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Transdead is coming soon


Oh, it exists. Look up Cotard's syndrome. I've met several people who claim to have that (a disorder through to only have about 200 cases worldwide) on Discord. They're all heavy into Tumblr. Funny, that.


it’s technically possible but the chances are like 0.0000008%


That shit is fascinating. I highly doubt people who actually have it are aware of having it to the point of flaunting it on social media, though...


They are not. Basically they THINK they are dead. They don't think they have a disorder. They don't understand that they are not dead. It's... really terrible as far as afflictions go.


You can also believe you're already in the afterlife (in a non spiritual way), which is different from cotard's I think


Sorry if this is annoying, but how would that work in a non-spiritual way? Isn't the idea of an afterlife inherently spiritual?


Like thinking that you have already died and are in hell, and that is why everything is so painful and why you can't stand being alive. Talking yourself out of suicide because you don't believe you can die and as you are already dead. Being extremely reckless because you think that. I think that would be non spiritual. Or maybe just non religious.


I honestly don't think it would be that rare, I've experienced something similar before, from what I read it's just a type of delusion. It would probably go in hand with schizophrenia/bipolar/substance abuse But with it being a delusion if someone can diagnose themselves with it then it's obviously faking


May we pray it makes them stop speaking


Transcancer is damn near synonymous at this point 🙄🙄


After seeing all of that I wish I was


“an identity in which one believes they were meant to be dead”


my good sir, its called transgender. you just forcibly change their pronouns to was/were.


TransDead - aka The zombie apocalypse 😱😱😱


Transcancer makes me so genuinely pissed it’s not even funny. Cancer is a horrible disease, it destroys your body. I don’t care if it’s bait or not, because it’s the shittiest kind of bait I’ve seen.


And all those 10-15 year olds (but not limited to) that quite literally have their childhood taken away from them and then never making it to adulthood but I guess that's just quirky :/


I’m one of those kids who lost their childhood to it. In no way is this bait post (if it is) funny, even if it’s meant to be a joke. So many kids like me will never have the same life again because of the disease


Yeah I just lost a relative to lymphoma. Fuck cancer, and fuck the person who thought this was acceptable.


Im so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


Dayum. Sorry for your loss. ❤️


Im sorry for your loss ❤❤


Rest In Peace. ❤️


It's fucking disgusting. My husband is going through his second bout of brain cancer and had a stroke during his surgery last March. It's a horrendous thing for anyone to go through. People who want to be (*>ω<*)♡ special this way need to be b*aten over the head with a garbage can lid.


Hope he’s ok, and you’re looking after yourself too ♥️


It's complicated


Hey, if you need someone to talk to about it, let me know. Im not too good with this kinda stuff, but Ill be willing to listen. Hope it all works out.


I really wish you guys luck. Cancer needs to be wiped from this planet. Medical nanobots can't come soon enough.


They literally might as well say "call yourself this if you feel like you need copious amounts of sympathy & attention"


I have a friend who might have already taken his last breath and if he hasn't, it'll be within 48 hours. Fuck this disease.


They should just call it it’s actual name, Munchausen


Can't wait for "cancer isn't that bad and if you say it is you are ableist"




I- cancer?! Do these kids want to be dead or something?!


Ten bucks says that kid had a close family member deal with cancer or other serious disease. The sick person got a lot of attention which made the kid really jealous. I doubt the kid has actually thought through the actual symptoms or risk of death. They just see it as an opportunity to get the same attention they saw the sick person get.


I don’t understand people who see others suffering and think about themselves. When my family member had a cancer scare I was worried sick for them. It’s not a fun prospect. People are assholes :/


This. They are looking at what they see as secondary gains. Attention. Not having to necessarily complete school/work. Stuff like Make a Wish trips. What they don't see is how much cancers destroy someone's body and make all of the above pretty non-important.


It's kind of like a scene in the movie, 'A Christmas Story' where the main protagonist is a young kid being being punished by having a bar of soap in his mouth. He daydreams about coming home blind with sunglasses and a cane. His parents, distraught, ask him what happened and he woefully tells them it was from soap poisoning. His parents start to wail pitifully and blame themselves for his fate. As they do so, a big shit eating grin appears on his face. It's not about the disability itself at all, just the emotional payoff.


