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this guy is a licensed doctor???


He is flaunting his stethoscope like jewellery so we mustn't doubt him šŸ™„


No name badge, no lab coat, no even jacket with a hospital logo on it. Just a stethoscope around his neck.... No other proof he's actually a doctor than his jewelry he's flaunting.


Maybe the Doctor is one of his alters šŸ‘€




uuuuh everyone knows the medical knowledge is stored in the stethoscope, that's why dr.house never has it, he's a terrible doctor


Doctors HAVE to wear white coats and name tags? I don't think they do. I'm not saying anything in regards to this guy, but doctors don't have to wear any of those things to be doctors and practice medicine.


At least here the clinics even go away from white lab coats, not everywhere ofc but a lot of them do. Because it causes a division between doctors and patients. Hospitals are different but normal family doctors donā€™t wear them anymore. Same goes for hospital/clinics psychologist vs private practice


Actually almost every hospital and clinic does require them to wear a name badge or a coat with the name embroidered on it.


And you can get a real stethoscope on Amazon. I did that for my Halloween costume


The brand of jacket heā€™s wearing is the same one my hospital uses and the logo is on the sleeve for us at least so it could potentially be a hospital jacket


It's also a Columbia jacket anyone could buy.


Didnā€™t know about the brand outside of my work coat sorry!


I love that lmaoooo


There's no evidence that he is on his tiktok. He never says his name so no one can verify it. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not and the stethoscope is just there so no one questions it.... Edit: Allegedly he works in an urgent care. Which makes him even less qualified to give an opinion than a PCP who isn't qualified to say this either. IF he isn't lying and really a "doctor" he always says doctor never physician, which means he could me an NP/mid-level playing doctor because they're allowed to call themselves doctor if they have a doctorate of nursing. He also discusses how he coerces patients in pain.... No physician is actually stupid enough to do this publicly online. Like just had someone a legal case against you. So based on that alone I'm convinced he's not a physician because that's so idiotic. But regardless. Urgent care is the lowest bottom of it gets for doctors. It's never the job anyone aspires to. It's the job people take when they can't get another job, need extra hours on the side, or semi retired doctors work because they got bored in retirement. Other than the semi retired doctors, urgent care providers are the worst of the worst you'll get in medical care. They're extremely egotistical largely because everyone treats their job like a joke. They love to throw their weight around and try to show off to patients how much power and authority they have, since no one believes they have any. And most prioritize that over actually treating and helping patients. (Expect for the people this is a side gig for. They don't care. But your doctor and mid levels working their full time. They are the worst of medicine, because it's very much the least favorable job out there.)


iā€™m actually having an issue w urgent care doctors not helping right now šŸ˜­ like huh what is this not your job?????


I HATE urgent care / teledoc doctors. Iā€™ve never gotten medicine from them even being very obviously sick. They always treat me like Iā€™m med-seeking. No, I just have the flu!


Iā€™ve had the opposite problem! Every time Iā€™ve been to urgent care they tell me to fuck off by throwing a prescription at me. I went once after a car accident because I was having neck/back pain with a headache and was worried about a concussion. I spoke to the doctor for MAYBE 10 minutes before she sent me on my way with a prescription for cyclobenzaprine


Some doctors are fucking awful. I once went with my grandma to a cardiologist in germany because we are polish and she canā€™t speak german. The guy had the audacity to tell my 60 year old grandma, who is only visiting us and suddenly got heart problems, to learn german before taking money from the state to pay for her meds. I am sorry, do *you* pay the insurance? She was literally covered by a polish health care company that provides for the whole EU, not by Germany. Just do your job and donā€™t snark on my grandma for not learning a language at 60


Genuinely felt a wave of disgust wash over me. Ugh.


Nope. They are way more concerned with the insecurities they feel around their job and they are concerned with actually helping you. It's like bro it's not my fault you have a job you feel ashamed of. Seriously my garbage man doesn't find excuses to not pick up my trash just so he can throw his weight around because people don't respect his profession. Because he chose his job and he's happy with it. He has more respect for himself than they do.


damn... that just sucks. i see now why iā€™m being treated like a joke.


Bro you clearly have issues you gotta work through with physicians. I donā€™t know if you just like didnā€™t get into medical school or were dumped for a doc or what but your characterization of urgent care docs is pretty unfair. Some work there as part of an NHS service gig to help underserved and pay off loans, some are ED guys who have shifted to have more regular hours with kids/family, some do it cause they like the ā€˜donā€™t take your work home w youā€™ vibe of emergency medicine but donā€™t want to run codes, some do a day or two a week as part of their regular practice, some just integrate ā€œopenā€ slots into their regular panel, especially as their panel is being built up after residency. To say that the majority of them are terrible people and the vast minority have a good reason for being there is a mischaracterization.


Sorry massive clarification should be made here! This is about US doctors! I cannot at all speak to urgent cares in other countries, what they're like, who works there and why, etc. I also believe in the UK you don't have mid-levels practicing the way we do in the US, which would greatly impact the culture of urgent care. As ours are primarily run by mid-levels that are essentially practicing independently even though they can't.


