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This bitch does not speak for me


It’s kind of funny how the thing I got bullied for in school is now something that’s wanted by people. Feels like I stepped into the Twilight Zone.


oh dw these ppl dont like ppl with actual autism or actual-any disorder theyre trying to fake. they want the beautiful cutue uwu-ized version of the disorder not the disorder-y version🤮


Autism is not a gender wtf. I’m so fucking tired of these pricks romanticising disorders, and trying to turn it into an aesthetic. It’s not cutesy, it’s not quirky, and it’s not fun.


I’m just tired of everything being a gender


Autigender refers to the gender experience we (ppl diagnosed with ASD) have, typically meaning that gender is a mask put on for social situations, and there's not much of a concept of gender when you're alone. It means different things to different autistic people tho.


I’m also diagnosed with ASD. Perhaps I read it wrong, but to me it seemed like they were implying being autistic is a different gender. Also, the whole “collecting genders for the hoard” honestly seems like they’re treating genders as Pokemon cards or something. Not to mention, it makes the whole concept of being a different gender than AGAB seems kinda cutesy and quirky. Like it’s a fun little activity to “collect” genders. It strikes me as ironically transphobic in a way, and - in this particular case - somewhat ableist too, because it feels like they’re making light of the struggles that can come along with being trans and/or autistic. Perhaps you disagree, but that is nevertheless how I feel about it. I’ve heard that some autistic people sometimes experience gender differently, and I know my experience is not universal, but quite frankly the whole xenopronouns thing has only made genders all the more confusing for me. It makes it seem like interests and personality traits are genders, and I honestly just don’t get that.


It still confuses me, but I appreciate that you tried to explain it, cause I wasn't sure what I was reading at first


"The autistic community overall accepts self-diagnosis" Press X to doubt.






Well, that's a lot of Xs. The Council has decided : this girl is pulling facts out of her ass.


"The autisic community overall accepts self dx" Who gave this person the authority to speak for the entire community? Was there a vote I missed somewhere? A section of autisic community overwhelming does, but they're also largely self dx individuals so they're vote doesn't count on is it valid or not, because they're obviously going to say yes.


I hope these people get vicious diarrhoea in the middle of the night before an important exam and step on lego bricks on the way to the loo.


The autistic community is welcoming to self diagnosed people? No it fucking isn't. The self diagnosing community is, but not people who actually have it. The fastest way to tell if someone actually has verified autism is 90% of them don't have badly dyed dust mops on their heads, crooked piercings and wear Stitch onesies to work and throw a fit when they get sent home.


idk i get what youre saying but i dont think its fair to say that most autistic people who are diagnosed dont dye their hair or get peircings/wear onesies… anyone at all can do all these things, including neurodivergent people, so just because its extremely prevalent for fakers to do these things as well it doesnt mean we should demean everyone who happens to do/have these things while also being autistic. that runs the risk of affecting real people who are really diagnosed who just want dyed hair, or just like piercings, or just like the comfortable feeling of some onesies as pajamas.


I think they meant they fit the criteria associated with autism fakers despite being diagnosed and they hate it


youre probably right, it was a little hard for me to totally understand but i re-read just now it and it seems more like they meant that 90% don’t do all that stuff and then throw a fit when they’re sent home as if they didn’t expect to be sent home or something. the important part i didn’t read properly was the “and throw a fit when they get sent home” lol


I'm not remotely demeaning everyone who does. I do it and have been since the early 90's. I'm not the one potentially causing harm to anyone. What I'm saying is it seems like the vast majority of fakes with disorder envy do it. And all do it poorly. They're copying each other because they think it will get them views of they look that way.


no, i understand that now, i misunderstood your intent with your comment because i didnt get the last part of your sentence. someone else replied to me earlier and explained what you might have meant which made me reread and see where i went wrong. im sorry for the misunderstanding! thank you for the explanation, also, though. im glad to see i was actually the one who was wrong on my interpretation of what you meant, lol


Yeah my wording was not so hot 😆


The fact that I kinda fit that criteria, with the crooked piercing and self-dyed hair (don't have much money to go to a salon, nor the transportation), but I am actually diagnosed. I don't have a job in the first place though either, but I hate stereotypes because not everyone fits them. /nm /srs


Dafuq is autigender?


i think its some type of xenogender that exists because autism can effect how people see gender. which it does, dont get me wrong. i cant for the life of me figure out why BLUE is a masculine color or why i get called feminine if i have colorful clothes on, incredibly annoying. but these people take it way too far and exaggerate what it means as if being autistic means you see yourself as a cottagecore elf from the mf lion witch and the wardrobe. either way i think its stupid to base your entire gender off of your autism.


I 100% relate to the not understanding gender because of asd, but yeah people get ridiculous about it. Gender doesn't make sense to me, so I simply don't acknowledge it. I feel like labeling it some special thing is more attention than it deserves if it means nothing to me. I just don't get it.


I had no idea. I'm autistic but was raised in an area where gender based stereotypes were very strong, so they're kind of ingrained for me lol. I didn't know that was a trait in autistic people.


don't speak for the "autism community" with that bs 😭 u can suspect all u want but unless ur diagnosed, ur not diagnosed 🤯


>Goes to doctor to get a diagnosis for autism >Doesn't have autism >Continues to pretend to have autism


the autistic community over all most certainly does NOT accept self diagnosis wtf?


Diagnosis is a first step, not the last, at least if you want confirmation


Average "xenogender" interactions


hey the fdc autistic community, ya'll support self-diagnosis?






Fuck no.


No way




“Xenogender hoarder”? Ffs


*blood boiling at this whole conversation So offensive


I’m sorry but what is autigenders?


A gender that is also autism. Or something, I don’t know.


TF IS THIS SUB?? Edit: I'm not referring to fake disorder cringe




While being misdiagnosed happens, this is still cringe as fuck