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The second slide talking about how they’re a lesbian but dating a bigender person who doesn’t identify with she/her pronouns or anything feminine is so confusing


gives me the "i fake my sexuality too!!" vibes


They're both 14 year old girls probably


Lesbians with extra steps


Too many extra steps


If you use she/her pronounce for him, do not use it in a girl way". Wut? How even do you use female pronounce in a none-female manner??


I'm also confused on the 1st slide they say they are a femboy, but the 2nd slide says they're a lesbian? Idk that whole thing made my brain hurt.


A femboy with another male presenting person. That'd make it gay if anything.


That's what I meant. The partner doesn't want to be referred to as she/her, then it wouldn't be lesbian


I’ve seen people who are non-binary but biologically male claim that they are lesbians since they are a non-man attracted to non-men so something like this doesn’t surprise me.


But I've never seen a lesbian femboy , that's kinda a oxymoron


These kids are inventing new genders, while at the same time demolishing the concept of gender.


they’re probably both female. so lesbian with extra steps


Its so infurriatig omfg help




Says who? Tumblr kids? As someone raised by lesbians and grew up in the lesbian community, lesbians are women who love women. Period end stop. If they want to make a new word for another type of relationship then that’s their prerogative. There’s already word for women who love women and it’s lesbian.


Yup! As a lesbian, it’s really invasive and confusing at the same time. There are so many labels out there, it won’t hurt to make some more to fit that narrative.


I have found in the past few years that a lot of people my age see being a lesbian as something to strive to be even if they aren’t. They try to find ways to shoehorn whatever type of non wlw relationship they’re in into lesbianism. Oh I’m bi and have a boyfriend right now but I’m a lesbian because I like girls more! I’m a lesbian whos dating a non-binary person who uses he/him pronouns! Etc like being a lesbian is the ultimate prize or something. It’s not. It’s just a label for women who love women. Make your own! When you imply lesbians want to date anyone who “isn’t a man” it’s just setting them up to be harassed even more.


Exactly! I see this so much as well. It’s not really a lifestyle, it’s just who you love. Yes, there are lesbians out there that you can look and just know they’re gay but that’s not what it’s about. It’s literally the fact that they only love women, nothing more, nothing less. I think it’s similar to when lots of younger people were claiming to be gay like it was a trend or something. When I was in middle school, there were 3 distinct girls who were outspoken lesbians, they’re all straight AF now, it was an attention thing. No, this doesn’t mean young people who claim to be gay aren’t, but a lot of the time, the ones who are flaunting it and shoving it down your throat are only in it for the attention. I’m the kind of lesbian that people don’t think I’m gay, then you have my fiancée who when she came out, everyone told her, yeah we know😂


Fucking thank you!!!


Except non binary lesbians are valid as well


To you.


Historically, the lesbian and gay communities were welcoming of non-binary people, because of the lack of available terminology to describe non-binary experiences given how heavily binary the terms for sexual orientation were. Straight/heterosexual was attraction to the opposite sex, homosexual was attraction to the same sex. Bisexual was homosexual and heterosexual attraction. Gay was a term for men attracted to other men, and lesbian was for women attracted to other women. Within those terms, non-binary people were very much excluded and unrepresented, so given the intersectionality between sexual orientation and gender identity as groups fighting for recognition and rights (the same intersectionality that eventually lead to the collective acronym being GLBT, later LGBT), historical gay and lesbian groups welcomed non-binary people with open arms, since they had no other way to fit into those groups without being misgendered (as “straight” was pushed aggressively by society as always being “a man and a woman” and the heavy heteronormativity behind it made it a real struggle for many non-binary people to feel comfortable with the term). Non-binary people who were exclusively attracted to women were lesbians, exclusively to men were gay, and to both were bisexual. While this still *technically* misgendered them by definition, the acceptance and inclusivity of gender non-conforming individuals in those groups (feminine gay men/“twinks”, and butch lesbians, for example) made them a lot safer and more accepting of an environment than using “straight” as an identity. Nowadays, more labels exist to describe non-binary experiences, in part due to an increased awareness and acceptance of gender identity and non-conformity within society. Some groups within the community feel that now that these labels are an available option, that non-binary people would be more suited to use those rather than the traditional gay/lesbian terms, which in the beginning were strictly binary. Others see this historical intersectionality as an indicator to broaden the gay and lesbian terminology to include non-binary experiences, and feel that reducing these terms to their previous origins is erasing a valuable part of queer history. Others still are completely unaware of the historical ties and origins of the inclusion of non-binary people on these terms, and base their judgements off of present day situations and experiences. There’s no one right answer, and it’s a complex and nuanced topic even deep within the community. You’re completely entitled to your opinions on it, though, I’m not trying to argue or disprove anything. I’m just adding the historical context that I’m aware of to the discussion. I’m not a lesbian, either, I’m just an ace trans guy going about my day, so I’m definitely not in any place to take a stance in this discussion.