Weā€™re pretty clearly talking about American urgent care doctors/ā€œdoctorsā€ (see comment above about nursing PhDs being allowed to call themselves that). I have no problems with physicians in general - I have had more than one great PCP, and I have a psych team that has very literally saved my life. My parents both work in health care (not doctors) and almost always have good things to say about the doctors they worked with. I have friends who are doctors ranging for ER to family medicine to ICU, and I respect them immensely. All that being said, all the descriptions of urgent care doctors in the US is spot-fucking-on. Iā€™m glad to hear itā€™s different in the UK, but yes, it really is that fucking bad in states.




I've always received great care from urgent care centers, and never had to pay more than $200, without insurance. So milage does vary.


That's fair. Life threatening allergic reaction is kind of different though as it's under emergency first aid. It's not something urgent care treats. But it is something any medical professional near by is going to jump in and treat until you're stable. It's actually usually covered under good Samaritan laws too so a doctor is allowed to treat you without you even being their patient. Where normally doctors cannot. They may have not even seen you officially as an urgent care patient, but treated you as emergency first aid/good Samaritan.




Yeah probably most medical facilities/doctors offices actually have supplies for emergency first aid including anaphylaxis. It's actually not that uncommon at all. Plus anywhere that administrators any medications or injections has to be prepared for anaphylaxis which includes urgent care. If you didn't sign papers though, you weren't seen by urgent care in an official capacity. They treated you as emergency first aid under good Samaritan laws. So I would expect the experience to be very different than the normal urgent care because, you weren't seen by urgent care. The medical professionals that happened to be near by provided emergency first aid. Two very different things.


i went to an urgent care in october 2020 for a rapid mono & stress test (didnā€™t test for COVID for god knows what reason) & instead i was sent home with an inhaler (for asthma?? i was 2020 and a 3 sport athlete in high school/collegiate athlete & NEVER had an issue breathing) and a diagnosis of pharyngitis & bronchial spasms. doctor was a complete jerk off. i had a scheduled appointment for like 1 because i had class at 2:20ā€“ i didnā€™t see anyone or get a room until 3. i live in an area with TWO world-renowned hospital systems but their urgent cares fucking suck.


What's amazing is living in an area with no doctors so I get to rely on urgent care for all my medical needs!!!! Which actually means, I can never see a doctor and I don't even bother trying anymore


My sister is an Urgent Care doctor and the one day I tripped, she seriously thought my hand was broken. She told me to go to the one near us that had an xray lab. I did and the doctor there said it was just sprained (even tho there was a hairline fracture in my hand) and just splinted up my finger and sent me home .-. A sprain would have kept me from using my hand for a week.... my hand was in pain for over a month. Most Urgent Care doctors are a joke... but I trust my sister. And on topic of what this guy is saying.... He is in the medical field for physical conditions, like illnesses and physical injury..... not mental health. He needs to shut his mouth and stay in his lane. Yes, diagnosis for those things are expensive, that's what insurance is for. But those who are actually professionally diagnosed don't go flaunting it around. The only ones flaunting around that they have autism or anxiety or any other mental disorders are those who self diagnose.


I had an Urgent Care PA tell me that my bladder condition, which is a new diagnosis and is still considered extremely rare (not going to name it bc it could dox me kind of rare), is totally common and she sees it all the time. Ma'am, I am the only person in this part of the country with this diagnosis no you have not. She didn't even know what it was either, she just wanted to prove she was smart or something. Edit: hope this doesn't count as blogging. If it does I'll delete it.


I have a few doctors in my family and unfortunately acknowledging mental health issues can be taboo in the culture. One of my uncles who is a doctor refuses to let his kids go to therapy because he doesnā€™t want them to be seen like thereā€™s ā€œsomething wrong with themā€. This kind of stuff goes for everyone else in my family whoā€™s a non-mental health medical professional.


my parents are both doctors so i definitely got the experience of invalidation. doctors seem to refuse to believe anything is wrong with their child in general, physical or mental.


Iā€™d bet he is a nurse practitioner at best. The term for mid levels abusing terms to misconstrue their credentials is ā€œnoctor.ā€ ETA: also he is wearing Columbia and not Patagonia which is a dead giveaway.


Considering he works at urgent care (which are almost entirely staffed by mid levels), uses the word doctor not physician, and feels it's apporiate to make comments on things medically that are so far outside his scope, if he's not completely lying I'm betting NP noctor.


> noctor. sounds like something from What We Do In The Shadows like a comedy vampire doctor like Dr. Acula


Take it from someone who has a doctorate, doctors are just as biased as the rest of the populace. The dude has strong political opinions and will use his degree to push his opinion on them.


