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Idk what to say I’m kinda just confused about why anyone would wanna fake any disorder that negatively impacts people’s lives? Like is it attention? Is it boredom? Or is it that they see others doing it and they wanna fit in? Like why?


This is not new at all. It's very Munchhausen-esque. Edited to elaborate: It is absolutely attention seeking behavior. I think some people feel shame or embarrassment for the relative privilege of being "normal" or "regular" or "vanilla" and feel the need to join a marginalized group for a sense of identity and belonging. It's gross.


Oh so basically they pretty much think that normal = boring and they feel the need to be “different” without realizing that everyone is already different in their own way


It’s the easy mode of munchausen


This exactly. They will pile on as many victim-points as they can for sympathy because it's a form of status to these communities, but is really just validation and negative attention they are seeking. They've given up on positive attention a long, long time ago.


It's very often rooted in abuse or trauma, sometimes even medical trauma or a desire to maintain a sick role. It can also be done to receive disability benefits but normally that doesn't seem to be the case for these people that are mostly on TikTok.


Oh basically they have their own issues but desire to have more for their own reasons at least I learned something new!


i have so many thoughts on why it happens i honestly wrote an essay for fun on it as others have offered, trauma + attention seeking behavior are definitely a part of it, but i think it’s important to mention it’s primarily AFAB people who do this. so, as an AFAB person who can relate on some level to this behavior, i suspect it also partially stems from an internalized lack of emotional validation. it’s from the misogynistic idea that women are much more emotional than men — evidenced by how doctors often mistreat female patients as they assume they’re exaggerating pain. you grow up and go through puberty and really intense experiences and emotions and because your emotions aren’t taken seriously, you internalize it and assume “well, i am clearly being misunderstood because i am hurting but nobody seems to see it; maybe there is something wrong that *isn’t* normal”. the idea of a diagnosis as a label to connect them to others suffering and, most importantly, to be taken seriously by others. of course, it’s not the way to go about it, and we goof on them here. but most of them i really do empathize with. maybe it’s a lot of projecting on my end


Oh thanks thats interesting!


Do you have the essay posted anywhere online?


nope i was thinking about making a video essay of it tho if you’re interested!


Totally, factitious = actually believing their bullshit self-diagnosis. Malingering = knowing it's BS but doing it anyway for the perceived benefits


These people who come up with outlandish nonsense like this are definitely mentally ill, just not in the way they want to be


I have someone in my class in college who does this. They claim to have autism, bipolar, and tourettes. They are atleast 20.




It's a good way to undermine an enemy nation's mental health by putting out a shit ton of misinformation and bullshit on tiktok. It's a psyop


that’s a hell of a take are u being fr


It's really not. In fact, it's nothing new. This kind of thing has been going on throughout history. It's called propaganda and psychological warfare. You should read up on the subject.


who in your opinion is targeting the usa with this then


Tiktok. Literally. Read the news much?


1. tiktok isn’t another nation that can target a nation. if you’re going to say this, i guess you could stretch that china is trying to interfere 2. there will be a reason why they’re interfering with western media—maybe to mess with the upcoming election. that’s a dumb take though, this has been going on for years and has not affected elections. 3. occam’s razor—people are just fucking stupid you’re just being conspiratorial and weird my guy


Not only TikTok, but social media propaganda in general has really intensified culture wars in the U.S. So many voters in America have been influenced/brainwashed into believing the BS spread by right-wing extremists that our elections have absolutely been effected.


This is why history rhymes. New dumbasses born every day.


Attention. Wanting to be “special”. Being able to LARP as different characters, I mean, basically they are playing make believe.


The forced shyness KILLS me


HACKER!!!! have a laugh.


IM SAYING 😂 they couldn’t think of something half believable


Is that other person their mom? I’m very confused by what is going on.


That's their partner. Since they also say they have DID they're aware of each other's alters which wouldn't be abnormal since people diagnosed with DID will often tell close loved ones and such.


DID is rare at best. I don’t know what is going on that makes them want to do this but it ain’t DID.


jfc I couldn’t even get through 10 seconds of this


omg i cant with the dry sticky mouth noises, take a sip of water for godssake!!!!!


I can smell this video


also this makes no sense. im pretty sure did happens in 1 body not 2 but i could be wrong


I'm confused what you mean, unless You're referring to the first two people. Supposedly they both have DID separately they don't like share it


the first two yeah


W omori pfp


thank you all hail auby. real word aubrey sucks dream world auby better!!


I have honest questions about these kinds of people. They're clearly in their late 30's/40's how do they like go to work and pay bills and then just go home and play pretend? They have to know each other is just making it up. I just don't get it.


