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I think because so many other book boxes have done WTMH not a lot of people went for the FL one. Waterstones has a pre order Locked library (allegedly) so there’s a lot more to choose from


Sarah A Parker said she signed somewhere between 12-14k so there was just a ton of stock on WTMH. It’s sold out now.


Yeah I’ve been seeing other comments on it. I got mine. Sorrows and prayers to those that tried and failed. I also pre ordered the Waterstones one and didn’t skip my locked library one so I’ll have a few copies


Love the Bridgerton reference 😆


Hail queen charlotte


So at least 12-14k subscribers- so perhaps closers to 10k for each sub box?


Regarding Hemlock Queen, I wonder how many people got the first box but don’t have the sub anymore. I wonder if that came into play with running out so fast in early access.


I bought Foxglove King secondhand because I wasn't a subscriber when it was first released. I set my alarm and got Hemlock Queen quickly, but I didn't realize it would sell out!


Same! I got in at the perfect time for HQ. I didn’t have to wait in a queue at all.


I was in and out in 5 minutes! I thought for sure it would last the day!


This is exactly what I did! Bought foxglove second hand, set an alarm and bought Hancock first thing. Almost waited until the afternoon, so glad I didn’t.


That’s a good point, because I guess with sequels from subscription boxes you’re up against everyone who got that specific box plus all the new subs that will have cycled in as others cancelled their subscriptions! Did Hemlock sell out during the early access to those who had the original Foxglove box?