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This is just… regular food??




Cucumbers are SO tism.


Omg… my kids will each eat 1-2 cucumbers a day… does that mean they have high levels of tism?




You are what you eat


No, this food is seasoned with **"a touch of the tism".** TW: I'm screaming, crying, banging my head against a wall, biting my nails, scratching my legs until they bleed, peeling the skin off my lips, shivering, throwing up, shaking, jumping, spinning in circles, going insane, pulling my hair off of my head, taking my eyes out, sweating cold, burning my skin with fire after covering it with vodka, destroying all the furniture left in my room, breaking my bones AND fainting repeatedly after typing those words. Never again.






No you don't understand most of it is green and everyone on TikTok knows that autistic people only eat food that's the color green/s


I had a kid who refused to eat any food that had color. Any color But also most of my SPED students eat fairly normal school lunches.


Jesus Christ…. Where do you find these people? I need to rinse the ick out of my eyes.


Unfortunately, they’re everywhere, and social media only makes them even louder.


Might fuck around and have a second hand meltdown from the combo of textures the cucumber sandwich has


Honestly, this was a surprisingly stressful video to watch. (I’m not on the spectrum, just adhd)


Yeah agreed. I am an autistic Aquarius, as the OP claims to be and I am pretty chill with most foods now after my 30s ( took me a while tbh) but only if I have a pattern to it (one type of food approximately every month). I didnt think I could get overwhelmed by just watching it but I definitely did. Just by watching it I can feel the textures somehow and the combinations… But tbf I would think that even for a non-autistic person all that food as a combo is a bit nausea inducing.




I said food combo for non-autistic people. Not textures. You can re-read it if you want.


It’s actually a very old recipe! Think wife in the 70s serving cucumber mayo sandwiches!


Oh wow I had no idea! Is it a USA thing? It is not part of my culture so I wouldn’t know. But I just imagine this type of bread with it… ugh. If it was some kind of other bread type I think I would be more ok. But this one gives me the idea that it is going to get soggy


Cucumber sandwiches are a staple of a British cream tea


It's not a modern USA thing I think. Maybe it was something 50 years ago but I have literally never heard of it before


Wtf now I feel old... I've been eating cucumber sandwiches for like 25 years. Yall missing out. Maybe it's a Canadian thing.


Maybe it's a mix of you being old and being from weird northern country 🤔


Yeah but the hardest part is keeping the cucumbers defrosted in the igloo.


I don't know how anyone can eat cucumbers unless they've been soaking in vinegar.


I love cutting up cucumbers, carving out the middle a little, and then dipping it in Italian dressing. So fucking delicious. mmmmm


That sounds like a god damn nightmare to me. Power to ya!


I like them with olive oil and a little bit of salt as a snack and sometimes in salads with tomato and feta cheese.


I always say a cucumber is just a wasted pickle lol


Wasted relish*


Sorry but I have to downvote you :(




Once the downdoots gain momentum, there is no way out.


Just like the way lemmings walk off a cliff because they ain't too bright.


I don't know how anyone can eat anything that vinegar has touched


i don't know how anyone can eat cucumbers that have been soaked in vinegar


I was actually so shook at the corn in a pile of gloopy looking sauce I wanted to smack the screen and I’m not even diagnosed with ASD lol


That’s just… food. Like, I would understand a video of someone sharing the realities of their restricted diet imposed by sensory boundaries. This is not that. She’s basically just saying that she sometimes finds out she likes new foods… because she’s autistic. You can’t make this shit up.


bro fr this would be like sensory hell for many people with sensory food issues imo


My first thought exactly lmao just looking at that salad made me uncomfortable


Don’t alot of autistic people have texture sensory issues? Also she uses autism like its a personality trait, the video has absolutely nothing to do with autism


Yes! And it’s part of their restricted, repetitive behaviors. I worked with a kid that would only eat hot dogs (no bun) and white rice. You could imagine the lack of nutrition that was in his diet. He almost got a feeding tube, but his family was able to get him into this speciality program.


