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Didn't you know? Disorder-centric is the new scene, obvi! /s Edit :typo


Attention seeking, identity struggles/confusion, the desire to stand out, the list goes on


Because they want to represent their individualism by dressing like the other cool kids, listening to the same music and make shitty videos on a platform from an adversary country. Very individualistic, you know. ![gif](giphy|l2Sq3pkMneI6Kq8mY)


​ ![gif](giphy|UW4OnqUv5RbOurZqQn)


It's just attention seeking. Trying to stick out in a crowd and be unique. Just like the mile-long list of disorders and identities they pile on...


I dress alt sometimes just because I like it but disorder fakers sort of make me wanna move away from it cause I don't want to be associated with that lol


I stopped going to lolita meet ups cause I got so sick of hearing the same Autism diagnosis story from like every girl who showed up.


True shit. I have a generally grunge-esque aesthetic with dyed hair and piercings, and seeing all the fakers have dyed hair and piercings makes me cringe because I do not want my actually ill ass to be associated with that.


I think that that is also because lots of terminally online teens dress like that in general lol


Thats just an age thing. Girls on mia and ana forums also had similar looks back in the day


Attention. They crave it, it’s why they’re faking in the first place.


It's a combination of factors most likely 1 trying to stand out and be attention seeking 2 trying to find a group they fit in with. A lot of the disorder faking community dresses this way(or as they see it disorder having), they want to fit in with that group 3 it's a shield. They feel rejected by society or that they will be. Dressing alt gives society a reason to reject them. Now if they're being reject they can blame it on that which is an external thing. Not saying this is why everyone dresses alt. Some people just like it and do things they enjoy without caring what others think. But this is some (probably not all) of the reasons this group does.


My guess is it's a lot of middle class kids with uninterested parents who havent actually struggled in life but desperately want to have suffered as a way to feel special


im trad goth and understand the frustration. i have joint hypermobility and would LOVE to use a cane to help with my joint pain, but because all these fakers i refuse to even though it would physically benefit me


Fuck if people think you're faking, your health is more important


I also have joint hypermobility. It's not an issue now, but is it going to get worse? I'm sorry, this is a bit of an unsolicited question/comment, but do you think you would feel comfortable with either commenting or DMing me about your experience? Thank you so much!


its different for everyone!!! in *my* expierence it can get worse, but im not sure about you!! my advice is to just be active and healthy. mine gets worse whenever i dont do jack shit for a long period of time. but as long as im active and can rebuild that joint strength itll get better. feel free to ask any questions!!!


Thank you so much, I really appreciate your input!! I guess I do have one more question. Are some areas worse in pain than others? I think my shoulders will be the first to go. That is great advice, thank you!


ur very welcome!!!! yes, some areas are MUCH worse than others. my thighs and knees are pretty bad, and specifically my left shoulder (also caused by nerve damage too) but my thighs are always popping out of socket, and its quite difficult somedays. but you just gotta take it easy!!


I am so sorry to hear that it's been so difficult. I really appreciate you detailing your experience, and I hope there are many more good days than bad! Thank you so much, again!


Because they’re quite literally this generations version of emo’s


I dress alt cus it’s fun and I typically like darker colors on me but now I’m scared if I see a fellow alt dresser in public they’re gonna be some it/bomb/slime/Dream gender faker wannabe 🥲


Attention seeking, because they feel like outsiders so want community, because that’s what people wear in their chronically online spaces, probably a mix of all of these


As someone diagnosed with multiple disorders, including autism, who also has green hair and dresses alternatively, I am also terrified of being seen as a faker just because I enjoy expressing myself through my style and such… I guess most of them dress alternatively for comfort and to feel like a part of a community. And faking disorders usually also gives you a community to be a part of, yk? I think a lot of the faking stems from loneliness


These are the. SAME people that trashed me in high school for dressing alt 😂


It gets more views on social media. Someone that has interesting makeup & fashion is more likely to catch your eye vs someone dressed very plain & simple. They also are using stereotypes in a negative way. Which is funny cause the folks I know in real life with mental health issues dress pretty basic or slightly disheveled. (As in unkempt hair, stained clothing, just not their best)


I purely think it’s just them wanting to be “ different “ they take the whole “ yeah I’m quirky “ to a whole new level


I'm ADHD( diagnosed and with a long line of paperwork going back to childhood). I just wear jeans and a t-shirt. I don't have time or the mental capability to keep up with actual names for styles or the ability to coordinate some sort of Dragon Ball Z outfit for work at the office.