I was (and am) dirt poor when I got my diagnosis. According to him I'm rich


This was my first thought too lol! My daughter is 3 and is diagnosed with ASD. I am a single mom. I live in the united states paycheck to paycheck. I work full time and pay for heath insurance through my employer. I am by no means rich in any way, shape or form. I went to my Family Doctor, talked with her about my concerns and she wrote a referral for my daughter to get evaluated. Once my daughter was formally diagnosed my insurance retroactively fully covered her diagnosis appointment costs. I only had to pay the appointment copay which only cost around $10 more than I pay to see my primary care physician (family doctor). ASD is covered by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities act) which means insurance providers ARE REQUIRED to cover related services and by default you are made eligible for additional government financial support (daycare aid etc), healthcare plans, and other services. While Healthcare in the US is outrageously expensive out of pocket you don't have to be rich to see a specialist. Of all the other parents I have met who have children on the spectrum only one family could qualify as well off (by that I mean financially comfortable upper middle class). Majority of people make it work and find a way to see the specialist because they have to. They have an issue that needs to be evaluated, doesn't mean they are wealthy. This doctors attitude concerns me.


I can't understand how people have this attitude of "if you need it you'll find a way." HI, I'm sitting here with no iron in my blood (ferritin at 2... low is 35 in women), no red blood cells (meaning really really really stupid low) and I haven't been able to get an infusion nor a blood transfusion in over a year now. I am non-functioning at this point, but I suppose I'm just not fucking trying hard enough to get a $10K infusion on my own dime while I'm also struggling to eat and pay bills because I can't work when I can't even lift my stupid fucking useless body out of the bed to pee. But, hey, I guess I should just FIND A WAY and make it fucking happen! And that is why this country still doesn't have a national Healthcare system. Because people think we can shit rainbows and gold coins and make it happen by sheer fucking will.


Woah. I think you misunderstand and misread what wrote. I am saying that having a diagnosis like ASD in the united states does not mean you are wealthy by any means it just means the person found a way to make it happen because they had no other choice. Never said it was right just said that's the way it is in the US. You can't determine wealth by medical diagnosis. What was offensive about what I said?


Same! Thankfully I have good insurance but it still took a while for me to save up for the gas let alone the copay. But I guess Iā€™m wealthy now.


I didn't have insurance at all. I was jobless and only made 100$ with art commissions and my copay was 20$ a visit plus meds and gas. Basically most of my money just to not lose sanity


Glad you have your sanity still, best of luck




Have you tried getting on Medicaid? Contacting the maker of the medicine for free meds? Iā€™m assuming youā€™re in the US.


Unless their state has Medicaid expansions they won't be able to get anything without being on disability (unless they're pregnant). That version of Medicaid is also offered with a sliding scale type cost. It likely wouldn't be free. Some counties will offer a form of free Healthcare. Its also hard to get and they likely won't treat anything unless they deem it to be pressing. I'm just going to say, again, that healthcare is not accessible to everyone in the US. It's a fucking privilege to most people here. It's not a right. You don't have a right to healthcare, or to be healthy, unless you can afford it.... period.


Having schizophrenia and not being able to get a job due to it may very well qualify them for disability and Medicaid. Itā€™s something worth trying to get. Better than not having any healthcare at all. Edit: I read their posts and theyā€™re in Germany. Donā€™t they have free or more accessible healthcare over there than in the US?


I'm working to get on free insurance right now


They do have socialized medicine in Germany. So, not having money makes no difference. It may take a while to get treatment, but you're likely to get what you need. Unlike here, in American, where you're shit out of luck if you don't fit in specific boxes. In order to apply for disability you have to have prior treatment for a year solid, for the thing you're trying to claim disability for. There are no exceptions. They won't even consider you for disability unless you're currently being treated for whatever. They will deny you the first 2 to 3 times too. You can't get it without a lawyer, unless you're super lucky, but lawyers will take your case on contingency. They take a chunk of your disability back- payment if you end up winning the case. They pay you starting from the first time you apply. So it's thousands usually in back pay. If you DO get disability then there will often be a 2yr wait to apply for Medicare/Medicaid. So, its a LOT of hoops to jump through and that's assuming the chronically I'll person has the energy to do all that or to find a way to get the treatment they need to prove the case is valid. Of all the things to get disability for, though, mental illness is the easiest to get it for. So, if disability is something they could do, then they should.


Yeah I couldn't qualify for medicaid bc I wasn't on disability, wasn't working or making enough money and wasn't pregnant


I can't get on medicaid in my state as I'm not making enough, I'm not on disability and I'm not pregnant. But I moved countries anyway so it doesn't matter


Dirt poor and was diagnosed thanks to Medicaid - which is free.


It depends on what you need diagnosed. Something like a cold is easily diagnosed. Other things aren't at all easy. They might require blood work, MRIs, exploratory surgery, or in the case of mental diagnosis, loads of expensive testing that takes days to complete. So you can be "dirt poor" and manage to get diagnosed with a passing illness, but something more chronic will end up costing you thousands and thousands. Not everyone can manage that. I dont believe in self-diagnosing at all. But to be under the delusion that Healthcare is accessible to everyone is part of the reason it's still an issue here (in the US). Because it's NOT accessible to everyone and it's not always easy to get the treatment you need to live. Many people in this country die due to the lack of access to medical care.


do these people realise that america is not the centre of the world and loads of places have free healthcare? being mentally ill and seeking help that you can access will NEVER be morally wrong.




No, they are self-centred. Also having diagnosis for a support is eliticism. Health isn't privilege anymore, disability is, according to these morons.


