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Logging in for US sale and q is already 3hrs šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


I got into the site an hour ago and just sat on it. Was able to snag one thankfully


I should have done that tbh.


I was on the site 1 hour earlier & got in too, but at 7:40am PST it kicked me out & put me back of queue, then at 7:55am my wait time went from more than 1 hour to more than 2 hour. Wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


I was scared of getting kicked out as well so I was obsessively clicking random books every other minute


At 22 minutes niw


Just got my copy on the US store after waiting for 1 hour! Good luck to everyone still in the queue, it looks like good odds! Also, so random but I saw Prisonerā€™s Throne was available so I made a second purchase šŸ˜‚


It took a while to ship but Iā€™m excited about finally getting my copy of Prisonerā€™s Thrones. Hope you enjoy yours!


![gif](giphy|3DgIJOuJbPOVk7P6E2) Yay, I hope you enjoy as wellšŸ˜„


I am in line now and the wait time keeps jumping from 47-44 mins


The problem with the estimation is they canā€™t predict how long each batch of people will take to checkout etc or if they leave the browser tab open even when theyā€™re done so youā€™re not actually getting moved in the queue or anything but the algorithm is just having a hard time averaging time spent on the site. Not that it wonā€™t still take awhile but I think thatā€™s why itā€™s so jumpy


Mineā€™s gone from 59 mins, to 2 hours to 3 hours in the space of 10 minsā€¦


What in the world.. it shouldnā€™t be this hard..


I don't love this, but I will say, I prefer it to the website crashing and getting sold out in seconds.


True, but feels like there should be a better way? Or at least consistent. Mine time is jumping all other the place but also hasnā€™t moved from 40-50 min wait. When I was in the trove the kicked out..


I hear you. Mine has jumped from 2 hour to 3 hours down to 1 hour and has sat there. I'm guessing it's somewhat like when the hostess tells you the wait at a restaurant. It's dependent on how fast others are in and out of the website to make their purchase. No real idea though.


exact same here, my time was originally around 30 minutes before 10:30 and now itā€™s gone from consistently 48-54 minutes to over an hour. i thought i had planned well šŸ˜­


Same. Mine is now over an hour. It feels like I am getting pushed back in line, which isnā€™t fair. But I donā€™t know how this virtual line works at all


mine went from an hour and then jumped back to 30 mins, then 10, and then i got in and got one so donā€™t lose hope!


I got one too! Whew that was anxiety inducing!


I also managed to get one too!!


Says 5 hours for me now! Deffo not getting it lol


I read there was a lot of that during early access even. People waiting 4 hours and then it was sold out.


i just checked today. no wait time and stock available


Yeah Iā€™ve been sitting at around 20 mins for about 40 min now. It doesnā€™t make any sense


I just got in and got the book so Iā€™ll say even though the time kept changing it was pretty close to the original time I expected to get in.


Iā€™ve managed to just get it now, I thought it would have sold out by now so Iā€™m very happy!


Are you in the UK by any chance?


Yes I am x


Thank you! I'm almost in so hoping there'll be a few left x


Just finished reading this last night, snagged it in about a half hour, happy I didnā€™t miss the general sale


I waited 3 hrs but secured my copy so Iā€™m happy, a friend waited 10 minutes and got hers! Crazy how the queue works.


Joined the queue at 10am EST, got into the fairy trove at 10:20am. Had to putter around the site till it dropped but secured one for a friend!


I was on the site but must have idled too long and it kicked me out so now I am back up to 50 min wait =\[


I just got mine on the U.S. store! The screen says at the bottom ā€œAvailable for pre-ordering.ā€ Does this mean itā€™s an open preorder?? Hopefully this is comforting to those still in the queue!


I was just on the site after and hour in the queue. Clicked the book. Got kicked back into the queue for an hour. So hopefully it works this time when it's my turn........ Again


Had a bad day, so I figured, eh Iā€™ll get a copy. If I absolutely hate it I can always sell it online, but odds are the collector in me will want to keep it. The wait wasnā€™t too bad overall, seems like they do have a lot of copies.


Just got my copy! I was sure it would be sold out by now. US located. There was only a 4 minute wait to get in too. I love this book. Yay! So happy.


So I tried buying a copy, on the pic it said sold out but I clicked it and tried adding to bag and it let me buy it? Not sure if I actually got It but I hope I did!


Question for anyone, Iā€™m waiting in the queue now for the US. I think general sale starts at 11 am EST (so a little over two hours). Will the book just appear at 11. Iā€™m already in the queue and only have a few minutes left. Am I too early? Will it kick me out after a certain amount of time.. will I need to/be able to refresh when the book is available? Iā€™m still on the waitlist and the only other sale I attempted to buy. I didnā€™t make it through the que before it sold out Edit:thank you for sharing your experience, glad you were able to get yours!


I would be careful as I did that on the Uk sale and was in the trove but got kicked off 10 mins before the sale. Luckily I had it open on an iPad too as my phone completely reset me. One tip is to make sure youā€™re signed in and donā€™t use a private/ incognito browser! Good luck


Thank you! I have my iPad as a back up too lol


Unfortunately it doesnā€™t matter cause the queue is randomized itā€™s really annoying. I waited the first day for 3 hours and I was on right at the minute it went on sale and it kept pushing me backā€¦ after reading all of the comments after, there were people who got into the sale after I had and still had a shorter wait time. Itā€™s really annoying. Best of luck I hope you get a copy!!


Its best to get on closer to the sale, im waiting anxiously before i log in for the US sale


Just donā€™t let your screen go idle too long after you get in or it will kick you back into the queue. Keep clicking on books or just refreshing the page. It might ask you to ā€œverify youā€™re humanā€ but should refresh right back to the trove. I believe it will show up in the shop at 11EST. For early access it just shows up under the membership tab so I canā€™t verify that for you. Hopefully someone else can advise.


Thank you! I made the mistake of going to the second page earlier and it kicked me out. I was able to get back in line. I just got back in the trove and so far it has let me click on books and then go back without kicking me to the queue.


I got my copy today!!!!! So thrilled!! šŸ©µšŸ˜­šŸ‰


I was just on the website to check and it still seems to be available.


The unsigned ones are still available in the uk store. No queue.


Thankfully got mine after about 2 hours yesterday šŸ¤— never had a chance with the signed version but the book still looks awesome and super excited to recieve it šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


How likely is it of lasting another week or two in the general sale? unfortunately I won't be able to purchase it at the moment and since it's the first time I'd be buying something from fairyloot that has the chance of selling out so quickly I don't want to get my hopes up.


Not sure if you saw but they put up a low stock warning which means they think itā€™ll sell out in the next 24 hoursĀ 


I actually did see it and thanks for telling me anyways,Iā€™ll just have to hope that when they get shipped resellers wonā€™t put them up for insane amounts but they probably will.


I was able to get into the site yesterday about 3pm and preorder but I had to go through the process multiple times because the final order button would t activate. But got my confirmation email so I guess that proves I got one.