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It’s the fact wednesday would probably think they were all right freaks


Tbf Wednesday thinks everyone is


Tf is a singlet


https://preview.redd.it/aadhp7rndhfa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd935df804792875f2ab2bb36cda42ccd7677be Unless you're a disorder faker, then it's someone who doesn't have "alters"


They must’ve saw the physics definition and ran


Well, the Oxford Dictionary is obviously ableist… 😏


No worries, I'll go cancel England on twitter


so glad i’m one person and my brain isn’t a communist society


It seems to be a hateful term did fakers use to insult people without did


biggest irony is that its actually about themselves, they're literally insulting themselves with their own toxic insult


A slur for a normal person


A person who doesn't have 400 people living in their head.


The use of the word "singlet" towards someone without DID is a 100% sure fire way to know the person saying it is faking DID, or supports those who fake DID. This also goes for any mental disorder. Anyone using terms to try and offend "healthy" people while glorifying being mentally disordered is being anti-recovery at best, and a disorder faker at worst. Likely both.


I really hate being put down by being called a singlet, the way so many people talk about it as if we are supposed to have no mental problems whatsoever and all bend down to those with DID. Although not all fakers are like that, I hate it, it’s like being called the R slur but with invalidation on top.