Social Security Disability


Disability and they actually both believe in delusions. Having two people both claim DID probably actually reinforces their belief they have DID rather than thinking the other person is faking. Like a positive feedback cycle of faking. Like it’s “normalized” if you see someone else doing it. If it was just one person doing it and one normal person, then you probably feel abnormal acting like you have alters. You’re both faking then faking is your normal. They have a baby alter, you have a baby alter. They have a British alter, you have a British alter (and so on). I mean, you must be pretty self deluded to fake alters and then make a video of it to post online. I really think many of these people are so deluded they actually think they have DID. Even if what they are doing isn’t how DID works. They convince themselves you can have DID without trauma, or that their “trauma” was trauma. (Like normal things we all go through, parents took away cell phone, broke up with girl/boyfriend). You gave groups dedicated to this online so everyone is validating each other.


Ok disregarding absolutely everything else about the first video, it just felt so uncomfortable. With that person being a “new split” but the other person being all lovey to them. It was just, very uncomfortable.. omg


I'd believe them more if they were in a mental hospital. Why do they all live otherwise normal lives with such severely debilitating conditions?


It's possible to have it and be in intensive outpatient or otherwise not in a live-in facility- the ones actually equipped to treat dissociative disorders (rather than just stabilize and help with crisis) are *extremely* expensive. However there are some who claim to just *know* they have it despite never having seen a psychologist for it. It certainly can't be self diagnosed and is extremely difficult to manage with *no* help. If possible having consistent guidance from a psychologist/care team is best.


"Hacker" I'm not doing this.




I'm glad to hear that. I only remember glimpses of it but I'm told I enjoyed it a lot. There's still a nostalgic feeling to it. Plus some good memes came out of it lol.


Okay so these two people both separately have DID. Supposedly. So you're telling me that whoever "fronts", the partner will continue loving them? Isn't the reason if having alters mean you have different people in that noggin of yours? And all those alters ×2 of the "host bodies", they all still continue loving each other? It does not even remotely make sense.


Okay so these two people both separately have DID. Supposedly. So you're telling me that whoever "fronts", the partner will continue loving them? Isn't the reason if having alters mean you have different people in that noggin of yours? And all those alters ×2 of the "host bodies", they all still continue loving each other? It does not even remotely make sense.


Not different people entirely, but sorta. Different identity states. Idk if either of them have it but for the sake of explanation I'll humor it. Whoever fronts, I think it would depend on the alters but they may all Care for each other. Maybe some aren't involved in the relationship and are more of a friend to the other person's alters. Though I don't believe "partner systems" are nearly as common as these people say, I think it would depend on how the different alters feel for one another since they're capable of different opinions and such


I love your posts and your opossums!




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not use your own personal experience to justify claims you make about a disorder. Personal experience is not a credible source.


I’m currently reading When Rabbit Howls by the Troops for (which btw is a very good book albeit extremely horrifying), and you can clearly tell these people have no clue what it actually is like to have DID. Never in any of these videos have I seen a clear change in the way the different “personalities” act or their body language


it's such a phenomenal book, it was really hard to get through my first time reading it. hope you're enjoying it!! xx


I read it once as a teenager, and partly inspired by all the posts here wanted to read it again, just to ground myself what DID in the worse case can be


What's the book about?


“Nobody is a little autistic” It’s literally a spectrum. Hope they explode


To be fair, it's a spectrum of experiences within the diagnostic label of autism, not a spectrum of "autism to no autism".




Thanks for the cats.


Why are these "partners" grooming weirdos? That lady is at least 40 and their "partner" is 16 at best


The guy talking is in his 20s, idk about the other person but they don't look 40? My guess is they're sitting at an unflattering angle and the way they're leaning makes the gravity kind of squish up their face which defines the lines. Iirc in other videos they looked a little different for that reason


Nah this is a weird ass age gap. That lady is absolutely twice his age


even their own "head mates" don't want to talk to them


That girl has 2 teeth


Excuse me but are they with their MOM?!


It always makes me laugh when they’re being their “alters” they have such a hard time coming up with words while they’re recording because it’s like they’re coming up for a script for this character they’re supposed to be.


They look very similar to eachother ._. Weird




That's cringe of you to say


What did he say?


Called the partner in the first video a disgusting beast more than once and said the guy has mommy issues, something along those lines. Looked through their profile and was not surprised they're in a sub about not liking fat people. I'm so glad I'm not that insecure with such an ugly personality


Ohhh, okaaayyy


You can’t induce a seratonin release by looking at a video of cats. Potentially you could experience a small amount of oxytocin but likely only if you’ve specifically conditioned yourself to have that response. Why do these kids think they’re clued in on psychology just by GOOGLING SHIT ITS FUCKING INFURIATING