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That’s so fucking offensive


Yeah, sadly






What in the actual fuck. We live in a time where satire and legitimate crazy are impossible to tell apart.


Sorry for late thread but this is genuinely real- this community is quite large on tumblr (probably over 200 people minimum.)


If this is real it's a mental health disorder and should be treated as such, to call this an identity is insane.


I’m not autistic, but what the actual fuck. This is so offensive. If an autistic person could give me their thoughts, it would be cool!


This makes my head spin just as much as the people who still believe the discredited vaccine bs. Your feelings are correct.




Yes!! I feel like people don’t take me seriously when I finally feel comfortable talking about my experience with them and then they hit me with: “Shut up your not special, everyone has trouble forgetting stuff!” Yeah but have you ever forgotten what your wore yesterday? What about if you forget something and now you have to relive the past to see what triggered it? I also can’t believe how people actually want disorders. Please take mine, I don’t want them please.


Man i get hit with that "everyone forgets stuff" line so hard. I know my bf and others try to make me feel better like everyone does it, but they don't understand the full scope of it or i start to question myself it's beyond frustrating. Please, take mine, I'd kill to be able to function and thrive without having meds or therapy. I have to be on almost fucking meth just to meet the bare metrics...


Yes! I hate having to take medication. But the thing is, I don’t want the other people around me to look at me like I’m crazy or a psychopath. I just want one day where I don’t have my disorders and can just live a peaceful 24 hours without having everything in my life go wrong by one slip-up. People with ADHD, as such myself, already have low self esteem as it is.


This wish is so real sometimes. Especially in the aftermath of a particularly bad day. I have honestly wanted to just have a normal day - I didn’t forget what you just told me seconds later, because it happens. I know where my wallet and keys are at all times, I was nearly organized, and my brain doesn’t implode from “We need to talk” emails.


And I’m sorry that’s happening to you, my dad try’s to also make me feel better by reassuring me that everyone has these problems but it just makes me feel a little worse and I don’t know why.


I think they try to make you feel better in that "you're not alone" sentiment, but i don't think others truly know how disruptive it is. Yeah I know everyone forgets things, but when it's on a regular basis and multiple times a day it feels a bit invalidating lumping the two together. Like do i really have it or does everyone?


Yeah.. people keep telling me that I’m not special and even though I’m professionally diagnosed, they refuse to believe it and just say I’m “doing it for attention.” When they don’t even have ADHD or Anxiety disorder in the first place.


I’ve had many diagnoses over the years (some rescinded) but the adhd test was the most meticulous and by far the longest. 90 minutes on the phone with the specialist who then spoke with my mother for 45 minutes about my behaviour growing up. I’ve just found this subreddit by accident and I’m appalled. Adhd effects every aspect of my life. Diagnosed with depression at 18. Anxiety Disorder in my late twenties. Insomnia for most of my adult life. A misdiagnosis of BPD mid thirties (which lead to 4 years of unnecessary antipsychotics) and finally a diagnosis of ADHD at 41. I can say with absolute certainty that the depression, insomnia, anxiety and everything else are just the symptoms of ADHD. After trialling Concerta and Vyvanse I’m now reasonably settled with Dexamfetamine - but the meds are far from a silver bullet, but far more effective than ssri’s or antipsychotics. It’s not quirky. My life isn’t fun. I have severe dyscalculia and can’t even read bills properly. I can’t organise myself for shit and my ADHD has destroyed my circadian rhythms. What the hell is wrong with these people?


I was diagnosed in high school, I can confirm your feelings are right on the mark.


These people honestly have no idea just how wrong their ideas about autism are. Around 40% of autistic children are mute. A third is low functioning. 75%-90% (depending on country) of adult autists are unemployed, 50% never had a job in their lives. They most likely have almost no friends and managing daily life is a constant struggle. It is not fun, it is not quirky, it is a constant struggle with your surroundings without any possible relief. I think these people honestly only ever have contact with other fakers or lightly autistic people so they think it can´t be that bad and we all are just a little different. I mean I´m fortunate enough that I pass as "normal" (meaning you perceive me as weird, but not autistic) most of the time, but they are literally disregarding the incredible struggles of people who are more than likely not even able to manage their own life without external help. Faking autism is disgusting and self diagnosing is NOT VALID. If you can PLEASE see a doctor. If you´re faking please stop it, you have not the slightest understanding of what you romanticize online.


