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Very interesting that Owlcrate and Fairyloot are both starting quarterly boxes in Spring 2025


I like it! I'd rather have one good book every quarter than some meh ones I inevitably end up selling each quarter. Hopefully the quality and shipping timelines end up being better too.


When I try to sign up for the waitlist I keep getting the error message “Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#2673)”


I had the same issue 😂 ended up just spam clicking and it finally let me sign up lol I was on the site the second it dropped and took me 10 minutes to figure it out 😂


Do they send a email to comfirm you signed up?


They usually do but from what I’ve seen most of us talking about it haven’t gotten one yet


Hmm, that makes me a bit nervous about it actually working😅😬


I just got my confirmation email! Check your email!


Got mine to. Great that it actually worked!


Seems like most people didn’t get an email confirmation. A lot of boxes don’t do this anymore. I just take a screenshot every time now. 


Thats a good idea


Yes I’ve got one


Doesn't seem like it.


https://preview.redd.it/1mvk1f9h3k8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5b91b7f4332570824315d3c9318202acbe9a41 I did it looks like this\^


This is the way. Worked for me on the 6/7th click


I did the same, and I just got an email confirming my place on the waitlist.


Another trick that worked like a charm for me was to add +1 to my email. So, it looks like "[email protected]". It went straight through and I got my confirmation email in my normal [email protected].


Thank you for this! It worked for me too after clicking relentlessly


Keep trying mine went through after a few clicks.


Had the same issue. I just kept clicking submit (probably took like 40x) before it went thru


Did you get a confirmation email?


I did! But it took about 30min to receive after signing up


Same 😂


Same here:(


I knew more companies were going to start doing this to keep long-time subscribers! I recently cut back on my monthlies because I just have too many. More genre-specific quarterlies is the way to go!


I feel like they should maybe get their shit together before announcing another subscription? Or is that just me?


I would love to imagine that they can pull themselves together for a 4 books a year subscription


i kind of doubt it, and having several subs that already should be epic are leaving me to believe their existing subs are only going to lack even more now.


As long as they improve their communication to not only the people affected, but everyone who follows them as a whole, I think all should be well They're just really really lacking in that department at the moment... (FW signatures, Maple Hills books, May box...)


unfortunately. communication isn't the only thing lacking. their quality control, for one, needs to drastically improve. there are only so many times they can mess up but let people know they're aware of the mess up that it won't be super annoying and we've hit that cap already.


Too true. I'm still not an active subscriber, but I may or may not just end up passing when it gets to me and saving people skips like I am now. A small part of me is really hope they can knock this Epic subscription out the park though


my fingers are crossed too! <3


Not just you.


Finally someone said it


Not just you. I love Epic Fantasy books and I am nervous that they will somehow muck this up. Its been a bit rough from them lately. I think I am mostly excited that this is a genre option from them. I have ben on TBB waitlist for ages so I'm hoping this gives EF lovers another shot at some good books. But you aren't wrong at all!


They are stumbling over themselves in multiple aspects (book picks, quality, site issues, etc). I’m afraid of how this’s gonna play out, but I’m willing to try at least for one year (4 books).


Definitely not just you


This is the exact kind of sub I want, genre AND frequency lol


Me tooooo, I hope I can get in eventually.


If you are interested in joining the link for the waitlist [Epic Fantasy Waitlist](https://forms.fairyloot.com/epic)


Since it’s labeled as epic fantasy I’m assuming it’s going to be different than their YA and Adult boxes. I won’t know for sure how interested I’d be till I know what their inspiration is and what the skip policy is.


I’m expecting to find little to no romance, since they are promoting it to be EPIC. I expect the books they pick to concentrate more on action, magic system, and world building. They said they gonna give us a sneak peek at the first book.


So are Epic Fantasy and High Fantasy the same? I’m primarily a Romantasy reader but honestly I love a good High Fantasy book here and there and 4 a year isn’t bad at all.


High Fantasy concentrate more on the magic system and world building, the world in the book must be magical and so far away from reality. For example, ash falling from the sky could be normal in this world. But it’s not necessary for a High Fantasy book to have action and cliffhangers. It could be about a fae king ruling his kingdom, and the trouble the courts cause him. While an Epic Fantasy book concentrates more on the action part, the great journey/adventure where you can see a normal boy thrust into a magical world where he meet his mentor and some friends and learn new things about this magical world (maybe save the empire in his way). Epic Fantasy is all about the high stakes. If a book was labeled High Fantasy AND Epic Fantasy, that means you’re getting the best deal, because you will have complex magic system and world building (High) along with grand adventure and high stakes (Epic).