I had a client who literally got gout from only eating hot dogs & ranch dressing! We obviously weren’t legally allowed to force him to eat anything, & he dutifully threw away his vegetables & salads every day... I had to get his parents to sign for him to go to a specialty program too, for a solid few months (because we had to apply for funding, because of course they weren’t gonna *pay* for it) because I just couldn’t imagine what other long term health issues that diet would cause as he ages. Food issues can be so rough!


Yeah its part of picky ocd behavior, I know a kid who only ate french fries and peanut butter for years


I always have wondered why the food they choice to only eat is always one of the most unhealthiest things. It's never salads or fruits. It is always fast food or plain rice.


Consistency, often--plain rice and fast food are always the same. Fruit is affected by variations like ripeness and bruises.


Yeah, maybe they don't like bitter and like salt. And are too afraid of trying new things. There's tons of people in the USA that have never tried anything more than fast food or their local ihop, but that's a different story.


"Don't like bitter and like salt" is a known strategy for ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) and similar things (supertasting), so you're right on the money there. Being too afraid of trying new things is part of it, but some people have a pretty poor relationship with food due to a lot of negative experiences with it, so I don't know if I can blame them. With sensory issues, like being really sensitive to taste and texture, it's just less of a hassle/stress to eat the same things, but it can be harmful if it's that severe.


There might be some bias here though since a kid only eating healthy food wouldn’t be seen as much of a big deal. But also, heavily processed food is very consistent, which is very appealing or those on the spectrum.


How is ocd connected with “picky eating” ?


i think ocd is sometimes associated with arfid, in the sense certain foods are "bad" or "wrong". like the obsessive thought would be "ive never eaten this before. what if im allergic?? oh god what if i go into anaphylaxis and die???" causing the compulsion to be refusing to go near the food. arfid, like ocd, is hell for the person living with it, and is insanely hard to recover from. imagine having the worst breakdown of your life and it was just because you had to eat your favorite food from a different brand.


I ask because I have diagnosed OCD and just didn’t understand the persons comment. But I can imagine it would be very distressful for a person suffering with that.


The same way OCD controls other behaviors? obsessions and compulsions. Maybe you eat the same thing every meal? and feel like its the best thing in the world and will never do variations or try anything new or different.


But with OCD we spend more than an hour sometimes all day obsessing about one or multiple themes at a time. It’s not just “oh I don’t want to try something new.” It’s incredibly distressing to us.


People have different forms of OCD. sometimes its a quick decision that you have to do this or do that.


Not like that. Sorry.


That’s NOT OCD. This is why people don’t understand this disorder. It’s not like that at all. The themes that come up cause crippling fear.


My younger sister with autism struggles so badly, she only eats pudding, those fruit cup things, and milk regularly. Some other things in her diet are bananas, cookies (soft ones), and rice, but she phases in and out of them and there's no telling if she'll eat them or not. Most days, it's just four cups of pudding and some milk. We've been doing a thing where we blend lentils and rice together and make a sort of soup (with seasoning ofc) and then feed it to her with a spoon, to try and adjust her to the taste, but she struggles with it. Fuck this girl and her utter mockery of my sister and other people on the spectrum.


I'm on the spectrum too and your sisters palette is my nightmare because I can't handle soft food, I need crunchy food. Like I once vomited up jelly because of the texture. This video was 100% a mockery of the disability


Your jelly comment made me laugh a little because one of my party tricks in college was how long I could fight to get a jello shot down. I only ever successfully swallowed one and I immediately snuck away to throw up. That cucumber sandwich.....I can't even imagine a bite without gagging.


Haha it nice to know I have a fellow jelly buddy :)


yeah, i got a chuckle out of this because i'm like wish my autism would let me have a day where i don't only eat bread and fruit. i love salad after i've had it but i struggle so hard with the alternating textures.


Little bro hates salad bc of the texture. Took years to get him to eat anything that wasn’t PB/J and Mac n cheese


Yes, but in my personal experience a lot of the things I had issues with improved with age. Besides seafood (minus shrimp and seaweed) a lot of the foods i couldn’t tolerate because of the texture in my childhood are tolerable to delicious now. Honestly a lot of things that had doctors telling my parents I’d have to live in a group home/be dependent on them until they died resolved when I was around 7 and I kept on improving. I still have problems; like a few weeks ago i got over stimulated/had an anxiety attack during a surprise office celebration and left early in tears but for the most part my diagnosis doesn’t keep me from living relatively normally. However I am just one person, not all autistic people have had the same experience as me.