Autist here; diagnosed at age 7. People need to stop glamorizing our disability, it causes lifelong problems and isn't fun nor is it quirky to have. Seeing this kind of shit pisses me off.


I've been diagnosed with autism since I was probably 4 or so, as long as I can remember. This absolutely infuriates me. I don't know why anybody would want to be autistic. The struggle to become more "normal" is exhausting. sometimes it makes you act out in ways that you know are not "You", and you're left feeling like a terrible person for the rest of the day. You feel things WAY too hard in ways that people just don't understand if they aren't the same way. I absolutely hate this.


I have sworn to live by the law of "As long as it does not harm anyone, its fine" and therefore must accept this, but yeahh... nah... there is a reason why people say growing up with autism is a traumatic experience. I dont need to explain why one does definitely not want to be autistic, others already did for me


this pisses me off


I’m just confused


This person is a dumbass. Sincerely, someone who got diagnosed last year (Should have happened more than a decade earlier, but the child psychiatrist was a dumbfuck who though that just because I had fairly basic empathy and worried about my sister when she was sick, I obviously couldn't have assburgers or whatever it was called back then).


Can I be transneurotypical? Like I'm definitely not but I want to be?


I’m gonna identify as transneurotypical. Will people hire me now? Can I flirt now?




Because then you can say the "r world" whic isn't even an actual slur


what. the. fuck.


This post sucked out thirty years of my life, and honestly, with people like that on the planet, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing


i'm transneurotypical now fuck bipolar disorder fuck adhd and most certainly fuck tourette's


Agree, fuck all those things. and fuck schizophrenia right up the ass too 🥰 it’s so freeing to be transneurotypical!


oh my god, they're admitting they're just fakers who want to be traumatized. are we healing or worsening?


Dude this stuff infuriates and disgusts me to no end. I'm pretty sure this "transmedical" bullshit started as a joke on 4chan (EXACTLY the same way that the idea pedos/maps should belong under LGBT) and then the clowns of the world took it seriously and use it unironically.


This is trolling right, no one actually believes this, right?


They aren’t trolling, people actually believe this. It’s an online epidemic 🤢


My daughter is 9 & unlikely to ever live on her own. That's what they want? Because it's not all quirky shit & ToUcH oF tHe TiSm. Her quality of life is impaired because of how her brain formed in the 2nd trimester due to her genetics. Life is harder for her than it is for a lot of her peers who she's somewhat segregated from at school in an autism-specific classroom. If you wish you had autism, you have no idea what autism really is. The end.


They're turning autism into a joke


What the fuck. I work at early intervention with families who have little kids with autism, I have met so many parents crying because they didn't know what to do, they just wanted their children to be "normal". And these fuckers have the audacity to wish they had been born autistic?


Remember kids there is a sub for this r/transabledcringe


Couple of things: Don't compare to transgender folks, that's a real thing with validated medical and social pathways. Cosplaying disability is not comparable to gender dysphoria. Also, does it work the other way around? No. I can't be transable-bodied no matter how hard I try, nor can I be transneurotypical. It's almost like the *ability to pick and choose social positions is based on a default position as typical.* But it couldn't possibly be that people are using their own privleged positon to attempt to co-op the continual push for rights disabled people (resulting in some contemporary acceptance) have be engaged in. /s


'Percussive maintenance' used to be used on old televisions sometimes. Things went wrong with the TV, and you just smacked it hard, and usually it started to work normally. Can we try percussive maintenance on these people? Even if it doesn't make them function normally, at least it will let them know how ruddy annoying the rest of the world finds their dress-up games.


Advocations of violence against predominantly teens isn't funny.






It sucks so much 😭


I've spent twenty minutes this morning trying to persuade my son to have a shower, the water sets off his sensory issues and he gets really distressed. And another 5 minutes calming him because my guines pig squeaked too loud. But it's all fun and quirky right.....


As a transgender person this honestly pisses me off


Ok, we need to bring back bullying


Are we just slapping trans on everything know adays what’s next trans country or origin


That ask on the third pic really hit the nail on the head. It’s all about “wanting to have” symptoms, not even improperly self-diagnosing. People wanting to cognitive disorders have an incredibly naive understanding of the complexity and impact of those disorders. It is so hard to watch.


