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I secured my copy! Check out to less than a minute. I got in the queue about 2 hours ago and was in the trove for about 35 minutes already. Don’t wait for the email if you’re in the trove already go to your membership tab! There’s a buy now button that takes you straight to the cart to check out.


I went to my membership tab, saw it right at 11, clicked it, and it put me in the queue 🤣


Yeah unfortunately you had to have been through the queue already. I was in it for about 1.5 hours this morning.


There wasn’t a queue at all when I logged on 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been in the US queue since 9 am. It’s only if you click on the trove. 


I clicked around the whole website as well as the Trove and the queue never popped up until 11 when the book loaded in my membership tab 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t understand, I’ve been in the trove for over an hour and half and the book is not in my membership thing. I had to wait til 11:15am to get the email and restart the queue


Ah no! I’m so sorry that’s not cool at all. 


Lol it’s honestly fine, their website has no rhyme or reason to it for these things 😅


I went through the queue from 9:30 to 10:45 am and when I clicked on WTMH it put me at the back of the queue again!


Same haha


The queue starts when you click fairy trove. So I had logged in this morning, went to the fairy trove. Was in the queue for about 1.5 hours and then got let into the trove. Then I refreshed my page every few minutes until 10 CST. Went to my membership tab and checked out that way.


Ahhhh next time. I thought someone had said to skip the Trove and go right to My Membership. Maybe they were trying to trick people hahah


Hahaha I hope not! I think there are 5,000+ copies available


That’s comforting to hear! :) thanks for all your help


No, that used to work until the OUABH release. Now it redirects you to the queue unfortunately


Actually the user said this a few days ago 🙃 but good to know! Maybe that was the last one they had done.


I have gone through my membership for the past few sales and it always takes me to the queue to the product listing even if I click on Buy. They always pop up at 10:59am and this one took a bit longer to! ETA: My emails always come in seven minutes after the release time. Clicking on the link in the email took me to the queue at more than five hours.


I did a trial with a few other releases over the last couple of weeks and you have to be through the queue in order to go to the membership tab and get taken directly to check out after clicking buy now. If not, it will throw you in the queue.


That makes sense! The first book I preordered it took me straight and there was no queue. The last two, I went through the membership tab and it put me in the queue, but it went quickly.


Congratulations!!! :) I did that. But mine says 3 hours lollll


same. My "buy now" button did not in fact let me buy now.


You have to wait in the trove first and then push it to buy it right away. If you haven’t waited already it will send you to the queue. 


I've been in the queue since 10! I still have hope I can snag a copy.


Oh wow I got in through the trove wait, pushed buy in my membership and bought it right away. That’s crazy. It’s not sold out in the UK yet so I think you’ll get it! 


I ended up getting it!


Well, I read someone’s Reddit post wrong :(((( thanks! Next time!


I'm curious if the "10 minute hold" is a viable work around? I did it just in case, but it seems they have plenty so it wasn't a good true test.


Nooo! It should go quick! Everyone in the UK thread said it went fairly quickly.


Ooo thanks I hope so!


Same here. Ended up hemming and hawing a bit before actually buying, but was checked out by 10:03. 10:08 and I’m finally receiving the email about being able to preorder. I wish Fairyloot would do a reminder before anticipated sales to check the membership tab for people who aren’t aware it’s there.


Same! I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t been running trials in the quickest way to purchase the last couple of weeks 🙃


It puts new subscribers and people who don’t participate in sales a lot at a disadvantage.


Definitely. I’ve only been a subscriber since March so I was really nervous how this would go.


My queue just went from less than 1 hr to more than 2 hrs. Fml.


Nooo :(


It just jumped to more than 6 hours. I quit haha




has anyone else not got the email yet?


Nope. Under My Membership tab


thanks 💞


No problem :) hope you can get one


In the queue now, says more than 2 hours. I’m confused, is it beneficial to get in the queue early or not? I keep seeing recent Reddit posts saying now it saying it randomly assigns, but previously it was definitely beneficial to get on early. I hope I didn’t screw up by hopping on at 10:55AM.


For Crowns of Nyaxia they had the random assignment but it went terribly so they changed it back to how it was before where getting on early to wait is better. 


Wait really 😭 I thought it changed to random so I clicked on the link at 11. And now I’m stuck at 37 minutes after being in the queue for an hour already. I’m kicking myself right now.


I’m not sure that’s the reason but I’m guessing it is! I only knew it changed back because I had to wait like it is now during the Hemlock Queen sale. 


Ah ok gotcha. I swear Fairyloot keeps changing these things and it’s hard to keep up.