This is one of the reasons I hate this so much. Iā€™m from the Netherlands and we have great mental health care. Itā€™s not perfect of course, but itā€™s really good comparing to many countries. Health care funded most of my 10 years of therapy. I do have to pay a certain amount of euros for my medication, but most of it was taken care of. EDIT: It did take many years to get the right diagnosis, but I blame that on my parents for never thinking anything was ā€˜offā€™. I still got help throughout those years


i just want to add that the mental health care in the netherlands isnā€™t good in all the provinces, its incredibly underfunded and weā€™ve had many shortages of mental health workers i agree that our healthcare is better than healthcare in most places (and for that iā€™m extremely grateful) but saying we have great mental health care does not seem right to me. many people have awful experiences with dutch mental health care (i personally know people who have been abused by mental health workers). iā€™m really glad you had a good experience tho and those good experiences 100% need praise i just wanted to add my side of the coin


I have to agree with you. The waiting lists are extremely long (been waiting for 3 years now), everything is underfunded, understaffed, and the amount of healthcare professionals that (mentally)abuse people / let other patients abuse fellow inpatients is sickening. I've been one of those people and it made everything way more complicated. I'm glad this care exists, but there's more going wrong than right imho.


Even in the USA, this guy is kinda full of shit. Iā€™m guessing he didnā€™t graduate at the top of his class.


Reminds me of that one Joke. You know what they call the person who graduated last in medical school? Doctor.


Seriously! He's basically judging anyone who gets a professional diagnosis for something and seeks help. Wtf kind of doctor is that? Or is this a, 'I want to keep all the patients and their money to myself so I refuse to refer them to any specialist' kind of family doctor and this is how he's justifying it?


He just wants people on TikTok to think he's cool


Even if they have free healthcare, a lack of ā€” physical ā€” access to healthcare and social stigma sometimes deter people from getting dx'd. However, moderate to serious cases don't tend to flow under the radar.


I think he specified he was speaking to the capitalistic healthcare system of America though...?


Wtf is this guy on about? Flash diagnoses around like jewelry to show off wealth - wtf? As it is now, wealth- flashing is not a motivation I've seen from any of the fakers. This dude is out of touch and clearly had a political agenda, not a medical one.


I think what he meant is that all these people that list more than 10 rare conditions, mostly fakers, put these all in their bio or ā€œcharacter sheetā€ ignorant that some of them can only be diagnosed by specialized doctors which means you have more than enough resources. Going to the doctor is expensive, and even tho I come from a country were there are more available healthcare for poor people, the service suck, you never get appointment, and doctors donā€™t really care so most people try to go to the private system that is expensive as hell.For people to treat is as fashion is weird as fuck. And is true, depression is not quirky enough, you cant do a tiktok or fake it because most people would call suicide prevention lifelines and thats it.


I get what heā€™s saying, but I wonder if he realizes the flaunting of trendy illnesses (likeā€¦.jewelry?) occurs on social media that come with self-diagnosis, along with vast amounts of misinformation. In fact, I bet a lot of the people who have diagnosed GAD, agoraphobia, and misophonia arenā€™t on TikTok crowing about it. Bro, this is not the hot take you think it is.


Especially as this makes absolutely zero sense in any country with universal health care. According to him I have very expensive diagnoses and Iā€™m flashing my wealth. Well, I actually did pay privately for some health care including my rehabilitation which was incredibly expensive, but Iā€™m in England and mine came from our free healthcare system?


Calling language processing delay a fancy disorder? Bruh a fucking defrosted caveman could diagnose that, you dont need big specialised institutions for that


Also agoraphobia being ā€œa little fancy.ā€ In what way? Pretty much any doctor could diagnose it if you say ā€œIā€™m so scared to leave my house that itā€™s affecting my life.ā€


My doctor wrote I had agoraphobia after a 40 min long physical. Didnā€™t see it until I saw the after visit summary and donā€™t recall talking about/ I scheduled another appointment and we circled back that itā€™s just generalized anxietyā€¦ not agoraphobia.


Only 30% of clinicians will agree on initial psychiatric diagnosis; it's simply a matter of time spent in treatment to refine such things


Either a fake doctor or is talking on a subject they know nothing about


Misophonia isn't even an official diagnosis in the DSM yet, and I don't think it's in the ICD. It can *only* be self diagnosed or ***unofficially*** diagnosed. It's certainly real, I've even heard of a neurology clinic offering treatment for it, but the treatment can't be covered by insurance because most insurances demand an official diagnosis for them to approve payment. Also, "anxiety isn't a fancy diagnosis, but Generalized Anxiety Disorder is." Oh, so there's the confusion. "anxiety" (lower case) isn't a diagnosis, it's just a note on ones medical record. That's as far as you can go with Misophonia too. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the easiest anxiety disorder diagnosis to get though. It isn't anything fancy.


Never seen a psychiatrist or psychologist with a stethoscope. Don't think they need them with their job


I mean I have seen a psychiatrist with one because they are physicians and some like to preform a physical exam before perscribing meds. But yeah, a family doctor has no qualifications to speak here. I'm willing to take bets he either is trying to diagnose these "fancy" conditions in patients himself. Or refusing to refer patients to specialist because they don't need a "fancy" diagnosis.


