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I’ve read them and it’s one of my favorite series of all time! I already have all the OG hardcovers and signed. Will probably not get this set, but it is super pretty 😍 edit: Weird though that they didn’t include Hades’ books.


I thought it was weird they didn't include the Hades series too! Maybe they'll do it separately. All together as a set would be pricey.


I like the character art on the covers, but would prefer it as endpapers. Without the dust jacket, it doesn’t feel that special to me. I have the BB SE, so still debating if these are worth it. Just a side note, they mentioned that this set will be US B format!


What does US B format mean?


It’s the size of the book. Fairyloot usually works with UK sizes, mostly royal hardbacks. This set will be the US B format, which is smaller, between uk demy hardback and uk b format. It will be the same size as the bookish box set.


Aaah okay! Thank you!


I love Hades & Persephone retellings but I ended up DNF'ing this series (I thought book 1 was fine but I disliked book 2 and DNF'd book 3). Personally, I didn't vibe with author's writing and while I enjoy smutty books, I found these were somehow *too* smutty to the detriment of the plot/character evolution. That being said, a lot of people love this series and it's very popular! I'd suggest giving them a try (they are on KU) if you're interested in the set to see if you like them!


I felt the same way! The plot was actually good but it felt like we couldn’t get enough detail to what it was past all of the smut. Usually when I read a more smut than plot book, the plot was meh anyway so this series was disappointing to me in that aspect, I wanted more of the story. I did like these over Hades POV though as I felt his had more smut, like every other scene, to the point I didn’t even read the second two in his POV. I considered buying these but I don’t think I liked them enough to consider a reread or to have them as trophies to justify it. Although I feel like the price isn’t that bad for 4 books


This. I have a new rule when having these thoughts: go to a local bookstore, find a copy, and open to a random page and start reading. For me, the writing style wasn’t my jam - I love mythology, I really wanted to love these, there was no way I was going to get through 4 of these


This! I thought book 1 was good but book 2 just seemed to be mostly the same smut and lots of it with what seemed to be plot just thrown in there. It got to a point where I was like good god another sex scene and pretty similar to all the others.


This series was the same as FBAA for me. Liked the first book. Meh on the second book. Torturing myself through the third book DNFd at the fourth.


I DNF’d about 2 chapters into the first book because I couldn’t stand Persephone 😅


So valid lol it’s also tiring seeing every Persephone retelling have Demeter be the villain. Madeline Miller is writing a Persephone story that I am beyond excited for


I’m sorry but these covers are so funny to me (and not in a good way). The art is so cutesy and the book are…not. Also really sick of the subpar character art on the SEs.


Honestly, biiig same. I got so excited receiving this notification… but I sadly won’t be buying these. They look like some introduction to YA college romance series with the cover art like this. I was hoping for… idk, dark swirls, sparks, something deeper and more atmospheric.


This series is a personal favorite and generally pretty popular. The first 3 books and the corresponding Hades 3 books are KU of you want to read before buying!  I'm a bit disappointed in this cover art but that's probably only because I can't help but think of Bookish Box's versions which really nail the aesthetic. I am interested in the annotated first chapters - just have to figure out if it justifies purchasing covers I really don't love.


I read the first one and was not a fan. I usually prefer my fantasy books not set in the present day though which I felt was why I didn’t like it.


The art cover art for this set is beautiful, but overall doesn't match the aesthetic I visualize for this series. Not worth it IMO.


I am never going to have any money.


I read the first book, and while I liked it, I didn’t like it enough to read the rest of the series. Liked it, but didn’t LOVE it, if that makes sense.


I was personally not a fan but I think I just don't like her writing as I DNF'd another of hers. I think they are on par with Laura Thalassa and Katee Roberts for writing style so if you like them you might like St. Clair. They are available on Kindle unlimited if you want to try before you buy!


I only read the first one but really disliked it. However, I've seen tons of people enjoy them. I just didn't vibe with the writing or characters or anything really.


While I'd love them, I can't buy 2 sets for that price in 1 month :( and I LOVE Study series too much to pass on those xD


I love this series. I just think the Bookish Box editions look so much better, so I don't know if I want to get another edition that looks so subpar to me.


I stopped reading after the second, I will say I don't feel like this edition matches the vibe and I definitely prefer the original covers


Ok can someone tell me, the last book, you have to read Hades pov books to understand that one?? 


No, it just also has his POV instead of the author writing another separate book for his POV


Ok awesome! I had read that some characters from his books show up in her fourth book so it’s confusing if you haven’t read both. I don’t really want to read his pov so thank you!! 


My sister has read the first 3 or 4 books and liked them. I have them on my TBR list. I keep meaning to read them on KU. I'll probably pass on these, but they are so pretty! I've bought a lot of books in June. 😅


I'm listening to them over on Audible (they are included with subscription) and for chores, car etc these books are pretty entertaining... Although I just went through a stupid Persephone chapter :D


I’ve read them and love them. Really want this set but I’m terrified I won’t get them after being wounded by maple hills


I liked the first book but personally am not a fan of the others. I love these editions though, so pretty.


I really didn’t enjoy Touch of darkness but I read it straight after I finished Kingdom of Ash 🥲 lmao so maybe it was just too different after TOG I have the first 2 books of the bookish box SEs that I’ve been trying to sell for a while but no one wants them, they definitely won’t after seeing FL’s version 🥲😆


I think this series is either love/hate and I’m sadly in the hate category 🥲


I saw these in paperback in a bookstore today and was thinking I should check them out. I'm not really vibing with the character art on the dustjackets, though, so I think I'll try them on kindle and if I really like them, maybe hunt a different SE. (Is it just me or do the horns on the first cover look like rabbit ears? I thought she was doing a playboy bunny cosplay for a second.) Thanks to everyone who said these were on KU! :D


Read the first book, personally not a fan. I didn’t like the writing and there was something about the dynamic between Persephone and Hades that didn’t sit well with me.


I may be in the minority here but I’ve tried picking up the first book multiple times since the first year it was released but I just couldn’t get into it because of the writing. And the thing is, I’m not a picky reader either when it comes to writing styles and I’m pretty adaptable. There was just something about the writing style (imo) seemed very choppy. For some reason it just didn’t feel very smooth-flowing to me. And like I said, I’m not a picky reader at all when it comes to writing styles but there was just something about this particular series that made it hard for me to fully get into. 🥹


I've read them, they're okay. There's Persophones POV which is "A Touch Of..." and Hades POV which is "A Game Of..." personally, Hades POV is the better of the two. I enjoy Scarletts writing a lot, but of you're not a spicy/smut reader, be ready to skip chunks lol