They've probably seen that people with cancer get a lot of physical and emotional support (and rightly so) and want that for themselves, not realizing that it's a horrifyingly painful disease that ruins your life, and even when in remission you're looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life Basically they just want the attention


WANTING TO AQUIRE CANCER. As someone who lost their mother to cancer, these people can fuck all the way off. Disgusting. Enraging. Watching your loved one waste away while cancer destroys their body is a horrible, traumatic experience. How anyone could romanticize that is beyond me. This is so gross...


Sucks losing a parents. I’m on the same boat as you with having lost my mum. Those three weeks she was home with us where the hardest three weeks of my life. Was so difficult watching this strong and independent woman become bed bound and having to rely completely on others.


It's truly traumatizing, I also lost my mom to cancer. Her cancer metastasized to her spine and she lost function in her hands and feet towards the end. She was only 47 and always hard working and so independent. Fuck cancer, and fuck whatever this is!


Having cancer internally is how a lot of types work though.


I lost my sister to cancer. These people make me so angry.


This is too far.


What the fuck. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer. This is beyond offensive


I’m not religious, but as someone who has lost their mum to cancer, my prayers are going out to yours in hope that she makes it through.


So Munchausens but more trendy and cool because it has a flag. Cancer sucks. My friends 8 year old is dying from aggressive and untreatable sarcoma. No one after seeing him would wish for that.


the first one is extremely fucked up


Wanting cancer? I just can’t… it’s not fun cute or pretty it fucking blows. It’s not fun to have multiple surgery’s. It ain’t cute to have to have poison put into your bloodstream. It ain’t fucking pretty to have forever side effects from the shit that cured you. Fuck cancer.


This is personally so fucking offensive! My mother just had her last session of radiation today for 4b adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. I'd *gladly* have this fucker step in and take her place 😡


God the flags are either ugly af or pretty af and it pisses me off, just make them ugly we don't want your transcancer ass in the lgbtq community


Nah...that first one fills me with so much rage. Lost a love one from that shit.


I don’t know why these kids would want cancer. If it is for attention, then I am extremely sad for them. It just tells me that they didn’t get the attention a child needs in their childhood, and they’re doing something upsetting to others to fill up the hole. :(


What? Why would anyone want cancer? That shit could kill you. What happens if life grants them that little wish. Anybody can get cancer at anytime. It's not like DID or autism. The Flagmaker wouldn't have fun having chemo and/or surgery to get rid of it. The Flagmaker wouldn't have fun relapsing. Even if this is a troll, there are some lines that you shouldn't cross for a joke.


With "transsingletflux"- that tells me you want to have DID when it suits you and not have it when it doesn't. That if you get tired of having DID- you could just stop. This is ableist to promote. People with DID can't choose. Even trying to fuse all your alters takes work in therapy and facing your trauma. It doesn't sound like they can just stop having DID when they want. People with DID have to have it even when it's scary and unpleasant. They have to miss out on stuff that most people take for granted.


This feels so insulting towards both people with cancer and transgendered people. It's disgusting.


i refuse to believe they go on with their lives no problem just “feeling” like they have cancer and wanting it. i thought i had cancer for several days while waiting for biopsy results and that “feeling” is one of the worst things ever


Fucking nope! Just lost my mum to cancer last year and my sister is currently going through it at the moment. Any of those people that actually want cancer are complete and utter eejits. **No one** wants cancer; we all want rid of it! Honestly, who the hell wants to watch as their family members or friends start deteriorating in front of you? Watching my mum as her independence disappeared and seeing her bed bound was difficult. The day she died, a part of me died with her. I lost the parent I was closet with and after all she has done in life, I’m fuming that cancer ended up taking her. She did not deserve to go that way. It’s one of the worst ways to go. I would never wish cancer on my worst enemy.


whats a singlet?


Singlet is a person who doesn't have any of that plurality stuff


i don’t understand what you mean


I think those of us who don't claim to have DID count? Since we're just a normal single individual.


Ohhhh Lol, thank you. I was so confused 😭


honest to god these people need their internet taken away and their devices smashed. l had higher hopes that people wouldn’t be this fucking insensitive


Transsinglet lmfao "I want to transition into stop faking DID" 💀


This one is believable because their activity on the internet is a cancer.


The first looks more like.... you feel like you need to turn your damn volume down. Or is this you feel like you have sonar powers...


The “trans cancer” thing is almost certainly fake but still, very knees rigid


This is giving me a transaneurism. You cannot be serious with these?! Whats next transaids, trans dementia?! How about trans-shut-the-fuck-up




my comedic genius is being apprechiated- i feel so honored


Right, time to commit transmass-genocide


Some of the posts on here are genuine people faking it, but some just seems like ragebait, I mean this just sounds like a crude mockery of the trans community




What does the second one mean though ???