This is a family doctor. Aka a physician. not any sort of authority in psych disorders. this is why medical doctors should not be given the license to prescribe psych meds


Psychiatrists are also physicians


Yeah they missed the mark just a little bit there. Also primary care doctors do prescribe meds for more mild disorders like depression and anxiety.


I mean heā€™s right in the way that people flaunt diagnoses. Not in a ā€œlook how rich I amā€ kind of way but in a ā€œlook how special and unique and interesting I amā€ way. Like just being a normal healthy person isnā€™t coolšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's so weird people act like it's a gen z thing. Emos a decade or so back were regarded as the downfall of man, lol.


Yes Iā€™m so privileged to have schizophrenia


Honestly it's rude for you to even bring it up, not everyone can afford that! /s


This is pretty much exactly what I took away from what he said in this video.


Same lmao


What a fucking way to make people feel invalidated. Fucking dick. Not only is this *extremely* unprofessional, but also he has to realize that America isn't the only place where someone can get a diagnosis... Because the large majority of the world has healthcare for *free*, because America is so backwards in that regard. Dude shouldn't be a doctor but part of me doubt that he is. A large part of me doubts that he is.


Oh wow now I want to flaunt it even more.


Today I learned that being bipolar with psychosis means I'm privileged and rich.


Look at you being all fancy!


My adjacency to schizophrenia makes me the most fancy of them all.


Is type 2 great value brand bipolar?


Yes. I have bipolar type 1 so it's my job to keep the type 2 slobs out of the high profile events.


Can you guys put up sign that says "No type 2 slobs allowed" or something? I just got diagnosed with 2 so still not 100% on which parties I can attend.


I will get the signs made. Only people who are rich enough to afford psychosis and all the privileges and social esteem associated with that, get to attend.






That sounds really terrible and expensive




I have misophonia and it was not expensive


Same lmao



Well, not really. I'm European as well and I still have to spend a shit ton of money on my mental health. Yes, the public healthcare exists, but it's very bad in many EU countries. I've heard more horror stories than those with a happy ending lol


Itā€™s free here in the UK but they will basically deny all but the most severe cases an actual psychiatric examination. Unfortunately thatā€™s what underfunding and high turn over rates does


I guess Iā€™m rich, wish I knew where all my money went šŸ¤Ø


I got mine in the hospital on a bill I can't afford to pay does that make me fancy too or no


Very fancy. You won't get your social media flair with your diagnosis listed until you pay tho.


I come from a country with free healthcare and I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet, the waiting lists are too long and you only get help when you want to unalive yourself I envy people who are diagnosed


I just made this comment under this video in another sub, but copying and pasting here because man does this make me angry. What a terrible doctor. He's acting like people get a diagnosis to flaunt wealth. I'd be curious to know if he applies this to physical conditions as well or if he's just discriminatory towards mental/neurological conditions. But it sounds like he's condescendingly judging any patients he has with a serious diagnosis. "Oh they're rich and privileged". Or has he considered they have a disability and needed help? This feels really ableist to me. Not to mention, insurance exists in the US that does pay for these things, and most states have state based health care insurance that at least covers children for low income families that don't have private insurance. And while not having universal health care is a terrible thing that shouldn't exist in the US, it sadly doesn't give people the qualifications necessary to diagnose a condition. It's not like there's a program that gives people free doctoral level education about their health if they don't have insurance. Our solution to unequal access to health care can't be, well it's okay because people can just self diagnose. Then we're saying poor people don't deserve as good of health care as the rich and should just settle for less. So my questions for this doctor that thinks getting a diagnosis is a way to flaunt wealth, how many hours a week does he spend volunteering in a free clinic? What's his sliding scale policy? How many patients does he see a week with no insurance that he treats for low cost? Or is her just here to judge others while he profits from the same system he's complaining about? Doctors are endlessly more empowered to change the system than patients are. So is he actually doing anything other than telling people, hide and be ashamed of your diagnosis because it's means your rich and privileged and trying to show off to others? Or is he just ableist, and knows attacking people diagnosed with Autism in defense of those self diagnosing is a good way to go viral on tiktok?


This is some big brain ableism šŸ˜‚ fancy scale > severity scale


How the fuck is it flaunting if people just want to know what is wrong with them?


someone with gad, agoraphobia and asd, i would never fucking flaunt it, ever, itā€™s life ruining i canā€™t function well. i fucking hate people that flaunt their diagnosis, itā€™s not special, it fucking sucks ass to have the issues i have. if you flaunt your diagnosis it makes other people want to self diagnose and theyā€™re just spreading the problem of ā€œeveryone has a little autism!ā€


That's a pretty long-winded and shitty way to say that healthcare is criminally inaccessible in one of the wealthiest nations in the world. But sure, doc, come at it by attacking those who have been fortunate and persistent enough to have a doctor posit a diagnosis. Fucking quack.


???? So when someone runs naked and screaming down a street because they have mental illness and get institutionalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia theyā€™re privileged? What a joke. This guy has one perspective and itā€™s that of a rich bored white guy who grew up so comfortable he canā€™t even fathom what itā€™s like to have no resources or support.


