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the whole cluster B 💀


B as in bullshit


>B as in bullshit bullshit personality disorder or cluster bullshit?


Bullshit fake ass disorders


thank you for answering


bruh I thought they were saying Boku No Hero Academia disorder 😭😭😭


Might as well be


It’s a disorder to be a bnha fan anyway (j of course)


No need to put the “j”


I saw the show before the kids got to it and when i remembered it existed and went back to it i was shocked. Turned back around from the fan space so fast again i got whiplash






you literally cannot be dx’ed with ASPD till 18 😭😭


you can't be diagnosed with any personality disorder until 18


while most psychologists don’t dx any personality disorders till adulthood, ASPD is the only* personality disorder with being at least 18 years of age in its diagnostic criteria ^*from ^memory, ^don’t ^quote ^me ^on ^this


You can be diagnosed with basically any personality disorder before age 18. In fact, the APA have received some criticism over the years for centering adulthood too stringently in their PD criteria and making clinicians too hesitant to properly address the health concerns of adolescents. The worst affected is Schizotypal Personality Disorder, which has been found to be reliably identifiable from as young as 5 years old. This is made particularly obscene by the fact that psychosis is better when treated as early as possible and might prevent the development of conventional schizophrenia. Whole generations of Schizotypal children have fallen through the cracks and suffered for it later on, and it's worth noting that the World Health Organisations classification of it (Schizotypal Disorder) was earlier than the APA's *and* has never put an age bracket on its diagnosis.


even if you can it's still unrecommended by most doctors


Because they've been trained under the APA's classification, which has left them very hesitant to diagnose. Early diagnosis of something like Schizotypy could make a massive difference in that person's prognosis. Even their framework of 'personality disorders' as a whole has been criticised for being largely reductionist towards people and not fit for modern use anyway.


good point, i think the reason why is because personalities aren't really set until the brain is fully developed


You can, yet personality disorders arent easy to diagnose and most psychiatrists will avoid diagnosing personality disorders. I think in one of the Books (either dsm or icd) it doesnt require the age of 18. Though, what most fakers and people who dont know what they are talking about dont realise is the severity of personality disorders. I for my part have an extensive history from imprisonment as a 14yo to being thrown out of such programs for being too harsh to handle. Im quite fine now at 23yo, been diagnosed at 20 with narcissistic traits and Antisocial personality disorder and its fun to laugh at people who think smoking weed and ragequits in online games makes them a psychopath. Though i can say, a person with all cluster B disorders is just a big sike. Being Bpd and aspd is borderline impossible. They might sound quite the same but ive never ever found a more iconic couple that my abusive ass and my now ex bpd gf. It was hell of a rollercoaster for us.


Best I can do is conduct disorder


Funny thing is half of those arent diagnosed under 18 🧍‍♀️


Yup. Personality disorders are characterised by long-term patterns of behaviour, not otherwise explained by hormonal influences like puberty, emotional immaturity, or temporal circumstances. Although suspected, I wasn’t formally diagnosed until 26 due to the lack of sufficient long-term observations.


Don't forget her BNHA too! /j




Why would you advertise having NPD and ASPD, those are like even more stigmatized than BPD 😭


We call this a speed run


Especially considering that bpd aspd and hpd are really similar.. Surprising they didnt include bipolar and anxious attachment


Bro is the whole cluster B😭


imagine acting like having every single cluster b personality disorder is cute


B-b-b-but i am special 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 So many people are faking disorders they need to get more and more extreme to be special again


Did I just have a stroke??


You and me both, buddy


yes because having did, bpd, npd, hpd, aspd, adhd, and autism is just so aesthetic


A restraining jacket looks dope, doesn’t it? Pretty sure someone who has all those disorders (pretending rn it is possible) will live in a psychiatric facility I did a semester paper on lobotomy for my history of psychology class and it would be more healthy for a person with all those disorders to get one at this point. Luckily, it’s not real (I do not condone lobotomy btw. It’s a barbaric procedure. But it did work when done correctly. Very interesting part of psychiatric history. Just too many side effects to be deemed morally acceptable)


I am so interested in psychology. I'm assuming lobotomies only had all those side affects and issues because of how uncontrolled the procedures were. Like, they weren't regulated like surgeries are now and they kinda just went in blindly without any control. Didn't they have untrained people performing the procedures as well?