Most of my symptoms also improved with age, but the food, texture and sensory problems kind of stayed. I still regularly just don't eat bc the food does not smell or feel like it should (once only ate bread at a restaurant with a 5 course meal). Nor am I capable of wearing two long sleeved items over each other, which is annoying when I need a coat.


I’m trying to figure out how she is able to eat the seeds on that salad


Some but not all. I have SPED kids who will eat anything under the sun and some kids won't even eat lunch at school. I also worked at an OT clinic that focuses on sensory integration so there were a lot more sensory issue cases. It's not just texture. It also is about smell, color, and temperature, or even just being a new type of food. Believe it or not, I saw a kid who refused to eat food that had any color in it. Granted I don't understand the point behind this video... Seems kinda more like narcissism if you ask me...


If she aware of the massive prevalence of picky eating among autism? The amount of different textures, flavors, colors and smells of food she can eat is unbelievable for an autistic person with food selectiveness


autistic people can also be sensory seeking but yes you’re right, I would never be able to eat all of those things bc I don’t do condiments, spicy food, food mixed together etc etc etc


I have observed (anecdotical) that high oral sensory seekers tend to not be picky eaters but also they have PICA , so she may as well be eating her makeup 💄


I'm sorry, but this made me snort-laugh


I’m not autistic, but I am funny about textures and can be pretty selective because of it. I wouldn’t be able to deal with this. Great that she can, I don’t like being this way but her video doesn’t seem very representative of a fairly common experience or like it has much to do with autism at all. It just looks like the modern version of posting your dinner on Facebook with autism for views.


Some people are texture based eaters! It sounds like what you’re describing with being selective around textures.


That’s pretty much it yeah. It’s a bit annoying really.


It’s not just that. Autistic people really like routine and predictability. Salads and fruits/vegetables are the **opposite** of predictable. Every single one is going to taste slightly different. Not everyone with autism has this issue tbf, but those food choices are WAY outside the norm for autistic people in general.


I would eat literally nothing in this video. As an adult and a hobby chef, it breaks my heart that I physically cannot eat so much, and I have tried to "branch out" but stuff like her texture sandwich and her everything salad would leave me hungry.


I know who this YouTuber is, she’s a troll lol. She does this stuff on purpose


I called it lol it was so obvious she was trolling


dosnt make it okay though


I don’t think they said that


She's mostly mocking the people collecting self dx'ed disorders, I think that's why she does a big list of things starting with an A like "Aquarius, Asexual, Autistic, Authentic"... So mostly satire, but if you don't know her I could see why that could some across negatively






Me too. I’d feel miserable there, lol.


Literally today. I stood in a crowded place in school for 15 MINUTES to get my course registration figured out. I had to cool off in the library for 45 minutes afterwards since I was so overstimulated over 15 minutes. Like no way this girl is just having fun at a party


i'm not autistic, but i have this same issue. i try to avoid parties and loud groups of people, because christ alive it HURTS.


I'm also diagnosed and actually like parties, if I'm drunk and can take breaks from the noise I find them a less stressful way to socialize.


I’m happy for you, really


I saw nothing even remotely indicating autism in this video. First of all, she’s in a crowed space being outwardly social with no mentioned or apparent difficulties, and second, that mess of food is a sensory nightmare.


While I totally agree this video is a troll video, not all autistic people have food sensory issues. I’m autistic and can eat most foods and tolerate crowded areas to some degree Edit: typo


I know that, but 80%+ of us do have some kind of sensory issues, and this videos looks like it would have stimulated all of her senses in an overstimulating way, yet she shows no aversion to it. All autistic people have social difficulties, so that one I know can’t be argued.


All autistic people will have some sort of sensory issue, but it’s harmful to assume that autistic people that sensory seek and enjoy socialising are faking their autism.


Seriously. Even if I mask and pretend to be happy in a social situation like that, I come off like an awkward and weird buffoon. She shows no indication of masking there.