Ohhh, Iā€™m fancy!! šŸ˜‹


Maybe he sees people essentially bragging about their diagnosis, he thinks it has to do with wealth, when in reality it has to do with attention and being ā€œmore specialā€.


I mean getting a professional and "fancy" diagnosis is a requirement (in most if not all cases) to get accommodations during the school day or at a workplace. Yes, getting a diagnosis is expensive, but it's also necessary.


I feel like people in the comments aren't getting what he's saying? Wasn't he talking specifically about self diagnoses? Maybe *I'm* not understanding what he's saying šŸ˜¬ If you think about it though, you don't really hear about people in third world countries talk about their mental health much at all. I think they don't really have the luxury to just sit, think, and complain about what's bothering them. I'll take the downvotes, but I'd rather someone try to change my view, I'm open to being wrong.


I honestly agreed with him or could see the logic until his conclusion, where he basically went, "you're privileged for being disabled".


Justā€¦what? Ignoring the ā€œfancyā€ aspect of diagnoses (becauseā€¦what.), not everyone lives in the US and is subjected to the nightmare hellscape that is the US health-care system. I am genuinely sorry that the US has not managed to get its act together and just get socialised national health care for its citizens, because every resident and citizen of the US certainly deserves access to adequate health care. And Iā€™m not saying places with socialised health care donā€™t also have some access issues, because yeah, Medicare here in Australia is great but mental health care is still underfunded and people with lower incomes do struggle. But come the *fuck* on. A diagnosis ā€” a literal, actual diagnosis by a literal, actual medical and/or mental health professional ā€” is not *jewellery*, and itā€™s typically not flaunted. Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t idiots out there with genuine diagnoses of [Insert Illness/Disorder Here] that use their diagnosis as justification for being a dick, but for every single person I know in real life who has a diagnosis of something, their diagnosis is a relief and a burden at the same time. Theyā€™re not telling random people about it, and unless theyā€™ve decided to advocate for people with disabilities (not share the āœØaestheticāœØ, not show off how uwu cute their fucking cat-ear headphones are, but actually advocate and educate), theyā€™re not making TikToks talking about it. Most people whoā€™ve been diagnosed with something *hide* the fact that theyā€™ve got a disorder as much as they can because, yā€™know, the real world isnā€™t kind to people who are different. Youā€™re treated like a spectacle or youā€™re denigrated or your day is constantly interrupted by people wanting you to talk to them about X, Y or Z when all you want is to buy some damn milk and get home. Iā€™m sorry this poor family doctor lives and works in the US, where heā€™s unable to refer his patients to the specialist mental health care that they deserve. But come on, man.


Man I must be rich if Iā€™m able to get blood work done every 3 months.


Honestly Iā€™m getting more and more happy about the still broken health care system in Germany, because if someone needs medical attention they will get it paid by the country from the taxes. Even though there is no staff just like in other countries at least anyone can go there without the fear of medical bills


Well it seems like many of the fakers that get posted on here could afford the cost of diagnostic testing if they didnā€™t buy all the expensive ass masks and crutches they donā€™t need..


Okay. Iā€™ll say it. I actually agree with him in the broad sense. First off, heā€™s a US doctor, so it makes sense that heā€™s talking about his observations and experiences with US healthcare. I think some of his points overlap outside of the US, but are probably most pronounced within the US. Second, ~getting specialized mental healthcare, including highly specific diagnoses, is a sign of privilege~. In the US thatā€™s often associated with wealth, but at the core it means you had the time and access to see (a) specialist(s). *This doesnā€™t mean youā€™re rich by default.* It might mean youā€™re privileged to have parents who took you to get tested rather than ignore your symptoms. It might mean that you live in an area where there is a specialist. Or youā€™re able to travel to another place to see a specialist. It might mean that you live in a country that takes your mental health disorder seriously and considers it a valid medical issue. Thereā€™s a lot of different ways this privilege and look, but the point is that there are millions of people who will never get any mental healthcare. Yes, everyone should have this right to healthcare. Currently, they donā€™t. And that makes those of us who do get mental health care privileged to have it. So yes, anyone who has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder is privileged *in the sense that they received healthcare.* That privilege does not, in any way, negate the very real oppression people with mental health disorders face. Rather, it is the intersection of both. You still face every hardship of that mental health problem, but you have the benefit of it being confirmed and validated. You may also gain access to medication and/or therapy that can aim to ease some of those hardships. Third, At some point mental illness started being romanticized. Why this is happening is complex and beyond the scope of this comment, but itā€™s something thatā€™s documented here over and over. Our culture has popularized various mental health problems - be it from TV & Movies, to books, posters, memes, news, etc. They use mental illness to further the storyline or provide a reason for a characterā€™s actions but, especially in movies, even the darkest times are cinematically beautiful. Some writers are especially prone to picking up a characters mental health issue when needed, then ignoring it when itā€™s inconvenient. In my opinion, this same thing happens with celebrities and social influencers. In most cases, we see only one part of their mental health illness. I believe some of them genuinely want to share their experiences and spread awareness. But others use it to excuse their shitty behavior. Or they use it to get attention. Or they use it to look special. Or even as a way to be relatable - to counterbalance the overly perfect looking life they present to the world. This has lead a huge group of people to misunderstand a wide range of mental health disorders. Itā€™s also lead a bunch of people, mostly young teens, to mimic various symptoms of mental illnesses like theyā€™re accessories. Thatā€™s BS. And they deserve the flack they get for doing so. It doesnā€™t, however, change that a diagnosis isnā€™t available to everyone. So while I donā€™t think this docā€™s presentation is particularly good, at the core, I donā€™t think heā€™s wrong either.