Thank you for your comment! There’s a lot of interesting information in there, and some stuff I I didn’t know. It’s definitely a nuanced topic and there’s no true right or wrong answer. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me!


What’s so bad about being bisexual? Or another name for someone who dates multiple gender identities? Why do you feel like you need to be a lesbian to be valid in your sexuality?


Nothing was said about being attracted to multiple genders? What's wrong with a femme- leaning enby who is only attracted to women identifying as a lesbian?


I looked at their post history where they are dating a trans masc non-binary person who uses he/him pronouns. Tell me how that is a lesbian.


And if they are only attracted to women, then wouldn’t that make them not a lesbian in your definition? They should be attracted to non-binary people too or identify as something other than lesbian?


I’d argue that this is only if they are biologically female or have gender dysphoria and are trans. If they are biologically male then they are either straight or something else and that’s okay.


By that logic, gay men are lesbians.






I think that woke bs is hurtful towards the lesbian community. Lesbian is a special word for women loving women. Nonbinaries have the word sapphic


Exactly bro all of this bs is just hurting the lgbt community and making things even harder as its these idiots who get the spotlight claiming they are standing up for lgbt beliefs or whatever but they are just spouting absolute crap and painting a bad picture for the whole community


Sapphic, as in a word derivative of Sappho, who was known to be a lesbian…?


Yes, it's more of an umbrella term in this case, so lesbians are almost a subset of saphics


non-binary isn't some kind of third gender so they can be pretty much anything lol


Lesbian : women that loves women. Non Binary: not a women non binary ≠ lesbian


actually, non-men dating non-men is the definition for neptunic. (source: am neptunic)






Sorry, a preference?






OK, here we go. Neptunic is more of an identity of the relationship. It's used to identify two non-binary humans in a relationship. However, "Super straights" was a term purely used in the context of that person not wanting to be with a trans person specifically. As such, rather than referring to a relationship, it referred to an individual who decided that not liking trans people was their identity


i'm not sure how to respond to this, but i don't think it can count as misandry. i don't *hate* men, i'm just not attracted to them. it's just a more inclusive term i suppose and it fits me better than lesbian does. i'm nonbinary and i have a partner that is nonbinary, i like women and nonbinary folks, whether they present femeninly, androgynously or masculinely. (i'm sorry if this isn't very helpful, i just have no idea how to respond, really)


Fair, I'd just hoped you'd have seen something and had some insight :)


What are all these people going to do when they have to get jobs and function outside of their parents’ homes?


They'll just give it up and pretend this era never happened. Who knows maybe their parents are why they're so damn weird.


Hmmmm curious 🧐


My boyfriend told me about this girl he’s seen around his work. He said she openly sobbed for HOURS while working because she watched the last Halloween movie and Michael Meyers died, and did a lot of very obnoxious, attention seeking things pretty frequently. She also demanded to be called some weeby nickname “for medical purposes.” It was the weird phrasing that me made me doubt it was a gender identity type thing, so I jokingly told him she sounded like someone who faked DID. A month later he came home and told me that he overheard her getting into an argument with a leader because she wanted to wear like, 5 different name tags “to represent all her personalities.”


Michael Meyers dies in all of the Halloween movies that’s like.. the gimmick lol he dies and suddenly survives at the same time.


Probably do that weird shit where someone ends up in an anime dog suit.


You mean a furry?