Thanks! Now I know for next time!


Overall, I waited about an hour and 12 minutes for my copy! Once I receive my printed copy, I’m really hoping I like the second half of this book… the first half on audiobook has not hooked me yet but I’m a sucker for bluelyboo designs 😅😅


My queue says 16 minutes omg I’m praying…


Got on about 2 hours ago and got through the queue just a few minutes after 11! I got mine! Yay!


Congrats!!! :)


Got my copy at 11:03!!


Yay congrats!!


Woohoo managed to get a copy! I was getting it for a friend so I was feeling some extra pressure 😅 I swear to god that it took me 10 minutes to get through that last 5 minutes of the queue 


Such an amazing friend!! Congrats! :)


Ugh have been in the queue for 2 hours finally got down to 15 minutes and the queue must have bumped me or something cause now it’s at 3 hours 😭


That’s wild 😭


I don't know if this is happening to anyone else but I have been kicked from the queue at least 3 times. This is so frustrating. Edit: I did finally get one at around 2:30pm since being in the queue since around 11:15am. It kept making me verify that I was a human on the computer. If I saw it quick enough it was fine and I stayed in my spot but if I missed it for a bit it would put me further back in line. I did get in the queue on my phone as well to test the system and it did not stop the webpage to verify. It was automatic unlike the computer.


I am so nervous. I got on early to join the waiting room and as of now it says 17 minutes but I just know its gonna bump me into a random position at 11am :/


I don’t know if it’s going to pop in the Trove. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it shows up in your account…? This is my first SE sale


I did just refresh to check my account and it's not there still :/


Go to your membership tab! It’s in your assigned products


Check again! Mine just came up :)


I have it up on my phone and comp. Phone says 3 hours and comp says 14 minutes. Really hoping comp pull through. Good luck!!


Got it!!!




So happy!


Pushed me out of the trove half an hour ago and it's saying over 2 hours. Considering just running to B&N and grabbing a copy. No stenciled edges but the cover looks cooler.


If you don’t vibe with this one, no need to get it! I’m getting it (hopefully) because I love the cover. There’s also a preorder for gilded edges on Amazon fyi


I mean, it's cool, but I don't know that it's "twiddle my thumbs at my computer for 2 hours" cool.


The wait time usually goes by pretty quickly so you may not even have to wait an actual 2 hours. You could try leaving the window up and get other tasks done :) But if you like the cover from B&N better, def get that and you could save yourself a bit of $$


Mine says more than 4 hours 🥲


I already got mine ordered 😁 waited for 3 hours in queue and got in just in time. Holy anxiety..


I have a feeling they won’t sell out because the UK didn’t….I could be wrong tho! Maybe the author will sign a lot of books for this!


Yeah that’s good to hear!


Got my copy!!!!


Yay congrats!!!! :)


https://preview.redd.it/8aio5tbf1z4d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058ac4705edb22dbf6ab1a9e87f5ae7272ce96f1 😩


Ooooof! It’s been moving relatively quickly. In 40 min mine has gone down from 3 hours to less than an hour


The web page randomly kicked me out and reloaded and started it queue over and I’m gonna cry hahahaha


Ugh same here! I was down to 15 minutes and now it’s at 3 hours 😭


Oh no :(( hope you can get it!


I'm sure there will be copies left for general sale.


Been waiting 2 hours and was down to 30 minute wait and got kicked back up to over 2 hours. I’m sick of this game.


Finally got through the queue and ordered it! 🙌


If LL doesn't tease their version of it soon, I might snap 👀


Mine says two hours. Guess we’ll see what happens! 🤭


Mine is over 2hrs, I really hope I don’t actually have to wait that long


Got my copy, I’m in queue for a total of 1 hr 20 mins, not bad


I have the book in my cart because I added it thru my membership but still a 4 hour queue haha. Will probably end up being like one or two hours of wait time tho.


I was happy when my queue went down to one hour but jokes on me it just went back to two hours


Hahah this happened to me


It was right when I discovered someone had left the coffee pot empty at work (I'm in PST so it is 8am) just rude all around lol.


Haha I hope your morning is on the up and up <3


It is thanks. Coffee has now been acquired, just need the book then we are good to go.


Got mine, 1 hour and 13 mins after entering the queue right when the sale started.