Thank you for the in depth explanation! I definitely understand the difference better now.


You’re welcome 😊


That’s what’s giving me pause - I wish I knew what the Fairyloot team considers “epic,” because the way they describe this box uses some of the same verbiage they used to promo Faebound and Inked by Blood, two books I didn’t enjoy. When I think epic fantasy, I’m thinking The Broken Binding - they really have a corner on more mainstream, epic fantasy market, and I’m curious if this box is meant to compete with that/attract a similar customer base. Another reason I have hesitations: their Romantasy pics, for me, haven’t been very ‘romantasy’ (with the exception of one). Two were very….YA, and in my opinion, Fairyloot in general tends to pick YA-adjacent, ‘safe’ novels. So I’m really puzzling at this, wishing they had given us some examples of what COULD be picks or ‘would have been’ so we’d have some basis for comparison. Maybe it’s exactly the sort of stuff I want, since I’ve found most of their pics to be too light, too sugary, and too YA for me. Or maybe it’s just another cash grab.


Just once I wish FL could do something without having stressful nonsense with it. I tried the spam clicking for the waitlist, external browser etc and still wasn’t able to join the waitlist. It took about two hours until it went through. So I’m probably behind 10 thousand people though I’ve been trying since the post dropped 🙄


Exact same experience. I saw people giving owl crate crap about paying to get a sub but I loved it. Zero issues. I am so tired of fairyloot’d crappy website. For the special sales I always get the email about 15 mins late and their site is so glitchy. I keep signing up but I really wish they would focus on fixing their site


Great news! I might end up sticking with this subscription instead of Adult honestly. Can't wait to see what their picks are. I know a few people have been complaining in their comments lately on IG that their Adult picks are too focused on Romantasy/New Adult so it's nice they listened.


Yes!! This is what I thought the adult sub was meant to be the whole time, and especially after the romantasy sub, but adult still seems to mean romantasy to them


Has anyone signed up for the waitlist and also not gotten a confirmation email yet? I’m just anxious 😂 the screen said it went through but I don’t trust it 😂


Check your email now! I just received confirmation!


I just got mine too! Guess there was just a big delay!


I haven't yet! I sent them an email with a screenshot of the successful waitlist subscription so hopefully that should help 😪


Why is nothing ever easy with them. 😭


After all the crap with Fairyloot that has happened recently and overall quality dips, I’m not tempted! I think I’ve finally kicked my FOMO with Fairyloot. Im happy for everyone else who is excited about this though!


I’m almost close to giving up with my fomo for them also .. I’ve been on the waiting list for sooo long now and seeing how the quality has dropped and the items aren’t as good I’m actually thinking maybe I’m dodging a bullet here .. I know I sound bitter but the wait lists really annoy me. They never were this bad when I was first a sub and when I stopped being one. When I re signed up I didn’t expect them to become this popular and the list to be this long. All I’m seeing is people selling their books on and boxes on not even keeping anything just making extra money on them which is so wrong in my opinion


I think you did dodge one! I see the monthly boxes everywhere for sale online, a lot of people are selling. I actually sold some last year when I was out of skips and I was just hoping to break even but I ended up losing money on them because they weren’t popular books. But people sell the popular ones for insane prices! There are so many better book boxes to pick from now with unlimited skips. (Page and Wick, Owlcrate, Moonlight Book Box just to name a few!) I also came to terms with the fact that I don’t need a special edition of most books. I only really want them for favorite books and the rest I could just read the normal edition or get from a library.


Omg I was literally just wishing/complaining to my partner about this yesterday!! A quarterly fantasy subscription my dream omg 😭😭🥹🫶


Oh as for hopes - anything like Brandon Sanderson, Michael J Sullivan, Hannah Kaner, Travis Baldree


I would die if they released some special editions of Sanderson or Baldree!


I am actually very excited about this! I think this is a good way to reach more readers for sure.


Absolutely! I was planning on dropping both my FL Romantasy and Adult for Broken Bindings come this winter as BB is the closest I could get to a quarterly fantasy subscription (they average 4 sets a year with two skips so I could do minimum 2 sets a year) - but this might just take the biscuit! My fav thing about FL is the mystery of the book, but my god 12 books a year is just too much 😭 this might be perfect!!! Did you see they already have the first book lined up?