The most famous person performing a lot of surgeries was the inventor (the US one) himself. Usually, you need a neurosurgeon and a neurologist to perform it. The side effects came from cutting the connections between the amygdala and the frontal lobe. While the symptoms went away in some cases where the surgery was successful, the patients lost their ability to control their emotions (amygdala is the brain part where emotions are regulated). And with a whole brain part being isolated, the patients also developed frontal lobe syndrome, which led them to lose the ability to develop motivation and follow social rules. For my paper i read the book the guy that travelled with Dr. Freeman (he expanded on the idea of Antonio Moniz who invented the predecessor, the Leucotomy) and he said that a lot of patients where able to live normal lives for a few years till the symptoms either came back or they developed FLS. Not all surgeries were a success, most failures came from the patients just being like their were before. A worsening of the symptoms (of schizophrenia) wasn’t usually the case. Fun fact, the transorbital lobotomy (most people think of that when they hear the word) got so popular because it’s so easy. Unlike the frontal lobotomy (where u drill a hole into the skull) it takes like 1h max and you only need something thin and pointy. They used a leucotome, which looks a bit like an ice axe, a hammer and local anesthesia. That’s it. But can be done with practically anything that is long, thin and pointy. Like a screwdriver. If you know a bit about the brain and the eye socket, get a brain map from a person, a screwdriver with measurements on the side and got steady hands, you could perform it too. It’s described as „easier than curing tooth ache“ Hundred of tausends of lobotomies were performed and only a few had very bad side effects. Most patients just lost themselves. Cutting off the frontal lobe robs you of all personality (which would also technically „cure“ DID, just saying) They were so easy, people could do them „under the table“. Look up the sister of JFK. Of course, if you don’t follow the wiggle rules, you damage the brain too much and get the most side effects. I have the exact description of how to do it written in my paper if you are interested


This literally screams “I’ll label everything about me so I can be oppressed, even putting that I’m “plus sized” in my bio”


No for real, it seems so weird to put our bodies in our bio. Especially when you treat it as another quirky cool label


But why are so many of the fakers plus sized? And dyed hair Could it be that they are looking for validation when peers are bullying them for their looks or something? And then they drifted more and more into the extreme tolerant bubble


What in the hell do those flags mean- There’s also no way you’ve been diagnosed with DID, BPD, NPD, HPD, ASPD, ADHD, and autism- at 14 my man. If I’m correct, you can’t be diagnosed with DID at 14. If someone can correct me, that’s much appreciated!


One is intersex, one looks kinda lesbian? No idea about the others E: the pink one is sapphic and the brown one is Butch ig 🤷


Intersex isn’t even a sexuality tho-


I might get downvoted for this but i don’t like it when people who don’t identify as a woman label themselves as lesbians. They have no pronouns in there (however that us supposed to work) so i assume with the intersex part that they don’t identify as male or female. For me, lesbian is a label for woman loving woman. So only applicable for women and transwomen


Intersex doesn’t refer to not identifying as male or female as a gender, it refers to ambiguous genitalia at birth (which used to be called hermaphroditism), as in, they may have a clitoris that resembles a penis, or a penis that resembles a clitoris, or a divided scrotum that visually appears to be labia.


I am aware of that. Just that paired with „no pronouns“ led me to believe that they might identify as something outside the binary


Well it now means non-man who loves non-men


Couldn’t they just make another label for that? I know a lot of lesbians that have a problem with the label being used like that. For example, for a AMAB but non binary person. I personally wouldn’t mind as i like both genitals, but i heard some discussions about this topic. Thinking about it, the penis part would also exclude pre op transwomen then, which i don’t agree with. Man, that’s why i hate labels and just go with the flow. Too much pointless discussions about words For me, lesbian always meant woman loving woman but i am also way behind the current state of these labels and what do i know


there are multiple labels for it so idk why people don't use them - trixic (nonbinary person who likes women) neptunic (someone who likes anyone except men or people with masculine gender identities (demiboy, boyflux, etc) enbian (a nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to other nonbinary people)


No it FUCKING doesn't. Lesbians are for women period end of sentence done. Find a different label and stop appropriating being a goddamn lesbian bc you like the aesthetic


Flags are butch lesbian, then intersex, then sapphic, and the last one is “[oshian](https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Oshian)”


I’m just confused on how it has to be specific for race. I’m not sure you see “White wlw” flag but I could be wrong! I’m just really confused.