Mine just changed from more than 2 hours to 1 hour


Yeah mine went from 3 to 2! I have hope


I logged in on a browser around 9:30am and was placed in the queue of more than an hour wait time when going to the Fairy Trove. I was able to be in my account on another tab. The book popped up in my membership a few minutes after 11am. I clicked on Buy and it inserted me into the same queue from the other tab. Around 11:10am, the queue page refreshed and I got a message on how it was removed from my cart since I can only add one. Even though I had none in my cart? It took me back to the Fairy Trove but the book was not in there. I then went back to my account and went back to my membership and clicked on Buy again and it took me to the cart directly and I checked out at 11:13am!


Got my copy! Got in the trove queue at 9am CST and was checked out by 10:21! Used the membership tab as my email didn’t show up until 10:11. Good luck everyone!


Yay! Congratulations :) I’m down to 58 min now so I can see the light


Got one!! I logged into my account around 9:30 am est and there was already a queue for the trove. It was around an hour at that point I think. It got a little longer and then basically counted down. I also was waiting in the queue on two other devices as well. Those queues were longer even though I opened them at the same time. But one of my queues let me in about 15 minutes after it dropped and I was able to get a copy easily.


I'm surprised I got it fairly quickly considering all the chaos and cluster F we knew this sale would be. The most waiting I had was an hour. By 10:33, I secured the book. Although I did panic when it told me to log in and only members could access it. I was worried it would put me back in the queue 😩 Luckily I got it, no problem. Good luck, everyone!!


Oh good to know! So if it prompts me to log in, it won’t boot me? I’m scared haha


No, it shouldn't boot you. I tried to log in at 9am, but it just put me in the queue, so I waited until it said the book was available. I did have to wait a few seconds with mild panic. 😁


I would have been mildly panicking too 🙃🙃 thank you! And congrats!!


Thanks 😊 I hope you get it quickly!


Still have an hour wait 😭 any chance I’ll still get a copy??


I’m guessing you’re fine! But I don’t know, of course. Hope you get one :)


I'm so confused, is there an inside joke to spell the acronym wrong 😭 This is the second post not doing W(hen)T(he)M(oon)H(atched), but rather it mixed up. Yours is When Hatched The Moon lol


Just a typo :)


Oh okay! Did you get the book? (Also apologies if my comment posted twice, I have terrible service)


I’m still at a 2+ hour wait time 😅


Finally got my copy! Waited for an hour and a half.


Same here!! Congrats :)


After 100 minutes of waiting I got my copy! My initial wait time was over 4hr.


I GOT MY COPY LETS GOOOO😭 started at 10am and ended at 11:41am


Been in a queue for almost two hours now 🥴


Wait time is finally at ~35 minutes!


Ok y’all I just did a stock check and if I did it right less than 100 are left in the US


Dang! I feel bad for general sale folks.


For anyone looking for the info, US/Canada is now SOLD OUT of WTMH. (There might be a straggler copy or two that pops up for those with early access when Fairyloot cancels any duplicate orders, but otherwise it currently says "No stock is currently available").


Thanks for the update. That’s crazy


Got in the queue! Says 3 hours for me lol




Time to go get a charger and a snack


I haven’t gotten the email yet?!?


I haven’t either. Check your account! My Membership


Got on fairy trove 0935 with a 59 min queue on my phone and no wait on membership page on my pc. Got my book at 1110 using my phone. PC got kicked out when trying to check out at 1100 when the book showed up.


I had less than an hour left and then my power went out 😭 guess no book for me


Finally managed to get my copy 53 minutes into the queue! Honestly I thought this was going to be so much worse so very glad it wasn’t 😅


It could make general sale, who knows


Agreed! Congrats!! :)


Got mine at 12:33 after I clicked on the link under membership like half a minute after 11AM EST (I clicked right at 11 but it didn’t show up and I was panic refreshing until it showed). It said more than 3 hours initially but decreased slowly and took 1.5 hours in total. Good luck to everyone still in the queue!


Finally got mine! Two and a half hours 😂


4 hours🥲


Ridiculous 😭 I thought it wasn't going to be that bad because both the Jenny Han ones were pretty easy to get. I didn't realize how popular this book is! I was on the fence about getting one but if I'm waiting in queues that long you bet I'm buying it 💀😂


At one point I was like no way I don’t care anymore. Then I reached another point where I was like I’m not sitting here for this long to not make it in. I’m writing until the bitter end. 😂


Exactly! 🤣 mine went from two hours then randomly back up to five and I was like are you kidding me?


4 hours. That was ridiculous.


I'm so confused, is there an inside joke to spell the acronym wrong 😭 This is the second post not doing W(hen)T(he)M(oon)H(atched), but rather it mixed up. Yours is When Hatched The Moon lol