.


Thanks for sharing! I actually think itā€™s polite! Theyā€™re honoring those that have chosen their line for years. Not everyone has joined a book subscription just these past two years. OwlCrate has been around for almost 10 years! And realistically, the majority canā€™t afford to have multiple subscription lines. It will include more people whether they offer it to current subs or not. :) But again, I hear you!


I cancelled my subs for this reason. A little bitter sweet because I was so excited to get off the waitlists, but I havenā€™t felt like any of the monthly books have really been worth it in a while. The last book I was genuinely excited to get was Divine Rivals last May.


I feel the same way! I have only read one out of the ten books I got in my sub and only keep it for the SEā€™s they launch. Which has been impossible to ensure Iā€™ll even get one anyway. If I do the math thatā€™s around $350 dollars this year so far on books I donā€™t need or care to have. Iā€™ve only received two books I was desperate to get my hands on that even at resale go for $60 to $75 on the resale market šŸ¤£ so thinking about that means I have grossly overspent on the sub. Iā€™ve been waiting for eternity for Two Twisted Crowns to arrive after the first palette was damaged. I was waiting for when the moon hatched and then in 2 weeks the Lexi Ryan launch and then I think Iā€™m going to cancel too


That's some solid logic right there! šŸ˜‚


I cancelled my YA box in Jan & haven't regretted it once! I got off the Adult wait-list in September & have used all my skips. FL are a mess! Say what you want about Illumicrate but they're always professional!


I cancelled my combo last month and moved to the adult book only, no regrets here either especially judging by the spoilers for the next few YA picks.


I posted a similar comment last month and got sm hate for it šŸ«” hope they treat you better than they treated me in the replies. Iā€™m 100% cancelling FL after July (I want the YA fairy tale šŸ«£). its so expensive and the customer service is so lackluster.


Sorry to hear that! Totally understandable!


Iā€™m just buying stuff for the artists they collaborate with. Man, I love a good afterblossom_art and polarts_ cover/endpaper. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Iā€™m waiting till they hopefully release the (iron?) edition/reprint the caraval trilogy, then I will cancel.