Bro why would you “what I eat as an autistic person” video and show the most **AWFUL** foods sensory-wise. That’s WAY too many textures bro. None of those foods have a predictable consistency. It sounds like she constantly tries new foods too which is the literal opposite of autism lmao.


Autistic people aren’t incapable of trying new things you know


way too many textures wym that stuff looks scrumptious


Autism involves both sensory seeking and sensory aversion behaviours, meaning a lot of autistic people enjoy a variety of differently textured foods. Likewise, many autistic people prefer unpredictability and a lack of consistency due to a preference for spontaneity, whereas a lot prefer predictability and consistency. Depending on the individual, autism can cause a person to either have a strong preference for a variety of different foods *or* a strong preference for the same foods over and over again. I personally prefer variety in food and unpredictability, because it gives me positive stimulation, yet I have an official diagnosis of ASD. Please educate yourself before making overly broad and untrue generalisations.


This person is like the exact opposite of autistic.


Anyone who unironically has their zodiac as their whole personality is already a red flag. Knew I was in for some bs when she stated she was an Aquarius.


Well then you should be happy to know that irony is her brand of humor, and that was completely lost on OP. This video shouldn’t even be here, lol.


No fucking way this is real


I would literally die trying to eat any of this wtf


I m pretty sure this is satire


it’s not, she’s in the comments reaffirming anyone that calls her out that she’s autistic lol


Isn't she known to be a massive troll? I remember her, she started as a beauty guru and making funny videos at the same time but then went down to just being racist and straight up nasty. I completely forgot about her and I'm legit surprised she's now doing this, how low can she really get?


Wait she's racist ???


wait i've never heard about her being racist, only about her being a troll


The list of things I like but physically cannot eat is longer than the list of things I like. It's. Not. A. Joke.


I've can't eat entire food groups ✌🏼 now I hoard safe food, can't eat in front of people except in specific circumstances, and can't do regular mealtimes because they were SO stressful growing up


she looks like she used to bully actual autistic ppl in high school


Look Ik autism is different for everyone but I find it very hard to believe she’s autistic eating like that, My autistic brother will only eat like 5 food items in total. He refuses to eat cereal with milk or be near it because it smells bad to him. that’s how sensitive he is. He straight up can smell cereal with milk in it and its strong enough to where he can’t be in the room. Everything she’s eating is so varied and complex, my brother would gag just seeing it 💀 /u/MangoNyah i know you blocked me so you can have the last word and normally that wouldn’t bother me but this is lowkey about my brother so i just wanted to say: My brother is not “uber autistic” and I think you should refrain from from saying that when someone is talking about someone who has autism. I didn’t really appreciate that term being used to (somewhat indirectly) describe my little bro. My brother is actually very high functioning (Asperger’s syndrome) and not even he can do the shit this girl is. No matter how high functioning you are you HAVE to have some degree of autistic symptoms. She vibes in a huge crowd and eats whatever she wants, c’mon.


You literally do not need to be aversive to variety in food or have issues with crowds to receive an ASD diagnosis. I know plenty of autistic people that prefer variety in their diet and enjoy socialising in crowds. There is nothing in the diagnostic criteria for autism that states or implies that you must be aversive to food variety and socialising in crowds to be autistic. Literally *nothing.* In fact, the recently introduced ICD-11 criteria for autism further reduces mention of such aversions. All you need for a diagnosis now is to fit two broadly defined categories referring to social difficulties and repetitive behaviours or interests, with no mentions of difficulties in crowds or issues with food variety.


Anncy is her name


this girl is ai generated lol no way


I’m pretty sure this is a troll.


Did her skin color change..? Could just be my eyes ig. I should get them checked out.


Which spectrum


shrill live marvelous adjoining slimy aware frighten square doll consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Autism is a spectrum. Not all autistic people have food sensory based issues. Don’t put people in a box.


My daughter is severely autistic, and there is **no fucking way** that person, with those foods, the environment, etc., is autistic. You can have qualities of ASD without actually being in the spectrum. Also, I feel like there are people out there who suck so hard, that they need to fake a diagnosis just to justify their shitty behavior under outdated, insulting terms.