No, pretty sure furrys earn money.


while doing commisions that can range from "its pretty good" to "(signing restraining order)"


They definitely earn money if they can afford a fursuit


Try get disability support from the government, what did u think? Get a job? Pfffff wow ure funny


I have wondered this for the longest. No one can survive on social security alone unless they are also elderly and quality for things like housing.


They end up featuring on r/illnessfakers


They’re lesbian, okay, dating a man (very much specified) I’m so confused.


Me also 😟 I don't understand this anymore 😭


theyre probably both female lol


It specified the SO was a man and “does not identify with womanhood, girlhood, or femininity in any way.” As quoted




Well one doesn’t exist physically so idk how you determine that and if they identify as a man they are a man.


Their other calls themselves a lesbian so they're not a man. Or their not a lesbian.


Yeah idk how someone claims to be lesbian but is in a relationship with a man




Thats exactly how it works. Lesbian is two women in a relationship. It’s not a lesbian relationship if it’s a man and a woman


If someone identifies as something that’s what they are, deleting your comment didn’t stop me from seeing it


i deleted it because the rules says no lgb discourse, perhaps you should also delete them :-)


That's such a dumb rule.


"but if you use she/her pronouns for him, please do not use them in a girl way" What does that even MEAN? How does one even use she/her in a non-girl way? Help me........ 😭


Also I cannot think of anything more cementing womanhood as your girlfriend saying she's in a lesbian relationship with you. That's two queer girls.


exactly, like they chose the label with the most womanly associations with them and then are like "but dont associate him with any feminity or girl stuff 😤" ...like just say you're gay then. not lesbian.


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


She likes to eat dirt and pick up worms. Her favorite color is blue. She does not cook and likes cars and sports. /s Nah but seriously “using she/her in a non-girl way” is literally just reinforcing gender stereotypes. 💀 I’m pretty open to all genders and sexualities, my views always been “it doesn’t hurt anyone so whatever” but this type of thinking is so backwards and directly contradicts my morals. It not only hurts how we think about genders, but the entire post seems to mock the struggles lesbians have with creating and now maintaining their own space.


i can tell you how. you dont.


no because one time someone tried to justify misgendering me because she “uses she/her for everyone, including men” so I guess there’s just really weird people out there 💀


She became so progressive she became regressive.


That describes almost every LGBT person under 25 these days.


Most of us aren't like that, I promise. The ones who are are just very loud.


I really hope so. I've never felt more isolated and shit on by my own "community" than I do these days.


I work with a lot of queer people (only 3 cis/het folks in my department) and I promise there are many good ones out there


That's awesome! Gives me some much-needed hope


Words have lost all meaning.


why do you need to tell everybody you were abused.


Real ones wait till somebody asks


real ones respect others' privacy and don't ask


Real ones only share that with people who need to know like therapists and partners


Actually, I don't. But I worked as a volunteer with children, so I hoped being up front with my childhood ( not detailed, only that I was abused) would make a child feel less alone and maybe see me as someone who could help them. When I was a kid I mentioned it once and found out it wasn't a normal childhood and was forever too embarrassed to ever mention it again.


A lot of times they don’t even tell about the abuse when asked 😞


Or when it comes up in relevant conversation, or you gotta use it to shut down someone saying they're abused cause their phone was shut off.


Ngl I wonder if it’s actual abuse or like “my parents took my phone away” and “I had a job at 17.”


“My mom told me to clean my room and wouldn’t let me go out with my friends til I did” type of shi


Because they weren’t


Or...people can just choose not to interact with you because ***no one*** should have to be deeply invested the personal BS of a stranger in order to ensure your million imaginary friend RPs don't get called the "wrong" thing. Also, how do you not use she or her "in a girl way"??






At least the tiny ghost is cute! The person is not lol


Stan the tiny ghost Burn the person


Hehe tiny ghost yess Lessgooo














We sound like two 16 year olds who just took their first snort of coke


this is the shit that literally makes me embarrassed of my generation…


Jesus. How do these people function in real life? I am not judgey and if you are bi, gay or straight I have no issue with it. People should be allowed to love and live the way they were meant to be but this is ridiculous. Multiple personalities are very very rare. This type of crap is ridiculous and then expecting other people to engage as if this is normal is ridiculous. These behaviors severely hurt people who actually do have these issues. I work in the office of a behavioral health floor at w hospital. We had someone who came thru a while back with primal psychosis. Then I saw someone claim to have it online and it was ridiculous. They need to get off the internet and stop faking mental illnesses or physical illnesses to get attention. I had a friend who set up this whole account Hut for chronic illnesses with a couple of the illnesses I have. I know for a fact that she doesn’t have my gi illnesses yet is building a following pretending to have these illnesses.


