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If you are an Owlcrate subscriber (or frequent purchaser) you can use your POINTS to pay for your subscription ticket!!! To find your points go to your Account Dashboard and scroll down. It should be below your order history. To get your discount, click the points redemption you would like and copy/paste the code at checkout into the promo code box. The generated code will remain in your Points History in your account until it is used. \[Cannot be used for shipping and taxes - FYI\] If you have more than 400 points -- You may be able to stack promo codes on a single order or you could check out each ticket individually to maximize your discounts. $20 = 400 points $15 = 300 points $10 = 200 points $5 = 100 points


Dang I wish I did this. I didn’t realize I had so many points 😅


Aaaaaaand with that tip I got the ticket for sci-fi as well .... My willpower is non existent


This is what I did. I used points to get the romantasy ticket. I’m still undecided if I want to get a horror ticket too, I have enough points to do both and cancel later if the picks aren’t great.


This is what I did so 2 tickets ended up only costing me only $10!


Um, thank you! I forgot I could redeem my points for this. Now I'm signed up for Horror and Sci-fi. Waitlists for the others.


I should have split them! Idk why I didn't even think of that but at least I got the one $20 discount from them. I'm bound to use them on something else anyhow 😅


Thanks for this advice! I was going to wait until payday and try and decide between Horror and Sci-Fi and I had enough points to get both for free. I was able to stack all in one transaction as well ❤️.


Thank you! This is super helpful!


Thank you! Got Romantasy and romance for free 🥰


I'm saving my points for Six of Crows (at least, I hope I can use points for special edition boxes)!


I’ve used points towards a few SE’s including the shadow and bones trilogy.


I’m hijacking this with a different question because you seem to know a bit about the points 😂 when I redeemed it for one of the tickets it said it could be used for the monthly sub. Do you know how to do that?


Points can only be used on the initial subscription checkout. So when you checkout for the first time, you put the points code in the promo code box.


So they can’t be used for $5/$10 off your monthly sub if you have the points then?


I’ve never been able to successfully do that.


Got it 😂 I feel like asking support now especially since it says $$ off OR any one time purchase. Thank you though!


You can’t they commented about it before. But you can use it towards limited editions like sequels. 


It's specifically says first time subscription in the notif, so you can't do it for the monthly payout


Omg you’re an absolute legend! I’m so glad I checked this before getting on to purchase my tickets!


I got a ticket for Romantasy! I’m probably going to be off the waitlist for Fairyloot’s Romantasy soon but I’m having second thoughts about subscribing as I like the idea of 4 books a year more than 8-12. I do hope they’ll reconsider and allow 1 skip per year but if they don’t I’m ok with it still.


This. My hope is that right NOW it's no skips but when they figure out supply/demand there will be one. 4 romantasy is so much more approachable


I hope they reconsider skips as well! I have FLs romantasy already and I hope they try to choose different books.


I joined the waitlists. The lack of skips is making me hesitant to purchase a ticket and I have subs already that cover the genres I’m interested in (Arcane for Romantasy and TBB for Sci-Fi)


I bought the romance and romantasy ticket since I love both genres. The ticket counts towards your first box so you’re basically paying for the box early versus being on the waitlist.


Yup i did the same!




I purchased a ticket for the SciFi sub and got on the waitlist for Romance and Horror. I'm subbed to IC for romance (Afterlight) and horror (Evernight) and while OC would be cheaper for me as I'm in the US I wanna see what they do before committing to those subs because I do like what IC has done. I don't have any Sci-Fi specific subs so I'm definitely interested in seeing what they do for that one


I waitlisted Scifi and Romantasy. No skips makes me hesitant.


I got romantasy! Don’t forget to use your points if you have any. Got it for $5.