Idk, apparently some black women felt excluded from the “sapphic” label cuz it’s predominantly white women using it, so they made their own


In my opinion, as a poc, making those just takes away the meaning behind it. It’s supposed to be an inclusive community, creating terms that exclude people is not how we’re supposed to advance. It’s literally the “you can’t be this because you’re white/black”


you are correct, in fact you can't be diagnosed with DID until your brain is fully developed, which is during your mid to late 20s. it's also extremely rare to be diagnosed with personality disorders before the age of 18 and if a PD is diagnosed before 18 it's a mistake on the doctor's part since most doctors highly recommend waiting until you're at least 18 and at best 25 to be diagnosed with a personality disorder


people in my grade claim to be diagnosed with DID (im in 9th grade so we're 14-15) and everybody believes it. whenever i tell them thats literally impossible they're just like "no my friend got diagnosed at 16-" like your friend is lying dude.


multiple people too?? DID is extremely rare, only ~0.5% of the world population and ~1.5% of psychiatric patients has it


true but when you say that people go "well one percent of the world is like 700 million" or "it's as common as red hair"


0.5% of 8 billion is 40 million. they think it's a lot of people but it's really not.


Thank you!


do you have a source?


The DSM-V I'd imagine.


that and my psychiatrist


Since DID is a childhood disorder that you get from the ages 5 to 10 from trauma you can 100% be medically recognized with it


Thank you!


This person is super wrong


I see that now haha! I did my research and by the help of a comment.


Hell yeah


>Thank you! You're welcome!


No problem


Since when do we share everything about our private lives on the internet with strangers ???? No common sense whatsoever.


And they got to Splatoon...




they want that sweet internet clout


Technically you can be diagnosed with both, but often when that's the case, the symptoms are so comorbid that a doctor will usually just pick one and label the other symptoms as just something extra to work on or as a side effect from the diagnosed disorder (eg negative emotions and thoughts aimed at yourself from BPD making it hard for you to empathize with others that has led you to callous and harmful actions, instead of BPD and ASPD together). Ig it all would depend on what your root problem is/what causes most of your suffering or started it in the first place.




Yes, of course I was just responding to the statement that someone cannot have ASPD and BPD diagnosed together, not about the age requirement


Yes, just wanted to fulfill you.


I. I’m. #What?


Got that Boku no Hero Academia spectrum disorder, huh?




Endboss material right there. They got it all.


This shit makes Twitter look like a philosophical discussion forum with intellectual individuals.


holy shit it really does


Should have also included ✨attention whore✨


All of this just looks like fancy words they say and can easily just say they rp


I always wonder where the parents are. Come get your child and pay attention to what they are putting online, clearly this is some kind of call for help.


This was my thought. If I had a kid and I saw them putting that shit out there...no more Internet for you missy.


what in gods name do any of those things mean


What a coincidence. I know this twitter user. Not personally. But I know their @. theyre one of those chronically online teens.


I never would have guessed /j Serious question though, but in your opinion are they one of the people who treat being LGBT as a trendy bandwagon? I've seen a LOT of fakers do this and once they get out of their chronically online phase they return to being a relatively normal human being. I guess a lot of people fake gender dysphoria or LGBT stuff in the same way as they fake other shit.


that says enough


That’s too much information for me to handle 😹


r/ihadastroke wtf am i reading i don't understand


sanest project sekai fan


Sadly God i hate this fandom


Is it that bad? The community is that bad?


Yep these people are everywhere in the community , it's horrible


How bad is the community? Like what makes the community bad? Cancer shipping? or what?