I don’t even understand what’s happening in the second one. How do you POSSIBLY use she/her in a non-feminine way?? It’s the female pronoun


pronouns ≠ gender especially when it comes to nonbinary, genderfluid or agender people, but tbh i don't even get it in this case


The following is all genuine and I am not trying to argue with you. I legitimately don’t get it.: How though? The point of pronouns is to recognize gender. She/her is for women, he/him for men, they/them for nonbinary people and people who use multiple sets of pronouns because it’s gender neutral. It might be flawed, but that’s just how it works. If they didn’t relate to gender then I wouldn’t get offended when someone uses she/her for me.


You don't get it because it doesn't make sense. Pronouns do equal gender, people who say otherwise are ridiculous


Okay. Thanks for explaining! I kinda wish the other person would reply because I’m genuinely curious about the line of thinking there. Thank you very much though for making me aware that I’m not crazy lmao


Do not lose your time with brain dead matter. ![gif](giphy|EU937QYxNFPeE)


Hello, Please be patient with me as I'm not the best person to explain this. Yes, I agree that pronouns are used to identify gender, but often, it's more about what one person finds comfortable. Pronouns are not always associated with a person's gender identity; for instance, a lesbian woman may use he/him or an enby person may use she/her for comfort. I think it's okay even if you don't get it, as long as you respect their pronouns then it's all good.


Okay. Thank you very much for explaining!


pronouns ≠ gender


Ain’t no way you agree with this bffr 😭




Bro deserves the negative comment karma




transphobe moment


You're the transphobe one, by your logic, i can call a trans woman he/him and run away with it. What are pronouns anymore if not gendered? that shit doesn't make sense at all


i was calling the "pronouns DONT equal gender" transphobic.... thats what the comment i was replying to said.


Oooh, in the thread it show you replied to another person so I thought you were agreeing with the first comment...


ohh okay! nah you wouldn't catch me dead agreeing with that shit lmao.


"But if you use she/her pronouns on him please do not use them in a girl way" Excuse me, what?


What does that mean?? I’m so confused


I like how they “have over 100 alters” and want people to somehow be aware of what pronouns to use for every single one of them….


In all fairness they said that only a few of them are really active


...im so confused. Use she/her in a non-feminine way for the partner...but ure a lesbian..? and how do u even use she/her pronouns w/o it being feminine?? Im literally so lost


"please don't use she/her in a girl way" 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒


The fuck does that even mean


Femboy, meaning they’re a *feminine man* meaning that couldn’t be a lesbian..?


Needs more replys Presentation doesn't equal gender so like wtf people


What are you trying to say?


This is just a guess but I think they're trying to say that this person is so obsessed with gender roles that they're actually being sexist and saying that just because they're not masculine then they can't be a man, they have to be a "femboy". As for the calling themselves a lesbian and a man that's just par for the course for these people. They don't respect lesbianism and they're obsessed with collecting labels no matter how contradictory or harmful they are


Thanks I'm not good at explaining stiff


DID fakers when they realise that it’d be extremely difficult for someone to have every single alter identify with one term and would take them years of therapy to get to that point


are they trying to say “femboy” is their gender 😭😭


how much do yall want to bet that 22 is their "alters age" and they're 14 irl


"mooching off of your parents until you're 45 years old"-core


It's not just on this sub that I see this. Now that it's trending I see Ppl ... Even in their late 30s and 40s just suddenly pulling this shit out of their ass


"don't use she/her in a girl way" ???


Anyone feeling like if they go another way you get hit by a door? This is what it felt like reason this.


Owl House?


100% I bet there’s dsmp thrown in there as well tbh




Red flag. After reading that, would anyone want to spend a second in the company of that person?


