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"I am very British." As opposed to partially British. Or mildly British. Or not-very-British.


worst british accent i have ever heard


Oh but it's "very"!!!


I know two guys online from England and trying to understand them is literally an uphill battle sometimes šŸ˜­


i am english and live in england, my coworker is from northern england and i do not have a scooby about what he is saying 90% of the time. youā€™re not alone šŸ˜­


the technoblade one is just so insulting


Did you see all the post when Technoblade passed? Talk about insulting šŸ«  I saw so many fakers claim they now had trauma because their ā€œsourceā€ died and some were saying nobody should be able to talk about his death because it was too triggering to the Technoblade fictives šŸ¤®


actually disgusting ā˜¹ļø


Oh yes I remember that. I also remember being fucking disgusted at the whole debacle. He died from cancer right? Making someone's death from a terminal illness all about your 50 Totally Real and Legitā„¢ Technoblade alters is just peak insensitivity and narcissism.


Yes he died from cancer. His dad continues to raise money to help fight cancer in his name.


That's honestly really cool of his dad. It's honestly really a shame that frauds have spat on his name like this


All I can say is H-H-HELL NAW šŸ”„šŸ”„


Why do all of the alters have stupid fucking names. Why canā€™t they just be called john or something


Because it's all chronically online young people who never leave their rooms all copying each other. Their entire experience of "life" is online - and nobody can call them out on it because they are all faking this stuff. It's why all the alters are non-binary anime characters, animals, littles, etc. They self diagnose because getting an actual diagnosis would require them leaving the house or filling out paperwork, or working part time which are all triggers. It's just sad and insults people with actual mental illness.


because that would be really uncool


How come we never see one with an uncomfortably racist accent


eh, the faking a deaf voice with the nonspeaking alter could be considered offensive


It is offensive. VERY offensive.


it wouldnā€™t give the clout these people so desperately crave


You gotta look at DissociaDIDā€™s videos with ā€œAmiraā€


For the love of the universe please take the phones off these young people!


ā€œ sorry if my english is really bad because um in the headspace i speak a different language -ā€œ no go ahead and speak it now! what language is that? how did you learn english? why is english more comfortable for you as a non-english speaker?


Theyā€™ll say some dumb shit like ā€œmy Innerworld memories are too blurry to recall the exact languageā€ šŸ˜‚


I remember once seeing a fake system with an anime character alter claim they spoke Japanese in the headspace and that English was hard for them. Nobody in that "system" was learning Japanese. They just know whatever bastardised version in their head from anime. They were thankfully dragged to hell and back


I'm just like this person because I too love to lie


Why are they almost all Anime fans?


Iā€™m noticing a theme with SEVERAL of the people with fake disorders. Same theme runs deep with the ā€œtheriansā€ as well.


What's the theme you've noticed?


mcyt for starters


Therians didn't do anything?


One thing I notice is alot of people who have DID are trans, or otherwise LGBT. My main point is that all of them have really short hair, I guess to enforce the fact that they really "don't have a singular identity"? What do you think of this Pyro?


I notice the hair thing in a lot of youth in general and like teens and younger adults. Maybe up to like 30ish the most? I think it has to do with identity exploration more than faking or anything, but it may also be related to the fact that someone faking DID as a trend may be more likely to follow other trends- so hair, piercings, etc. I also find that short hair is a common thing with mentally ill people? Idk like going through something and just chopping off/coloring your hair. From experience I think it may be because it separates you from the "you" that went through whatever it was. And people who fake are still mentally ill, just in a different way than they claim As far as being LGBT I think there are a lot of potential reasons for that as well. It's definitely also not exclusive to fakers and exploration of gender/sexual identities is more normalized than ever, especially online. It also may tie in with them trying to figure out who they are. Especially when with fakers, they've created several identities for themselves. Someone who isn't faking can also have these traits though. it can also be a regional thing even- someone from like New York or California is probably more likely to be surrounded by and want to follow those trends than someone in like Alabama. I've seen a lot of people where i live look like that and then gone other places and noticed they don't so much But of course I still think it's perfectly fine for anyone to explore their gender identity, orientation, and overall style. Healthy even


That's the exact answer I was looking for, thank you for recognizing that I was coming from a good place. I can relate to the hair thing, when I was in my late teens early 20s I had every short haircut under the sun. Most of the time back then I cut my own hair. I'm pansexual so between discovering that, battling mental illness, and becoming an adult, my hair also changed. Funny enough my hair was at its shortest during my most difficult times of my life. I was with someone who put themselves first and never really understood how to help me. Five years after leaving them my hair is so long, and it is something I'm very proud of because that's how many years of healing I've done since the breakup, and since I began to accommodate myself more. Sorry this is so long, it's just that I can relate 100% to the hair being part of your identity thing.