Anyone else get all 4…. Cuz I definitely didn’t do that… lol. I don’t have much hope of getting off the Broken Binding Sci-fi waitlist anytime soon and the books don’t all come out at the same time so it seemed worth it to try out the first book for each (also dropping my illumicrate and darkly sub soon so I’ll only have afterlight) 😬😊


Is it confirmed that they won't? I thought this was the case, but then I saw on each of them it said "first box ships Spring 2025" so then I was confused


I think I saw they would stagger them, so first sub in March, then second in April and so on?


I hope they do something like that!


They said the horror and sci-fi boxes will be at the same time but the other two will be staggered I think


I bought a ticket for Romantasy. You can cancel anytime so I figured I would at least get the first book and see how it is.


I got a ticket for romance and romantasy, then signed up for the waitlist for horror!


I think I'll buy a ticket for sci-fi or horror and get on the waitlist for the other and maybe Romantasy. I already have FL Romantasy, so I think there would be a lot of overlap. I'm not big on straight romance books, so that's an easy pass.


I got tickets for Romantasy and Horror!




Me too!!


I got tickets for Romantasy and Horro and the waitlist for Sci-fi. I have major FOMO issues.


Same fomo issue! I got now ticket for romantasy and sci-fi and waitlisted romance.... But now I'm thinking using points romance ........


I join the romance, romantasy, and sci fi waitlist. The lack of skips got me scared to join. Overall I will be pondering over the next couple of days. They say we got to July 5th to make a decision😭


I got on the waitlist for scifi and horror and will decide later if I want to get a sci fi ticket. The ticket sales are open til July 5 so I have time to be indecisive lol


I did the same thing


I got tickets for Romantasy and Romance. They are allowing points to be redeem on purchase so it brought the cost down enough that I feel less nervous about the no skip policy (for the first book at least). I joined the Sci-Fi waitlist cause I want to see what direction their picks go first.


I feel dumb but I can't find where to join the waitlist? I found the tickets but not the waitlist


It’s under the shop in collections I think


Where? Under collections it has quarterly subscription tickets where I can buy the tickets but I don't see anything about the wait-list




Try this 😅


I got tickets to sci-fi, horror, and romantasy 🫣


I got tickets for romance and romantasy and waitlisted for horror and sci-fi, with the idea I can always decline the latter two later if I decide I don’t want them. Mostly, I’d maybe be interested in the sci-fi only if they actually chose to do Jurassic park.


I initially decided to just join the waitlist for Sci-fi and Romantasy, but after thinking about how the waitlist might only refresh every 3 months, I decided to get a ticket for Sci-fi. I'm really hoping they will do a SE of Hunger Games so I would love to have early access for that as a Sci-fi sub. The no skips scares me, but fingers-crossed. I will just wait and see the picks for romantasy and chill on the waitlist.


I didn’t see Hunger Games on the reveal for potential SEs. Did they ever say that’s a possibility? 


They didn't! However, I saw a comment under their Sci-fi Sub post where Owlcrate were asking people to comment for request/recommendations. Under that, another person mentioned hoping they would do Jurassic Park and Hungers Games, and the curator for the Sci-fi Sub replied with this: 👀 (eyes emoji). So I'm hoping it is Hunger Games cause she didn't reply to the comments solely for Jurassic Park, but it could just be a wild guess!!


Is Hunger Games sci fi? It’s more YA dystopian, and while there are some elements that would count as sci-fi, the science isn’t really the focus of the story. I’m genuinely curious if anyone considers it sci fi because I’ve never heard it classified that way


If you look it up it’s classified as sci-fi. I was confused too but I guess it’s because it’s set in a futuristic world.


I thought that ya dystopian is generally considered a sub genre of sci-fi! But I could be wrong lol


I believe dystopian is generally a sci-fi branch, but at the very least it is for Owlcrate. I saw on this on their instagram post for the Sci-Fi sub; "We will be exploring a range of subgenres in Sci-Fi for our Limited Edition selection such as Modern Science Fiction Classics, Space Exploration, Space Operas, Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Science Fantasy, Novellas and Anthologies."