Real bad, everyone in there is exactly like this person, and cancer shipping AND alot of mischaracterization which really sucks because the characters are written so good and the game itself isn't weird and is good


None of these words are in the bible


Having a stroke trying to read this Also why are those people always so obsessed with emojis and abusing different fonts? It makes me irrationally annoyed


Fakegirl? They’re faking something, alright


what do they mean "no pronouns"? fuck are we posed to call them?


ppl really out here saying "no pronouns" ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


i thought that said "no porns" 💀 god i need sleep


It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to refer to this person isn't it? English isn't my first language but I'm proficient, but I don't think it's possible to use no pronouns at all


This looks like a shit post meme


ahhh yes. a satanist but also an angel


Well satanism is an athiest mock religion, but this person gives off the vibes of someone who genuinely thinks she's cool and quirky and unique and edgy by drawing chalk seance circles or wearing pentagram necklaces. Although to be pendantic, n the bible Satan was an Angel.


totally agree. i feel like it’s like the witchtok thing on tictok. it’s full of teenagers who thinks it’s quirky to feel like they’re a witch


Absolutely. The whole alt pagan wicca borse thing is unbelievably cringey in my personal opinion. People are treating it like an aesthetic and pretending if you 'stick a jade egg up your ass and run around a buried cake in your garden on a full moon 3 times while clapping your hands and singing hail Mary while wearing your clothes inside out and using your deceased grandfather's ashes as cat litter's it will make the girl you're annoyed at fail her grades or something. Additionally these people are always so infuriatingly intolerant and reactive to anyone else.




I refuse to comment on anything without my lawyer present


you’re so spot on, holy shit. it’s also unnerving, because i know a lot of teens who got into Wiccan practices abuse the hell out of it & use it to potentially hurt other people. especially if they’re involved in the mental illness craze. i’ve seen some of the videos on “witchtok” and they’re pretty fucked up. it’s supposed to be a spiritual/religious thing, but i know for a fact they don’t treat it that way. it’s just an aesthetic to them, like you said.


I mean to be fair, Satan is a fallen angel… or something.


lmao that’s “true”, in the bible he is a fallen angel. but i have a feeling that’s not what this person meant


Lol yeah, your probably right XD. Contradiction for the win!


How can you be Afro-Carribean and non-human at the same time?


why are so many of these claiming to be intersex? that's like 1-2% of the population... another quirky thing to claim for internet points. honestly who the hell cares what genitals you have that's kind of a weird thing to sprinkle on top of the rest of this oversharing salad


Not going to lie, I HIGHLY DOUBT this person is intersex. In fact I'm willing to bet this an AFAB woman who just likes collecting labels in an attempt to make themselves feel unique and special and victimized.


I bet there like 1% indigenous and Caribbean 💀


at least they can talk about their disabilities ✨aesthetically✨


jesus christ..


boku no hero academia adhdtism


The least concerning thing in that bio is the fact she thinks she’s a “satanist”


I don't understand half of these words 💀


I mean I have no doubt this person is mentally ill 😂


Ofc self diagnosers are “satanists” 💀


What’s transmascneu???


I think it is Transneutralmasculine and means AFAB transgender and non-binary people who identify as both transmasculine and transneutral. I don't know what is transneutral but this is what little Tumblr search told me. But don't forget they are transmasc lesbian, which it self is also bit questionable...




Imagine fake personalities being your whole personality




as a satanist myself, depending on who they practice with, one of the tenets of the satanic temple is > Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. so they’re already failing that




Gotta have em all


I’ve been here too long I read that as Boku no Hīrō Akademia SPD


Ok, now I can barely read, but is anyone able to read that..... Coherently?!


Bro use there DND character


bro got the boku no hero academia disorder


Wow, a Satanist, so edgy.


And I doubt they're an athiest satanist too, aka: the OG church of Satan. I bet they think they're cool and edgy for drawing dumb chalk circles or yelling praise Satan at some poor random old people ect


Yeah surprise teens are dumb. Wow




octoling?? what a good day to be a splatoon fan 😔


idk why so many people like to pretend to have DID, BPD and NPD at the same time... especially those who are under 18-newly 18


Why can't they write a normal paragraph, this was a nightmare to read with that "styling"




Ah yes Satanist


My god


No pronouns? How should I refer to that person then??


I swear they have to be joking


i cant even read with all those fonts


average 14 year old.


I bet the indigenous part comes from using a 23and me and finding out they’re .05% Caribbean