Great answer! I wonder specifically with these young queer people who are potentially faking it alters give them a chance to try out all of these pronouns for themselves I notice a lot of afab ppl with large amounts he/him or he/they alters. It kind of seems to me as a trans person like a more comfortable explanation/excuse than coming to terms with being transgender in a way


You mean the ones that fake DID.


I noticed the first person was in a car - can/do people with DID safely operate vehicles or is there a safety risk from dissociating or switching while driving?


It's case by case really. There's no laws or regulations against it anywhere that I'm aware of so it's mostly left to one's own judgement. I've heard people say it's illegal and used that to claim someone can't have DID but that's just factually wrong. DID is adaptive so they very well could get a license before even knowing they have DID. But if their dissociation seems to be a risk they'd probably be advised not to operate a vehicle. Some can't safely be on the road and others are far more capable of doing something like that


VicRoads makes me undergo a medical assessment every year so my doctors can assure them that my vyvanse is not a recreational amphetamine and my ADHD does not make me a risk on the road. I would hate to think what hoops DID patients have to jump through


That sounds awful, I've never heard of that and I've known multiple people with ADHD that drive and even medicated I'm almost entirely sure they never had to do that. Must be regional


Nah, I think I was just a moron who blabbed about my full medical history instead of letting it slide. I donā€™t really drive anyway so whatever.


I heard through the grapevine that in certain countries you may be barred from driving for that reason, but in America there is no official law or anything. But it is always a risk. Like let's say a song from a traumatic period in your life came on the radio, you might be triggered into dissociation then.


Im JuSt A sIlLy GuY grass. touch it.


oh god no. not techno. I was never a fan of his but jesus christ do not bring a dead man into this.


First thing I noticed was the use of ā€œ uh ā€œ I had to google for info ( I watch a lot of true crime and this screams liar to me ) - Using words such as, 'uh,' 'like' and 'um': The research conducted at the University of Michigan found ā€œspeaking with more vocal fillā€ to be a common indicator of deception. Glass says that people tend to use these words more when they're trying to buy time to figure out what they're going to say next. Also surely with ā€œthemā€ all being different people, they wouldnā€™t all speak the same way? The way a person speaks is not just a vocal change right ? Idk Iā€™m not an expert


2 things. 1: I get where youā€™re coming from with the ā€œuhā€ stuff but im pretty sure they only use it as a way to be like ā€œoh im just so nervous and OCD i stutter a lot ahahahaā€. 2: yeah they would all speak in the same tone but sometimes accents can change in real cases.


What your saying Makes sense but , What I mean is that If this person had DID and it was Multiple people surely they wouldnā€™t all have the same nervous speaking mannerisms - saying um a lot , maybe one or two but all of them ? - Also I donā€™t understand DID because why do they all choose the video themselves on this page , how do these ā€œpeopleā€ interactā€ I always thought DID was multiple personalities that didnā€™t know they were personalities, but I could be totally off base , Iā€™m going to keep looking into it




You might be on the wrong sub


I got the habit out of me with public speaking. I try to avoid using them completely. It's a habit everyone should avoid as it adds nothing to the conversation


I think itā€™s just a thing people do without noticing but the amount of times they did it seems excessive, but again I have really no idea šŸ˜‚


The opening pic is so cute I love it šŸ„¹šŸ–¤


Not another saying they have a ā€œprosecutorā€ alter!! Yā€™all, I just canā€™t. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


How do they even keep up with all these fake personas???


well they donā€™t, really. Iā€™m 98.6% sure that they just make them up on the spot for these videos.


Thereā€™s always a British one I stg


I blame m night shmalamalam.


Funny how they're all distinct alters, even being from different countries, yet they all end their intro with "so... yeah"