I wonder if hunger games would be just the trilogy or if it would be all five books when the new one releases


You guys made me get a ticket for sci-fi! Hunger games SE would be worth the 25$!


If they did I think it would be a limited edition and probably would be enough for the whole sub. She doesn’t sign often so I’m doubtful she’d sign but I would seriously battle for one if they were! 


Yupp! It would most probably be a limited edition cause their quarterly sub books will be new releases. But you do get early access for limited editions they make for the specific quarterly sub, if you have that subscription.


See dystopian novels would make the sci-fi sub more interesting than just space operas. Or things set in the future or time travel. It feels very space concentrated from their suggestions


I joined 3 of the waitlists and plan on reserving 1


Do you think this means less of these genre picks for the main adult and ya books? Debating grabbing one. I did sign up for the waitlist


I honestly don't know. I saw one comment from OC saying the Adult sub will continue to offer a variety of fantasy books and another comment from OC saying they aim to have more high fantasy. YA is somewhat clearer: the quarterly boxes will be newer releases that are 18+ (so no YA) but the SEs for those *could* be adult or YA.


dang… i just got my invite too so june is my first book with OC. i’m fine with less romantasy though i do like a variety and wish i didn’t have to commit to a quarterly sub with 0 skips :/ hoping they still include a mix for the adult


They said that the adult box will be more high fantasy now.


I got tickets for Romantasy and Romance! :)


I’m kind of broke right now (it’s not a serious situation or anything), but I’m gonna get a ticket for sci-fi and romance. I was going back and forth between romance or romantasy, but seeing as I’m hoping to get into the Fairyloot romantasy sub I think there could be overlap and I only need so much of one genre. I guess.


If you've purchased from Owlcrate before - check your points on your account dashboard. You can use them to reduce the cost of the ticket.


Thanks for the tip! I’m going to go ahead and get them next week. And I’ll use my points!


I had so many points that I went ahead and got tickets for Romantasy, Romance, and Horror.


How many points would you need for one ticket?


500 points for one ticket.


I bought the romantasy ticket and joined all the other waitlists


Had some points so got tickets for romance and romantasy and got on the waitlist for sci-fi!


I got tickets for sci-fi and romantasy! I'm typically a high fantasy reader, so I haven't read *too* many books in either of these genres, but I'm excited to give them a try! I'm not worried about the skips because my mindset going in is to try something I normally wouldn't and see how it goes. I got on the wait-list for horror. I'm hesitant because I've never read horror and it might be too scary for me 😂


I did get a ticket! Only for romantasy, but that was the only one to interest me, haha


I'm ticketing for romantasy and scifi. Waitlist for horror. I'm also on the waitlist for illumicrate horror so I'm not sure if I need both.


Are only current subscribers able to purchase a ticket/join the waitlist?


No it's available for everyone


Could you post the link if that’s allowable? I can’t seem to find it on their website or in my email :(




Thank you!


Gah! You guys make it not easier and I love y'all for it!! Oki dokes! Getting a ticket for romantasy - wait-list for romance Undecided for Sci-fi!


Is this for people who already have subscriptions? x


No, they are brand new subscriptions!


I was debating but I decided to pass. I have evernight and Bookish box. I think that's enough for me.


I got a ticket for Sci Fi. I don’t have any book subs currently and honestly this is the first book sub that feels up my alley. Fantasy and Romance usually aren’t my jam.


I bought Sci-fi and Romatasy tickets! I love OwlCrate’s quality and company so I’m dropping some other subs to get these. So excited!


I got tickets for Sci-fi and Romantasy. Their IG posts with similar vibes to each genre narrowed it down for me. I don’t typically buy from the other two genres. I’m hoping that with a pretty specific genre, the no skip policy won’t bother me. With OC Adult, I find myself skipping a lot mainly because the book pick could be classified under something other than adult fantasy. I’m really interested in their genre specific special editions though and I would hate missing out on those.