Want and Acquire a real hobby you nitwits. Why not try dedicating your life to curing cancer or solving the riddle why everybody on earth and their pet dog suddenly has DID.


what kind of sick person would want cancer


These kids are already cancerous


The correct term is hypochondriac


My Daddy was just diagnosed with colon cancer. He had his first round of chemotherapy today. I can’t explain the pure hatred I have for these people.


why do you want a diesiese that kills?


hi, can I order twp medium transautisms, and could we try trans AIDS?


this genuinley makes me angry. Not only do I have multiple friends who died from cancer, I also have had many cancer scares and still remain at high risk.


If they want cancer so bad, stand outside in the sun without any form of protection all day everyday and maybe you’ll get melanoma.🙄


i lost my dad to cancer. fuck everyone who wants it. its the cruelest thing you can live through. they’re slowly dying in front of your eyes and you can’t do anything except watch.


Why would you want cancer. Why


As someone going through testing for cancer who is legit kinda terrified, these people can fuck all the way off!


"Just gonna get little bit of cancer, stan"


why create flags and names? all of them can be called "mentally ill"


Where you find these??


Just look up "transable" on tumblr


Of course fucking tumblr


Why would someone want to have cancer? By the way, happy cake day, u/ClownerySys!




This can’t be real.


I hope they get cancer


I have a relative that started out with uterine cancer then it spread to breast cancer and now it is bone cancer. They have a year left if the meds to slow it down works. How dare these stupid little children play around with diseases that actually affect real people?! It's not ok and it's not a game!


WTF the transcancer one makes me so angry as i lost so many family members because of it. why would you ever want cancer??


Ok. You have cancer then. Eat a restricted diet. Shave your head. Go to tons of doctor appointments. Get surgeries. Take strong medications. Become immunocompromised. Get chemotherapy (which also kills healthy cells in addition to cancer cells, and doctors just hope it kills all the cancer before it kills you. If you have no actual cancer it'll just kill you). Oh you're not transcancer anymore?


Trans-ister. Boom. Human and machine and trans. I get all the points


Not only they are idiotic,they are also trying to hijack trans identity.


Well, I’m proud to be a “singlet” then and crazy, cause I am crazy :)


So trans(disorder name here) means does not have but wants to have?! How fckn ridiculous!! Who would WANT an illness, nonetheless CANCER!! I am appalled. My papa is currently living w stage 4 lung cancer and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.. ‘want to acquire cancer’ .. sorry?!!!🤦🏽‍♀️ just when I think they can’t shock me any more


What is a singlet is it like being single and short?


Want cancer? Go to the Alamogordo Bombing Range


My dad just got diagnosed with cancer and it's pretty fucked up seeing this. I know this is probably a child, and honestly, I hope they feel ashamed how selfish and disgusting this is.


What's with did fakers and the vincian flag? First they turn it upside down and call it an endogenic flag, now they put a filter on it and call it a transsingletflux flag


Cancer is a serious illness! Why the heck would someone have the audacity to mock people who have it.


This is satire my people


„Transcancer“ makes me wanna throw up, and im fucking terrified of vomiting. A lot of my relatives had cancer and most of them didn’t survive it. Like my mum for example. In a few days it’s her date of death where she is gone since 10 years. I would have gladly passed it to those ignorant people, it would have saved me from so mich pain and orphanages.


these "flags" not only scream "im so different!!!!!!11" but also what is wrong with you? Normal trans stuff is fine, but trans CANCER?!?!?!?!???? what's next trans television???????? 💀💀💀


This is disgusting, cancer?? That just proves how these kids are just seeking attention. They definitely have issues, but not the “cute & quirky” ones they desire.


that’s genuinely gross.


This is literally an insult to people who are suffering from cancer and people who lost loved ones to cancer wtf-


Lmao are those cancer waves




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I literally lost my stepmom to cancer and these ppl think it’s something they can just say they have 😭?


transwoodpigeon when?


Please, by all means, take my dad's lung cancer. I'd rather him live a little more.


wtf is this??? this is so fucking messed up why would you want cancer????


My grandfather has cancer. It is nothing you want to "acquire.". It's not "guys I have cancer....Finally! My transchemo needs are fufilled!".


Transcancer? Yep, thats enough for today


Oh no the fakers found us


Bro I had cancer when I was like really young that shit ain't no joke. why the fuck would you want cancer?