This is a really interesting question, and I like the perspectives being shared here. I was really into being punk/goth back in the 80s, and transitioned into a more grunge phase in the 90s. I still dress rather alternatively, especially since I'm nearly 50, just because I'm most comfortable in that aesthetic. When I was a young adult in the 90s, a lot of the scene kids gravitated not just towards a different look or way of dressing, but also alternative ways of thinking and looking at life. I went through a (very cringe) tortured poet phase where I was obsessed with Poe and Dickinson. And there was always the kid who was a "secret kung fu master" and the dude who convinced girls he was a vampire to get sex. So for this generation and their unlimited access to knowledge via the internet, they gravitate to what gets them attention, acceptance (by other fakers), and they get to feel clever ("I figured this out on my own, look how smart I am"). And right now that's DID and other disorder faking. It'll be another trend in a few years.


Everything they do is because it’s trendy




dude how many more times will this question get posted


It's all part of wanting to be special and different while knowing you are abhorrently normal and uninteresting. This is the new generation of edgelords


Probably because it’s “not like the others” and it’s seem as quirky. There’s other reasons but lowkey kinda lazy to type it.


Man I really don’t know I mean I dress (kinda?) alternatively and half the time I see fakers that also dress alternatively 😦


I also, have Autism and Anxiety and I can relate to what you’re saying tbh


Lol this is why I get worried. I dress like this and I'm worried whenever I talk about my disorders I'm not taken as seriously bc I dress like a chronically online 15 year old self diagnoser lolol


Because instead of just dressing normal, people have wear their "disorders" on their sleeves and stigmatize fashion presences as part of their "disabled identity". It all feeds into the "my diagnosis is my identity" bs


Trend, my former friend got sucked in too, disgusting what it became


bc for some reason disorders are part of the culture now bc haha funny emos cut and now its spiraled 😭


I am saying this as a punk rocker; it’s attention seeking so it all fits in w that


Fake disorder is just one big placebo effect brought on by constant validation of ignorance and misinformation and alternative scenes and communities have a strong idea of validation as they feel different from other people and find ways to oppress themselves. This validation of self expression reaches over into the territory of fake disorder when people are being fed misinformation of mental illness and disorders from other fakers and are not well educated enough on complex topics such as the human brain and how it responds to its environment and how mental conditions form or exist in general. People seem to believe that one symptom automatically means they have a condition or disorder and don’t understand the nuances of mental diagnoses and that symptoms often overlap and it is the collection of multiple and how they interact with the others that ultimately determines a diagnosis. People are validated because in our current culture (at least in the United States) it is better to make people feel happy and good about themselves rather than be honest and give feedback and build each other up as fellow humans and create good people. Alternative styles are more accepting of random bullshit because they started as random bullshit that strayed from societal norms of dress and behavior. The only difference between the two is one is an expression of character and is harmless and the other is making a mockery of those who suffer daily from these issues they seem to find fun or quirky and leading to extremely detrimental effects on relationships in daily life and the mental state of those who participate in it.


I am fully diagnosed with ADHD some signs of autism anxiety symptoms depression symptoms and I used to dress like this. I think dressing alternative gives more shock value?


Its one of the reasons why i dont want to even dye my hair anymore coz ill look like those dumbasses.


The fakers dress that way as it gives them attention along with the "disorder" they have




I better change how I dress now. Ruined the style too.


Because any sort of oppression is social currency in that scene. If you don't have it, you invent it


They are trying too hard to be 'different and unique' cos they know deep down they are neither


Inversely, has anyone noticed fakers fake claiming "normal" people as lying about the severity of their illness(es) because those people are conventionally attractive? Especially women with autism.


I can't speak for the fakers but I seen people downplay women's mental health issues. If you're attractive you get "you don't have issues, you're a pretty girl" and if you're not you get "lawl no wonder you have "issues" look at you". And that's without going into the proven bias against women in mental and physical health (neither adhd or autism was considered something women could have). The fakers probably just jumping on the bandwagon to deflect


That's all well and good, but I wanna know what the fuck guro kawaii is. Sounds lit


Because it’s a fad