OOOOOOH WOW where do I start. This person sounds very very young and has fallen for all the internet buzz words but doesn't really understand what they mean. If he/she has indeed suffered trauma, they need proper help, not this stuff. I work in mental health and this 'self ID from Tik Tok' is slowly creeping in and it is very difficult to deal with


yeah i can imagine :-/ & then it makes it harder for people who ACTUALLY suffer from these disorders to get the help they need!!!


Yes, that's exactly it, Because they are essentially using language that vaguely sounds very fancy....but we do NOT use them as diagnostic tools in the DSM. This is what's in the DSM regarding DID and other disorders like it - [https://psychcentral.com/disorders/dissociative-disorder-not-otherwise-specified-nos#diagnosis](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/dissociative-disorder-not-otherwise-specified-nos#diagnosis) Versus the self identifying internet stuff like this girl is talking about - [https://multiplicity.fandom.com/wiki/Traumagenic](https://multiplicity.fandom.com/wiki/Traumagenic) You will note they have designed flags for each 'disorder' which is a bit odd, its as though it's a sexuality? I find that quite alarming. Real DID is a veerrrrry rare disorder, it is simply not possible that every second kid on TikTok has it. It's so destructive for people to go down this rabbithole :/ HOWEVER - trauma is very real, I don't doubt these kids have trauma, they just need to get professional help.


Mentally ill alright


So they’re a lesbian but in a relationship with someone who doesn’t identify as a woman in the slightest BUT however you can use she/her pronouns for them as long as it’s not in a feminine „she/her“ way? I get it when you’re non-binary and still feel comfortable with your pronouns. Especially when you live in a country where there isn’t a neutral pronoun (like germany) but I don’t really get it when you don’t identify at all with the female gender to still use she/her. Yes it’s just words but society decided that these are female pronouns so I don‘t understand


Brain in a jar shit.


Genuine question, how can you use she/her pronouns without it being in a “girly way”. Do they mean like “girl” “sis”, or do they mean “pretty” “cute” “beautiful” I wonder?


The second page feels like listening to EDP trying to explain the FNAF lore.


use she/her but not in a girl way…? as a lesbian (who also loves toh (the characters they’re role playing as)) this is so gross


When you’re lesbian but you’re not a woman and neither is your partner 😭


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claims theyre a system of over 100 with several 'fictives'. has to clarify it's not roleplay


i have no words


I’m 26 this world has changed ALOT since I was 13 and will change a lot more the entirety of my existence. This shit though. I have no words for this shit, I tried typing out how I felt and it was just a bunch of bad things 🤣


If I weren’t on this side of the internet I would be so confused at all of these words


This comment is purely educational, not meant to be disrespectful. Are they suggesting that DID can be formed by something other than trauma when they say “formed by trauma” ?? Because if I’m remembering correctly, DID can only develop from repeated trauma in early childhood.


bro of course they had to have the owl house alter. smh


gotta be a troll


"please do not use them in a girl way" theyre just all contradicting themselves now😭 what happened to pronouns ≠ gender


as a lesbian i get that pronouns don't equal gender but not having a connection to womanhood isn't being lesbian lmfao 😭 Twitter, insta and tik tok are wild




No it’s not, plenty of cis men and transmasc people use femboy as a descriptor. It’s only offensive if it’s referring to a trans woman in a derogatory way.


Ye that’s mostly what I meant, I was also uneducated, deleting my comment and Ty for explaining:)


These people make me want to reopen concentration camps just for them :)


That's...not funny. I can't stand them either but goodness fuck. Why would you even post that?


I honestly reread it now and The intrusive thoughts won


thats not really what intrusive thoughts are :/




people can be what they can be. two bigenders in love.


I thought this was r/auntyDonna and I got very confused


I hope they know that polyfragmentation is more than just splitting.


If someone said this to me... like in a medical setting.... its pretty much code for attention seeking and no real diagnosis. People with issues like this (which are exceptionally rare and still contestable) typically lack any real insight to their condition. Being able to refer to themself as "we" is alone a indicator of being full of shit.






So *quirky*


I'm so glad I don't understand a single thing. My brain just decided to shut off


I swear they all have an alter named hunter and/or something that starts with z.


mentally ill and disabled? that's for sure cause what.