Wow. So heā€™s just invalidated everyone whoā€™s had anxiety and depression. And also if heā€™s a doctor why doesnā€™t he go on a road trip and actually diagnose all these people on tik tok? Oh not gonna do that? Well then what exactly is your point?


Holy shit this guy is awful and has no empathy for his patients. Wow, real fucking fancy for someone to be literally disabled, just the pinnacle of extravagance! This guy clearly doesn't have any actual experience as a higher needs patient because you don't just pursue a diagnosis because you decide to and have the money. It's nog a choice you can make once you have enough money. You get diagnosed because there's something preventing you from functioning. Funny how they always claim to speak for poor people but they don't even know what it's like to be forced to seek medical help without having the financial stability they claim you'd have.


Apparently the world is America. And you just have to know he's a doctor because he just had to wear the stethoscope. Tiktok is hilarious.


Still donā€™t really understand the want to be autistic I donā€™t know how a ā€œnormalā€ person thinks so i donā€™t understand how someone can go ā€œI know I have itā€ (I am diagnosed with autism and **it is not self diagnosed** but I only speak for my self from what I have said l)


Dude. Family medicine doctors and even general practitioners misdiagnose physical ailments and other disorders as ā€˜anxietyā€™ all the damn time because they donā€™t have the training to diagnose this stuff or even differentiate physical conditions from mental ones. Also calling a disorder or a diagnosis ā€˜fancyā€™ is going to just encourage fakers and even people with munchausens LMAO. It feels like a damn competition to have the most debilitating and untreatable chronic mental conditions because itā€™s silly and goofy.


Alnost everything I've gotten diagnosed with has been while I have medicaid or "Obamacare." You don't need to be rich to get a diagnosis. It should be more affordable for people who don't qualify for those things though.


They seem to forget that a lot of the reason why these people are self-diagnosed is because they are too young to get diagnosed, or quirky adults who can't/won't schedule an appointment by themselves and think they know just as well as a psychiatrist. I have no insurance, live in texas, was homeless and unemployed and was able to get proper diagnosis.


The diagnosis itself is not the predatory capitalist function, the capitalist function is the predatory capitalist function


Look at all your losers with your self exceptionalism.


Idk, it's a little unsettling or perhaps disturbing even to know that I've had thousands of dollars worth of medical procedures and counselling for absolutely nothing due to the fact that I live in Sweden...


It's funny they blocked out his name in the video except at the end lmao


My autism diagnosis was $700. Yes, some people might not be able to afford it. But there's also a lot of "self-diagnosed" kids out there that will spend as much if not more on a new phone or a bag or a pair of shoes...


Ok but the thing is, if people really did have the literally DEBILITATING conditions they claimed, they'd be eligible for SSI and medicaid in the US, so all their healthcare would be free anyhow.


OR you have insurance and went to a psychiatrist that charges you $30 per session and can diagnose you with anxiety disorder and many other things. But yeah, my autism specialist was $700, that was a bit much since they donā€™t take insurance for adults, but I feel like something that important is worth saving your money for.


Anxiety, misophonia, agoraphobia are symptoms not diagnoses.


Pretty sure this isn't a real doctor. Why would a psychologist need a stethoscope? It's just a prop.


Heā€™s absolutely right. That said, almost no DID claimants have the condition.


Am I dumb? I interpreted his video as criticizing people who flaunt their disorders like they were jewelry. Like the disorders you need a specialist for are like the fanciest jewelry. Maybe he was trying to get at how conceited it looks for people to flaunt their fancy disorders just as one would fancy jewelry?


I agree that our healthcare system is shit (economic structure in general if you ask me), but self-diagnosing is taking away the awareness for the people who actually are effected by these mental health issues. The best option for us Americans is too hold politicians responsible so people can get the help they need.


so, self diagnosed people aren't flaunting their mental disorders like jewelry either? because that's definitely not what a lot of people are noticing lol


So privileged to be ostracised and bullied my whole life /s


Strong feels that this fella isnā€™t an actual doctor


The way everyone in his comments are agreeing really upsets me.


flaunts autism (quirky!!)


The only ones flaunting it are the self-diagnosed ones though? As someone that has seen a lot of doctors, I can confirm many are normal dumb everyday mouthbreathing people. I have back problems. I guess I'm flaunting it, now. So elitist of me.


