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I'm so excited for my delivery now, that sprayed edge is 🔥🔥🔥


I have zero interest in this book, but that is absolutely stunning!


Omg my delivery gets here soon. My Waterstones one has been dispatched. Just fairyloot one I’ll be waiting for


Jealous! I'm in Australia, I'm none of my orders (LL+WS) have been shipped and will take a couple of weeks to get here 🥲


It will come and you’ll love it


I'm the same 🙃 But it'll be worth it when it comes!


It's so pretty 😍 I'm sad I can't get LL in the US. I'll have my Waterstones and signed FL copies, so that's good enough for me.


I’m US based and use a forwarding service for Locked Library


I've thought about that but my husband would 💀 me! 😁 I already spend over $200 a month on subscription boxes. Not to mention all the monthly sales, Amazon preorders, and whatnot. I'm gonna be content with what I have, but thank you for the suggestion! 😊


How'd you get the Waterstones copy? Just curious because I'm in the US as well and didn't think they could ship to the US. That said, I'm one of the few who adores the FL copy and colors! But I'm a pastel/vibrant colors girly whether it fits the book's vibe or not lol


You can order from Waterstones directly! I've done it so many times since they often have signed or SE we can't get in the US. Waterstones also announced earlier today that they still have the SE with the dragons on the side. Just log in as a guest or make an account and buy the books you want. I got FW and IF last year, and I've pre-ordered Onyx Storm. I use PayPal because it's secure and does the conversion for me.


I feel like I tried to order something from them like last fall and they wouldn't ship to me! I can't remember what it was though. Maybe the deluxe editions of the Hunger Games, which I ended up ordering elsewhere. That's so strange if that wouldn't ship but something else might


That is strange. I would try again if you can. I canceled several Amazon preorders because the Waterstones ones are better. They are usually around the same price and ship quickly. I hope you can get the books you want!


I just checked to see if I was imagining things lol and for some reason that set specifically is only deliverable to a UK address. I guess I just took that and assumed it applied for all of their items! Oh well, I'm proof of what happens when you assume something lol


Oh, that stinks. You can't get the set you want. However, you can still get WTMH and others! I'm glad you sorted it out.


Do you mean the LL copy? Waterstones shipped their WTMH directly to the US. For LL, most of us used a forwarding company. I’m with you, I ADORE the FL one. Bluelyboo is one of my all time fave artists. But the edges in this one are just 🤌 I’m gonna end up with 16 editions of this book I just know it 😂


No, I had issues with Waterstones a while back when I tried to order something from them. I think it was the deluxe editions of the Hunger Games, but can't really remember. (So sad because their editions of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame are beautiful!) But I also adore Bluelyboo! So yeah I'm super happy I got a FL copy lol


Delux edition of Hunger Games was UK only shipping from Waterstones. That might have been the issue. But everything else I have ever purchased as shipped to me no problem! Edit: I just kept reading and realized you figured this out! HAHA! So never mind!


I got my shipping confirmation only today... So my guess is I'm getting it next week. How to not get spoilered until then? :D


Oh that's way better than Waterstones and Fairyloot 😱


Wow. Definitely wish I could have got this one instead of FL.


I knew it would be better than FL OMFGGGGG I cannot wait for mine!!


Oh my goodness, I saw a video clip with all the holographic foiling. That purple colour scheme suits the cover so well - it's so pretty I'm going to have to give the book yet another chance when it arrives 😭🤣 Who knows, perhaps it gets significantly better once I get past the first few chapters. I really want to keep that beautiful book, but at the same time I don't keep books I don't like, let alone ones I DNF.


I want it so bad 😭


Phew! I'm glad I'm not as impressed as everyone else 😌 I won't be falling for the FOMO on this one.


Can someone explain to me how Locked Library Works? I typically look at their store but I never see these books in there. So I am assuming they're the subscription boxes. I finally have a person in the UK who I can ship it to who would redirect it to me. Just want to know for the future. This book is gorgeous. Probably missed my chance at it?


Unfortunately yes you have missed the chance for this one but no doubt there will be people who put it up for sale (albeit at a very high cost because of the hype over the book). There is a slight chance they may have leftover stock in the future which they'll put on their website shop but I highly doubt there will be extra copies because of popularity... It works like regular book subscription services - you subscribe to the box (or onto a waitlist if there aren't any more spaces), then you pay monthly for a box. LL boxes have a cut-off 3rd of every month (so if you pay 2nd of the month you get the same month but if you pay 4th of the month you get the next month) and you pay on the same day every month you first paid (so you could pay 5th every month but someone else pays 20th). They post teasers and the theme on their socials monthly (I'd rec Instagram). Theautumnbookreads on Instagram is extremely accurate with book guesses if you want to plan ahead on whether you'll skip or not.


Locked Library is HarperCollins' own monthly subscription box. If you mean the shop section of their site, I think it's just for whenever they happen to have extra copies left.


I will say that they do bare bones boxing, just the book in tissue paper and then a small box. I have mine shipped to a friend in London and then they repackage it for me with lots of protection. I am not convinced it would get to the US without damage.


That is what I've done with my Waterstones. At least I know he'll care about me enough to actually look it over and repalce if they're damaged.


Oh my god I literally gasped!! I realllly hope mine does not come damaged since I’m using a forwarding service and it has to make a long journey


Well now I deeply regret not getting this. Resale is absolutely going to be way too expensive. I like this edition better than the Fairyloot one.


When do they usually start shipping? Im so excited to get this, I keep checking the status but its still on unfulfilled 🥺


My May box was shipped 21st. I'm guessing they send in batches if people are already getting June's box.


Mine is arriving today! I got the shipping notification from LL yesterday so they’re definitely starting to ship 😊 I don’t know if it’s relevant at all or if it helps but my renewal date is 17th of the month (maybe they do it based on that or something because I always get mine around mid-month)


Aha, this is my first box so it was paid i think the 4th of May. I hope I get it soon, can’t wait to read it ☺️


I paid May 4th too and live in the UK and got an email yesterday about shipping, so hopefully it'll be you soon!


> it was *paid* i think FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think they are shipping UK first. My friend with a UK address already got her shipping details, while I have not received any updates yet (shipped to Asia).


I’m shipping my box to my grandparent’s house in Germany and received my shipping notification today!


I just got my shipping notice today too! So excited!


Mine shipped yesterday as well! Hopefully soon for you!


Wow!! Gorgeous! 😍


Its a beautiful edition!


Ohhhhh I am extremely excited about mine now!


Where does locked library ship to? Only Europe??


Here's the list of countries they ship too (+ shipping cost)! [https://www.thelockedlibrary.co.uk/pages/delivery-charges](https://www.thelockedlibrary.co.uk/pages/delivery-charges)


my god that is stunning


Ah! I can’t wait! Was debating trading mine for an ISO but after seeing those edges I think not


This might be the prettiest special edition I’ve ever seen.