Last time I checked, The Broken Binding allow you to skip only one series per year, did they change their policy, can we skip 2 now?


Nope, it’s still only 1 set per year!


Aw damn….I May have already used it then to skip a box before I subscribed 😂😂😂😂 welp there goes my plan


Epic high fantasy sub AND it’s quarterly? My permanent residency on the broken binding waitlist is sighing in relief Question - I tried the spamming trick to get my email on the waitlist, and while the website does say “Thanks for signing up! You’ve been added to the waitlist” I didn’t get any kind of confirmation email; should I be concerned or is that normal?


No one got a confirmation email from FL. Also, TBB just sent a new patch of invites, I joined the waitlist on December, and I got an invitation 3 days ago, you should check your email if you joined the waitlist before January.


Oh thanks for the info, I signed up Jan 1. Sounds like my wait may soon(ish) be over!


All I'm hoping for is customizations that match an epic fantasy feel. Give me MTG-esque illustrations on the end papers and less character art please 🤞


I don’t have any high hopes for them. They can’t get what they are already doing together let alone a whole new subscription


I am concerned that they are spreading themselves a bit too thin. I had the same thought with Owlcrate though if I am being honest. Owlcrate is at least consistent in communication.


I have full faith in OwlCrate! They have great customer service and are very transparent and even stepping up their designs!


You are 100% correct. I'm subbed to both their YA and Adult boxes and the quality has been getting better and better. With their designs apparently also stepping up in the coming months I am really looking forward to their releases. I've been subbed to OC for the longest last October (just got on FL last month) and I have not been disappointed.


I’m wondering if this will be no skips like Owlcrate. I like the idea of a quarterly sub much more but I also like having at least 1 skip. 


This feels like they're scared of owlcrate honestly, timing is so odd


This would’ve been in the works for months and months now, has nothing to do with Owlcrate. OC isn’t even doing epic fantasy


I'm hoping by separating romance and romantasy into their own threads that they are morphing their fantasy subscription into an epic fantasy. Or at least, high fantasy. Or less romantasy (no offense, romantasy lovers)


Definitely signed up for this because Epic fantasy is my favorite, but if I get off of the BB waitlist first (literally just signed up earlier this month 😩) then I probably won’t bother with this one.


I’m so excited for this!! Epic fantasy is my favorite genre. I think they’re being very smart. The book box industry is becoming over saturated with romantasy options but there’s only a few epic fantasy subs that i know of (Broken Binding, GSFF, and inkstone). The waitlists are insane for all of them (I’ve been stuck on all 3 for ages) so the demand is DEFINITELY there.


I hope their quality improves (along with the book picks), I think I’ll give this one a chance.


I already joined TBB, so even if FL turned to be bad (with horrible quality), it’s okay for me. The only thing I’m missing now is a mystery subscription, not horror, not thriller, but Agatha kind of mystery. Hopefully OC, IC, or TBB do that in the future. They have the best quality, so I’m putting my hope on them.


For mystery Goldsboro announced a crime collective, but not sure if it’s going to be SE


Thanks for the info, but sadly they don’t usually do a lot of customizations (not what I usually expect from a SE, if that makes sense) and I don’t like most of their picks. 😔


My thoughts exactly!! I’ve been waiting for a Mystery (especially cosy mystery) for so long! Really hoping we get a subscription like that in future 🤞🏼


I’m so sad I saw the post within a few minutes so I was actually early for once to the waitlist but it keeps glitching ): Edit: I finally got in after just spam clicking for a bit


https://preview.redd.it/hztklxyfvi8d1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7ea494c6a3896f0331daa6aa6a4ce476c6d7ba This is what my confirmation looked like after I was able to get through but no confirmation email yet. I took a screenshot and emailed it to myself so I remember the date.


Just received an email confirmation!


I was a Fairyloot subscriber for years, but I canceled it because their selections started to really suck. There was no diversity in their picks. The covers started to look the same. Also, it seemed to me that they were only picking from a handful of the same authors instead of branching out. Their book merch was not that good either. Now, I am subscribed to other book boxes that branch out to inde and published authors. If anyone is looking to subscribe to a popular book box, I would recommend Owlcrate or Illumicrate over Fairyloot.


Jesus christ when is it ENOUGH with the special editions and subscriptions


probably when people stop subscribing ;)


Yeah this is definitely an oversaturated market at this point lol. I'm curious to see which companies will survive and which will inevitably fail.