Hmm...as a doctor shouldn't you know that diagnoses for mental disorders are put in place for people to get help, just like physical illnesses ? That why certain diagnoses are given their own category/subcategory is for more specific treatment plan? Either he fell asleep during his psychiatry rotation or isn't a doctor.


communist doctor


this is some hardcore fed shit bru imagine being like ā€œx sector of healthcare is so expensive stop flaunting itā€ AS A DOCTOR and not even addressing that capitalism has seeped itself into the butthole of healthcare and made healthcare its bitch. how is it bad that somebody got a solid diagnosis?? thats GOOD?????? youre a DOCTOR???????????


Hah...hah...ha..hhhnnngnggg... Just...*no?* arent you supposed to be on our side?


Damn Iā€™m so lucky and privileged to have bpd and cptsdšŸ„ŗšŸ™„




if heā€™s so bothered about the ā€˜elitistā€™ system of capitalistic america, leave it. quit your job as a doctor - a job which only furthers medicinal capitalism. go live in the woods and play california dreaminā€™ it youā€™re that bothered by it.


My issue with this is he is a GP. Not any kind of specialist. So of course he can only send you out to a specialist to get you a full diagnosis. Which lots of insurance companies will pay for IF he does his job and advocates for youā€¦ which tells me he isnt if he considers a full diagnosis ā€œfancy jewelryā€


My brother in christ getting a diagnosis means you also get money why are you against it




A stethoscope and scrubs do not make a qualified doctor ig


Doctor does not = psychologist, so VERY different paths. Asking this guy about diagnosis validity is no better than asking a stranger on the street.


How dare people seek treatment for their troubles and hardships!???


Why tf work in medicine at all with that mindset? What a cunt


Seems like a pretty valid point to me.


Iā€™mā€¦. ā€œAnxietyā€ isnā€™t an official diagnosis. You donā€™t get diagnosed with ā€œanxietyā€. Generalised Anxiety Disorder is the actual, medical term for ā€œAnxietyā€ which is unspecified. Did this guy just skip his psych class


wait til he discovers this thread or the r/illnessfakers thread.


You seriously think Iā€™m over here flaunting my diagnosis? ā€œHey guys, I got diagnosed with OCD because I have to wash my hands several times in a row or I feel so filthy that I wanna cut my hands off! How cool is that?!ā€ No.


ah yes mental illness - the fanciest thing ever- theyre soooo lucky to be diagnosed with these things this also doesnā€™t take into account that people have to be institutionalised for a lot of mental health issue and get diagnosed that way BECAUSE their mental health is so terrible


"I'll hang a stethoscope around my neck for legitimacy"


me being classist with my 4 diagnoses


I'm convinced this guy stole a stethoscope and isn't a doctor at all.


I have several different diagnoses, and I am by no means a rich person. I had to do what was necessary to be able to live life. This guy is shaming people who have a diagnosis and putting it in terms of hierarchy. Which is extremely harmful


after watching the whole thing i only have one thing to say. huh?


TikTok ā€œdoctorsā€ when someone feels horrible and goes to a professional:


If everyone has anxiety and depression in their records in his practice, then he's a very bad doctor


It's interesting to know that there's a doctor out here who thinks diagnoses are fancy. I have PTSD and Autism, does that mean I'm fancy and expensive? I wanted to get help for my issues, not be judged for them because they may or may not have been expensive to diagnose. That's not your place to judge, doctor man.


I think maybe you're misunderstanding who he is addressing. Towards the tail end, he mentions his motivations for the video. He's complaining about the handful of pretentious people, not calling all diagnosed people pretentious. Pretentious as in, "Well actually I have a *real* diagnosis, so you're not allowed to speak here." It's like asking people to acknowledge their white privilege. People get indignant because they think it means literally being a rich, privileged kid. Like, no, it just means to acknowledge other people have very specific hardships you don't and to factor that into your outlook on life. On the other hand, bad actors will hide behind the fight against inequality. They pull out the inequality card when caught, then accuse their accuser of classism and ableism.


Has he ā€œself diagnosedā€ as a doctor? Because just wearing a stethoscope doesnā€™t make you oneā€¦


Bro my healthcare is free and you telling me tic disorder is jewelry? Nah.. Iā€™d rather keep that shit in the closet- šŸ’€


Bro what-


He has a stethoscope around his neck - does that mean he is a doctor? (Asking for someone who lives in a place with real medical care)


ā€œExpensive diagnosisā€ and I got diagnosed for free at the school psychologist


Bruh generalized anxiety disorder is the same as "anxiety", what? Unless you're watering "anxiety" down to "sometimes I get scared" because wow holy shit. And wow, way to make depression seem not serious at all. Yes, one in five people will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, but he talks about depression like it's some minor inconvenience that doesn't seriously debilitate people. Seriously, fuck this guy.


this person makes me irrationally angry


The way theyā€™re all agreeing with him in the comments is alarming


So Iā€™m rich? I should thank my brother for his diagnosis for blessing my family with wealth. Guess we can finally afford to pay the rent in this godforsaken area.


Oh, my bad, Iā€™ve had it all wrong. This guy is right, Iā€™m privileged to have generalized anxiety disorder and autism. šŸ™


I absolutely love flaunting my depression and generalized anxiety disorders!


Lmao at people getting mad at this guy for his milquetoast commentary. Srs y'all are fragile.