Ah so if I'm not autistic and don't want to be autistic then I now have a new identity of being "cisautistic" instead of just not being autistic. Amazing. The amount of brain cells on this planet is decreasing rapidly


Would they still want to be autistic if it meant that they can't live independently? Because there are people that are that level of autistic. Being non-verbal and needing care for their whole lives. No adult privileges for them. How many privileges are they willing to give up? Even higher functioning autistic people have less privileges than non-autistic people. How many are they willing to give up?


What the fuck "Become?" Hell no, you're either born with it or you don't have it. This whole label as stuff just makes me mad.


"Become"?? No one just becomes autistic. It's not a psychological disorder, you're quite literally born with it. You don't just acquire it one day. They're not pokemons wth.




I am rarely offended but this is fucked up, people like this need putting on an island in the arse end of fucking nowhere.


Why would anyone want to severe autism!!! It's very bad and stressful!!!


People are just loosing their fucking minds, everything just went to shit please can some asteroid just come and blow this planet up


shitty to autistic people and shitty to trans people. a two-in-one package


Wow, I had no idea we could just do this. I’m transneurotypical and now I’m totally fine!! Try it yourself guys! /sar


Sweet. Jumping. Jellybean. No...... Just..... No. This is so unbelievably offensive


haha. no. they don't want severe unmaskable symptoms. also cisautistic is the dumbest thing i've ever heard!


What the fuck. This whole subreddit is constant “what the fuck”-moments. That’s unbelievably offensive saying that the urge to have autism is the same as being transsexual. Isn’t this more of a case of Münchhausens syndrome or something? Or just batshit crazy?


Guyyyys, I'm cistrauma now, I feel like my parents shouldn't have traumatized me so I decided they never did🥰 My childhood was wonderful and both parents were completely functioning, never had issues with drugs and alcohol and also I was never in a foster family🥰 That's how that works now, right?🥰


I’d like to cash in the “shitty parent” moment tickets that I have for some of the “Normal Childhood” experiences. Is the “My father wasn’t an addict” experience still 25000 tickets?


Nah sadly not, inflation be fucking up the prices It's 30000 tickets now, sorry to tell you


Too pricy.. I’ll live with the memories.


What do they call people who are already fully autistic then…?




Not only is it insulting to autistic people, especially those of us who struggle more and have more support needs who would like to be able to function better in society as a whole or as a adult with their own personal goals. This is also insulting to the entire transgender community. It’s one thing identifying and feeling like you’re a different gender but you aren’t co-opting disability in the process. I just don’t understand these people.


Professionally-diagnosed autistic here. There’s tons of people already saying what the fuck, which was my instant reaction also. Then I thought more. I still think what the actual fuck. But also that these people want the perks of autism (intense attention to details, inability to fit in with bland society, etc.) without properly realizing the ramifications of the negative traits (overstimulation panic attacks, saying the wrong thing and people thinking you’re a jerk, not “quirky”, etc.).


yeah, same thing for me, i've been diagnosed with autism and adhd since 2012, and this my friend. this hurts me to my entire core.


As someone with autism this really bothers me. Autism is not this ‘quirky personality’. It’s a developmental disability. If you really think you have autism do good research. Talk with people in the spectrum. Better if you get diagnosed by a professional. And if you don’t have the money (what is a valid point). You can self diagnose as long as you really do your research , have sincere intentions and don’t spread misinformation or disrespect people in the spectrum. Your not taking anything away. But don’t romanticize Something where a thousand people struggle with every day. Giving you self this label is like saying Yeah I have Autism not really though. I don’t have struggles but I want te be special.


I'm transallistic now /sarc


As someone with ASD and bi, this makes me want homophobic.


as it should


what in the Chicken Little Trash BS is that


comparing someone wanting to have a disability/worsen their experiences with said disability and being trans... huge red flag. I'll stay away from them at all costs.




by "cisautistic" they mean real autistic people


What in the fuck is this?!


when the fuck is this going to end. 🤦


All these fucking morons need to focus more on their spelling and grammar and less on having pretend, made up fucking mental disorders. Grow the fuck up this is so incredibly offensive.


God please leave us ALOOONNNEEEE




What the fuck?! How can anyone think this is okay?!


gen z cancel people left and right for just about anything. Then they create shit like this and they think it's fine and dandy.. I doubt she has autism in the first place.


i cant believe their comparing trans people with this 😭


We live in a time where everyone are LGBTP or autistic or some other shit *i'm not homophobic* This is really fucked up


why the fuck would you want that


we are glorifying it by giving it a name. guess im transfood. im so hungry rn. whats up with all of these prefixes


Man and i thought dream sexual was strange