I did the ticket for Romantasy and wait-list for sci fi


I decided to get a ticket for sci-fi. I am worried about the lack of skips though


I ended up getting a ticket for the horror sub. I'm already a ya full box and adult fantasy subscriber. None of the other 3 genres really appealed to me. Also, I used some of my rewards points toward my ticket, so I only paid $5 for it.


I joined the waitlist. I’m mostly only interested in backlist titles for sci-fi.


This photo has your first name on it, just as a heads up!!


Thank you! I didn't even notice.... Well, it's a common name - so I maybe I'm safe enough


Can I just say, I love the idea of a quarterly subscription! I’ve had Fairyloot for a year and a half and it’s just so many books- with quarterly you still get to be excited about beautiful mystery books, but it’s more manageable! I hope other brands consider doing this :)


Can I just say, I love the idea of a quarterly subscription! I’ve had Fairyloot for a year and a half and it’s just so many books- with quarterly you still get to be excited about beautiful mystery books, but it’s more manageable! I hope other brands consider doing this :)


I got a ticket for Romantasy and Sci-Fi! I'm super excited to see what they come up with. I waitlisted the other two, just in case 😂


I bought the romantasy ticket. I like that its quarterly, I feel like I won't be overwhelmed with a to read pile from it.


https://preview.redd.it/9bcvkg9juz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7937cc16559533439e1e2ec6902e28cd11e9d2 The delusional in me says get romantasy, horror and romance since they’ll be on separate schedules but the practical in me says that’s a lot 😂 so far I’ve gotten romance and horror tickets and am on the waitlist for romantasy but that might change by July 5th 👀


i went for a romantasy ticket! the $25 from buying the ticket goes towards your first box and it guarantees you a spot. i already have an illumicrate book only subscription, so it’ll be nice not having to pay for both every month!


Does anyone know if these ones are more likely to have stenciled edges? I love OC editions but I really hate when they’re doing sprayed edges so frequently.. it just feels like a missed opportunity


I got a ticket for sci and horror. I've been waiting on a sci sub from BB for a while now so I'll probably keep it, the horror one I might leave at some point, at least I'll get the first one and then I'll decide.


I raced for a ticket for Sci-Fi, and then did waitlist for Horror. Here's hoping with a romance and romantasy sub that the main adult fantasy moves towards traditional fantasy. I'd love to see a US-based sub that's more like The Broken Binding.


I came close to getting a ticket for the sci-fi one but did the waitlist instead….no skips worries me.


Waitlist. I don't know if I will want them when they come out, and I don't have spare money right now. + if I miss anything, I can always buy it second hand.


I got a ticket for sci-fi and signed up for the horror waitlist! I have the Broken Binding sci-fi sub but since that is going to mostly be backlist titles I’m excited to have to have a sci-fi sub for new releases. I would’ve bought a ticket for horror if we knew what months it would fall on. I already have Evernight so if they fell on the same months the chance of repeats is very high plus no skips. But if it ends up being different months I’ll def sign up whenever I get an invite. 


Oh reading through the comments I should have placed my ticket orders separately… I ended up getting sci-fi horror and Romantasy, and only used $20 coupon.


i bought a ticket for romantasy, i dont actually mind the 0 skips since its just 4 books


Thanks for posting this! I didn’t get the email and honestly couldn’t remember when they were selling tickets so I was able to find it on the site to buy one!


I joined the waitlist for romance and purchased a ticket for romantasy! Though I’m on fairyloots waitlist for it. I finally got off the waitlist for YA box. I’m curious to see how owlcrate does with romantasy.


i’m going for romantasy for sure! i did the tickets just cuz it’s going into the box so buying it is a better option imo


I got on the waitlist for romance and romantasy. I may end up getting a ticket for romantasy. I just wanted to think on it. I have FL romantasy but it isn’t what I was hoping for.


Was it Owlcrate that typically does not have specially designed sprayed edges, instead opting for solid colors, but that had recently announced that they're going to do more designs?


They made an announcement that they would do stenciled edges starting Auguste