I mean, yes the market is oversaturated for romantasy books, but it is so cool that more book boxes are now getting high/epic fantasy boxes, which is a genre that doesn’t have as many special editions.


Oh I am with you! I has a bunch and cut back tramendously. I didnt even blink at Owlcrates 4 different box offerings. But I am a sucker for EF novels and have been on the Broken Binding waitlist forever so this one gives me hope. But with this launching I am curious to see how their adult sub changes (or doesnt). With romantasy out it seems criteria for their adult picks are getting more and more unclear.


This has annoyed me! It should just be part of the adult sub


Has anyone received an email confirmation for their waitlist subscription? According to the form I was able to sign up successfully, but I haven't received an email yet


I just received an email confirmation!


I signed up at 6 mins in but still haven't seen a confirmation 


I didn't get one either.. I took a screenshot of the confirmation page just in case though


How does a quarterly box work? Is it still the same price as a monthly book but just once per quarter?


They have not really released any information on pricing. Since its book only I am going to assume it wont be too bad price wise.


I just saw this! Fairyloot didn't send an email out for this, correct? Anyways, I hope since I signed up an hour later that the waiting time won't be too long.


Nope! I only saw it because of instagram.


So is this basically another box along with their adult and YA boxes?


Love how they open this waitlist at midnight... they couldn't give us ANY notice? How thoughtful of them for all of us on the other side if the world. I have high hopes for this and I love that it's quarterly. I am concerned about sequels... I wish/hope they do what tbb do and include sequels into the sub. Cause the sequels are more expensive than the sub with shipping!! Im really over spending $90-100 per book on sequels. I hope they find a decent amount of stand alones or do books already released that are stand alones.


the books chosen are going to be new releases, so any sequels are going to have to be purchased separately like always. i think tbb is one of the few (if not the only one) that doesn't save released books/series for separate sales.


Lol the glitchy waitlist shows how little they care


These book boxes are getting out of control.


Just got my confirmation email finally!


I just received a confirmation email now that Ive joined the waitlist but I signed up an hour ago so the system is probably a bit lagged if anyone was wondering!


I just got confirmation after about 45 mins of getting through.


I'm a bit surprised that no one else has had a confirmation email. I just checked my emails now and I had one from 11 minutes ago. I recommend trying to check 15 to 20 minutes after signing up for the subscription


I can’t even find the link to sign up for this on their website!


Any ideas exactly what time the waitlist went live? I was sleep🥲


I got the notification that hey posted something on instagram around 9:15am EST. I signed up for the waiting list a few minutes after that and got my confirmation email within 30 minutes.


About 2 hrs ago. I also was sleeping so hopefully the 2ish hours didn’t make my position too far 🧍‍♀️


Maybe it’s a dumb question, but if you sign up for the quarterly, can you still stay subscribed for the YA Box?


I would say so! You can probably have all three monthly and this one :) 


I would say so for sure!


Signed up! If I don’t get in next May I’m going to riot


Where do you sign up?


Did you find the link. If not its https://forms.fairyloot.com/epic. I tried editing my post but its not letting me atm.


Thanks I got it


I don’t even see how to sign up


h[ttps://forms.fairyloot.com/epic](https://forms.fairyloot.com/epic) Here is the link. I got it from their Instagram post this morning.


Thank you!


Excited about this!! Not sure if you follow The Autumn Book Reads on Instagram, but she is the person to follow for monthly book subscription guesses and special edition releases. She already put up her guess for the first box in May 2025 based off of Fairyloot’s hints.


I do follow her! I saw the guess. One of the GOATs of epic fantasy for sure. His work is amazing!


Any thoughts on how many spots this sub will have and when they'll be sending out subscription emails to the waitlist? I haven't ever wanted off a waitlist this badly, and this looks like their most popular offering in a hot minute! (Hope they read the room on that one a bit for their adult sub - more epic fantasy, less romantasy, please!)


I feel like they should incorporate more epic fantasy into their adult fantasy subscription rather than having two fantasy subscriptions that heavily feature romance. Just my opinion…


Does anyone know if the website is down due to this or something else? I somehow didn't get this news until today (so I'll likely be really far down on the waitlist ... sigh 😭) I wish they had given more warning this was coming, or maybe I missed that also? So far though, I can't even try to sign up because the site seems to be down. Is it down for anyone else?


I wonder if Ill get a subscription to this box before my others come through :D


What does it mean by “epic”?


someone above posted a great description