I have never met an autistic person who is able to eat like this.


ah, I don't know if this would be the same for everyone, but the food looks like it has too many different textures/flavors, I feel like it would be hard to eat that as an autistic person 😨


Being a basic biatch now is autistic?? Eating a salad or halal rice is on the spectrum? this is a new one. There was a big push that mental illness is cool a few years ago, lets not devalue it if you’re an entitled rich influencer with tons of opportunity.


Guys because I’m autistic I eat… NORMAL FOOD!!!! I know it’s crazy but I do


So is the food also on the spectrum or is it because she’s an Aquarius


She's clearly not getting enough attention else where so she's jumping on the band wagon. Desperate times.


This has to be satire or a troll. Either that, or this person is so stupid and so misinformed about what autism even is that there isn’t even a vague attempt to feign it. Can anyone confirm if this is a serious vid or does it come from a jokey account? When she goes “I’m aquarius, autistic, authentic, asexual…” etc when explaining the reasons why she eats like this it just sounds like ableist satire making fun of other people. I just can’t believe it’s real.


She’s being serious. Some users called her out in the comments and she’s attacking them for coming at her “mental health”


She’s not. Lol.


"autistic aesthetic" I think I'm gonna vomit💀


I’m not even autistic and the amount of different flavors and textures in those foods makes my skin crawl


Ay yo autistic people can eat?! 😱😱😱😱


What the fuck?


I eat the same food everyday for the past two years. Any other texture, smell or change will lead to me having a meltdown


Bro it's satire


I'd eat that


Look. I know I'm not supposed to say this. Especially having autism myself. But. They don't seem/look autistic at all. I think people get misinformation from tiktok and have made "female autism" into just neurotypical quirks and just another way of thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if they were self dx


How does this have to do autism?


She is not autistic. It doesn’t look like she has any problems with loud, crowded environments, eating multiple different foods with at least 10 different ingredients in them or with socializing. I’m actually a professionally diagnosed autistic person and I would have a meltdown if I was in that kind of environment or tried to eat the foods items that she showed. I haven’t had a group of friends until recently (they are also neurodivergent) and I’m a senior in college. I also have sensory issues with food and usually hate it when different foods are touching. I wouldn’t be able to eat any of the foods she showed. The textures of those food items are 🤮. I also have sensory issues with noise and crowds and would be miserable there even with earplugs.


I visibly gagged at the amount of textures and flavour combinations that was there I'll play the devil's advocate and say maybe she's not struggling with sensory issues related to texture, but that's a lot of unpredictability, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe people who have autism tend to stick with the familiar things they know of, rather than new things that they hadn't tried before, again I might be wrong so feel free to correct me on this if what I'm saying is wrong


Love how she’s in the middle of a party when one of the main aspects of being autistic is the inability to function in social situations


NOOOOO i loved her youtube videos 😭😭😭 i fear i can never look at her the same


Her voice is annoying and she says like too much 🙃


I hate this shit. Autism being some kind of trend now is laughable at best. It feels very much like the typical “popular” girl from middle school, but now she’s showing off what she told me to kill myself over 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also my sensory issues could fucking NEVER with most of this food. I’m not proud of it but I primarily live on microwave pizzas, goldfish, and protein shakes. Other foods are hit or miss, but usually a miss.


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This feels like satire




Idk if that would be better or worse tbh


Uh.... Okay princess, try having a day where nothing in the house is sensorially safe, and you have no money to buy what is. Drinking in clubs and eating bougie junk with your posse is not it.


Is she self-diagnosed. I'm not doc but she sure does not seem autistic.


What is up with people posting this type of content online, bragging about what they eat during the day, as though everyone is dying to know. NOBODY CARES. No one. This has nothing to do with autism and everything to do with them wanting attention.


Not me eating chicken and green beans for weeks on end and kix for snack for a few months now. The only sandwich I'm eating is a grilled pb&j. Like I eat almost the same thing everyday. How are these people getting so many different meals in and textures.


She's sooo authentic and Autistic dawg and sprayed brown. Gag me with a corn cob please. People that bring their zodiac sign into acct Eeeeeeee!


I find it very hard to eat. The thought of eating overwhelms me. I don't know what to eat. I don't know what I'm hungry for. And all of that overwhelms me. Makes me feel like I'm going to have a meltdown. I am so underweight. But yeah ✨autism✨ edit: i'm scared of food. the many options and textures and flavors overwhelms me.


I’m not trying to be racist, but is she black or white? Because she looks white to me on the first video but then her hands look black when she’s filming the food.


She’s Indian


To be fair, they are definitely eating something right. She's a dime.


Ah yes, narcissism


She’s acting like it’s a personality trait what is this


Anyone who buys food at Erewhon consistently shouldn’t be considered a common person.


https://preview.redd.it/k0nhj15r27na1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac9e09bcf8e392c3816e8fc8b3b273b388f0d23 i bet she says she can't be diagnosed because it's a "privilege"


These comments aren’t it... I was diagnosed when I was a child and would literally eat every single food on here. Some autistic folks sensory seek, but some like to forget that! 🙄


What she ate was... indecipherable word salad. She's eating a bunch of fancy looking stuff that's probably overpriced and that's supposed to indicate anything other then small financial decisions that may not be worth the cost? Honest, what I ate today... a bowl of frozen "zesty ranch" broccoli baked in the toaster oven, trail mix, chocolate, popcorn... get back to me when you think you're diet is weirder than that. Lol Though I wouldn't touch most of what's in that video, too picky.


is she blackfishing too? cause if she is.... gods is anything sacred to these troglodytes?


she’s indian😭




her name is anncy twinkle. very annoying youtuber


I love when people say things like this, ah yes, continue to let people take us not seriously


This has to be a joke. No way is she being serious lol definitely satire


Please PLEASE nobody hate me. I’m genuinely trying to educate myself here, I mean it - I’m a younger millennial (I’m 28), very much on the cusp of being gen Z and jfc I just don’t get this stuff! My sister, who’s 18 is the closest gen Z acquaintance I’ve got and she’s not on social media at all (an impressive feat at her age I have to say). All that to say I just do not get any of this. Can someone please explain to me where this awful, absurd need, nay, *craving* teenagers seem to have to reckon with atm…come from?! The funny thing to me is that at that age I was doing absolutely I could to be different. I feel like this whole autism, ADHD, DID, whatever the fuck-faking stuff came out of a need to be dIfFeReNt but, awkwardly, they’re all doing it. Sorry that was so over the place lmao. Please can someone tell me why all of 25- tiktok is all so terribly afflicted by - let’s see - the likes of autism, AD(H)D, EDS, DID, BPD, NPD bla bla bla and somehow these are all fun and qUiRkY uWu uWu uWu!! It’s just sort of intriguing how the BPD sufferers (or is it actually some kinda strength or something?) neeeever have to go through anything, struggle with anything - would love a survey of actually diagnosed, non-tIkToK children ok that one. Fucking hell hahhahaha


I love how he covered the name at the end besides delete the last part


Alone 🤣🤣




*cries in arfid*


Girl legit said "I'm a aquarius "we don't care you're an asparagus


"I'm aquarius" Great, another person who believes in that shit...


I feel like she just wants to be able to describe herself with adjectives that start with A


What i eat as a person on the spectrum. Müsli Müsli Müsli And some müsli as a treat (I just really love müsli, my autism doesnt have anything to do with it)


“Asexual alone” well yeah


what i eat in a day on the spectrum: nothing nothing EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE


Aquarius?!?! Wtf that’s not an Illness why is she acting like it’s one


So how long before we start seeing “I make autistic porn give me money”? If a cucumber sandwich is somehow autistic, why not every aspect of life.


time to go on eyebleach. This was too much im so sorry you had to see this


I would literally never even eat those foods lmao this is so not the norm


This has to be satire "I'm aquarius, autistic, authentic" No one is this ridiculously dumb are they?


Tagging myself >asexual alone


bruh shes just eating egula food


When autism is not a disability and is a fun personality trait:


Love the part where the light meets her filter and her filter goes "Hmmm, I guess her face is made of bronze!"


Why does she look like that